"Village Super" Observation: The Power of a Football

  After "Village BA", there is another "village-level" sports event in Guizhou — — "Village Super".

  "Village Super", the full name of which is "Rongjiang (Sanbao Dongzhai) in Guizhou and the American Country Football Super League", is attended by 20 local football teams spontaneously formed by villages. Since the start of the competition on May 13th this year, "Village Super" has quickly screened the network with its grounded competition style and fiery atmosphere.

  Look at a set of pictures first to show you the scene of "Village Super" ↓

  On the pitch, wonderful scenes such as "hanging the golden hook upside down" and shooting from a long distance were staged in turn. The players came from all walks of life, including farmers, fruit vendors, restaurant owners, truck drivers and school students … … The youngest is 14 years old and the oldest is over 50 years old.

  The stands, which can accommodate more than 50,000 spectators, are packed. People from all over the country are cheering, including young people with boiling blood, children who have just learned to speak, and grandmothers in their eighties.

  During the intermission, the cheerleaders dressed in traditional costumes and singing and dancing went to the pitch, dancing dragons, playing lusheng and singing Dong songs … … The pitch changes into a "national stage" every second.

  There are also villagers from each village team who bring local specialties such as sesame cakes, rolled rice flour, bayberry and watermelon to the audience to "feed" and the scene becomes a "food exchange meeting".

  The prizes of "Village Super" are also unique and grounded, including pig’s trotters, Daoxiang fish, Xiaoxiang sheep and local geese … … Every weekend, the "Village Super" competition will last from afternoon to midnight, and the finals will be held on the evening of July 29th.

  The popularity of "village supermarket" has been going on, which not only makes Rongjiang people’s pockets richer, but also provides "new ideas" for rural development.

  "Pocket" is more drum    

  "Hello, do you have any rooms available on Saturday and Sunday this week?"

  "Sorry, the room is fully booked."

  "What about Saturday and Sunday next week?"

  "It’s full, too."

  This is a conversation with the customer when the front desk staff of a hotel in Rongjiang County received a reservation consultation call on July 20th.

  This hotel is less than 1 km away from the "Village Super" football field, and the front desk staff of the hotel said, "‘ Murakami ’ On the weekend of the competition, all our rooms were booked, and many guests booked them one month in advance. There will be a friendly match in August, and many rooms have been booked. " During the speech, the telephone number at the front desk kept ringing.

  The staff of another hotel in Rongjiang County said, "‘ Murakami ’ During the competition, more than 100 rooms in our hotel were full. Many foreign tourists booked in advance, and they couldn’t book a room if they booked late. "

  B&B is also in short supply. A tourist said: "We booked the hotel three days in advance. If we don’t do it in advance, we may have to sleep in a tent."

  At the call of the local government, many Rongjiang locals took out their own rooms and turned them into family hotels. A netizen posted on social media, "My home is ‘ Murakami ’ The football field is only 200 meters, and even my room was requisitioned by my mother for foreign tourists to stay. "

  The surrounding area of Rongjiang County also bears the accommodation needs of many "village super" tourists. Dali Village in Zaima Town is about 20 kilometers away from Rongjiang County. At present, there are 13 homestays and more than 200 beds. In the past two months after the "Village Supermarket" became popular, it was almost full every day.

  In addition to hotels and homestays, there are also local specialties that are in short supply.

  Outside the "Village Supermarket", the local government has set up hundreds of temporary free booths, such as barbecue area, special snack area and cold drink area, so that tourists can taste the special food of Rongjiang.

  A snack stall owner who sells specialty snacks such as Rongjiang curly powder and taro cake said: "We are busy from morning till night, and there are too many people to set up stalls until about 1 am. We can sell hundreds of bowls a day."

  Also busy is the owner of a cow-flat shop. "Usually, only one cow is killed every day, to ‘ Murakami ’ During the period, two cows were killed every day, and the turnover doubled than usual. "

  Besides "eating" and "living", Rongjiang’s "playing" is also out of the circle by "village supermarket".

  According to statistics, under the blessing of the superposition factors such as cool summer vacation and "village supermarket", during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the order of holiday products in Southeast Guizhou on the platform increased by over 150% year-on-year, and folk culture such as Dong folk songs, non-legacy batiks and long table banquets attracted a large number of tourists to embrace the beauty of the original ecology.

  Some travel agencies have launched group tour products related to "Village Supermarket", connecting several popular tourist attractions in southeastern Guizhou in series, such as "Guiyang+Rongjiang+Libo Seven Small Arches+Xijiang Qianhu Miao Village+Huangguoshu Waterfall for 6 days and 5 nights".

  The popularity of "village supermarket" has also brought fire to Rongjiang’s national characteristics products. Agricultural special products such as Rongjiang watermelon, Siraitia grosvenorii, Xiaoxiang sheep and white tea, and intangible products such as batik and embroidery appeared at the "Village Supermarket", which attracted the attention of many tourists.

  On the field, players compete and show their magical powers; Off the field, the football economy is in full swing. According to statistics, since the start of the tournament on May 13th, as of July 20th, Rongjiang County has received a total of 2,506,700 tourists, achieving a comprehensive tourism income of 2.839 billion yuan.

  The popularity of "village supermarket" has spread from football to eating, living and playing, which has made Rongjiang people’s pockets more drum, stimulated county economic growth and realized "village competition" to drive "village economy".

  "head" is richer

  Rongjiang County is located in the southeast of Guizhou Province, a mountainous county with a population of less than 400,000, but 50,000 people can play football. Seeing this data, some people may wonder: How can so many people love football in such a remote mountain county?

  When you really come to Rongjiang, you will find that this data is not exaggerated. Many villages in Rongjiang County have their own football teams. There are 14 standard football fields in the county, and all of them are open for free. Football seems to have been integrated into their blood.

  Dong Yongheng, currently ranked first in the "Village Super" shooter list, is a member of the Loyal Village Football Team. He opened a small shop in Rongjiang County, selling local specialties — — Roll powder. Because of his outstanding technology and accurate shooting, Dong Yongheng was affectionately called "the king of powder shooter" by netizens.

  Dong Yongheng and his teammates are mostly young. Although they work in different places, it is a habit for everyone to get together to play football on weekends for many years. Dong Yongheng said: "We have changed from cinder fields and sand fields to natural lawns and artificial lawns, but our love for football has not changed."

  The love of football is also mentioned by Wu Huayong many times. Wu Huayong is a member of the football team in Pingdi Village, Langdong Town. He once caught fire all over the net because of a beautiful "upside-down gold hook".

  In the game held on July 23rd, the football team of Pingdi Village in Langdong Town led by Wu Huayong regretted losing and stopped in the quarter-finals. After the game, Wu Huayong, who was sweating profusely, went to the sidelines to adjust his state. "If we fail, we will definitely lose, but we have done our best. Later, we will resume the game, find the shortcomings and move on."

  Speaking of the next plan, Wu Huayong, 35, said firmly that he would continue to play football because his love for football has not changed. "More young players may be trained in the future."

  "Village Super" has aroused people’s enthusiasm for playing football. In Rongjiang, there are children running on almost every court.

  During and after the game, the children in the audience will rush into the stadium and play with passing, dribbling and shooting; On the evening of the working day, there are many football players in the "Village Super" Stadium, including members of the middle school football team, pupils aged eight or nine, and children who have just learned to walk.

  Yang Boyi, eight years old, is one of them. He often comes to the stadium to play football. "Because he loves playing football, he saw ‘ Murakami ’ After the game, I like football more. "

  It’s summer vacation. On the football field of a primary school in Rongjiang County, students Wang and Qian are playing football. Wang, a seven-year-old student who just graduated from kindergarten, likes watching football and playing football at ordinary times. "When I grow up, I want to play ‘ Murakami ’ !” Twelve-year-old Qian is a member of the primary school football team and often watches the "Village Super" competition. "I hope to win a championship on behalf of the school team in the future."

  Rongjiang is a typical county-level football county in China and a pilot county of campus football in Guizhou. There are 14 national youth campus football schools and 41 county-level football schools.

  The No.2 Primary School in Guzhou Town, Rongjiang County is a national youth campus football school. The principal Yang Xianze said, "‘ Murakami ’ Create a good atmosphere, stimulate everyone’s enthusiasm for watching, learning and playing football, and make children love football more, which is very important for the development of grassroots football. "

  "As long as everyone is willing to walk into the stadium, this is a good start." Lai Hongjing, vice chairman of Rongjiang Football Association and a physical education teacher in Rongjiang No.1 Middle School, said that perhaps this is the meaning of "village super". "We are not cultivating athletes, we are cultivating their fathers and mothers."

  In addition to football culture, "Village Super" also provides a good opportunity to spread local national culture.

  Every time the "Village Super" competition breaks, the football field becomes the "stage" of national culture: the mysterious aquarium slowly walks by with its own words "Water Book"; Dong people sing the national intangible cultural heritage Dong pipa song … …

  There are also villagers who put homemade straw-woven Taurus, Jinlong and golden phoenix on the "Village Supermarket", stunning the audience. According to reports, Jinniu, Jinlong and golden phoenix were designed and built by two veteran artists in Rongjiang Langdong, and hundreds of people from all ages in the village participated in the production. Ms. Cheng, who participated in the production, said: "We want to show the traditional craftsmanship of Langdong to the people of the whole country."

  Love football and the participation of the whole people, "Village Super" shows the villagers’ pure love for football, makes football culture more deeply rooted in people’s hearts, and also shows us a Rongjiang with extremely rich spiritual life and strong cultural atmosphere.

  "New Ideas" of Rural Development

  The "Village Supermarket" held by Rongjiang not only promotes local economic development and creates a strong football atmosphere, but also provides "new ideas" for rural development in other regions of China.

  First, grasp the characteristics and focus on the characteristics that the masses like to see and hear.

  Xu Bo, the county magistrate of Rongjiang County, once said that among the 385,000 people in Rongjiang, nearly 50,000 people can play football and like to play football. "This number, think about all feel great! Therefore, engaging in football leagues is the local comparative advantage of Lijiang, because of the high participation of the masses, and everyone recognizes such activities. "

  Football is one of the favorite sports in Rongjiang County. Its local history can be traced back to the 1940s. With the move of Guangxi University into Rongjiang, football was also introduced. Later, the sport gradually spread from students to people outside the school. In 2020, Rongjiang County, as the last batch of counties to get rid of poverty and take off their hats, began to plan to continue rural revitalization, and football became the most distinctive cultural window in the local area. The 14th Five-Year Plan of Rongjiang County released in 2021 takes "building a strong sports county" and "vigorously promoting the healthy development of sports undertakings" as development goals. Also in this year, Rongjiang County was rated as the first batch of national county football typical counties.

  In recent years, Rongjiang county has taken many measures to promote the development of football, such as increasing football venues, holding various football leagues regularly, and doing a good job in the development of campus football.

  Second, promote integration and build a "sports+"brand.

  Football is Rongjiang’s advantage, and national culture is Rongjiang’s strength. There are more than ten ethnic groups living in Rongjiang, among which Miao, Dong, Shui and Yao ethnic minorities account for over 80% of the total population. There are more than ten world-class and national intangible cultural heritages, such as Dong folk songs and Dong pipa songs, which are rich in national culture.

  "Village Super" combines football with local national culture to create a brand with "sports+national culture". The football match and folk activities are staged simultaneously, which is not only a feast of football, but also a feast of culture.

  Next, Rongjiang will also build a brand of "sports+food". In August, Guizhou "Village Super" national food football friendly match will be held. A total of 276 football teams will participate, from Guangdong, Fujian, Hebei, Sichuan and other places. Most of the football teams will be named after local representative foods, such as Yangzhou fried rice football team, Nanjing salted duck football team and Wenchang chicken coconut football team.

  The "Guiding Opinions on Promoting Sports to Help Rural Revitalization" issued in May this year proposed to vigorously develop rural sports industry and help rural industry revitalize. Create brand sports events with the diversified integration of "sports events+rural tourism+traditional culture+national fitness", promote the deep integration of sports with agriculture, commerce, tourism and other industries, and empower the rural economy.

  Third, according to local conditions, government guarantees should be detailed and more intimate.

  "Village Super" is a large-scale rural sports event organized spontaneously by the people and widely participated by the masses. From team organization, schedule arrangement, program performance, prizes and other links, it is dominated by villagers.

  Xu Bo, the county magistrate of Rongjiang County, said that the local government did not directly participate, but mainly did a good job in logistics support such as filing for approval, maintaining order and improving sports facilities, and always made the protagonist of "village super" the masses and "village flavor" full.

  When talking about expanding the scale of "village super" in the future, Xu Bo said that there may be some specific problems, such as the upgrading of venue conditions and the shortage of grassroots coaches and referees. Rongjiang county is promoting the cultivation of football talents and supporting football education in characteristic schools by building training bases, running summer camps and setting up "village supermarket" public welfare funds.

  Report to the 20th CPC National Congress of the Party pointed out that Chinese-style modernization is the common prosperity of all the people and the coordination of material civilization and spiritual civilization.The popularity of "village supermarket" has stimulated county economic growth and enriched people’s spiritual life.It is a vivid interpretation of Chinese modernization practice.

  Before Taijiang "Village BA", after Rongjiang "Village Super", village-level events followed the fire. The next popular "village+?" What could it be? We will wait and see.

  Producer/Editor-in-Chief Li Zhe/Wang Xingdong

  Headquarters reporter/war star Cen Tang Wei

  Proofreading/Gao Shaozhuo

  Part of the picture source/vision china part of the content is integrated from Guizhou Daily, etc.

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