The chain leader is "in command" and goes on an expedition, the "first run" in the beginning of the year! Qingdao Software and Information Service Industry Chain Promotion Conference was held in Shenz

Original title: The chain leader is "in command" and the "first run" in the beginning of the year! Qingdao Software and Information Service Industry Chain Promotion Conference was held in Shenzhen

Source: Qingdao Daily

Original title: The chain leader is "in command" and the "first run" in the beginning of the year! Qingdao Software and Information Service Industry Chain Promotion Conference was held in Shenzhen

Source: Qingdao Daily

Qingdao Daily News/Guanhai News, February 21, as one of the 24 key industrial chains in Qingdao, the software and information service industry chain played the "first drum" of different ground marketing at the beginning of the year. On February 21, the Qingdao Software and Information Service Industry Chain Promotion Conference was held in Shenzhen. This event was supported by the China Electronics Standardization Research Institute. Sun Wenlong, Vice President of the China Electronics Standardization Research Institute, Yu Yu, Member of the Standing Committee of the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Organization Department, and the relevant heads of more than 100 enterprises and institutions in Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, relevant districts and cities, and Qingshen attended the meeting. At the promotion meeting, the three key lists of Qingdao City were released, the Qingshen Software Talent Exchange Base, the Qingshen Science and Technology Financial Cooperation Base, and the Qingshen Software Industry Information Base were officially unveiled.

Expand the market, promote recruitment, and organize a group to go to Shenzhen to show off "hard power"

As the "chain leader" of Qingdao’s software and information service industry chain, Yu Yu said in her speech that although Qingdao and Shenzhen are thousands of miles apart, the interaction between the two places has a long history. She introduced Qingdao with three "business cards" of "Island of Youth", "City of Entrepreneurship" and "Capital of Happiness". At present, Qingdao has become the fifth "famous city with Chinese software characteristics" and the first batch of "double gigabit" cities in the country, and is actively striving to establish an international communication business import and export bureau in Qinghai. In 2022, the industrial scale will reach 360 billion yuan, and the scale and growth rate will rank seventh and fourth in the country’s sub-provincial cities. A number of leading enterprises and key projects in the industrial chain such as BOE, Xinen, Huike, Foxconn, and Donghua Software have settled down. The industrial foundation and development ecological advantages are outstanding. Yu Yu introduced that Qingdao has also set up "Qingdao Brand Day" and "Qingdao Entrepreneur Day", and has established a "chain of ten thousand enterprises" platform to promote the upstream and downstream linkage of the industrial chain through chain demand, chain resources, and chain platform. Finally, she extended a sincere invitation to Shenzhen entrepreneurs, welcoming everyone to approach Qingdao, learn about Qingdao, and make contributions to Qingdao.

The Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology interprets the software and information service industry, talent development opportunities and related policies. Qingdao’s software and information service industry has a solid foundation, favorable opening conditions, and broad development space. In recent years, Qingdao has continued to strengthen policy supply, focusing on industrial policy guidance, and accelerating the construction of a more market-oriented and competitive industrial policy system through policy "formulation-publicizing-implementation-implementation" full-cycle innovation. In terms of talent policy, Qingdao mainly adopts three measures: stimulating leading talents, supporting the integration of production and talents, and strengthening empowerment protection, and strives to build Qingdao into a talent gathering highland in the new era. In order to allow more Shenzhen enterprises and talents to inquire, enjoy relevant policies and develop in Qinghai, the promotion meeting also specially printed the "Guidelines for the Implementation of the Talent Strengthening Youth Plan Policy" to realize the "two-way running" of enterprise talents and urban development.

At present, the layout of Qingdao’s software and information service industry has been continuously optimized, and a new development pattern of "integrated two-pole four-pillar multi-park" has gradually formed, with the West Coast New District and Laoshan District as two growth poles, and the four key areas of Shibei, Shinan, Licang and Chengyang. At the meeting, the representatives of the West Coast New District, Shibei District, Qingdao Shinan Software Park and Qingdao International Innovation Park as key areas and parks will promote and make precise efforts to further supplement, strengthen and extend the chain, and promote the concentration of various elements such as talents, technology and capital to Qingdao.

Release more than 100 key lists, Qingshen base deeply empowered

At the Qingdao Software and Information Service Industry Chain Promotion Conference, Qingdao released a series of key lists based on application needs. Hisense Group Holding joint stock company, Qingdao Aokema Holding Group, CRRC Qingdao Sifang Vehicle Research Institute Co., Ltd., and soft control joint stock company brought 50 ecological partner lists, covering products, technologies, solutions and other needs. At the same time, 150 "future city" scenario lists related to the software and information service industry chain, 81 Qingdao "list of needs and achievement lists were also unveiled.

To promote the leap of industrial energy level, it is inseparable from solid talent support, surging scientific and technological power, precise drip irrigation of financial "living water" and smooth information transmission. At the Qingdao Software and Information Service Industry Chain Promotion Conference, Qingshen Software Talent Exchange Base, Qingshen Technology and Financial Cooperation Base, and Qingshen Software Industry Information Base were officially launched, further promoting the multi-dimensional empowerment and deep integration of the two places in the software and information service industry chain.

The Qingshen Software Talent Exchange Base is jointly built by China Qingdao International Economic and Technological Cooperation (Group) Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen International Talent Exchange Center. It is dedicated to promoting in-depth interaction between talents in Qingshen and Shenzhen, and building a co-construction, sharing and win-win platform for entrepreneurs and innovative and entrepreneurial talents in the two places. The Qingshen Technology Financial Cooperation Base is jointly built by Qingdao Haifa State-owned Capital Investment and Operation Group Co., Ltd., Qianhai Ark Asset Management Co., Ltd. and Qianhai Ark Fund Group. It provides financing services covering all stages of growth for high-tech enterprises and patent demonstration enterprises in the software and information service industry. The Qingshen Software Industry Information Base is jointly built by Qingdao Daily Press Group "Guanhai News" and Shenzhen Press Group "Reader News". It will focus on the information of the software and information industries in Qingshen and Shenzhen, tell new trends, new measures and new stories of the industry, and continue to create a new window and platform for "Qingshen" cooperation and exchange.

Take the initiative to "knock on the door" for precise docking, and sign contracts for 6 major projects

Projects are the source of increment, the foundation of development, and the stamina for the high-quality development of the industry. At the meeting, six key projects, including the Qingdao Yuanhub Zhixing Project, the Shenzhen University Strategic Cooperation Project, the Huawei End Point Whole House Smart Project, the Fuguang Technology Project, and the Digital Connection World "One Old and One Small" Digital People’s Livelihoods Project, were signed.

The strategic cooperation project of Shenzhen University is an industry-university-research project cooperated by Shenzhen University and Qingdao Ruiyuan Engineering Group. It plans to settle in Shandong Robot Industrial Park in Qingdao West Coast New District. The project focuses on smart cities, intelligent manufacturing, electronic information, life and health, and will gather and cultivate high-end talents. It will use major engineering technologies such as magnetic levitation to carry out research in scientific research, projects, applications, etc., and form a number of advanced innovation achievements.

"We will set up the northern headquarters and product operation R & D center in Shinan District. The next step will be to join Qingdao Haiming Urban Development Co., Ltd. to introduce our full range of meta-universe entertainment products in the historical and cultural district of Zhongshan Road, and also cooperate in the government meta-universe." Wu Bien, COO and co-founder of Guangdong Virtual Reality Technology Co., Ltd. is a MR manufacturer with mature MR hardware, system design and large-scale production capabilities in China. With the completion of the company’s northern headquarters, new hardware R & D and production and more upstream and downstream partners for MR content development will be introduced in Qingdao.

During the exchange and docking session, various districts and key software parks in Qingdao held in-depth negotiations with leading enterprises in the software and information service industry in Shenzhen. Shenzhen enterprises agreed that through this promotion meeting, they had a more comprehensive understanding of the development advantages of Qingdao’s software and information service industry, and expressed strong investment interest and strong willingness to cooperate.

"Going out" targeted promotion is precise and effective, and "bringing in" industrial clusters improve quality and efficiency. In the future, Qingdao will continue to "enlarge the coordinates, raise the benchmark", seek a higher level of cooperation, and jointly explore the "digital blue ocean". (Qingdao Daily News/Guanhai News reporter, Wen/Liu Qin, picture/Li Zhuyin)

"The Second Season of the Year of Celebration": Don’t watch it casually

Original, Zang Fou, Qin Shuo Moments

As a costume drama that triggered a craze a few years ago, "The Second Season of Qingyu Nian" has had a significant impact since its launch, and has also aroused a lot of discussion.

One view is that the second season was so much fun that it didn’t "taste right" until around episode 7;

Another view is that compared to the rollercoaster-like emotional experience of the first season, this season’s excitement seems to be insufficient. A closer look at these two opposing views explains what it means to be blind and feel the elephant, that is, to understand things incompletely and stubbornly, and speculate.

In my opinion, the tone of "Qingyu Nian Season 2" has not changed at all. Humor is just the shell of the plot, and its core is consistent, that is, the idealism of the protagonist and the practice of combining knowledge and action.

Many viewers will think that the second season is too funny. In fact, the further they look back, the more they will find that its comedy color is much less than the first season, and it involves more conflicts in the inner values of the characters. The joke points are placed in the front, one is to give fans a sense of familiarity, and the other is to neutralize the overall narrative tone. The emotional trend belongs to "desire suppression first".

But compared to the first season, this season’s "Celebration of More Than a Year" was indeed different. The biggest change in the series was actually to increase the thickness of the content, which was reflected in the plot, which increased the difficulty of the protagonist Fan Xian’s "clearance".

Viewers who have watched the first season of "Qingyu Nian" know that the key to its attraction lies in the "big background" and "golden finger" of the protagonist, that is, "the father is the emperor, the mother is Ye Qingmei, the adoptive father is the official of the Ministry of Household Affairs, with the support of (the head of the spy) Chen Pingping, and the (peerless master) Wuzhu as a bodyguard. If you want to die, you can’t die."

But at the beginning of the second season, on the way back from the mission, the protagonist was already in trouble everywhere.

This increase in the difficulty of consciousness is also accompanied by the increasing burden on the protagonist. The more he cannot do whatever he wants, the closer he is to the center of the storm.

In the words of star Zhang Ruoyun:

"Fan Xian in the first season never thought that he could become the embodiment of idealism, but when the world impacted his values, he wanted to protect more and more things, and inevitably fought against the outside world. Until one day he found that his former retreat no longer existed, and he could only take a solid step forward, which was to move forward to the world depicted by the idealistic Ye Qingmei."

I am reminded of Ken Lodge’s "The Waves of Wheat," about the Anglo-Irish War. Damian, played by Killian Murphy, struggles to see his partner being tortured and killed by the British army, but still embarks on a train to study medicine in London. However, at the station, he again sees British soldiers beating the elderly conductor. Damian stepped forward to support the old man, and finally strengthened his determination to resist.

The relationship between the previous incident and the next incident is not serious, but rather cumulative. It is this accumulation that ultimately shakes the character’s compromise position.

The same is true in the second season of "Qingyu Nian". The end of the lives of every little person at the bottom has forced Fan Xian to rethink the meaning of struggle and give up the concept of being alone in the past.

If the theme of the first season was "seeing oneself", then the second season had entered the stage of "seeing heaven and earth", "passing through is like climbing a mountain, one step at a time", from the dragon wagging its tail to the hidden dragon in the abyss, such internal requirements are bound to increase the seriousness of the plot.

At the drama level, this means that the IP of "Qingyu Nian" has advanced from the idea of "Shuangwen-Game" to the idea of "Literature-Drama". The two modes have completely different requirements for content. The former is a subjective VR perspective, emphasizing "self-interest", and everything serves the protagonist to upgrade and fight monsters; while the latter is an objective panoramic perspective, emphasizing "altruism", with rich side narratives, full of layers of supporting roles, and a serious and complete world view.

Such an internal improvement is not only in line with the long-term thinking of literary and artistic creation, but also in line with the overall thinking of domestic dramas at this stage.

As a full-scale costume drama, the "Yuan" elements of the story of "Qingyu Nian" cover the traditional Chinese martial arts narrative. Such as the domineering true qi in the character’s body, the escort of flying over the eaves, and the easy-to-use poison skills, these settings are all trump cards for the protagonist to perform chivalry and righteousness.

But unlike most costume dramas with martial arts elements, the main battlefield of the "Qingyu Nian" series is in the court, not the rivers and lakes. Especially in the second season, as Fan Xian’s participation in the power game increases, he is more involved in the mystery of the court party and government. Heroes from ancient times to modern times are "born", only Lord Xiao Fan is "entering the world".

In "Han Feizi · Five Worms", it is said that "Confucianism and literature are chaotic, and chivalry is prohibited by force." In "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness", Ouyang Chun, the northern hero, will not enter Kaifeng Mansion for the rest of his life. Privilege and Ren Xia are like two sides of a magnet of mutual exclusion. In the second season of "Qingyu Nian", the screenwriters have dug deep into the feasibility of combining them, which is the difficulty of its play and the point of its plot.

The historian Wu Si has specifically analyzed that local novels are rich in martial arts – such as Jin Gu Liang Wen Huang, while Western novels are more about the super rich – such as "Million Pounds", "The Count of Monte Cristo" and "The Great Gatsby".

Unlike Western readers who devote their fantasies to becoming billionaires, Eastern martial arts projects a supernatural ability to both protect themselves from violence and punish others at will.

Of course, the true masters of chivalry would never abuse violence. Instead, they would scrape and punish evil, do justice for the heavens, see injustice in the road, and draw their swords to help. From Guo Jing, Qiao Feng, Linghu Chong to Fan Xian in "Celebration of More Than Years", this is the case. And with this ability, social status and rewards will follow.

In Wu Si’s opinion, the deep-seated factor for the prevalence of martial arts novels is that in a social environment that lacks property security and order for a long time, the illusion of profitability is not as fundamental as the illusion of harm ability.

After all, without the latter kind of self-defense ability, no amount of wealth can be comprehensive.

In "The Second Season of the Year of Celebration", Fan Xian’s thoughts are on re-establishing order, just like the inscription left by his mother Ye Qingmei:

"I hope that the law of rejoicing in the country will be established for the people, not because of noble tolerance, not because of poverty, no injustice, and no crime imposed. Obeying the law is like a sword, breaking the ghost and worshiping it, and not seeking the gods."

The ninth episode of "Qing Yu Nian Season 2", Deng Ziyue’s heartfelt expression in the hospital, the reason why he can resonate is that he has encountered all kinds of last resort, those who are forced to go with the light, as the audience, we are not unfamiliar.

The story is about ancient people, but it seems to be everywhere today. This is not only a tacit intertext, but also a different kind of expression – some people are still ancient people living in modern times, and in the words of Gu Hongming, "invisible braids grow in the heart"; still others are ancient people, but their thoughts have long been out of their time.

Herman Bloch wrote in The Sleepwalker:

"The world is full of people who belong to different centuries, but they have to live together, even contemporaries. That may explain why they are so unstable and difficult to understand each other reasonably. Nonetheless, there is a sense of solidarity, an understanding that spans time."

The focus of "Qingyu Nian Season 2" is on this: how the protagonist can defend his heart and maintain his values as a modern person in a society where imperial power is supreme.

Regarding equality.

In Fan Xian’s values, the prince should commit the same crime as the common people when breaking the law, and could not regard human life as grass mustard, which was a disagreement that he could not reconcile with a group of powerful people. In the first season, Teng Zijing died to save Fan Xian, and for the adults, "the death was just a guard". In the second season, the vegetable farmer Lao Jin and his daughter were killed one after another. Fan Xian would firmly remember these injustices in his eyes.

About fairness.

Emperor Qing instructed Fan Xian to preside over Chunxi, with the purpose of implicating the fraud cases in previous years and investigating the responsibility of the latter’s prospective father-in-law, Lin Xiang. Emperor Qing’s move killed Fan Xian with one stone and two birds, and it was difficult to care about Fan Xian. If he protected his elders, then he would violate his own moral philosophy; if he enforced the law impartially, he would not only lose his pillar in the dynasty, but also make enemies on all sides and become a complete lone servant.

In the eyes of all those in power outside Fan Xian, the examination room is just a formality, and who can be on the list has long been determined, but in Fan Xian’s view, the Spring Festival is not only an examination, but also a leap in class, which determines the bottom line of social fairness.

Killing relatives with righteousness or giving justice to ordinary students has become a classic "trolley problem". Only by throwing such a situation to Fan Xian can we truly investigate the choices of characters in the face of conscience and interests.

It’s about communication.

No matter for Teng Zijing, Wang Qinian or Gundam, Fan Xian always regards them as individuals with equal personality like himself. His willingness to make friends and refute his royal history is based on his appreciation of the latter’s upright character.

Throughout the plot, Fan Xian has always adhered to this interpersonal principle: don’t talk about using friendship, and don’t use ladders as friends.

Putting together a circle of grass and returning a fortune can only exist in a friendship that treats others with sincerity, not driven by power or interests. Interacting with others for profit can only make relationships, not friends. This path seems shrewd, but it is actually short-sighted.

Because interest relationships were the most fragile, unstable, and least worth investing in. This relationship only existed when both parties had a common interest in something, and when the common interest changed slightly, the relationship would be destroyed in an instant. But even when the relationship existed, deep trust could not be established between each other.

However, in the cognition of a considerable number of people, the relationship of interests is the most reliable relationship. It can only be said that this is a difference in the three perspectives. If such a perception is placed in "Qingyu Nian", it will most likely become Fan Xian’s enemy.

It’s about love.

Fan Xian and Lin Waner, two people who were married by the saint were able to fall in love at first sight, and they fell in love. It was their luck that they met by fate.

But apart from luck, the two had already exchanged opinions. They pursued free love and rejected the idea of family. As for inheriting the financial rights of the "inner treasury", it was even less worth mentioning in Fan Xian’s eyes. Including the eldest prince’s return from the border and his order to marry Northern Qi, he actually made plans to escape the marriage early in the morning.

All those who act honorably in the play, such as Fan Xian and the eldest prince, have a modern view of love, while the second prince who acts deceitfully has a view of love that is not beyond the context of the times. This cannot be regarded as a coincidence on the character, but is actually a masterpiece laid by the creator.

Even Yan Bingyun’s talk of "Qing Guo is more important than His Majesty" is a typical modern value. This is enough to show that the stereotypical Xiaoyan Young Master is not blindly loyal, and his position is not based on fear of power or greed for power, but on the sake of the people under the overall situation.

It is worth noting that many of the values that Fan Xian has maintained, even in contemporary society, are still an ideal that has not been fully realized. It is precisely because the ideal has not been fully realized that this road of loneliness in Fan Xian’s second season is particularly pioneering in practice.

This is precisely the most valuable aspect of the whole story.


No.5805 Original First Article | Author, Zang No

Original title: "The Second Season of the Year of Celebration": Don’t watch it for free.

Read the original text

Interview with Li Yapeng: Being Faye Wong’s husband is stressful. Weibo flirting is very romantic

Talking about new films: having a "bed scene" with Xu Jinglei, I think I used to be handsome

  In the movie version of "Will Love", two school lovers who passed by 13 years ago, Yang Zheng and Wen Hui, reunite for the second time, and perform three completely different love scenes in Beijing, Shanghai and Bordeaux.

  The Beijing passage is suspenseful, with Yang Zheng peeking through a telescope at Wen Hui, who is bathing in her home. The Shanghai passage revolves around an old classmate party, where two first lovers who broke up decide to embark on a crazy night of "big adventure" because of a "truth or truth" test. The Bordeaux passage is full of romantic lyricism. Yang Zheng and Wen Hui, who has already been married, unexpectedly reunite, only to find that Wen Hui is in the predicament of her husband’s infidelity.

Movie Network: What is your favorite relationship in the movie version of "General Love", and what is the biggest difference between the movie and the TV series version?

Li Yapeng:The movie version of "General Love" tells three different stories, of which the story that took place in Bordeaux, France, impressed me the most. The movie version continues a certain character characteristic of the TV series version of "General Love". Although it still gives up in the end, it has a very beautiful feeling of love, which is what I like very much. The movie version of "General Love" tells the different life stages of these two characters, and there are also images interspersed 13 years ago. This is very interesting, and this kind of creation is not possible in every film.

Movie Network: Due to the promotion of "General Love", you and Xu Jinglei took a group of photos for the magazine, but many netizens think you are pretending to be tender. Do you agree?

Li Yapeng:That is the demand of the magazine, but I think there is no way to pretend to be tender. If we can still "pretend to be tender", it means that we are still good.

Movie Network: After more than 10 years, what do you think is the biggest change between Xu Jinglei and you? Do you still have the feeling of working together again?

Li Yapeng:Everyone has matured, and everyone has lived a wonderful life in the past 10 years, whether it is a director, screenwriter, photographer, stage artist or actor. What makes me particularly happy is that the group of people we used to be has made progress in their respective positions today, and they are all living their lives very seriously. Everyone is still actively facing love, family and work.
  The audience may think that we have changed a lot in appearance, but in our eyes, you are still the same as you were, and I am still the same as me. In fact, this is the same, so we can always be friends. If we really change, we will no longer be friends today.

Movie Network: After 13 years, has the love between you and Xu Jinglei in the movie been replaced by a more mature passion drama?

Li Yapeng:There are some, but I’m not very clear about the scale and standards of passion scenes. Is it so difficult to get into bed that it’s a bed scene? Yes, but it’s not embarrassing to act. This is the basic quality of an actor.

Movie Network: At that time, Yang Zheng, who had "long hair fluttering", was popular in the mainland. Now looking back at your role, do you also think Yang Zheng is charming?

Li Yapeng:Today, I feel quite handsome. I feel that I am quite handsome at some point (laughs). In fact, every man is handsome at some point. I have never seen Zhang Yibai’s behind- the-scene before. At that time, everyone of us was full of youth, which was really youthful.

The sales volume of the Great Wall Gun has exceeded 10,000 for six consecutive months. Netizen: C-position hammer of pickup ring!

By the beginning of November, the automobile sales season of Golden September and Silver 10 has come to a successful end. Although the market economy has been affected to some extent this year, it can be seen from the pickup truck sales data that people’s purchasing power is still strong, and the sales of most brands in the pickup truck market have increased year-on-year. Among them, the Great Wall pickup truck sold 20,405 vehicles worldwide in October, up 28% year-on-year, and the sales volume exceeded 20,000 vehicles for six consecutive months, accounting for nearly 50% of the market, showing the strong strength of the leader.

Continue to win the championship, and the strength is certified by the owner.

As the seed player of the Great Wall pickup truck, the strength of the Great Wall Cannon can’t be underestimated. Its sales volume continued to rise in October, reaching 11,291 vehicles, and its sales volume exceeded 10,000 for six consecutive months. It continued to win the championship in the pickup truck market and was phenomenal in the eyes of many pickup truck fans.

Then the question is, why can Great Wall Gun win the favor of car owners among many pickup brands in China auto market? We should focus on the demand level of prospective pickup truck owners today. Nowadays, the owners of pickup trucks are no longer engineering bosses and contractors decades ago, and young users who pay attention to driving experience have become a fresh force. The reason why they chose the Great Wall Gun is very simple. It has cool appearance, good comfort and passability, and most importantly, it is economical and has a high cost performance.

Empowering hard core strength to meet users’ needs

Take the pickup truck for the Great Wall Artillery as an example. In the aspect of driving experience, it adopts the suspension form of front double wishbone and rear multi-link. The measured adjustment experience is comfortable, and the vibration filtering and noise control are excellent. Coupled with the wrapped leather seat, the whole driving experience is comfortable and comfortable. Equipped with ACC adaptive cruise and 360-degree look-around system, the former realizes the autonomous deceleration or acceleration without the intervention of the driver, greatly reducing the driver’s fatigue, while the latter can make the owner clearly see the surrounding images during the reversing process, avoid the occurrence of collision accidents, and solve the problem of difficult parking from the source.

The Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck is the first all-terrain mass-produced off-road pickup truck in China. It inherits the dual product characteristics of pickup truck and SUV, and it shows remarkable off-road performance and comfort performance. In terms of off-road performance, the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck has more than ten unique off-road equipment with fever level, all of which are the first equipment of China pickup truck, such as three locks, tank turning around, crawling mode, seven driving modes, wading throat and off-road expert mode, which can tackle the extreme off-road sections and help enthusiasts get through every inch of rotten roads smoothly. In addition, the oversized rear bucket of the Great Wall gun off-road pickup truck can also be customized privately, which can easily open the life of the whole scene pickup truck.

Walking nonstop, playing outside the circle attracts onlookers.

This year, the Great Wall Gun kept on walking. It not only released the diesel 8AT used by the Great Wall Gun/commercial pickup truck, but also fully contracted the needs of users for leisure life, home and business. At the Beijing Auto Show, it released the combination of "three guns and one bomb", which attacked the field of electric pickup trucks, expanded the product matrix, created explosive modified models, and spread the pickup truck culture, which was amazing.

Of course, as a "trendy" pickup truck, the Great Wall Cannon also knows the psychology of young people, and put a number of big moves in the recent hot "Double Eleven snapping season". From October 21 ST to November 30 th, as long as you start with the gasoline version of the pickup truck for the Great Wall Artillery, you can save 2500RMB; in a limited time; Start with the great wall gun off-road pickup truck and give a 3000RMB off-road gift package in a limited time; Starting with the diesel version of the pickup truck for the Great Wall Gun and the commercial pickup truck for the Great Wall Gun, you can save 1500RMB in a limited time. In addition, in the Super Live Night of the Great Wall on November 7th, Vega and Orfila formed a brother and sister CP, giving exclusive benefits in the live broadcast room, so don’t be too cool!

It can be said that the all-encompassing Great Wall Gun has been recognized by the majority of car owners once it is launched. It not only has an excellent reputation, but also has achieved great success in sales. In the face of the different needs of a new generation of car owners, we constantly introduce brand-new pickup trucks that meet the needs of users, and make the "pet powder" to the extreme, which may be the reason why Great Wall Cannon can be favored by users!

Tiggo 9 in Changchun is on hot sale, with a reserve price of 140,900! Preferential treatment waits for no man.

Recently, the preferential promotion channel in Changchun, car home has launched an exciting news: Chery Automobile’s flagship SUV model is undergoing preferential promotion. This offer covers Changchun area, bringing benefits of up to 12,000 yuan to consumers. The starting price of this model is only 140,900 yuan, which is believed to be the first choice for many consumers. If you want to know more about the discount details of Tiggo 9, please click the "Check Car Price" button in the quotation form to get a higher discount.

The design of the Tiggo 9 car series is full of sense of movement and strength. In the front part, the Tiggo 9 adopts a large-area air intake grille, and the interior of the grille is dotted with exquisite lattice chrome decoration, which is very atmospheric. The front face is tough and smooth, giving people a strong visual impact. The headlights of Tiggo 9 use a sharp LED light source, which is very impressive when lit. The side lines of the car body are smooth and have a strong sense of lines, showing a strong sense of movement. The overall style is fashionable and full of strength, which shows the luxurious temperament of Tiggo 9. In addition, the Tiggo 9 car series also uses two exhaust pipes from both sides to make the whole car look more sporty. Overall, the design of Tiggo 9 is very attractive, giving people a very domineering feeling.

Tiggo 9 is a medium-sized SUV with a body size of 4820*1930*1699mm and a wheelbase of 2820mm, with smooth body lines and stylish design. The front tread of Tiggo 9 is 1638mm, the rear tread is 1641mm, the front tread of tyre size is 245/50 R20, and the rear tread of tyre size is also 245/50 R20. It adopts large-size rims, which shows its sports style. The car side lines are smooth, and the outline lines are simple and smooth, showing the luxury temperament of Tiggo 9. Generally speaking, the design of Tiggo 9 is both sporty and luxurious, and it is a leader in a medium-sized SUV.

The interior design of Tiggo 9 is fashionable and atmospheric, with high-quality materials and fine craftsmanship. The steering wheel is made of leather, which makes it feel comfortable. At the same time, it also supports manual up and down+front and rear adjustment, providing drivers with a more personalized driving experience. The central control screen has a size of 12.3 inches and is equipped with a voice recognition control system, which can control functions such as multimedia, navigation, telephone, air conditioning and skylight, and the operation is simple and convenient. The seat is made of imitation leather. The main seat supports front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment, height adjustment and lumbar support. The auxiliary seat also supports front and rear adjustment and backrest adjustment. The front seat also has heating and ventilation functions, and the driver’s seat also has electric seat memory function. The second row of seats supports backrest adjustment and the rear seats support proportional reclining, providing passengers with a more comfortable riding experience. In addition, the front and rear rows are equipped with USB and Type-C interfaces, which is convenient for passengers to charge. Generally speaking, the interior design and configuration of the Tiggo 9 are excellent, bringing a comfortable and convenient car experience to drivers and passengers.

The Tiggo 9 is powered by a 2.0T 261 HP L4 engine with a maximum power of 192 kW and a maximum torque of 400 N m.. This engine can provide sufficient power for the vehicle, which makes the Tiggo 9 perform well during acceleration and driving. At the same time, the equipped 8-speed automatic manual transmission can realize smooth shift operation and improve driving comfort and maneuverability. The performance of this engine is stable and reliable, suitable for daily city driving and long-distance travel.

In the evaluation of the owner of car home, he spoke highly of the design of Tiggo 9. He said that the front grille shape and penetrating taillights of the Tiggo 9 are very beautiful, which makes him like this car very much. It can be predicted that Tiggo 9 will bring an atmospheric and fashionable driving experience to consumers. No matter on urban roads or suburban mountain roads, Tiggo 9 will become a beautiful landscape. For those consumers who pay attention to design, Tiggo 9 is undoubtedly a very good choice.

Beijing Auto Show | BYD Qin L Real Shot

On April 25,The new model Qin L was officially released.It will form a two-car pattern with Qin PLUS and sell it on the same network.. The interior design of this car is inspired by the traditional culture of China, adopting the concept of landscape painting, and integrating modern technology and aesthetics of new national trends.

It is reported that Qin L will be equipped with the fifth-generation DM-i hybrid system, which consists of a 1.5-liter engine and an electric motor. Previously, the information declared by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology showed that the maximum power of the engine was 74kW, and the driving motor was available in two options: 120kW and 160kW. The car is expected to be listed in the second quarter of this year, and it is expected to be sold at 120,000 yuan.

China version of "Raptor" domineering Great Wall "X cannon" interior exposure technology dual screen+new gear handle

Full-size pickup trucks have always been very popular in Europe and America, and large-size, highly comfortable and multifunctional full-size pickup trucks can meet their full scene needs. Whether it is traveling, pulling goods or daily transportation, pickup trucks can all be "competent". It can be said that a pickup truck is in hand and the basic life is worry-free.

Perhaps it is for this reason that Cybertruck caused widespread concern after its appearance. The pure electric pickup F-150 Lightning exploded directly after its listing, which was highly sought after by American consumers.

In the domestic market, fans’ attention to full-size pickup trucks has been escalating. From the beginning, domestic pickup trucks have been constantly refreshing their performance and comfort. At the Shanghai Auto Show, the family’s first full-size pickup truck "X Gun" was unveiled, focusing on the eyes in the circle. Recently, this model has ushered in new news. The interior of this model is exposed, rich in configuration and more luxurious than the Raptor.

Judging from the exposed interior pictures, the "X Gun" uses a matching color scheme of milky white and brown in the interior, and the interior is covered with a large area of leather, which looks more luxurious than ordinary luxury models. Moreover, the internal brown material is made of woven workmanship, which is unique and the stitching is very fine, which enhances the texture and luxury of the whole car. If you only look at the interior, most people will not think that this is the interior of a pickup truck, and it may be directly positioned in the interior of a large luxury car.

At the same time, the scientific and technological equipment inside the "X gun" is not backward at all. The new car adopts a new style of suspended LCD instrument panel and a large-size central control display screen. Now, it is ahead of the industry in terms of intelligence. In mass production models, it will be equipped with a highly intelligent car system, which can realize multiple online operations, including navigation, voice, entertainment, etc. It can be said that it does not fall in the wind in creating a sense of science and technology.

Moreover, the "X gun" adopts a brand-new style of gear handle, plus a piano paint-painted decorative board, as well as a steering wheel wrapped in white leather and seat headrests on both sides decorated with LOGO embroidery, which is simply a luxurious moving space.

In terms of power, the car applied the latest 3.0-liter V6 twin-turbo engine to this "big guy" and matched the 9-speed automatic manual transmission. It can be said that this power system is very competitive, at least, in the domestic pickup truck models, it definitely belongs to the strong inner core. Chassis, the car is equipped with front and rear double wishbone independent air suspension, this set of "luxury" equipment is full, directly raising the level of "X gun". Moreover, the new car will also be equipped with an all-terrain recognition feedback system, which will make it easy to cross mountains and rivers, and the off-road ability is strong.

Ghost fighting car view: In the past, all the full-size pickups running on the streets in China were imported, such as, and so on. However, now, cars are constantly introducing high-end new products in pickup trucks. This "X gun" is very exciting, showing new heights in luxury, performance and design, and the domestic version of "Raptor" will soon appear. So, what do fans think of this model? Leave a message for Ghost Brother.

[Early Know] Ministry of Commerce: It is promoting the introduction of guiding opinions to promote the high-quality development of the catering industry; US stocks closed down, while Nasdaq fell 2.43%

  [Abstract]Ministry of Commerce: It is promoting the introduction of guiding opinions to promote the high-quality development of the catering industry. Development and Reform Commission and Energy Bureau: Strengthen the power system stability under the new situation. Hangzhou adjusts and optimizes housing accumulation fund.Relevant policies. Lei Jun: Xiaomi Automobile is progressing very smoothly and will be officially listed in the first half of next year. AITO Auto clarified that "Huawei will fully take over the cross-border sales system" is false news. Shenzhen: Increase the support for employees of families with many children to withdraw the rental provident fund.It is rumored that the company is a "Kunpeng" concept stock, which is suspected of market speculation. The three major US stock indexes fell across the board, with the Nasdaq down 2.43%.Plan to invest in the United StatesMaterials project, with a total investment of over $2.3 billion. Ant’s capital increase to 23 billion yuan was approved.A total of 13.

  Overnight outer disk

  The three major US stock indexes fell across the board. At the close, the S&P 500 index fell 1.43% to 4,186.77 points. The Dow fell 0.32% to 33,035.93 points; The Nasdaq fell 2.43% to 12,821.22 points. Most large technology stocks fell,Down 1.35%,Down 5.58%,Down 0.6%, Facebook down 4.17%,It rose by 3.07% and Google fell by 9.51%.

  Europe’s three major indexes rose across the board. At the close, Britain’s FTSE 100 index rose 0.33%, France’s CAC40 index rose 0.31%, and Germany’s DAX30 index rose 0.08%.

  Hot spot focusing

  1. Ministry of Commerce: It is promoting the introduction of guiding opinions to promote the high-quality development of the catering industry.

  Zhu Guangyao, head of the Department of Service Trade and Business Services of the Ministry of Commerce, said at the press conference today that the Ministry of Commerce is promoting the introduction of guiding opinions to promote the high-quality development of the catering industry, and will accelerate the high-quality development of the catering industry from the aspects of improving service quality, innovating consumption scenarios, cultivating development momentum, promoting catering culture and promoting green and safe development. One of the important contents is to better serve the elderly.

  2. Development and Reform Commission and Energy Bureau: Strengthen the power system stability under the new situation.

  The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the National Energy Administration (NEA) issued guiding opinions on strengthening the stability of power system under the new situation. The opinions mentioned that the reliable power generation capacity should meet the needs of power and electricity balance and leave a reasonable margin, so as to provide the system with sufficient peak shaving, frequency modulation, voltage regulation and damping support; Scientifically determine the voltage level of power supply connected to the power grid to realize effective support for power grids at all levels; Construct a multi-element and complementary comprehensive energy supply system. Enhance the support ability of conventional power supply regulation. Xinjian coalAll units have realized flexible manufacturing, and the flexibility transformation of active units should be completely changed, supporting the transformation of retired fire units into emergency standby and phase modulation functions, and continuously improving the network-related performance of units; Actively promote hydropower expansion in major river basins, cascade planning adjustment in river basins, etc., carry out water group transformation and capacity increase according to laws and regulations, and configure phase modulation function as needed for new hydropower units; Actively, safely and orderly develop nuclear power and strengthen the construction of self-power supply capacity of nuclear power bases; Appropriate layout of peak shaving gas and electricity under the premise of implementing gas source; Steady development of biomass power generation.

  3, Hangzhou city to adjust and optimize the housing provident fund credit policies.

  "Hangzhou Provident Fund Released" WeChat WeChat official account News, Hangzhou adjusted and optimized the relevant policies of housing provident fund credit. First, if there is no housing under the name of the employee’s family and there is no record of housing provident fund loans, the first suite policy will be implemented. Two, workers have a family name housing, or a housing provident fund loan records and the corresponding loans have been settled, the implementation of the second suite policy. Three, workers have two or more houses under the name of the family, or have two housing provident fund loan records, or outstanding housing provident fund loans, shall not apply for housing provident fund loans. 4. If the employee’s family purchases a house within the scope of housing purchase restriction and implements the first suite policy, the down payment ratio shall not be less than 25%; If the second suite policy is implemented, the down payment ratio shall not be less than 35%. 5. If the employee’s family purchases a house within the scope of non-housing purchase restriction and implements the first suite policy, the down payment ratio shall not be less than 20%; If the second suite policy is implemented, the down payment ratio shall not be less than 30%.

  4. Lei Jun: Xiaomi Automobile is progressing very smoothly and will be officially listed in the first half of next year.

  According to Lei Jun, Chairman and CEO of XiaomiIt is reported that Xiaomi Automobile is progressing very smoothly and will be officially listed in the first half of next year. Xiaomi 14 series will be the first stable version of Xiaomi 澎湃 OS.

  5. AITO Auto: Huawei will take over the global sales system as false news.

  AITO Automobile issued a clarification statement in the evening, saying that Wenjie Automobile has been loved and recognized by consumers since its listing. In order to provide consumers with a better sales and service experience, Huawei will further increase the construction of direct-operated stores. The report that Huawei will fully take over the cross-border sales system is false news.

  sixShenzhen: Increase support for the withdrawal of housing provident fund for employees with many children.

  The Shenzhen Housing and Construction Bureau issued the Notice of the Shenzhen Housing Provident Fund Management Committee on Relevant Matters Concerning the Rental Withdrawal of the Municipal Housing Provident Fund. The notice pointed out that employees and their family members do not own commercial housing, policy housing and affordable housing in this city, and employees who handle the rental withdrawal business can withdraw according to the maximum amount that should be paid in the month of application. For families with two or more children and at least one minor child, employees themselves and their family members do not own commercial housing, policy housing and affordable housing in this city, and if they apply for rental extraction business, they shall apply for housing lease in the municipal housing authority.For the record, after providing the rental contract and rental invoice, it can be extracted according to the actual monthly rent, and is not limited by the monthly deposit. Employees who rent public rental housing in this city can apply for rental extraction business, which can be extracted according to the actual monthly rent, and are not limited by the monthly deposit amount. The notice shall come into force on November 1, 2023 and be valid for one year.

  7. There are 13 approved shareholders whose capital is increased to 23 billion yuan by Ant Financial.

  On October 25th, it was approved by Chongqing Supervision Bureau of the State Financial Supervision and Administration Bureau to increase the registered capital of Chongqing Ant Consumer Finance Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Ant Financial) from 18.5 billion yuan to 23 billion yuan. After increasing the registered capital and adjusting the ownership structure this time, there are 13 ant shareholders.

  Theme opportunity

  1, two departments issued a document to promote.The installed capacity of construction is expected to increase steadily.

  On October 25th, the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration issued guidance on strengthening the power system stability under the new situation. It is mentioned that according to the demand of power system, all kinds of regulation resources should be coordinated and promoted according to local conditionsScientific configuration, the formation of multi-time-scale, multi-application scenarios of power regulation and stability control capabilities, improveOutput characteristics, optimize load curve, and support high proportion of delivery. Orderly construction, orderly promote the construction of qualified pumped storage power stations, explore the technical application of changing conventional hydropower into pumped storage power stations and hybrid pumped storage power stations, and the newly built pumped storage units should have the function of phase modulation.

  Pumped storage power station has many functions, such as peak shaving, valley filling, etc. It is an important support for building a new energy system and realizing the goal of’ double carbon’, with flexible start and stop, fast response and strong peak shaving ability. With the development progress of conventional hydropower gradually slowing down, in order to meet the needs of new power system construction and large-scale and high-proportion development, the National Energy Administration issued the Medium-and Long-term Development Plan for Pumped Storage (2021-2035), which proposed that by 2025 and 2030, the installed capacity of pumped storage in China will reach 62/120GW respectively. By the end of 2022, the installed capacity of pumped storage in China has reached 167 million kilowatts, of which 45.79 million kilowatts have been built, accounting for 26.2% of the installed capacity of pumped storage in the world, ranking first in the world. With the rapid expansion of new energy, the installed capacity of pumped storage is expected to rise steadily, benefiting industrial chain companies. Related companies areWait.

  2China promotes the development of high-power power devices.The industry is improving

  The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) and the National Energy Administration (NEA) recently issued guidance on strengthening the stability of power system under the new situation, and proposed to develop electrical equipment to improve the stability of power system, such as large-capacity circuit breakers, high-power and high-performance power electronic devices, active support of new energy, and large-capacity flexible DC transmission. Promote the development of new technologies in the direction of high safety, high efficiency and active support; Improve the self-control level of power industrial control chips, basic software, key materials and components. Puyin International said that the fundamental cycle of power is close to the bottom, and the demand for new energy applications such as wind, light and vehicle storage provides a long-term market scale doubling space. Looking into the future, the growth rate of revenue side of China power industry has bottomed out, and it is expected to continue to improve in the second half of this year, while the profit side is expected to stabilize and form the bottom in the third and fourth quarters of this year. Related companies areWait.

  three, open source HarmonyOSPCThe end operating system welcomes important progress, and the core ecological chain company is concerned.

  According to media reports, the Orange Pi OS(OH) customized by Shenzhen Xunlong Software Co., Ltd. based on OpenHarmony will be released soon, which means that Xunlong software generals will take the lead in launching PC-side open source HarmonyOS system before Huawei and Shenkaihong. At present, Orange Pi OS (OH) mainly adapts to PCs supporting ARM architecture. Xunlong Software has set up a team focusing on the R&D and commercialization of open source HarmonyOS, and the next step is to adapt to PCs with X86 architecture.

  HarmonyOS system is a highly decentralized operating system that spans multiple operating systems, devices and scenarios, and it can run seamlessly in different scenarios. Combine on the basis of it.Processing technology, etc. Design and develop a technology-based enterprise level.Management system. Another striking feature of HarmonyOS system is cross-terminal migration. Various devices in the family, such as computers, mobile phones, televisions and watches, can run the same HarmonyOS system, thus realizing seamless information transmission and sharing.

  By August 2023, the number of HarmonyOS Eco-devices has exceeded 700 million, and 2.2 million Harmony OS developers have invested in the development of the HarmonyOS world. With the breakthrough of related technologies, HarmonyOS is expected to build 100% home-made computers, including CPU, memory, hard disk, operating system and software. Related companies areWait.

  Company news

  1. It is rumored that the company is suspected of market speculation for the "Kunpeng" concept stock.

  (300290) The transaction was released on the evening of October 25th.Recently, the company paid attention to the false information about the company rumored in the market, saying that the company had the expectation of asset injection with Hyperfusion, which was inconsistent with the facts; At the same time, calling the company a "Kunpeng" concept stock is suspected of market speculation.

  2、: There is no business cooperation or contact with Changjiang Storage.

  (603388) On the evening of October 25th, it issued a risk warning announcement on stock trading, saying that recently, the company was concerned about reports that the company was involved in "accepting the industrial chain".Recently, the company won the order of Changjiang Storage for 100 million yuan. Now, the relevant situation is as follows: Up to now, the company and its subsidiary Simi Electronics have not accepted the industrial chain research activities, and have not had any business cooperation or contact with Changjiang Storage Technology Co., Ltd. According to the semi-annual data in 2023, the company’s main business income contribution has not changed significantly.It accounts for 4.63% of the company’s total revenue, and the business accounts for a relatively small proportion.The impact is limited.

  3、: The third quarter of 2023Year-on-year growth of 87%

  (300735) The third quarterly report was released on the evening of October 25th. The revenue in the first three quarters was 3.454 billion yuan, up 14.36% year-on-year; The net profit was 238 million yuan, up 18.74% year-on-year; The basic earnings per share is 0.3106 yuan. Among them, the net profit in the third quarter was 112 million yuan, an increase of 87.17%. The company said that with the growth of orders, the company’s current capacity utilization rate has been at a high level. Since the third quarter, the company is actively purchasing equipment and recruiting employees to meet the increasing demand for orders in the future.

  4、: 500 million yuan to 1 billion yuan.share

  (002129) On the evening of October 25th, it was announced that it planned to buy back shares of RMB 500 million to RMB 1 billion at a price of RMB 34.15 per share (inclusive). The repurchased shares will be used at an appropriate time in the future.Or employee stock ownership plan. In addition, the company achieved a net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies of 1.652 billion yuan in the third quarter, down 20.72% year-on-year (after adjustment).

  5、: The chairman proposed to buy back the company’s shares from 15 million yuan to 30 million yuan.

  (603232) On the evening of October 25th, Yang Wenshan, the chairman of the company, proposed that the company buy back the company’s shares at a price of 15 million yuan to 30 million yuan, and the repurchased shares are intended to be used for the employee stock ownership plan or.

  6、: Received the fixed point of a domestic independent brand OEM project.

  (603158) On the evening of October 25th, it was announced that the company had recently received a fixed-point notification letter from a domestic independent brand main engine factory, and the company became a supplier of thermal management air conditioning side integrated module for its new project. According to the customer’s plan, the project is expected to start mass production in March 2025, with a total life cycle of about 599 million yuan and a life cycle of about 5 years.

  7、: The holding subsidiary received the bid-winning notice of the zero hydrocarbon ammonia project.

  (300157) On the evening of October 25th, it was announced that Xinjinhua Machinery, a holding subsidiary, recently received the bid-winning notice from Yuanjing Zero Carbon Technology (Chifeng) Co., Ltd., and determined Xinjinhua Machinery as the winning bidder for the P1 phase of Yuanjing Zero Carbon 1.52 million tons/year zero hydrocarbon ammonia project (Phase I).

  8、: The subsidiary signed a sales contract of 251 million yuan.

  (300589) It was announced on the evening of October 25th that on October 25th, 2023, its subsidiary Aolong Boat Technology Co., Ltd. and Zhuhai Jiuzhou Marine Industry Investment Holding Co., Ltd. signed the "Jiuzhou No.1" Construction Contract for Zhuhai Jiuzhou Shenyuanhai Aquaculture Boat, with a contract amount of 251 million yuan, accounting for 36.85% of the company’s audited operating income in 2022. In addition, the company won the bid for the 2022 project of law enforcement boat construction of Zhejiang Ocean and Fisheries Law Enforcement Corps (600-ton fishery boat project), with the winning bid amount of 77.66 million yuan, accounting for 11.41% of the company’s audited operating income in 2022.

  9、Sun Company plans to set up a joint venture company Guangzhou to build a comprehensive service demonstration base.

  (002741) On the evening of October 25th, it was announced that Sandian Technology, a wholly-owned Sun Company, and Guangzhou Public Transport Group New Energy Development Co., Ltd. planned to jointly establish a joint venture company, Guangzhou Core Power Technology Co., Ltd., and Sandian Technology invested 8.575 million yuan, accounting for 49%. The joint venture company will build the first "comprehensive service demonstration base" in Guangzhou.

  10. The total investment of the battery material project to be invested in the United States exceeds $2.3 billion.

  (002074) On the evening of October 25th, it was announced that it planned to build a battery material project in Michigan, USA, and entrusted Guoxuan, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company, to sign relevant agreements with the Michigan government and other third-party partners, with a total planned investment of 2.364 billion US dollars. This project aims to realize the local independent supply of core raw materials for new energy power and energy storage batteries in North America.

Put a smart "cerebellum" on the car, and VMC will be the first to be applied to the new Zhiji next year.

journalist | Gan Wenjia
Picture source | Enterprise official

Part of the material of this article comes from SAIC Financial Holdings.
Beginners on the road may be at a loss in the face of difficult scenes such as narrow road sticking and turning around in place. Don’t worry, your car will automatically "pass"; When the city is congested, the car will automatically adjust (shock absorber, and at the same time control the opening of the switch or the braking force to cooperate), so that bad experiences such as starting to look up and nodding the brakes will no longer occur; The road ahead is sharp, and the car senses it earlier than you do. Steering, braking and suspension work together to reduce the turning radius, making the turning safer and more comfortable …

If the smart car is compared to a person, then the car also needs a smart "cerebellum", that is, the vehicle central coordinated motion controller (VMC) to dominate the whole body movement. As we all know, the brain is an organ that regulates the body’s functions and controls people’s movements and feelings, while the role of the cerebellum is to regulate muscle movements and maintain the balance of the human body. The cerebellum feeds back the information from the exercise to the brain, thus playing the role of regulating and correcting the exercise. The "cerebellum" of the intelligent chassis is not simply executed after receiving the instructions from the central computing and decision-making unit "Brain", but comprehensively considers the current application scenarios, optimizes the handling performance and ride comfort on the basis of ensuring vehicle safety, and then distributes the instructions to steering, braking and suspension, and finally realizes the coordinated control of six degrees of freedom (front and rear, left and right, up and down) in X, Y and Z directions, "muscle" and ""

In the next three years, SAIC will devote itself to building a brand-new "scientific and technological life". Including "intelligent brain", "agile body" and "strong heart". Among them, the "agile body" is the first to achieve a breakthrough in the "VMC technology of the whole vehicle", which keeps the vehicle body stable in different driving modes and various road conditions. It is reported that VMC will be first applied to the new Zhiji car next year. At present, SAIC’s intelligent solution integrating people, vehicles and environment is undergoing research and development, testing and verification.

Chassis by wire or smart car
The last piece of "puzzle"

In the new electronic architecture, the automobile execution system is also undergoing changes. From traditional chassis to electric chassis, and then to intelligent chassis, automobile chassis is welcoming brand-new changes.

Vehicle control is nothing more than longitudinal control represented by braking, lateral control represented by steering, and suspension control represented by up and down, which corresponds to six degrees of freedom of automobile movement. In order to meet the strict requirements of faster response speed and higher control accuracy of automatic driving, intelligent chassis needs brake, steering and suspension components by wire, and intelligent chassis has also become a wire-controlled chassis.

Chassis-by-wire system transmits the driver’s operation command to the actuator through the electronic controller, replacing the connection and execution from the traditional mechanical structure such as steering wheel and pedal, so it has the advantages of high precision, high safety and high response speed. By controlling the chassis with digital signals, the mechanical decoupling of the control system and the execution system can be realized. The drive-by-wire chassis can not only meet the requirements of higher-level automatic driving, but also enrich the imagination space of the intelligent cockpit and bring a safer and more comfortable driving experience to the occupants.

The chassis by wire mainly includes three core components: brake by wire, steering by wire and suspension system. Among them, brake-by-wire can not only meet the requirements of rapid response of automatic driving, but also meet the rigid requirements of energy recovery and increasing cruising range of new energy vehicles, and the market penetration rate is rapidly increasing. At present, the electro-hydraulic braking EHB system has been widely used in high-end pure electric vehicles. Although additional safety redundant equipment is needed, the intelligent Two-Box scheme is still more common in the short term, and the penetration rate of the intelligent One-Box will be significantly improved in the next few years.

Steer-by-wire steering is a rigid demand in the intelligent driving stage, which is gradually emerging. At present, it is in the stage of research and development verification and just getting on the bus, and it will also become a technical hotspot in the next few years. In the next 10 years, the penetration rate of steer-by-wire will reach 50%.

Since the beginning of this year, the air suspension system has been put on the market with some models, and the market popularity has also climbed once.

From the reality, with the acceleration of intelligent by-wire control system in smart electric vehicles to improve the competitiveness of brand models, by 2025, the domestic smart chassis market is expected to expand rapidly, which is expected to reach more than 50 billion yuan. Among them, the technical reserve of brake-by-wire is relatively mature, and the market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 34% from 2022 to 2025; In the next 4-5 years, the improvement of its assembly rate will provide a core increment for the smart chassis market, while steer-by-wire and air suspension are expected to enter the pre-assembly lead-in period in 2025.

Cross-domain fusion
Flexible deployment

From a technical point of view, at present, there is a trend of integration of various systems of automobiles, such as intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving, which are being integrated across domains. Zhang Ying, president of Bosch Chassis Control System in China, said that compared with the traditional chassis control system, in which all components are relatively independent for longitudinal, lateral and vertical vehicle dynamic control, VMC can adapt the chassis that was basically "just for itself" to the trend, and integrate the functions of transmission system, driving system, steering system and braking system into multiple systems, which greatly improves the vertical integration ability of chassis development, and can be flexibly deployed in pairs.

Steering and braking integration. It is very difficult for ordinary drivers to slam the steering wheel or make a big correction if they turn a corner on the icy road. When steer-by-wire and brake can be combined, the steering wheel angle and brake controller of steer-by-wire can be controlled in coordination, and the brake and actuator of steer-by-wire are integrated. Ordinary drivers can turn with the help of technological innovation, without worrying about oversteering or understeering, avoiding obstacles successfully and easily turning corners smoothly.

Brake and suspension fusion. Suspension system should not only meet the requirements of comfort, but also take into account the requirements of handling stability. Comfort is also related to the braking system. If the braking is too urgent, there will be phenomena such as braking nodding and unstable control. Comfortable braking function makes you an "old driver" in seconds. Through the precise software control of the system, a part of the braking pressure can be released smoothly in an instant before the vehicle stops, which can greatly alleviate the vehicle nodding and ensure the vehicle to stop very safely.

Integration of braking and power system. When the car starts on smooth roads such as snow and ice, the driving wheels may slip and the direction will be out of control, which will lead to danger. The driving torque vector control and braking control are combined with each other, and the acceleration potential of the vehicle is fully tapped, the curve limit is exerted and the dynamic response is optimized through the optimal distribution of axle or wheel torque.

Integration of VMC and ADAS. In order to meet the richer functional experience in NAD autopilot scene, the chassis needs to provide a bearing platform for autopilot system, cockpit system and power system. In the NAD autopilot scenario, VMC can integrate four-wheel drive distribution, brake-by-wire and variable suspension functions to maximize the dynamic performance of the vehicle, while supporting high-level autopilot scenarios. Through FOTA upgrade, it can be flexibly upgraded and quickly iterated.

Safety and comfort
Have your cake and eat it.

As a safety component, intelligent chassis has the highest functional safety level requirements. Functional safety is the core requirement of intelligent chassis and autonomous driving development. If the high-order automatic driving system comes, redundant braking and fail-safe will become the most important. Only on the basis of safety can driving be pleasant, comfortable, agile and personalized.

When the smart car develops to L3 or above, the driver will no longer control the car for a considerable part of the driving process, and the main responsibility of driving has changed from the driver to the system itself, which brings great challenges to the performance and safety of the whole chassis. For the drive-by-wire chassis, the most important requirements are safety and redundancy, and redundancy is also safe in essence. VMC has two backup schemes of independent actuators. When the main controller fails, the redundant controller takes over, which can systematically reduce the risk of failure of key functions.

The intelligent chassis is divided into two important parts: one is the chassis execution part, which realizes the coordinated control in X, Y and Z directions and the coordinated wire control optimization; Second, the chassis domain control system, based on the advantages of strong hardware and high performance chassis, further realizes the whole domain fusion control and rapid iteration of chassis through experience drive.

With the development trend and evolution of centralized electronic and electrical architecture, chassis control will be promoted to the concept of "domain". Combined with the chassis hardware system, the intelligent chassis domain controller can comprehensively design and adjust the chassis comfort and handling.

VMC can uniformly adjust and control air spring height, shock absorber damping, electronic parking and other functions. The controller detects the vehicle state through the signal received by the sensor, determines the optimal parameter instruction according to the algorithm or control strategy, adjusts the spring stiffness and damping state of the shock absorber, and increases the correction of pitch and roll to enhance the control of the vehicle body. For example, when driving in the field with poor road conditions and encountering a protruding obstacle in front, VMC system will "command" the air spring to raise the height of the car body, and at the same time adjust the electric shock absorber to make the vehicle smooth. In the face of bumpy roads, the system will also use compensation braking to alleviate jitter.

Thanks to VMC, after adjusting a large number of key components such as tires, air suspension and steering system, each car realizes the combination of comfort and handling, and develops various driving modes such as sports, comfort and energy saving according to road conditions and driving habits of users to meet the individual needs of users. At the same time, VMC relies on continuous collection and identification of users’ personalized driving data, and provides driving experience that meets users’ psychological expectations through human-vehicle interaction and self-learning iteration.

Different routes
"Zero" requires cooperation.

The Roadmap of Intelligent Chassis Technology for Electric Vehicles establishes the development goal of intelligent chassis, and the overall goal is that by 2030, intelligent chassis will meet the requirements of first-class products and leading technology. "The next 10 years will be a major strategic opportunity period for China’s intelligent chassis technology innovation and industrial development." Li Jun, then chairman of China Automotive Engineering Society, pointed out at the 2023 Electric Vehicle Intelligent Chassis Conference. At the same time, the intelligent chassis industry has also entered a critical stage of technical competition. Among them, the chassis domain controller has become a battleground for intelligent chassis development.

In the past, the international Tier 1 controlled the core of chassis control technology and provided "black box" chassis solutions for car companies. Many car companies, especially China brands, are highly dependent on suppliers’ development support, and the development time is long and the constraints are high, resulting in the lack of deep-seated chassis function integration development ability of the main engine factory, which makes the vehicles only meet some simple basic driving experiences, with few extended functions and relatively single driving experience.

On the one hand, with the rapid launch of new models, car companies urgently need to change the current situation. In the view of some OEMs, the high integration of software and hardware and cross-domain integration control ability are the core competencies that car companies must have in the era of smart cars, and they must be in their own hands. At present, some OEMs, such as BYD, Ideality and Weilai Automobile, have started full-stack self-research in this respect, and tend to plan chassis domain, convergence domain and other architectures, and lead the development of application software, and also put forward the requirements of "white box" delivery software for suppliers.

On the other hand, the international Tier 1 will obviously not give up the current market interests. Bosch China said that ABS and ESP are one of Bosch’s main products at present, and we are taking smart chassis as our next goal. ZF and Jidu have jointly developed the next generation of intelligent chassis technology to support automobile robots to "move freely".

With the continuous upgrading of R&D technology, coupled with the advantages of stable supply chain, rapid development and market response, China suppliers are likely to catch up with others. Among them, since the mass production of One-box line control products in 2021, Bethel has carried a number of models to the market. At the same time, local start-ups such as Nathan, Tongyu, Likun and Grubo have successfully mass-produced brake-by-wire products based on the Two-box scheme, achieving a new breakthrough in localization.

There are various indications that in the field of intelligent chassis, especially in VMC, the boundary between OEMs and suppliers in the technical field has become blurred, and the technical route of domain controllers will also be "contended by a hundred schools of thought". Borders are often fought out, but at the same time, there are opportunities for cooperation in competition.

Zhang Jinhua, chairman of the China Society of Automotive Engineering, suggested that we should advocate adhering to the sense of cooperation, deepen the whole-scale cooperation, cross-border cooperation and international cooperation, and deepen the synergy between the industrial chain.

Although the full-stack self-developed chassis domain control allows the main engine factory to master more autonomy, it also needs to consider the cost and efficiency. The drive-by-wire chassis products need a lot of adjustment work and the full cooperation of the parts manufacturers. The advantage of the main engine factory is to integrate the parts control provided by suppliers. In the future, the direction of cooperation between the two parties is likely to be to jointly define the system architecture and development design, and all parties will contribute their own "points" and unite to achieve a "breakthrough". Specifically, the supplier may only be responsible for providing the hardware and doing the underlying driver, and then open the control right to the OEM to do in-depth joint development with the OEM, so as to improve the development efficiency and software reusability, speed up the iteration and reduce the cost.

Gong Xinliang joined the "Old Master Q" conference and Yaoyao showed off her lovely singing.

Guo Shuyao sang the theme song "Didida" MV of "The Legend of the Little Tiger of the Professor"

Gong Xinliang and Guo Shuyao, two "otaku goddesses", joined hands with "Old Master Q" and "Big Sweet Potato"

Gong Xinliang black silk temptation big show legs.

Guo Shuyao danced live and sang the theme song "DIDIDA".

Yaoyao, who danced hard, accidentally revealed her safety pants.

    Movie network news(Photo/Qian Jiayi Wen/Chang Wei) On January 18th, a MV conference was held in Beijing. MiuMiu Gong Xinliang came to join us to show the temptation of black silk, and she also voiced the underwater elf "Bright Water" in the film. Guo Shuyao, Taiwan Province’s "Otaku Goddess", appeared in a miniskirt and sang the theme song "DIDIDA". She was not afraid to expose herself, and her dance expressions were very cute. The dubbing tidbits of the film were also broadcast on the spot, and super teams such as Deng Chao, Zhang Hanyu, Jerry Lee, Cai Kangyong and Elva Hsiao gave voices to the film to reveal the behind-the-scenes story.

Gong Xinliang’s exhibition of black silk lures Guo Shuyao to sing lovely songs without fear of revealing the bottom.

    At the press conference, MiuMiu Gong Xinliang came to join us as one of the voice actors. She was uncharacteristically "chest-sealed", but a pair of long legs seduced by black silk still murdered countless films. Gong Xinliang was involved in film dubbing for the first time, claiming that he was under great pressure. In order to express "baby sounds", he worked hard with professional dubbing teachers. Gong Xinliang broke the news that he had to use a very soft and ethereal voice when dubbing. When Jerry Lee heard this, he shouted that he couldn’t stand it. However, with the cute elf "Water is bright" in the cartoon, the image and voice are a perfect match.

    The theme song of "The Legend of the Little Water Tiger of the Professor" is "DIDIDA" sung by Taiwan Province sweetheart Guo Shuyao. Yaoyao sang and danced in an ultra-short gauze skirt, and sang this song at the scene. She was not afraid to show black safety pants at all, and her cute expression and cute dance steps made people sigh that she was worthy of being called "the goddess of otaku". Yaoyao also said that the "Water Tiger Dance" was specially created for this song, and some movements were very similar to the "Little Water Tiger" swimming in the water in the cartoon, and I was very happy that my song could be selected as the theme song.

Poster of "The Legend of the Little Tiger of the Professor"

Deng ChaoVoice "Old Master Q"

Click to watch the dubbing tidbits of "The Legend of the Little Tiger of the Professor"

Deng Chao led the super dubbing lineup "Old Master Q" and "Big Sweet Potato" dolls.

    This cartoon has an all-star dubbing lineup, with not only Cai Kangyong, a famous mouth from Taiwan Province, and Elva Hsiao, the singer, but also actors such as Deng Chao, Zhang Hanyu, Jerry Lee, Huo Siyan, Che Xiao, Gong Xinliang, Sha Yi and Zhang Junning from Huayi Brothers. The dubbing tidbits of the film were also broadcast at the press conference, and the highlights were revealed in advance.

    Deng Chao is proud of the Chinese cartoon image this time — — "Old Master Q" dubbing, there are many networked languages. Zhang Hanyu dubs the villain "Hot King", sometimes deep and mysterious, sometimes angry and puffed up. Cai Kangyong said that he didn’t expect Old Master Q to have the plot of science fiction films, and the Dragon King of Beihai who voiced himself often laughed wildly, which was absolutely invisible in Kangxi. Elva Hsiao voiced Miss Chen, the heroine in the film, saying that it was very enjoyable to shout out the voice that had been suppressed for a long time in her heart.

    At the press conference, Old Master Q and sweet potato dolls also brought surprises. The wonderful combination of one tall, one short, one fat and one thin allows everyone to appreciate the cuteness of anime characters in advance. What kind of adventure story the shrewd Old Master Q and the simple and honest sweet potato will bring to the audience will not be revealed until January 27th.

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