Live broadcast with goods can not be consumed "trust"

  A number of online celebrity’s recent "tragic auction" incident caused widespread concern. They deliberately design scripts and words, and deceive well-meaning consumers through live broadcast and false marketing. Due to the huge amount involved, the social impact is extremely bad.

  Fake help to farmers, really bring goods. Selling miserable false marketing is indifferent to feelings, unreasonable to reason, and unacceptable to law. What needs to be reflected is that similar farce has been staged repeatedly, and there have been many criticisms on the Internet for a long time. Why can online celebrity, who is under the banner of helping farmers, repeatedly bluff and cheat?

  The cost of traffic fraud violation is low. A script, several actors, through fictional experiences on the Internet platform, can gain the sympathy of netizens, bring goods live openly, and even sell fake and shoddy products. This practice not only infringes on consumers’ right to know, but may also be suspected of constituting a crime. Low risk and huge returns have become the driving force for some live broadcast operators and online celebrity to take risks.

  Live broadcast with goods lacks rigid constraints. In recent years, online celebrity’s economy has developed rapidly. Under the commercial packaging, many anchors have become popular and quickly realized their traffic. Due to the profit-seeking nature of capital, shanzhai is in power and counterfeit goods are rampant frequently. This shows from the side that the live broadcast industry is developing rapidly, but the industry standards and norms that match it should also keep up in time.

  It is difficult to prove consumer rights protection. There are a large number of online celebrity scattered on major live broadcast platforms, and most businesses do not have physical stores. The duration of false propaganda is generally short, so it is not difficult to obtain evidence directly. It is difficult for ordinary consumers to trace the true source of goods, and it is even more difficult to prove online celebrity’s false propaganda. Under normal circumstances, only after the business is subject to administrative punishment can consumers complain with the punishment record.

  The chaos has been repeatedly banned, and the platform is hard to blame. In the pursuit of value that traffic is king, some platforms have become distribution centers for fake goods, which are full of labeled sales and fake and shoddy goods. In the long run, these platforms will overdraw the trust of consumers, leading to the gradual loss of users, and ultimately the loss will outweigh the gain. Therefore, in order to develop healthily in the long run, the platform should strictly filter user content and truly implement disciplinary measures.

  The auction and false marketing not only overdraw the goodwill of the public, but also corrupt the social atmosphere. Online celebrity should realize that the fan economy is a trust economy, and if trust is consumed wantonly, the consequences will be very serious once it is overturned. Since false marketing will cause harm to all parties, it is necessary to strictly investigate the live broadcast accounts that violate public order and good customs to defraud netizens, cut off traffic empowerment and illegal profit-making channels, and also clear the space for online consumption.