Cherry in Jiangxian County, Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province: From Webcast Room to Big Market

Shanxi Economic Daily reporter Liu Yefei

Xue Yuntao, member of the Standing Committee of Jiangxian County Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department (first from the right), turned into a network anchor to introduce Jiangxi cherry to netizens. Shanxi Economic Daily reporter Liu Yefei photo

A few days ago, the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Jiangxian County and other agriculture-related departments launched a one-month "Cherry is beautiful, peaches are drunk-the first online cherry culture publicity activity in Jiangxian County" during the cherry harvesting and sales period. Through live webcasting, the cherry sales channels were unblocked, and the impact of the epidemic on the sale of big cherries was alleviated, which sold a good price and solved the urgent needs of farmers.

"Today, I recommend this selenium-rich big cherry in Jiangxian County to everyone …" In the cherry planting shed in Donglu Village, Hengshui Town, Jiangxian County, Zheng Piaosha, a grassroots cadre, turned into an anchor with goods in the live broadcast room in Tik Tok, constantly introducing the benefits of the big cherry in Jiangxian County to netizens.

"The cherry is ripe, but because the epidemic can’t be sold and the market is not good, our whole family is very anxious." Dong Jianzhong is a cherry grower in Donglu Village, Hengshui Town, Jiangxian County. At present, cherry is in its mature stage. Big cherries with bright color, good quality and sweet taste are covered with branches, but how to sell them under the epidemic situation has become a difficult problem at present. 

Jiangxian Big Cherry enjoys a long-standing reputation, with a long planting history and excellent quality. It is the largest cherry planting base in North China. At present, the planting area of big cherry in the county is about 40 thousand mu, of which about 3000 mu is cultivated in greenhouse facilities. The selenium-enriched cherries here have long illumination time, high sweetness and good quality, and have been the main source of income for local farmers for many years. At present, as the weather gets warmer, 3,000 acres of big cherry in greenhouse are coming into the market one after another. 

In order to help fruit farmers solve difficulties and explore local and surrounding markets in time, the online cherry culture publicity activities in Jiangxian County have played a great role. "Live for two hours every day, and you can probably sell more than 20,000 yuan on average. Through the live broadcast room, not only a large number of merchants were attracted, but more importantly, all the cultural tourism and investment promotion policies in Jixian County were publicized. " Zhang Chengyun, a grassroots cadre in Jixian County, said.

"These days, through the live broadcast platform, our cherries can sell for 10,000 yuan to 20,000 yuan a day, and the price is good. Compared with previous years, it can basically be flat." Through the live broadcast, the cherries planted by Dong Jianzhong quickly reached the table of consumers. 

It is understood that at present, the direct sales of the cherry live broadcast activity in Jixian County has reached 323,000 yuan, and it has also attracted a large number of merchants, all of which have been handed over to cooperatives and farmers, and there are still 30 live broadcasts to be carried out. 

The reporter learned that the agriculture-related departments such as the Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Jiangxian County, during the cherry harvesting and sales period, summarize the number of ripe acres, varieties, maturity, varieties and quantities to be sold, varieties and quantities sold, etc. every three days, accurately grasp the base, communicate and coordinate at any time, dispatch and contact, and take various measures to make farmers have a bumper harvest. The county party committee and government of Jiangxian county coordinated the prevention and control of epidemic situation and economic and social development, and combined with local conditions, provided accurate and considerate services such as tracking service of cherry sales service, point-to-point transportation, source organization, and issuance of "pass" for outbound vehicles, so as to achieve the prevention and control of epidemic situation and cherry sales, and do their best to reduce the economic losses of fruit farmers.