Chenzhou: The yellow warning of heavy pollution weather was started at 18: 00 on January 9.

Affected by pollution transmission in the north and unfavorable meteorological conditions, it is predicted that the ambient air quality AQI>150 in Chenzhou will last for 48 hours or more after consultation with the meteorological department. In order to effectively reduce pollutant emissions, improve ambient air quality to the maximum extent, and ensure people’s health, according to the requirements of the whole province and the provisions of the Emergency Plan for Heavy Pollution Weather in Chenzhou City, and with the consent of the Emergency Command and Coordination Group for Heavy Pollution Weather in Chenzhou City, it is decided to start the yellow warning for heavy pollution weather from 18: 00 on January 9, 2024, and start the level III response at the same time. The specific response measures are as follows:
I. Guidelines on Public Health Protection
(a) to remind children, pregnant women, the elderly and susceptible people suffering from respiratory system, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and other chronic diseases to stay indoors as far as possible, avoid outdoor sports, and try to reduce the window ventilation time.
(two) to remind the general public to reduce or avoid outdoor activities, outdoor work, duty, homework, activities and other personnel can take necessary protective measures such as wearing masks and shortening outdoor working hours.
(3) It is suggested that primary and secondary schools and kindergartens reduce outdoor activities, and outdoor collective activities can be changed to indoor activities.
(four) medical and health institutions actively carry out the harm of air pollution to human health
Popularize popular science, increase outpatient and emergency services for respiratory diseases, extend working hours, and strengthen medical guidance and medical care for patients with respiratory diseases.
(five) the relevant departments to increase the heavy pollution weather emergency work and public health protection knowledge publicity, and guide the public to establish reasonable psychological expectations, objective evaluation and actively participate in the response work.
Second, suggested pollution reduction measures
(1) Advocating enterprises and institutions to save electricity and reduce energy consumption, and lowering the temperature of heating facilities in winter by 2~4 degrees Celsius compared with normal days; Reduce the standby energy consumption of office equipment such as computers, printers, photocopiers and fax machines; Make full use of natural lighting, promote the use of energy-saving lighting lamps, and minimize the amount and time of lighting.
(2) Advocate public green travel, try to travel by public transport or new energy vehicles, reduce the number of motor vehicles driving on the road, turn off the engine in time when parking, and reduce the idle running time of vehicles in place.
(three) advocate public green consumption, units and the public to minimize the use of paints, paints, solvents and other raw materials and products containing volatile organic compounds; The transportation department will increase the guarantee of public transport capacity and reasonably increase the operating frequency and time of public transport on urban main roads.
(4) Advocating air pollutant discharge units that are not included in emergency control to control the production of pollution processes according to the actual situation and take the initiative to reduce emissions, which can improve the efficiency of pollution control facilities, adjust the production time of pollution processes and further reduce pollutant emissions on the basis of discharging up to standard.
Iii. Compulsory pollution control measures
According to the emergency emission reduction list of heavily polluted weather in Chenzhou City, under the premise of ensuring safe production, emergency emission reduction measures of yellow warning level are implemented to reduce pollutant emissions. Under the condition of ensuring the normal operation of the city, supervise the implementation of the following measures:
(1) Industrial source control requirements. According to the emergency plan for heavily polluted weather and the emergency emission reduction list, the emergency emission reduction measures of industrial enterprises with yellow warning level will be accurately implemented. For enterprises included in the emergency emission reduction list, according to the implementation plan of "one factory, one policy" for enterprise emergency response, the specific production equipment, process links and various key indicators are defined, so that the emergency emission reduction measures of enterprises are operable, monitorable and verifiable. The emission reduction measures of industrial enterprises should be mainly based on the production line or the main production and discharge links (equipment) that stop discharging pollutants; For production lines or production processes that cannot be temporarily interrupted, measures such as improving pollution control efficiency and limiting production load should be taken to reduce emissions.
(2) Control requirements for mobile sources and off-road mobile machinery. Implement emission reduction measures of yellow warning level in emergency emission reduction list of mobile sources in heavily polluted weather. In addition to emergency rescue and people’s livelihood security projects, transport vehicles that are prone to spillage without sealing devices stop driving on the road. The transportation unit involved in bulk materials shall formulate a detailed transportation source control plan and be equipped with relevant hardware supervision facilities. Strictly implement the relevant requirements of mobile source control, including strengthening the supervision of oil storage, transportation and sales, conducting the use investigation of oil and gas recovery system at refueling stations, carrying out oil testing, spot-checking the environmental standards of motor vehicle sales enterprises, strengthening the road inspection and household inspection of diesel trucks, increasing the frequency of supervision and inspection of off-road mobile machinery, and investigating and handling illegal acts according to law.
(3) Control requirements for dust sources. Implement emission reduction measures at the yellow warning level in the emergency emission reduction list of dust sources in heavily polluted weather. Except for special processes, emergency rescue and livelihood security projects, earthwork operation, building demolition, painting and painting, slope protection and shotcreting, concrete mixing, muck transportation, etc. should be stopped in the construction site, and the open-air operation should be stopped in mines, sand stone factories and stone slab factories, and the cleaning frequency of main roads and sections prone to dust should be increased.
(4) Other pollution control requirements. It is strictly forbidden to burn straw and sundries in the open air, and increase the frequency of inspections during heavy pollution emergencies; Strengthen the supervision of the normal operation of catering fume treatment facilities, prohibit open-air barbecue, and prohibit the discharge of fireworks and firecrackers in accordance with relevant regulations.
Chenzhou air quality standard wanggehua management work coordination team
(Chenzhou Heavy Pollution Weather Emergency Command Coordination Team)
January 9, 2024