Hong Kong media: The Asian Rugby Association made mistakes again and again, and the live broadcast of the game used the wrong logo of the China Hong Kong team.

[Global Network Comprehensive Reporter Zhao Youping] After the rugby match held in Korea broadcast the wrong Chinese national anthem, the live broadcast of the Asian Rugby Sevens series went wrong again. Hong Kong media such as Sing Tao.com and Eastnet reported that the China Hong Kong Rugby Team played against Malaysia in the UAE race this afternoon (26th). During the live broadcast of the Asian Rugby Association in official website, it actually represented the China Hong Kong Team with the logo of "Sri Lankan Olympic Committee", while the Malaysian side showed the logo of "Chinese Rugby Association". According to the report, it took about 20 seconds for the conference to replace the correct emblem.
Hong Kong East Network Report Screenshot
During the live broadcast of the Asian Rugby Association in official website, the logo of "Sri Lankan Olympic Committee" (top in the picture) was used to represent the Hong Kong team in China, and it was later corrected to the correct emblem (bottom in the picture). Photo from Hong Kong Eastern Network
According to Eastnet, the China Hong Kong Rugby Team once again played in the Asian Series, which attracted media attention. However, it was unexpected that the organizer made another mistake in the first match in UAE on 26th. According to the official live broadcast, the logo of the China Hong Kong team turned out to be the logo of the Sri Lankan Olympic Committee, while that of the Malaysian side was displayed as the logo of the Chinese Rugby Association. According to the report, it took about 20 seconds for the conference to change the correct emblem. China and Hongkong team finally won by 38-7.
As can be seen from the live broadcast, the logo of China Hong Kong Team is actually the logo of "Sri Lankan Olympic Committee" (upper left corner); The Malaysian side is the logo of "Chinese Rugby Association" (upper right corner). Photo from Hong Kong Eastern Network
The picture shows the correct logos of China, Hongkong and Malaysian teams. Hong Kong Dagong Wenhui Full Media Live Screenshot
It was reported that the Asian Rugby Association had earlier apologized for the mistake in broadcasting the Chinese national anthem in the Asian Rugby Sevens series. On the 22nd of this month, the president of the Asian Rugby Association, Ahala, made a special trip to Hong Kong to explain the incident to the Chief Secretary for Administration, Chen Guoji, and said that the probability of similar mistakes happening again was "close to zero". Unexpectedly, the problem reappeared.
In the final between Hong Kong, China and South Korea, the second leg of the Asian Rugby Sevens Series held in Incheon, South Korea, on the 13th of this month, the organizer "mistakenly played" a song related to the "black violence" in Hong Kong when it was supposed to play the Chinese national anthem. The Asian Rugby Association earlier apologized to the Hong Kong SAR Government and the Central Government for the incident. Lee Ka Chiu John, Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) said before attending the Executive Council on 15th that it was unacceptable to broadcast the Chinese national anthem wrongly, and the organizers had the responsibility to broadcast the correct national anthem. On the 26th, the Commissioner of Hong Kong Police, Xiao Zeyi, said that the Organized Crime and Triad Bureau of Hong Kong Police (commonly known as O-Record) was conducting an all-round investigation into the misbroadcasting of the Chinese national anthem in international rugby matches.