The ecological restoration of the Yellow River has an unknown story.

  The network theme activity of "Magnificent Yellow River Tour" in Shaanxi Province kicked off on September 10th. The reporter started from Dali County, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, and went upstream along the Yellow River Highway to see the ecological restoration and environmental protection of the Shaanxi section of the Yellow River and visit the Yellow River protection project.

  From Yanchiwa to Bird Paradise, past lives of Chaoyi National Wetland Park in Dali, Shaanxi.

  There is a wetland park with a total area of 1,185.3 hectares in the north of Luohe River and 5 kilometers east of the county seat in Dali County, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, where reeds are washed away, water plants are rich and beautiful, and water and sky are the same. Here is an important part of the Yellow River ecological circle, which is mainly based on protection and restoration. It is completely closed and not open to the outside world at present.

  Walking into the wetland park, one side is a lush expanse of reeds, and when you are in it, you can only hear the reeds "rustling sand" swinging with the wind, as if you were walking into no one’s land.

  On the other side, it is even more rare, with more than 7,000 acres of lake "autumn waters grow together". In addition to marveling at this vast lake wetland like the sea, we should also know that it has a miserable "past life" past. It turns out that the picture of water and sky and lush water plants used to be a headache for local people.

  What is the story from Yanchiwa to Bird Paradise?

  It was the earliest place to produce salt, and it flourished several times, leaving a valuable salt cultural heritage for Chaoyi. After liberation, Yanchiwa wetland no longer produces salt, and there are salt pits everywhere. In 1958, a large-scale trial planting of rice was unsuccessful here. In the 1980s, ponds were dug to raise fish, but later they were abandoned due to the increase of salt content in water and the aggravation of soil salinization. Later, after investigation and appraisal by wetland experts, it was determined that it was mainly saline lake, which was not suitable for planting rice and raising fish. Therefore, it was decided to give priority to protection, and all of them were closed for dredging and replenishing water.

  Ren Jianhe, director of the office of the Dali County Wetland Office, said that the implementation of the lake ecological restoration project began in 2012, and now 22.5 kilometers of protective fences, 1,000 mu of forest belts around the lake, bird watching platforms, docks and other supporting projects have been built, and efforts have been made to build a safe and healthy water, forest and lake life community. For better protection, the solar camera is now fully covered here, which is convenient for comprehensive monitoring.

  You may be curious about a question, where does such a large area of water come from?

  Ren Jianhe introduced that there are three sources: first, rainfall; second, because compared with the surrounding cultivated land, it is relatively subsidence of about 1 5 meters, and the farmland is higher than here, so the irrigation water of farmland can penetrate; third, the water from Luohui Canal is introduced. In this way, a large area of water that we see now has been formed.

  After restoration and protection in recent years, at present, the wetland reeds are washed away and the water plants are abundant, forming a large area of water surface, providing an important wintering place and habitat for waterfowl such as resident birds, winter migratory birds and traveling birds. The living environment of wild animals and plants has been effectively restored, and the world’s endangered wild animals, flamingos and national second-class protected animals, such as wart-nosed swans, have been discovered one after another.

  Nowadays, there are many birds here, and hundreds of species of birds inhabit the small island in the lake, which is called "Qiandao Lake" in Dali. The wetland park has a complete ecosystem, many animals and plants, and diverse vegetation community types, including 159 species of wild animals in 57 families, including swan, gray crane, red-footed falcon, heron and so on. There are 55 families and 164 species of plants, including reed, Suaeda salsa and Tamarix chinensis. It has high research value in natural landscape and historical culture such as ecology, scientific research, culture, education and leisure. The establishment of Chaoyang National Wetland Park in Dali, Shaanxi Province is of great significance for strengthening the protection of wetlands and biodiversity.

  See how the children along the Yellow River can maintain the healthy life of the Yellow River and promote the harmony between people and water in the basin.

  The Yellow River flows through Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Shanxi and other nine provinces, and is the boundary river between the two provinces. On the Shaanxi side of the Yellow River, the Yellow River Affairs Bureau of Shaanxi Province has a total length of 723.6 kilometers, involving Fugu, Shenmu, Jiaxian, Wubao, Suide and Qingjian in Yulin City, Shaanxi Province, Yanchuan, Yanchuan and Yichuan in Yan ‘an City, Heyang, Dali and Tongguan in hancheng city and Weinan City, with a total of four cities and twelve counties.

  Among them, the section from the junction of Shaanxi and Mongolia to Yumenkou Bridge, commonly known as the "Dabei main stream", is 584.1 kilometers long and belongs to the alpine canyon river. Yumenkou Bridge to Tongguan Railway Bridge, commonly known as "the main stream of Xiaobei", is 132.5 kilometers long. The river in this section is wide and shallow, with scattered water and frequent swings. It is known as "Hedong in 30 years and Hexi in 30 years" in history. Tongguan Railway Bridge below to the junction of Shaanxi and Henan is Tongsan reach, which is 7.0 kilometers long and is the reach of Sanmenxia reservoir area.

  The Yellow River has nurtured the sons and daughters of China, and every section of the Yellow River is also condensed with the careful maintenance of the sons and daughters on the shore. It is necessary to maintain the healthy life of the Yellow River and promote the harmony between people and water in the basin. Water administrative law enforcement, water administration supervision, flood control and drought relief, water resources management, engineering construction management, river management … … Must be persistent all the year round.

  In the Yulin Engineering Office of Heyang Yellow River Section, the Yellow River flows slowly like a golden ribbon, and the swallow-winged dam guards the local people like a guardian. The willow planted on the outer layer of the dam is also part of the protection project. On the protective dike, we met the staff of Heyang River Bureau and listened to them talk about the work of river regulation.

  Yulin Project is located in Yulin Village, Bailiang Town, Heyang County, between the 59-60 sections of Huangyu. The project was started in 1985. Ren Jinquan, chief of engineering management section of Heyang Yellow River Bureau, introduced the main functions of river regulation project to us. "It is an important local water diversion project — Donglei pumped water from the first-class station of Yellow River. "

  Yulin project includes Yulin village protection, Yulin lower extension, Yulin lower extension and recent Yulin control and guidance upper and lower extension projects, with a total length of 4299 meters and 50 dams. Among them, Yulin’s upper extension project is 1000m long and there are 12 dams. The fortification standard is the local flood of 4000m3/s in 2020, the elevation of dam crest is 358.28m, and there are 5135 cubic meters of ready-made stones. Yulin village protection project is 797 meters long and has 8 dams. The fortification standard is to prevent the corresponding flood in Longmen Station of the Yellow River in 2005. The elevation of the dam crest is 359.68-359.41 meters, and there are 3,434 cubic meters of ready-made stones.

  Yulin Downward Extension Project is 1002 meters long, with 12 dams. The fortification standard is to prevent the five-year flood at Longmen Station of the Yellow River in 2005. The elevation of the dam crest is 359.58-359.18 meters, and there are 2682 cubic meters of ready-made stones.

  The continuous construction project under Yulin is 1000 meters long, with 12 dams. The fortification standard is to prevent the five-year flood of Longmen Station of the Yellow River in 2005. The elevation of the dam crest is 358.99-358.59 meters, and the existing reserve stones are 2545 cubic meters.

  Yulin diversion downward extension project is 500 meters long, and there are 6 dams. The fortification standard is the local flood of 4000 cubic meters per second in 2020, the elevation of dam crest is 356.02 meters, and there are 2500 cubic meters of ready-made stones.

  In the Yellow River protection project, "there is no turning back when opening the bow", we must shoulder the heavy responsibility bravely, unite as one, overcome difficulties, and effectively use the "mother river" in protection to create a symbiotic environment between man and nature and a sustainable circular ecosystem. (correspondent Wu Yingfei)