Count the "achievements" after the integration of the Central Radio and Television General Station

  In just a few months, the integration bonus of the main station has been highlighted, the development momentum of the integrated media has been strong, the big screen and small screen have all shown the king’s demeanor, and the TV viewing and network communication power have soared.

  In March this year, according to the Plan for Deepening the Reform of the Party and State Institutions, the Central Radio and Television General Station was established and officially unveiled on April 19th. The Central Radio and Television General Station has integrated three resources of CCTV (China International Television), china national radio Radio International and China Radio International, actively integrated innovation and development, and comprehensively improved its communication, guidance, influence and credibility. In just a few months, the integration bonus of the main station has been highlighted, the development momentum of the integrated media has been strong, the big screen and small screen have all shown the king’s demeanor, and the TV viewing and network communication power have soared.

  The reception desk becomes the mainstream value communication center

  Open a new era of media communication

  After the establishment of the Central Radio and Television General Station, the integration and development action was strong: the broadcaster of CCTV presented the news broadcast, the three stations jointly launched the special program Qingming Poetry Club, the three hosts cooperated in the live broadcast for the first time at Boao Forum for Asia, and the anchors of CCTV and Guoguang joined the CCTV music channel "Global Chinese Music List". In June, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit reported that the CCTV news channel Qingdao Studio launched the special program "Friends and Friends from the Green Island", which was the first time with CCTV and Guoguang.

  Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2018, Media Zone of Central Radio and Television General Station

  Live TV broadcast simultaneously, meet Qingdao and talk together.

  At the same time, the reception desk has accelerated the pace of media integration. On April 22nd, it made its debut at the first Digital China Construction Summit, demonstrating the media coverage functions provided by CCTV, Yangguang and International Online, and showing the industry and society the latest exploration and development achievements of CCTV in building a new media platform and integrating the media flagship by using the latest Internet technology and digital technology.

  In mid-March, the Central Radio and Television General Station contacted and exchanged views with China’s BAT Internet giant. In April, the affiliated China International Television Corporation signed a technical cooperation agreement with Alibaba Group, and the two sides will cooperate in cloud platform, big data, mobile client and information platform construction. On July 31st, authorized by the Central Radio and Television General Station, China International Television Corporation, a subsidiary, officially launched a comprehensive strategic cooperation with China Mobile in six areas, including 5G technology research and development, 4K ultra-high-definition channel construction, content distribution, big data and capital, so as to realize resource sharing, complementary advantages and mutual benefit. On August 1 ST, we had extensive and full exchanges with Sina and reached a consensus to expand the territory of self-media and social media.

  In addition to the integration of news reports, content products and industrial development, after the establishment of the Central Radio and Television General Station, the public welfare communication forces of the original three stations have also been integrated, and the public welfare effect has increased exponentially. On June 29 this year, the work exchange meeting of "Advertising Precision Poverty Alleviation" of the Central Radio and Television General Station was held in Beijing. Shen Haixiong, Vice Minister of Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China and Director of the Central Radio and Television General Station, released three new poverty alleviation measures at the meeting: First, expand the coverage of poverty alleviation. On the basis of the existing eight provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) of Guizhou, Qinghai, Ningxia, Fujian, Chongqing, Hunan, Shaanxi and Xinjiang, from July this year to the end of June next year, Second, in addition to public service advertisements, in 2018, the relevant channels, frequencies and new media of the main station will launch special topics and columns on "Precision Poverty Alleviation" to increase the promotion and promotion of precision poverty alleviation; Third, on the basis of investing 1.04 billion public service advertising poverty alleviation resources in the past two years, from July 2018 to the end of June 2019, the Central Radio and Television General Station will spend more than 1 billion advertising poverty alleviation resources in the new poverty alleviation year, doubling the amount of public service poverty alleviation advertisements to help more areas achieve poverty alleviation with doubled investment.

  The establishment of the reception desk has boosted the cultural confidence of all sectors of society in leading the mainstream media value, made the main theme louder, and demonstrated the power of centralized aggregation.

  The advantage of leading in January-August is remarkable.

  The top five channels are all on CCTV.

  From January to August of 2018, CCTV’s viewing share was high-spirited, reaching 33.31% in the whole day and 31.05% in the evening (19:00-23:00, the same below), up by 0.6 percentage points year-on-year, and the leading advantage was remarkable. Looking at the channel pattern, the top five channels with dual-network viewing share are all owned by CCTV, with the top ten in the national network accounting for eight and the top ten in central cities accounting for seven.

  Source: CSM, National Measuring Instrument.

  Source: CSM, National Surveying Instrument, 35 cities.

  Behind the high ratings, it reflects the audience’s continuous attention to the high-quality content of the platform. CCTV-1 central city’s viewing share was crowned king, with a year-on-year increase of 10% in the whole day and 14% in the evening. 2018 is the first year after the 19th National Congress and the 40th anniversary of China’s reform and opening-up. As a political and cultural communication center, the position and value of CCTV-1′ s main position are more prominent.

  The CCTV-8 national network won the laurels, and the whole-day viewing share increased by 8% year-on-year, and it increased by 13% year-on-year in the evening. Among them, the emotional drama "Mother’s Uncle" tells a touching story of "great feelings and positive energy", showing the love and responsibility of the family, and finally won the championship with 2.04% ratings and 8.3% ratings.

  CCTV’s network communication power ranks first,

  Guoguang and Yangguang are in the top ten.

  In addition to the gratifying results of the dual-network viewing share, in the list of the top 10 central media and 38 TV stations in the second quarter of 2018 released by CTR, all platforms under the Central Radio, Film and Television General Station are in the leading position. Among the top ten central media, CCTV ranks first, while China Radio International and china national radio rank sixth and eighth respectively.

  In the list of TV stations, CCTV ranks first with a high score of 91 points, far ahead.

  There are five first-level indicators of CTR network communication power, namely, official micro communication power, official WeChat official account communication power, own APP communication power, official website communication power and third-party platform communication power; The secondary indicators include two aspects of data, on the one hand, the indicators related to the size of the media coverage population; On the other hand, it is related to the indicators that the media actually reach the crowd. The final index covers the self-owned APP and official website of each appraisal object, as well as more than 5,000 accounts opened and normally updated on Weibo, WeChat and other third-party platforms.



