The order and age of dynasties: master history and understand the rise and fall of dynasties!

Chinese historical dynasties, that is, the dynasties and regimes that existed in the history of China.

Chinese historical dynasty songs:

Xia, Shang, Western Zhou and Eastern Zhou, and the early period of Eastern Zhou was Spring and Autumn.

In the late warring States period, the seven heroes rose, and the Qin dynasty unified the countries.

After the Han Dynasty, the three kingdoms fought each other.

From the demise of the Western Jin Dynasty to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Southern and Northern Dynasties were separated.

From the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties to the Northern Song Dynasty, the Liao, Song, Xia and Jin dynasties alternated.

The Southern Song Dynasty ended in reunification, and the Yuan Dynasty was followed by the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

China has a long history and frequent dynasties, and each dynasty has its own unique charm and legendary stories. From Xia Dynasty to Qing Dynasty, the order and age of dynasties constituted the glorious history of the Chinese nation for 5,000 years. Today, let’s walk into these dynasties together and appreciate their elegance.

I. Xia Dynasty (about 2070 BC-about 1600 BC):

Xia Dynasty was the first hereditary dynasty in the history of China, which was founded by Yu. The Xia dynasty was handed down for fourteen generations, and lasted for about 471 years after seventeen. During this period, China entered the Bronze Age, and agricultural production developed significantly. The last monarch of Xia Dynasty was cruel and heartless, and the people complained bitterly, and was finally destroyed by Shang Tang.

Second, the Shang dynasty (about 1600 BC-about 1046 BC):

Shang Dynasty is the second dynasty in the history of China, which was founded by Shang Tang. During the Shang Dynasty, the bronze ware manufacturing industry entered a prosperous period, and the famous Simuwu Dafang Ding was the representative work of this period. There were seventeen kings and thirty-one kings in Shang Dynasty, which lasted about 554 years. Zhou Wang, the last monarch of Shang Dynasty, was dissolute and heartless, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the governors and was finally destroyed by Zhou Wuwang.

Three, the Western Zhou Dynasty (about 1046 BC-771 BC):

The Western Zhou Dynasty was the third hereditary dynasty in the history of China, which was founded by Zhou Wuwang. During the Western Zhou Dynasty, the social system was further improved, and the systems of enfeoffment and patriarchal clan system were established. At the same time, the culture and art of the Western Zhou Dynasty also developed greatly, such as the publication of literary works such as The Book of Songs. There were twelve kings in the Western Zhou Dynasty, which lasted about 295 years. In 771 BC, Haojing fell and the Western Zhou Dynasty perished.

Four, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770 BC-256 BC):

The Eastern Zhou Dynasty was the fourth hereditary dynasty in the history of China, which was founded by Zhou Pingwang. During the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, wars for hegemony between vassal states frequently occurred, and the famous Five Overlords in the Spring and Autumn Period and Seven Heroes in the Warring States Period emerged during this period. Twenty-five kings were spread in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, which lasted more than 500 years. In 256 BC, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was destroyed by the State of Qin.

Five, the Qin dynasty (221 BC-207 BC):

The Qin Dynasty was the first unified dynasty in the history of China, which was founded by Qin Shihuang. During the Qin Dynasty, many policies beneficial to national development were implemented, such as unifying writing, currency, weights and measures, etc. At the same time, great projects such as Wan Li Great Wall and Lingqu were built. The legal system of the Qin dynasty was also very strict, and the famous Qin law was formulated during this period. However, the tyranny of the Qin Dynasty aroused people’s dissatisfaction and was finally overthrown by Liu Bang, Xiang Yu and others.

Six, the Han Dynasty (202 BC-220 AD):

The Han Dynasty was the second unified dynasty in the history of China, which was founded by Emperor Gaozu Liu Bang. During the Han Dynasty, many policies beneficial to national development were implemented, such as recuperation and inaction. At the same time, the culture and art of the Han Dynasty also developed greatly, such as the appearance of literary works such as Han Fu and Han Yuefu. There were fourteen emperors in the Han Dynasty, which lasted more than 400 years. In 220 AD, Cao Pi usurped the Han Dynasty and proclaimed himself emperor, and the Han Dynasty perished.

Seven, the Three Kingdoms (220-280):

The Three Kingdoms period is an important period in the history of China, which consists of three regimes: Cao Wei, Shu Han and Wu. During the Three Kingdoms period, many famous historical events happened, such as Battle of Red Cliffs and the Three Kingdoms. At the same time, the culture and art of the Three Kingdoms period also developed greatly, such as the publication of literary works such as The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. In 280, the Western Jin Dynasty destroyed Soochow and unified China.

Eight, Jin dynasty (266-420):

Jin Dynasty is the third unified dynasty in the history of China, which was founded by Sima Yan, Emperor Wu of Jin Dynasty. During the Jin Dynasty, many policies beneficial to the development of the country were implemented, such as the "Nine Grades System". However, the rebellion of the Eight Kings in the Jin Dynasty caused social unrest and was eventually replaced by the Southern Song Dynasty established by Liu Yu. The Jin Dynasty spread fifteen emperors, which lasted for 156 years.

Nine, the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-589):

The Southern and Northern Dynasties is an important period in the history of China, which consists of two regimes: the Southern Dynasty and the Northern Dynasty. Many famous historical events happened in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, such as the reform of Emperor Xiaowen in the Northern Wei Dynasty and Liang Wudi’s worship of Buddhism. At the same time, the culture and art in the Southern and Northern Dynasties also developed greatly, such as the publication of literary works such as Mulan Poetry. In 589, the Sui Dynasty destroyed Chen and unified China, ending nearly 300 years of division.

X. Sui Dynasty (581-618):

Sui Dynasty is a short but important dynasty in the history of China, which was founded by Emperor Wen of Sui. During the Sui Dynasty, many policies beneficial to national development were implemented, such as the construction of the Grand Canal and the implementation of the land equalization system. Emperor Wen of Sui, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, was known as "the rule of opening the emperor". However, the tyranny of the Sui Dynasty also aroused people’s dissatisfaction and eventually led to the demise of the Sui Dynasty.

Xi. Tang Dynasty (618-907):

Tang Dynasty is an important dynasty in the history of China, which was founded by Li Yuan. During the Tang Dynasty, the economy was prosperous, the culture was prosperous, and the science and technology were developed, which was known as "the prosperous time of Kaiyuan". The Tang Dynasty had a vast territory and had extensive trade and cultural exchanges with many countries. At the same time, the Tang Dynasty was also one of the peaks of China’s ancient culture, and the cultural and artistic forms such as Tang poetry, Tang painting and Tang tricolor all reached an unprecedented height in this period.

XII. Song Dynasty (960-1279), Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) and Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279):

Song Dynasty is an important dynasty in the history of China, which was founded by Zhao Kuangyin. During the Song Dynasty, the economy was prosperous and science and technology developed, which was known as "Ren Zong Sheng Zhi". The culture and art of the Song Dynasty also developed greatly, such as the appearance of literary works such as Song Ci and Song Painting. However, the military strength of Song Dynasty was relatively weak, which led to the invasion of Liao, Jin and other foreign nationalities. The Northern Song Dynasty was destroyed by the Jin Dynasty in 1127 and the Southern Song Dynasty by the Yuan Dynasty in 1279.

XIII. Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368):

The Yuan Dynasty was a dynasty established by Mongols in the history of China, and was founded by Kublai Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan. During the Yuan Dynasty, many policies beneficial to the development of the country were implemented, such as implementing the provincial system and building water conservancy projects. At the same time, the culture and art of the Yuan Dynasty also developed greatly, such as the appearance of literary works such as Yuan Qu. However, the rule of the Yuan Dynasty also aroused the dissatisfaction of the Han people, which eventually led to the demise of the Yuan Dynasty.

Fourteen, Ming dynasty (1368-1644):

Ming Dynasty is an important dynasty in the history of China, which was founded by Zhu Yuanzhang. During the Ming Dynasty, many policies beneficial to the development of the country were implemented, such as the implementation of the sea ban policy and the construction of the Great Wall. At the same time, the culture and art of the Ming Dynasty also developed greatly, such as the appearance of Ming novels, Ming paintings and other literary works. However, the rule of the Ming Dynasty also faced many challenges, such as peasant uprising and foreign invasion. Finally, the Ming Dynasty was destroyed by the Qing Dynasty in 1644.

15. Qing Dynasty (1636 -1912):

The Qing Dynasty was the last feudal dynasty in the history of China, which was founded by Aixinjue Luo Nurhachi. During the Qing Dynasty, many policies beneficial to the development of the country were implemented, such as the integration of Han and Han, the construction of water conservancy and so on. At the same time, the culture and art of the Qing dynasty also developed greatly, such as the emergence of Qing novels, Qing paintings and other literary works. However, the rule of the Qing dynasty also faced many challenges, such as the invasion of foreign powers and the peasant uprising. Finally, the Qing Dynasty was replaced by the Republic of China in 1912. #2023 Creative Challenge # # Micro Headline Incentive Plan ## Chinese history #


The order and age of dynasties are summarized as follows:

I. Xia Dynasty (about 2070 BC-about 1600 BC)

Second, the Shang Dynasty (about 1600 BC-about 1046 BC)

Third, the Western Zhou Dynasty (about 1046 BC-771 BC)

4. The Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770-256 BC) is divided into two periods: the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC) and the Warring States Period (475-221 BC).

V Qin dynasty (221 BC-207 BC)

6. Han Dynasty (202 BC-220 AD), Western Han Dynasty (202 BC-8 AD) and Eastern Han Dynasty (25 AD-220 AD).

Seven, the Three Kingdoms period (220-280), including Cao Wei (220-266), Shu Han (221-263) and Dongwu (229-280).

8. Jin Dynasty (266-420), including Western Jin Dynasty (266-316) and Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420).

Nine, the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-589), the Southern Dynasties included Liu Song (420-479), Nanqi (479-502), Nanliang (502-557) and Nanchen (557-589), and the Northern Dynasties included Northern Wei (386-589)

X. Sui Dynasty (581-618).

Xi. Tang Dynasty (618-907).

12. Song Dynasty (960-1279), Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) and Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279).

XIII. Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368).

Fourteen, the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). 15. Qing Dynasty (1636 -1912).