Liars stare at the Tik Tok card collection platform to remind them not to be fooled.

  As the Spring Festival is approaching, many platforms have launched the activities of collecting cards and redeeming red envelopes, and the exchange of cards such as Fuka and Zanka among friends has also become the current trend. Unexpectedly, some scammers are also eyeing this "market". A few days ago, many netizens reported that in the process of collecting Tik Tok gold cards, they wanted to spend money to buy one from others because the gold card corresponding to the word "Fa" was not received, but as soon as the transfer was made, the other party was blacked out and lost contact. In response to this situation, the Beijing Youth Daily reporter learned from Tik Tok yesterday that it is not reliable to resell gold cards online, and the card collection page exposed by scammers is not consistent with the actual situation. "After the cards are collected, the buttons will change, so don’t be fooled."

  Weibo broke the news.

  Buying a Tik Tok "hair" card meets a liar

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily noticed that according to the introduction of related activities in Tik Tok, the top 1,088 people collected five gold cards corresponding to each word of "Make a fortune in China", and they could get a 10,000-yuan koi fish red envelope. As of 15: 30 on January 18th, 319 people had collected their gold cards.

  Wang Wei (not his real name), who lives in Hainan, saw someone posting the Tik Tok Card Collection page in Weibo on the 17th. The screenshot shows that the other party has collected six "Fas". As it happens, there is only one "hair" missing from the card I collected, so I contact the other party actively, hoping that the other party can share a "hair" with me. After Wang Wei passed the consultation in Weibo, the other party said that "fat" was rare and there were many people who wanted it. If they really wanted it, they needed to pay some money. After that, the two parties agreed that Wang Weixian would transfer money to 300 yuan, and the other party would share the card before giving it to 200 yuan, and added WeChat to each other to facilitate contact. However, after Wang Wei transferred money to 300 yuan via WeChat, the other party repeatedly shirked it on the pretext of poor signal on the road, delayed sharing the card, and completely blacked out Wang Wei after Wang Wei proposed to report to the police, and lost contact from then on.

  Wang Wei said that he had consulted the local police, but it was difficult to file a case only for 300 yuan’s losses. Therefore, Wang Wei left a message at the bottom of the other party’s Weibo that night, exposing the scam, hoping to prevent others from falling for it as much as possible. In addition to Wang Wei, many netizens also reported encountering similar scams: "I just got cheated by Tik Tok’s card issuance for 100 yuan, suffocating." "I was cheated by 30 yuan, and I didn’t have much money, but I was still angry."

  Netizen analysis

  10,000 yuan red envelope makes the competition more intense.

  In fact, many netizens are busy collecting blessings and praises. Compared with Alipay’s activities in Five Blessingg, why is Tik Tok’s "Year of Making a Rich in China" so popular that it is targeted by scammers?

  Meng Xi (pseudonym), who has participated in such activities for several years in a row, told the reporter of Beiqing Daily: "This year, Alipay, Tencent News, Aauto Quicker, Tik Tok and other platforms have activities, and it is still uncertain how many red envelopes other platforms will receive after collecting cards. Grab ‘ according to previous years; Dedication ’ Experience, the amount of red envelopes after the collection is not too high. In contrast, Tik Tok’s activity is to explicitly promise that the top 1,088 collected users will get 10,000 yuan in red envelopes, which is relatively large, and they have to be ahead of so many netizens in the country, so the competition is fierce, and some people are even willing to spend thousands of dollars to buy the most scarce ‘ Send ’ Card. "

  Journalist experience

  Claiming to be "delivered" but still charging.

  According to netizens, among the five gold cards in Tik Tok’s activities, the word "Fa" has the lowest probability. Many people are stuck in this card, and most scammers cheat on the pretext that they have extra "Fa".

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily searched yesterday and found that in the user comment area where they have already exposed their own redundant "hair" cards, many netizens left messages saying that they want to buy one. The reporter of Beiqing Daily contacted Mike (a pseudonym), one of the users who claimed to have extra cards. The other party said that he had an extra one, "which can be given to the right person at random".

  After the reporter of Beiqing Daily contacted his private letter, Mike said that there are too many people who want this card, and it depends on sincerity to decide who to give it to, and said, "You make a price first." When the reporter of Beiqing Daily offered to go out to 300 yuan to buy a card, the other party quickly sent a two-dimensional code for collection, requesting to transfer money first. When the reporter of Beiqing Daily asked "What if you don’t give the card if you give the money", the other party suggested that you can turn half first. The reporter of Beiqing Daily rejected this suggestion and asked the other party to leave a contact information that can ensure that he can be contacted, so as not to find someone when it is dark.

  After that, the other party sent a QQ account as a guarantee, and asked the reporter of Beiqing Daily to transfer money as soon as possible after adding him as a friend. The reporter of Beiqing Daily found that the relevant personal information in the QQ account it provided had been hidden, and the WeChat account associated with the account showed that "the account status was abnormal and could not be displayed".

  Tik Tok reminded.

  The page buttons will change after the cards are collected.

  The reporter of Beiqing Daily noticed that the gold card collection page provided by Mike showed that the cards he had collected ranged from 2 to 10, and the rest were consistent with the pages of users who had not collected all the cards. Some netizens suggested that if five cards have been collected, the red button "Increase the number of cards drawn immediately" at the bottom of the page should be changed into other words, and it is suspected that there are many screenshots of "hair" pages on the Internet. Some netizens reminded me that "10,000 yuan has to be sold in hundreds or dozens, and people are trying to figure it out." It is not credible when you listen. "

  Yesterday afternoon, the reporter of Beiqing Daily learned from the Public Relations Office of Tik Tok that according to the activity setting, users will automatically enter the stage of collecting diamond cards after collecting all the gold cards, and the page buttons will change accordingly. At the same time, Tik Tok’s public relations stressed that at present, the platform has released rumors about the online reselling of gold cards. "Remind everyone, don’t trust those online ‘ Selling cards ’ Or ‘ Cheats for selling flashcards ’ All the people are fake. "

  Text/reporter Kong Linghan Coordinator/Jiang Wei