Talking about the development of hydrogen energy, the second international fuel cell vehicle conference was held in Rugao

  CCTV News:On November 9th, the 2nd International Fuel Cell Vehicle Conference was successfully held in Rugao, Jiangsu. The conference was hosted by International Hydrogen Fuel Cell Association (to be established) and China Automotive Engineering Society, and was undertaken by Nantong Municipal People’s Government and Rugao Municipal People’s Government. Nearly a thousand political elites and industry giants from more than 20 countries and regions attended the meeting.

  At the opening ceremony, Deputy Director of the High-tech Development and Industry Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology continued to read a congratulatory letter from Vice Chairman Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Chairman of China Association for Science and Technology and Minister of Science and Technology Wan Gang. The congratulatory letter emphasized the strategic position and important role of developing hydrogen fuel cell technology in implementing the strategy of new energy vehicles and realizing the transformation and upgrading of the automobile industry. It also emphasized that the development of fuel cell vehicles must take the road of "innovative development and systematic promotion", and "cooperation, synergy and win-win" will be the fuel cell vehicle technology and industry for a long time to come. Fu Yuwu, Chairman of China Automotive Engineering Society, Chang Hexi, Secretary of China International Economic and Technological Exchange Center of Ministry of Commerce, and Deputy Director Guo Bie of the United Nations Development Programme Representative Office in China attended and delivered speeches.

  At present, environment and energy are common challenges facing the whole world. Hydrogen energy has become an important choice for international energy reform because of its ubiquitous and clean nature, and it is also the main direction of transportation energy transformation. Since the beginning of this year, several developed countries have announced the timetable for traditional fuel vehicles to withdraw from the historical stage, and well-known foreign automobile manufacturers have also acted accordingly. As one of the leading countries in the layout of new energy vehicles in the world, China has given sustained and high-intensity support to new energy vehicles, including fuel cell vehicles, in research and development, industrialization and application, and it is clear that mass production and large-scale demonstration application of fuel cell vehicles will be realized by 2020. In this context, the theme of the conference was "Integrated Development and Industry Win-Win". Experts and scholars from Dalian Institute of Chemical Engineering, Shenhua Group, SAIC Motor, Anglo American Resources, Hyundai Motor, Great Wall Motor and Honda Motor of Chinese Academy of Sciences shared and exchanged the latest development achievements in the field of fuel cell vehicles, and jointly discussed the commercial application of fuel cell vehicles.

  On the theme of "Rugao Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Cell Development and Application Practice", Chen Xiaodong, secretary of Rugao Municipal Party Committee, made a conference exchange. He said that Rugao is the only longevity town in the world located in an economically developed area, and the green ecology is Rugao’s greatest wealth, greatest advantage and biggest brand, and the hydrogen energy industry is highly compatible with Rugao’s green ecological concept. Since meeting hydrogen energy for the first time in 2010, Rugao has continuously paid attention to and developed hydrogen energy, and regarded the hydrogen energy industry as the key development industry in the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan", mainly because the expectation of the development of hydrogen energy industry has strengthened Rugao’s confidence and determination to develop hydrogen energy, and the strategic consideration of future development has determined that Rugao must plan ahead and plan ahead. The affirmation and support of provincial and municipal leaders for Rugao’s hydrogen energy industry has increased the courage and motivation to move on. In recent years, Rugao has devoted itself to the research and development of hydrogen fuel cell technology, promoting the integrated development of fuel cells and automobiles, compiling a roadmap for the development of hydrogen energy in Rugao, demonstrating the application of fuel cell products, participating in the research and formulation of fuel cell technical standards, promoting the construction of fuel cell testing centers, researching and publishing the China hydrogen economic development index, and accelerating the implementation of hydrogen production projects, and has successively owned Nantong Baiying Energy, Zehe New Energy, Nantong Yaman, Shenhua Group, Jiangsu Qingneng and Nantong Ansi.It has become an area with early development layout of hydrogen energy and fuel cell automobile industry and high concentration of industrial chain enterprises in China. He said that in the future, the United Nations "hydrogen economy demonstration city" will be promoted as the starting point, and the national "first batch of hydrogen energy industrialization demonstration bases" will be the goal, and a good ecosystem for the development of hydrogen energy and fuel cells will be built with all efforts to explore the way for the politics, production, learning and research of the international hydrogen energy industry.

  In the high-level interview session, under the auspices of President Zhao Fuquan of Tsinghua University Automotive Industry and Technology Strategy Research Institute, Ma Jinhua, member of the Standing Committee of Rugao Municipal Committee, Xu Guo, member of the Standing Committee of Foshan Municipal Committee, Hehe Dayang, head of Toyota Technology, academician of China Academy of Engineering, Li Jun, chief engineer of China FAW Group Corporation, Mai Kaiwen, CEO of Ballard, Bruno Forget, President of Hydrogen Energy Company of Liquefied Air Division, Shouzhi Fujimoto, Minister of Hydrogen Energy Division of Iwatani Industry, and other political and business representatives. From the aspects of fuel cell and fuel cell technology, capital, policy and infrastructure, this paper comprehensively analyzes the problems, obstacles, solutions and development suggestions encountered in commercialization, and discusses how to jointly promote the commercial application of fuel cells.

  The conference lasted for 2 days, and on the second day, there were 4 special sub-conference venues to discuss and exchange topics such as "Market Application of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology", "Development and Application of Hydrogen Production and Hydrogen Storage Technology", "Fuel Cell Stack and Key Parts" and "Standards, Regulations and Testing Technology".

  The conference adopts the way of exhibition, paying attention to the on-site experience and interaction of the delegates. The latest fuel cell vehicles, such as Toyota, Hyundai, Honda and SAIC, were displayed centrally outside Rugao Automobile Culture Center, and at the same time, test rides and test drives were carried out. The delegates also went to Nantong Baiying Energy, Shenhua Hydrogen Station and other enterprises in Rugao Development Zone for technical visits.