Inclusive finance’s "Five Ones" of Industrial Bank Tianjin Branch Helps inclusive finance’s Development.

  Tianjin Branch of Industrial Bank actively studied and implemented the spirit of the Central Financial Work Conference, combined with its own endowment characteristics, strengthened resource integration, accelerated business layout, actively practiced with practical actions, and made every effort to do five major articles. 

  Tianjin Branch of Industrial Bank has effectively turned "the country’s leader" into "the urgent task of doing business", actively laid out the inclusive finance circuit, constantly improved the coverage and service level of financial services, promoted the coordinated development of regional economy, and made a fuss about the depth and breadth of inclusive finance coverage. By the end of 2023, the loan balance of Puhui small and micro enterprises exceeded 9 billion yuan, serving nearly 6,000 customers. This year is the second year of deepening digital transformation in inclusive finance, Tianjin Branch of Industrial Bank, and effectively promoting the development of inclusive finance by building a "one brand". 

  Won the authoritative "one award" 

  Since it won the first batch of pilot cooperative banks in Binhai High-tech Industrial Park in 2022, through unremitting efforts, Tianjin Branch of Industrial Bank was awarded the "Outstanding Contribution Award" for its "Science and Technology Innovation Points Loan" product at the launching ceremony of "Enterprise Innovation Points System" and "Points Investment" mode in Tianjin Binhai High-tech Zone in December 2023. Industrial Bank Tianjin Branch won the "inclusive finance Pioneer Award" in the "2023 Financial Industry Brand Billboard Selection" held by Tianjin official financial media "Jinyun". 

  "One Brand" of Characteristic Finance 

  Tianjin Supervision Bureau of the State Financial Supervision Administration issued the Implementation Plan for Promoting the Pilot Work of "Technology-Industry-Finance". As one of the five financial institutions, Tianjin Branch was included in the pilot work of "Technology-Industry-Finance", and took the pilot work as an opportunity to speed up the transformation of business philosophy and mode, identify the right track, speed up the research on key industry segments, enhance the professional ability of serving science and technology enterprises, and enhance the influence of Industrial Bank’s science and technology brand in Tianjin. 

  "One Product" of Rural Revitalization 

  Using the marketing idea of "Smart Agricultural Approval System+Public-Private Integrated Management", Tianjin Branch of Industrial Bank has completed the access to 13 large-scale agricultural approval markets in Tianjin this year, formed a platform for agriculture-related scenes with real trade background, and completed 177 new online agricultural approval customers through the branch’s special product "Xingsu Loan (exclusive for agricultural approval)", with an approval amount of nearly 300 million yuan. 

  Characteristic customization "one platform" 

  Industrial Bank Tianjin Branch realized product customization according to the characteristics of small and micro enterprises in the initial stage. In view of the characteristics of large R&D investment and long R&D cycle in pharmaceutical research enterprises, Tianjin Branch cooperated with Tianjin International Biomedical Union Institute to launch a comprehensive financial service scheme of "Medical Pulse and Industrial Communication". For different types of enterprises, the modes of "talent mode", "investment and loan mode" and "intellectual property pledge and credit enhancement" are adopted to provide financing support for enterprises, which greatly improves the availability and convenience of financing for pharmaceutical research enterprises. Tianjin Branch has also become the first branch in the bank to realize regional product customization and go online as "Industrial Manager". 

  Characteristic innovation "one scene" 

  Relying on the return of "development fund" in Tianjin Dongjiang Free Trade Zone Park, Tianjin Branch of Industrial Bank created "Xing Su Loan" (exclusive to Tianjin Dongjiang Free Trade Zone) products and put them into use this year, which became an excellent online independent creation case of the Head Office. Through scene embedding, the branch launched mass marketing of cluster customers, and the first batch of 24 small and micro enterprises completed their business, with a total investment of nearly 100 million yuan. 

  Industrial Bank Tianjin Branch will further promote the high-quality development of inclusive finance, build a high-level inclusive financial system, lead the expansion of inclusive finance coverage, enhance the ability and level of service to inclusive finance, and better meet the financial needs of the people and the real economy. 

  (Source: Industrial Bank Tianjin Branch)