The chain leader is "in command" and goes on an expedition, the "first run" in the beginning of the year! Qingdao Software and Information Service Industry Chain Promotion Conference was held in Shenz

Original title: The chain leader is "in command" and the "first run" in the beginning of the year! Qingdao Software and Information Service Industry Chain Promotion Conference was held in Shenzhen

Source: Qingdao Daily

Original title: The chain leader is "in command" and the "first run" in the beginning of the year! Qingdao Software and Information Service Industry Chain Promotion Conference was held in Shenzhen

Source: Qingdao Daily

Qingdao Daily News/Guanhai News, February 21, as one of the 24 key industrial chains in Qingdao, the software and information service industry chain played the "first drum" of different ground marketing at the beginning of the year. On February 21, the Qingdao Software and Information Service Industry Chain Promotion Conference was held in Shenzhen. This event was supported by the China Electronics Standardization Research Institute. Sun Wenlong, Vice President of the China Electronics Standardization Research Institute, Yu Yu, Member of the Standing Committee of the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Organization Department, and the relevant heads of more than 100 enterprises and institutions in Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, relevant districts and cities, and Qingshen attended the meeting. At the promotion meeting, the three key lists of Qingdao City were released, the Qingshen Software Talent Exchange Base, the Qingshen Science and Technology Financial Cooperation Base, and the Qingshen Software Industry Information Base were officially unveiled.

Expand the market, promote recruitment, and organize a group to go to Shenzhen to show off "hard power"

As the "chain leader" of Qingdao’s software and information service industry chain, Yu Yu said in her speech that although Qingdao and Shenzhen are thousands of miles apart, the interaction between the two places has a long history. She introduced Qingdao with three "business cards" of "Island of Youth", "City of Entrepreneurship" and "Capital of Happiness". At present, Qingdao has become the fifth "famous city with Chinese software characteristics" and the first batch of "double gigabit" cities in the country, and is actively striving to establish an international communication business import and export bureau in Qinghai. In 2022, the industrial scale will reach 360 billion yuan, and the scale and growth rate will rank seventh and fourth in the country’s sub-provincial cities. A number of leading enterprises and key projects in the industrial chain such as BOE, Xinen, Huike, Foxconn, and Donghua Software have settled down. The industrial foundation and development ecological advantages are outstanding. Yu Yu introduced that Qingdao has also set up "Qingdao Brand Day" and "Qingdao Entrepreneur Day", and has established a "chain of ten thousand enterprises" platform to promote the upstream and downstream linkage of the industrial chain through chain demand, chain resources, and chain platform. Finally, she extended a sincere invitation to Shenzhen entrepreneurs, welcoming everyone to approach Qingdao, learn about Qingdao, and make contributions to Qingdao.

The Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology interprets the software and information service industry, talent development opportunities and related policies. Qingdao’s software and information service industry has a solid foundation, favorable opening conditions, and broad development space. In recent years, Qingdao has continued to strengthen policy supply, focusing on industrial policy guidance, and accelerating the construction of a more market-oriented and competitive industrial policy system through policy "formulation-publicizing-implementation-implementation" full-cycle innovation. In terms of talent policy, Qingdao mainly adopts three measures: stimulating leading talents, supporting the integration of production and talents, and strengthening empowerment protection, and strives to build Qingdao into a talent gathering highland in the new era. In order to allow more Shenzhen enterprises and talents to inquire, enjoy relevant policies and develop in Qinghai, the promotion meeting also specially printed the "Guidelines for the Implementation of the Talent Strengthening Youth Plan Policy" to realize the "two-way running" of enterprise talents and urban development.

At present, the layout of Qingdao’s software and information service industry has been continuously optimized, and a new development pattern of "integrated two-pole four-pillar multi-park" has gradually formed, with the West Coast New District and Laoshan District as two growth poles, and the four key areas of Shibei, Shinan, Licang and Chengyang. At the meeting, the representatives of the West Coast New District, Shibei District, Qingdao Shinan Software Park and Qingdao International Innovation Park as key areas and parks will promote and make precise efforts to further supplement, strengthen and extend the chain, and promote the concentration of various elements such as talents, technology and capital to Qingdao.

Release more than 100 key lists, Qingshen base deeply empowered

At the Qingdao Software and Information Service Industry Chain Promotion Conference, Qingdao released a series of key lists based on application needs. Hisense Group Holding joint stock company, Qingdao Aokema Holding Group, CRRC Qingdao Sifang Vehicle Research Institute Co., Ltd., and soft control joint stock company brought 50 ecological partner lists, covering products, technologies, solutions and other needs. At the same time, 150 "future city" scenario lists related to the software and information service industry chain, 81 Qingdao "list of needs and achievement lists were also unveiled.

To promote the leap of industrial energy level, it is inseparable from solid talent support, surging scientific and technological power, precise drip irrigation of financial "living water" and smooth information transmission. At the Qingdao Software and Information Service Industry Chain Promotion Conference, Qingshen Software Talent Exchange Base, Qingshen Technology and Financial Cooperation Base, and Qingshen Software Industry Information Base were officially launched, further promoting the multi-dimensional empowerment and deep integration of the two places in the software and information service industry chain.

The Qingshen Software Talent Exchange Base is jointly built by China Qingdao International Economic and Technological Cooperation (Group) Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen International Talent Exchange Center. It is dedicated to promoting in-depth interaction between talents in Qingshen and Shenzhen, and building a co-construction, sharing and win-win platform for entrepreneurs and innovative and entrepreneurial talents in the two places. The Qingshen Technology Financial Cooperation Base is jointly built by Qingdao Haifa State-owned Capital Investment and Operation Group Co., Ltd., Qianhai Ark Asset Management Co., Ltd. and Qianhai Ark Fund Group. It provides financing services covering all stages of growth for high-tech enterprises and patent demonstration enterprises in the software and information service industry. The Qingshen Software Industry Information Base is jointly built by Qingdao Daily Press Group "Guanhai News" and Shenzhen Press Group "Reader News". It will focus on the information of the software and information industries in Qingshen and Shenzhen, tell new trends, new measures and new stories of the industry, and continue to create a new window and platform for "Qingshen" cooperation and exchange.

Take the initiative to "knock on the door" for precise docking, and sign contracts for 6 major projects

Projects are the source of increment, the foundation of development, and the stamina for the high-quality development of the industry. At the meeting, six key projects, including the Qingdao Yuanhub Zhixing Project, the Shenzhen University Strategic Cooperation Project, the Huawei End Point Whole House Smart Project, the Fuguang Technology Project, and the Digital Connection World "One Old and One Small" Digital People’s Livelihoods Project, were signed.

The strategic cooperation project of Shenzhen University is an industry-university-research project cooperated by Shenzhen University and Qingdao Ruiyuan Engineering Group. It plans to settle in Shandong Robot Industrial Park in Qingdao West Coast New District. The project focuses on smart cities, intelligent manufacturing, electronic information, life and health, and will gather and cultivate high-end talents. It will use major engineering technologies such as magnetic levitation to carry out research in scientific research, projects, applications, etc., and form a number of advanced innovation achievements.

"We will set up the northern headquarters and product operation R & D center in Shinan District. The next step will be to join Qingdao Haiming Urban Development Co., Ltd. to introduce our full range of meta-universe entertainment products in the historical and cultural district of Zhongshan Road, and also cooperate in the government meta-universe." Wu Bien, COO and co-founder of Guangdong Virtual Reality Technology Co., Ltd. is a MR manufacturer with mature MR hardware, system design and large-scale production capabilities in China. With the completion of the company’s northern headquarters, new hardware R & D and production and more upstream and downstream partners for MR content development will be introduced in Qingdao.

During the exchange and docking session, various districts and key software parks in Qingdao held in-depth negotiations with leading enterprises in the software and information service industry in Shenzhen. Shenzhen enterprises agreed that through this promotion meeting, they had a more comprehensive understanding of the development advantages of Qingdao’s software and information service industry, and expressed strong investment interest and strong willingness to cooperate.

"Going out" targeted promotion is precise and effective, and "bringing in" industrial clusters improve quality and efficiency. In the future, Qingdao will continue to "enlarge the coordinates, raise the benchmark", seek a higher level of cooperation, and jointly explore the "digital blue ocean". (Qingdao Daily News/Guanhai News reporter, Wen/Liu Qin, picture/Li Zhuyin)

The blueprint is drawn~ every frame this summer will amaze you

Hometown of the Cloud

The sky is clear, the clouds are white, the breeze is blowing

Clear, enthusiastic, cheerful, arbitrary

This is still the summer we are familiar with

Breeze, sunshine, blue sky, sea, humanity

Here is what you want.

Here is the fourth group

#What’s your favorite shape of a cloud ^v^ #

The blue sky is clear and white.

As if it had become a painting

It’s a blockbuster.

On the way to work

Let’s pick cotton clouds together

The clouds in the sky are surging with the wind

Sometimes converge

Scattered from time to time

When do you like clouds best?

Where have you seen the most stunning clouds?

I wonder if you are also addicted to the beauty of this moment~

When you look up at the sky

Blue sky and white clouds, clear sky

Does it feel like you have a good mood all day?

Written by: Cai Yusheng (Situan Town)

Editor: Wu Yan

Wang Sicong presented the "Banana Project" award, and Bao Dexi cooperated with a new director

1905 movie network news  On the evening of June 18, the Shanghai International Film Festival series "Banana Curiosity Night" was held. Wang Sicong, chairperson of Shanghai Banana Project Cultural Development Co., Ltd., Wei Xiangdong, executive president of Banana Film, Zeng Maojun, president of Wanda Film, and Bao Dexi, Jiao Xiongping, Shu Huan, Liu Yi, Tian Yusheng, Dong Runnian and other filmmakers attended the event.

Before the awards were handed out that night, Wei Xiangdong first summarized the overall situation of the first "Banana New Screenwriters Dream Realization Project". The company finally selected 6 winning works from 3,170 applications. Wei Xiangdong admitted that by reading all the scripts, the team discovered the problems existing in the creation of young screenwriters at present, including serious genre homogeneity, content distortion, irregular writing format, serious lack of imagination and so on.

Adhering to the principles of rapid development, mature content, and in line with the audience’s aesthetics, the mentors who participated in this program, Jiao Xiongping, Liu Yi, Shu Huan, Zhou Zhiyong, and Yuan Yuan, awarded the first, second, and third prizes to "Me and My Hugh Grant", "Mirror World", "Men Are Still Young When They Die", "I Am a Big Star", "Genius Screenwriters", and "Movies Are Watching You". These contestants will directly receive cash prizes 800,000 to 1.50 million.

Wang Sicong presented awards to the winners

As the founder of the "Banana Project", Wang Sicong also presented awards to the winners that night. Referring to the original intention of the company’s participation in supporting young writers and directors, he said: "As a small company, we don’t have any performance pressure, and we don’t want to compete with big companies. I hope we can not be too troubled by performance, but can really put up a little money to help the film market that lacks infrastructure."

During the 2018 Shanghai Film Festival, Banana Films selected a group of young filmmakers through the "Banana New Director Digging Project". During the year, the company helped them lay the foundation by holding master classes and going to the crew to learn from the real world. Now, these young people will also officially "graduate" and start to complete their own projects.

That night, six projects directed by five new directors were officially announced. "Days of Living with the Villain" directed by Wen Yonge will be shared with NetEaseThe literary platform has reached a strategic cooperation, and his other work "The God of Cooking" belongs toiQIYI"Cloud Teng Project". Last year’s" Land Digging Project "No. 1 Mao Yongsheng will bring his own film" Lily Cherry ". Cui Rui and Qiu Xinda will direct this year’s" New Writers’ Dream Realization Project "award-winning works" Me and My Hugh Grant "and" I’m a Big Star "respectively.

Among them, "Me and My Hugh Grant" also invited Oscar winner Bao Dexi to be the supervisor. At the scene, Bao Dexi also expressed his hope to use his experience to help young people, and he also said with a smile: "I happen to be very familiar with Hugh Grant." In addition, the new screenwriter mentor Yuan Yuan will also bring a literary adaptation of the film "For N" with Yao Bo.

At the end of the event, Wei Xiangdong also announced the next two key investment works of Banana Film. They are Tian Yusheng’s new film released in the summer and Chen Sicheng’s supervised works. The company expects that the two works will be successful in the market as they have previously invested.

A new revolution has begun!

Source of this article: "Niu Play Qin" WeChat official account

Author: Cow playing the piano


A new revolution has begun.

It reminds me of something Henry Ford did 100 years ago."The Greatest Decision Ever"

In the United States 100 years ago, the auto industry was just emerging, but employee turnover was high and production was inefficient. What to do? Ford decided to raise wages, doubling the daily wage from $2.50 to $5.

A lot of people thought he was crazy. No doubt, this would increase costs and reduce profits. But Ford defied all odds, arguing that workers were the most important asset, that doubling wages would increase motivation and reduce mobility; and that, with more money, workers would be able to afford the products they made, expanding consumers.

Ultimately, Ford succeeded.

He not only made factories more efficient, but also triggered a consumer revolution. The Model T also became the most successful car in the world at the time, and propelled the United States to become the richest country in the world.

A crucial moment, a choice, will change everything.

If it is said that Ford started from the field of value consumption and promoted the development of the United States, then 100 years later, a new consumer revolution is transforming China.

This is no longer as simple as online shopping, or more accurately, this is version 2.0 of online shopping.

On April 20, in a community factory in Pingli County, Shaanxi Province, CCTV news footage recorded this scene:"Live broadcast is a trend, so cherish it."The top leaders told Wang Xiumei, secretary general of the Pingli County E-commerce Association.

Smart people always follow trends.

On another occasion, the leader also said a very meaningful sentence: As an emerging business, e-commerce can not only promote agricultural and sideline products, help the masses become rich in poverty reduction, but also promote rural revitalization, which is promising.

Four words:Great potential!

It’s really promising.

31-Year-old Wang Xiumei is an example.

The change began in 2019. At that time, Wang Xiumei, who returned to her hometown to start a business, joined 51 poor planting households to form the Dream-seeking Farm Garden Gypsy Blue Cooperative. Duoduo Farm funded 520,000 yuan as a start-up fee, and provided business training and traffic support.

Duoduo Orchard is a poverty alleviation model born in Baoshan, Yunnan. It connects poor farmers through the "e-commerce + cooperative" model. Because poor households can’t fight alone, it is definitely not possible; but forming a cooperative is a small collective. The leader of the cooperative is responsible for the operation of the store, and the poor households can produce with peace of mind, which forms a community with a shared future.

Take Baoshan, Yunnan as an example, the favorite coffee beans of urban white-collar workers can be shipped from Duoduo Orchard and sent directly to the city office building. For consumers, "middlemen make the price difference" is reduced; for the Lisu people who grow coffee, they sell it at a good price and enjoy good profits.

In Wang Xiumei’s Duoduo Farmyard Cooperative, for example, 51 poor households have all become shareholders of the cooperative. They are farmers and produce Gynostemma blue; they are also shareholders, sharing the cooperative’s commercial profits.

A transformation occurs as a result.

In 2020, the epidemic changed the world and brought new opportunities.A new sales model is emerging in China.

Live streaming has spread out in China with a bigger battle.

In February 2020, Wang Xiumei started to try live streaming at Pinduoduo, and she has been out of control since then. Now, she is not only a salesperson, accountant, but also a live streaming host, but also an Internet celebrity live streaming host.

Her online store once became the top praise list in the health tea category.

If something is man-made, I am afraid that it will not be done.

If the Internet first changed cities, it is now transforming rural areas, even the most remote ones.


In Shaanxi Automobile, the leader had another sentence that made many people ponder for a long time:Deploy the innovation chain around the industrial chain and lay out the industrial chain around the innovation chain.

Those who have a strategic vision must plan ahead and make long-term plans.

This is true in manufacturing, but not in sales.

The details are very touching. In the video of the Zhashui inspection, the leader also smiled and said to the villagers: Small fungus, big industry!

This was rated by many netizens as "the strongest carrier in history". In my opinion, it is a new way of thinking:The new business format is to use it in combination with reality!

The thought changed, and the world became wider.

Therefore, we see that it is from this spring that more and more Internet celebrities, stars, as well as officials and CEOs enter the live stream to show their eloquence and promote their products.

Eight immortals cross the sea, each showing his supernatural powers. In the past, a cup of tea and two newspapers could spend a day; now, without two brushes, he really can’t do one thing well.

It can be regarded as taking advantage of the situation. On April 23, Shaanxi Agricultural Aid Premium Products Museum was launched, 32 poverty alleviation cooperatives participated, and more than 60 poverty alleviation agricultural products went into battle, becoming the first batch of exhibited and sold products. On the same day, many platforms broadcast live goods.The leading effect brought by "the strongest carrier in history" continues to expand.

These goods may not be Li Jiaqi, Viya, Luo Yonghao; but all these efforts are creating a new path for rural poverty reduction and wealth, rural future development.

A few new observations:

1. It used to be said that good wine is also afraid of deep alleys. Indeed, many excellent local specialties cannot be shipped out in remote villages, nor can they be sold at a good price. However, live streaming makes the most remote villages no longer remote, and many agricultural products go out of the mountains and into the country.

2. The biggest advantage of the Chinese market is still big. Japan can’t compare, and Europe can’t compare either. With such a large unified market, once a breakthrough is found, it will be unlimited business opportunities. Therefore, after the appearance of Zhashui fungus this time, it was immediately sold out. After all, poverty-stricken counties are limited, and the strong capacity of China’s economy is enough to help the villagers out of the predicament, as long as they have good goods.

3. Similar to the structure of Duoduo Orchard, it helps farmers organize more efficiently and produce more quality-guaranteed products, and live broadcast allows products to go nationwide faster. Many poor households have truly achieved overtaking on the curve. In the future, it is no longer a dream to be rich in the mountains.

The earth is round, this is science; but in the Internet age, seize the opportunity and the world can be flat.

Of course, just as the course of world history has never progressed in a straight line, there will be exciting moments and setbacks, just like the current epidemic.

It can also be expected that:

1. The current live broadcast is a trend, and those who can really fly are a minority, after all, and the vast majority may be making money.

2. Due to quality supply and other issues, it cannot be ruled out that there will be some star products in the future, which will encounter devastating blows and bring profound lessons.

3, but one thing is certain.The more rural, the more honest, the more vitality, the Chinese market, the more created all possibilities.

Crisis is always an organic in crisis. Moreover, we must be better at seizing opportunities and creating opportunities from crises.

Just as Ford’s wage increase ushered in a new consumer revolution and promoted the United States to become the richest country in the world, e-commerce, live streaming, policy guidance, and the rise of platforms are opening another window for China, a window big enough.

China’s rural areas are no longer the villages of the past; China’s farmers are no longer the farmers of the past. If anything is new infrastructure, it should be a new kind of infrastructure.

An extraordinary 2020! There are tears and excitement; there are hardships and longings. We have truly witnessed one history after another.

At a critical moment, innovation is even more needed. A new model is emerging in China and will change our lives. In a few years, we will see it more clearly.

The user is the main body! Haier Zhijia launches a green carbon plan to rejuvenate life

Wang Beibei, Trend Financial Reporter

The "trade-in" of home appliances is an important path to improve the quality of life of residents, promote economic growth, and accelerate the development of the industry. All along, the core power source of trade-in has been the user. That is to say, the user is the trade-in consumer and the main body of consumption. This means that enterprises must first come up with really good products, good technology, good solutions, and good life propositions in order to truly promote this matter efficiently and for a long time.

On April 17, the "Haier Better Life Renewal Season, Spring Technology New Product Renewal Conference" was held in Hangzhou. At the scene, Haier Zhijia launched the "Green Carbon Plan", using a series of smart technology new products and new scenarios to release Mercure, wisdom, health and green’s 4 new propositions, and through online and offline integration to promote the landing, with the best products, the greatest efforts, the most rights and interests, to create a green and beautiful new life covering clothing, food, housing, entertainment and transportation for users, giving consumers sufficient reasons to "replace".

Why change? The pursuit of life is changing, and so is the demand for home appliances

In the context of the new era, people’s demand for home appliances is no longer limited to "freeing their hands", but looks forward to more happiness in terms of beauty and intelligence.

Contemporary people’s pursuit of the aesthetics of home appliances is obvious to all. From the uniform "square box" shape of cabinet air conditioners in the early years to the cylindrical and double tower style later… With the flourishing of product shapes, people can better coordinate the style matching of home appliances and home improvement. Today, many people choose full-inlay, zero-inlay and other products to satisfy their ultimate pursuit of home aesthetics through the flush, deep, tight fit, and natural integration of home appliances and cabinets.

In addition to the beauty of the design, the new generation of home appliances has also realized the dual evolution of "basic functions" and "smart experience" in technology. For example, the refrigerator can not only keep fresh for a long time, but also automatically record the shelf life of the stored ingredients and recommend meal plans online; the new generation of air conditioners can not only adjust hot and cold, but also change the air at all times, continuously purify the air, and dynamically adjust the temperature and humidity of the whole house air, effectively preventing "air conditioner diseases"; looking at the latest generation of washing machine products, "even washing and drying" has become standard. High-end products can also wake up clothes and take care of clothes while doing laundry. Delicate clothes such as silk and cashmere no longer have to go to the dry cleaner every time.

So, trading in the old for the new is not just as simple as "replacing the old with the new". Greener, smarter, healthier, and more beautiful new home appliances mean that the lifestyle, attitude, and life experience can keep pace with the times, which is a happiness that is within reach.

For what? The Green Carbon Project uses technology to create a better life

In this context, green, low-carbon and recycling have become the direction and pursuit of contemporary people to create a high-quality life, and it is also the significance of actively promoting "trade-in". And this is also the core of Haier Zhijia’s launch of this better life renewal season. At the scene, Haier Zhijia officially announced a cooperation with "Farming Bar 2" and awarded the "Better Life Renewal Partner" certification to the teenagers, jointly announcing the full launch of the green carbon plan.

So what kind of life can the "Green Carbon Project" bring to users? We can find the answer from the 4 new propositions displayed by Haier Zhijia on the spot – Mercure, wisdom, health, and green. Let’s take a look at it in detail.

The first is "Mercure Rejuvenation". In the words of aesthetic designer Tang Zhonghan: "Aesthetics have become an important trend for contemporary young people to build living spaces." However, traditional decoration is often difficult to achieve the integration and unity of home appliances, home furnishings and overall style. To this end, Haier Zhijia has brought Haier Baiqiao sets with embedded design, as well as Casarte Zhijing fully embedded smart kitchen sets. Among them, Zhijing series hoods, stoves and steam ovens can be perfectly embedded in cabinets "horizontally and vertically" and "tightly together", creating the ultimate home aesthetic space for users.

"Smart Renewal" represents the smart upgrade of product functions and the "active service" that supports mutual collaboration, which is also the embodiment of Haier Zhijia’s most leading smart technology. Take the refrigerator as an example, the full-space smart fresh-keeping cabin pioneered by Haier Zhijia can not only actively sense the type of ingredients and automatically match the storage environment, but also actively sense the odor to start the "five-in-one" sterilization and purification mode; in addition, Haier’s refrigerator can automatically recommend family recipes according to the stored ingredients, and link the smart oven to achieve one-click baking. The hood can also automatically adjust the wind according to the firepower of the stove…

"Healthy Renewal" and "Green Renewal" solutions are responsible for ensuring the health, efficiency, energy saving and emission reduction of the whole house air, laundry care, tableware disinfection and sterilization, etc. Of course, this also requires leading scientific and technological support. For example, Haier Washing Air G series air conditioners have built-in non-consumable negative ion emitters, which can effectively remove 7 types of pollutants in the air, and can also improve the efficiency and comfort of air supply through polymerization air supply technology. The feature of Haier ceramic heating cabin water heaters is that the all-ceramic structure realizes 0 scale and no cleaning, ensuring that the water is clean while saving 50% of electricity.

It can be said that Haier Zhijia not only brings the most advanced scientific and technological achievements, the richest smart products, and the smartest scene experience, but also paints a new picture of beautiful, intelligent, healthy and green life for users, and uses "technological power" to interpret the new consumption ideas of the new era.

How to change it? Online and offline integration, replacement of home appliances does not "forget the old"

In order to ensure that users across the country can efficiently achieve a new lifestyle upgrade, Haier Zhijia will bring users the best products, the greatest efforts, and the most rights and interests, and accelerate the implementation through "online and offline integration".

Online, Haier Zhijia released a renewal solution to users on the "Douyin Super Brand Day" to establish a new idea of a new life; while offline, Haier Zhijia simultaneously launched the trade-in "Hundred Cities and Thousand Counties", sending users 1 billion renewal subsidies and thousands of technology appliances, and will continue to create urban green carbon space and promote green carbon lifestyle tours.

Specifically. In terms of product renewal, Haier Zhijia will bring thousands of green smart home appliances in all categories such as refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, water heaters, etc., as well as 1 billion replacement subsidies and fast delivery, ten-year warranty and other rights and service guarantees; in terms of scene renewal, Haier Zhijia will combine CCTV’s "super transformation home" 0 yuan bureau change to recruit user experience, with a maximum subsidy of 50,000 yuan, and three-winged birds will also provide 8-hour light-speed balcony renewal customized services; in addition, users who purchase 10,000 will have the opportunity to extract Qingdao 3-day tour, corporate WeChat and Mini Program will have cash red envelopes and sharing gifts to participate in the event, and old users can also enjoy weekly free tickets.

In response to the "old machine disposal" problem that many users are worried about, Haier Zhijia can also provide a complete one-stop service. Users can report their home appliance recycling and replacement needs through the Haier Zhijia Mini Program and Haier Zhijia APP. After the system automatically estimates the recovery price, the service staff will come to the door to "pull the old and send the new". The point is that the recycled old home appliances will not be wasted, but will be dismantled uniformly in Haier’s recycling Internet factory. The iron, aluminum, copper, and various hard plastics dismantled will be recycled, turning waste into treasure.

In fact, Haier Zhijia is not only "replacing the old with the new" for users, but also blazing a "green transformation road" internally. By continuing to up the ante layout of the recycling industry, Haier Zhijia has built the industry’s first integrated "recycling-dismantling-regeneration-reuse" Internet factory for home appliance recycling, achieving an annual carbon emission reduction of about 17,000 tons. In addition, Haier Zhijia also integrates low-carbon and energy-saving into the whole product life cycle around R & D, production, use and other aspects, providing a new path for the green and low-carbon development of the industry

At present, the industry is in a critical period of green transformation, and the consumer side is also accelerating the upgrade of intelligent and green demand. For enterprises, accelerating trade-in and promoting the popularization of low-carbon green lifestyle has become the top priority of high-quality development. And this time, Haier Zhijia’s good life rejuvenation season – the national launch of the green carbon plan, let us see that this enterprise is not only determined, but also confident and capable of leading the green and low-carbon development of the industry and accelerating the implementation of a good life in thousands of households.

Tiggo 9 in Changchun is on hot sale, with a reserve price of 140,900! Preferential treatment waits for no man.

Recently, the preferential promotion channel in Changchun, car home has launched an exciting news: Chery Automobile’s flagship SUV model is undergoing preferential promotion. This offer covers Changchun area, bringing benefits of up to 12,000 yuan to consumers. The starting price of this model is only 140,900 yuan, which is believed to be the first choice for many consumers. If you want to know more about the discount details of Tiggo 9, please click the "Check Car Price" button in the quotation form to get a higher discount.

The design of the Tiggo 9 car series is full of sense of movement and strength. In the front part, the Tiggo 9 adopts a large-area air intake grille, and the interior of the grille is dotted with exquisite lattice chrome decoration, which is very atmospheric. The front face is tough and smooth, giving people a strong visual impact. The headlights of Tiggo 9 use a sharp LED light source, which is very impressive when lit. The side lines of the car body are smooth and have a strong sense of lines, showing a strong sense of movement. The overall style is fashionable and full of strength, which shows the luxurious temperament of Tiggo 9. In addition, the Tiggo 9 car series also uses two exhaust pipes from both sides to make the whole car look more sporty. Overall, the design of Tiggo 9 is very attractive, giving people a very domineering feeling.

Tiggo 9 is a medium-sized SUV with a body size of 4820*1930*1699mm and a wheelbase of 2820mm, with smooth body lines and stylish design. The front tread of Tiggo 9 is 1638mm, the rear tread is 1641mm, the front tread of tyre size is 245/50 R20, and the rear tread of tyre size is also 245/50 R20. It adopts large-size rims, which shows its sports style. The car side lines are smooth, and the outline lines are simple and smooth, showing the luxury temperament of Tiggo 9. Generally speaking, the design of Tiggo 9 is both sporty and luxurious, and it is a leader in a medium-sized SUV.

The interior design of Tiggo 9 is fashionable and atmospheric, with high-quality materials and fine craftsmanship. The steering wheel is made of leather, which makes it feel comfortable. At the same time, it also supports manual up and down+front and rear adjustment, providing drivers with a more personalized driving experience. The central control screen has a size of 12.3 inches and is equipped with a voice recognition control system, which can control functions such as multimedia, navigation, telephone, air conditioning and skylight, and the operation is simple and convenient. The seat is made of imitation leather. The main seat supports front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment, height adjustment and lumbar support. The auxiliary seat also supports front and rear adjustment and backrest adjustment. The front seat also has heating and ventilation functions, and the driver’s seat also has electric seat memory function. The second row of seats supports backrest adjustment and the rear seats support proportional reclining, providing passengers with a more comfortable riding experience. In addition, the front and rear rows are equipped with USB and Type-C interfaces, which is convenient for passengers to charge. Generally speaking, the interior design and configuration of the Tiggo 9 are excellent, bringing a comfortable and convenient car experience to drivers and passengers.

The Tiggo 9 is powered by a 2.0T 261 HP L4 engine with a maximum power of 192 kW and a maximum torque of 400 N m.. This engine can provide sufficient power for the vehicle, which makes the Tiggo 9 perform well during acceleration and driving. At the same time, the equipped 8-speed automatic manual transmission can realize smooth shift operation and improve driving comfort and maneuverability. The performance of this engine is stable and reliable, suitable for daily city driving and long-distance travel.

In the evaluation of the owner of car home, he spoke highly of the design of Tiggo 9. He said that the front grille shape and penetrating taillights of the Tiggo 9 are very beautiful, which makes him like this car very much. It can be predicted that Tiggo 9 will bring an atmospheric and fashionable driving experience to consumers. No matter on urban roads or suburban mountain roads, Tiggo 9 will become a beautiful landscape. For those consumers who pay attention to design, Tiggo 9 is undoubtedly a very good choice.

Test drive Krypton 001, which is Tesla’s strongest rival?

  [Aika Auto New Energy Original]

  Since (|) was introduced in 2012, it has been leading the development of electric vehicle industry. Traditional automobile giants have launched many electric vehicles in the process of dismissing Tesla, trying to surpass it, and then acknowledging the gap. They may surpass Tesla in a certain performance, but their comprehensive performance is always inferior to the latter. European and American giants are getting old, and the task of defeating Tesla ultimately depends on China enterprises. After completing the leap from quantity to quality, a new generation of China brand electric vehicles have good product strength, and (|) is one of the best. Compared with Tesla (|) and (|), which are close in price, 001 is almost fully dominant. Can it become Tesla’s strongest rival?

Test drive krypton 001

  ZEEKR Krypton is a brand-new intelligent pure electric brand launched this year, and Krypton 001 is the first model of the brand. Extreme Krypton 001 gained the popularity envied by friends at the booking stage, which is inseparable from its high-standard hardware configuration. But the stacking car is not always a good car. With a table full of ingredients, what kind of food will it make? With this question, we test-drive the Krypton 001 on the open road for the first time. This test drive is a Krypton 001 test vehicle in the PP stage (pre-trial production). Although its software is not ready yet, the hardware part is basically not significantly different from the production car, so the focus of our test drive is the dynamic performance of Krypton 001.

Test drive krypton 001

Test drive krypton 001

Test drive krypton 001

  Speaking of motors, by the way, Krypton 001 has caused some controversy recently because of the selection of motors. In the earlier application information of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the motor supplier of Extreme Krypton 001 was made in Japan; In the new application information, the motor supplier of Krypton 001 has become a local manufacturer Weirui, and the torque of Weirui Motor has been reduced.

  This change is interpreted by some people as krypton 001 will be reduced, but it is not. First of all, the domestic motor is actually not bad. The motor provided by Weirui for Krypton 001 adopts more advanced flat wire winding, which has higher slot fullness and power density, thus improving efficiency and reducing heat. The motor made in Japan is still traditional.Round wire winding. Second, although the torque of Weirui’s motor is a little lower, the wheel end torque output to the wheel through the reducer is still unchanged. The wheel end torque of each rear wheel of the single motor model is 3840Nm, and the wheel end torque of each wheel of the dual motor model is 3840Nm. After the adjustment of Krypton engineers, these two motors can bring highly consistent power performance, and the user experience is basically the same.

Test drive krypton 001

Test drive krypton 001

Test drive krypton 001

Test drive krypton 001

Test drive krypton 001


Test drive krypton 001

Test drive krypton 001

Test drive krypton 001


Yinchuan area extremely krypton 001 big price reduction! The maximum discount is 37,000, so act quickly.

[car home Yinchuan Promotion Channel] Good news! A price reduction promotion is under way, with a maximum discount of 37,000 and a minimum starting price of 269,000. This model is on sale in Yinchuan area. Click on "Check the car price" in the quotation form to get a higher discount!

Extreme Krypton 001 is an electric car with a unique sense of design. Its front face design is highly recognizable, and it adopts a streamlined body shape and a headlight group with a sense of technology, which makes the whole car look very dynamic. The air intake grille adopts a closed design, which is integrated with the body lines, demonstrating the identity of its electric vehicle. The overall style is simple and smooth, and it is very futuristic. The body lines are smooth and dynamic, full of strength, and the overall style is fashionable and atmospheric, which shows the high-end positioning of the car.

Krypton 001 is a luxury electric car with excellent performance and elegant appearance. Its body dimensions are 4977*1999*1533 in length * width * height (mm), with a wheelbase (mm) of 3005, a front track (mm) of 1703 and a rear track (mm) of 1716. The body lines are smooth, showing a dynamic design. tyre size is the front 255/55 R19, and the rear 255/55 R19. The rim style is unique, showing its sense of advanced. Krypton 001 is an electric car worth looking forward to, providing you with a comfortable, safe and high-performance driving experience.

The interior design of Krypton 001 is fashionable and concise, and the overall style is exquisite and elegant. The steering wheel is made of leather, which supports electric up-and-down and forward-and-backward adjustment and feels comfortable. The central control screen has a size of 15.05 inches, supports voice recognition control system, and can control functions such as multimedia, navigation, telephone and air conditioning. The front and rear rows are equipped with Type-C and USB interfaces, which is convenient for users to connect their mobile phones and charge. The front row also has a mobile phone wireless charging function, which is very practical. The seat is made of leather. The main driver and co-pilot seats support front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment, height adjustment, leg rest adjustment and lumbar support. The front seats also have heating, ventilation and massage functions, which is very comfortable. The driver’s seat and co-pilot seat are also equipped with electric seat memory function. The backrest of the second row of seats can be adjusted, and the rear seats support proportional reclining, which is flexible and changeable. Generally speaking, the interior design of Krypton 001 is very humanized, fully functional and comfortable.

The engine of Krypton 001 has a maximum power of 580 kW and a maximum torque of 810 N m.. This engine has excellent power performance and can provide strong acceleration and high-speed driving stability. It adopts advanced technology and technology, which can bring excellent driving experience to drivers. In addition, the engine also has the characteristics of high efficiency and energy saving, which can save fuel costs for car owners and reduce environmental pollution.

In the evaluation of car home car owners, we can see that the design of Krypton 001 has been highly recognized. From the front of the car to the rear of the car, every detail shows a fashionable and atmospheric style, and people can’t ignore its existence. The waistline of the car body is smooth and dynamic, and the shape of the rear of the car is simple without losing the sense of hierarchy. These design elements make Krypton 001 a beautiful landscape on the road. The fine body workmanship is even more impressive, whether it is car paint or sheet metal is impeccable. Car home car owner @ Bengbu Cheyou 9280260 said that every time he goes out in a Krypton 001, he always attracts the attention of many passers-by, which also makes him feel proud. Therefore, Krypton 001 is not only outstanding in appearance, but also a symbol of self-confidence.

In 2 years and 8 months, the sales volume exceeded 300,000, and the Great Wall guns were listed on the trailer version of the new guns.

Although, since the beginning of this year, due to multiple reasons in the market, the production and sales of pickup truck market in the first quarter showed a downward trend year-on-year. However, after the new requirements for traction qualification vehicles and the implementation of new technical standards for pickup trucks issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the pickup truck market will continue to develop well from a policy perspective.

In this market, there are not a few competing brands, and brands such as pickup truck, Zhengzhou, pickup truck, Kaicheng and medium-sized pickup truck are all competing vigorously. Among them, the pickup truck is still firmly standing in the position of NO.1

On May 8, the 300,000th vehicle was officially rolled off the assembly line at Chongqing Smart Factory. At the same time, the family continued to innovate, and the trailer versions of passenger guns and commercial guns were officially listed. And this new car brings more fun and trendy new lifestyles to fans.

In the current pickup market, the family market is very strong. It only took 2 years and 8 months, and the sales volume exceeded 300,000. This speed, even in the passenger car market, is very rare, but it has been achieved.

Of course, the rapidly rising sales volume is inseparable from the strength of our products. It has always been grounded in product design. For example, in this model, it breaks the simple product model of traditional commercial pickup trucks.

Today’s pickup truck is no longer a simple tool car. It is equipped with L2-level automatic driving assistance system, ZF 8AT gearbox, multi-link rear suspension, ACC adaptive cruise, active braking and other high-end and practical configurations. Meet the needs of fans in the whole scene.

Moreover, in terms of quality control, the car has also done a down-to-earth job. It is reported that the production by the smart factory in Chongqing has a perfect process and system tracking, regardless of the car-making process or detail control, which is one of the important reasons why fans can buy with confidence.

Compared with the ordinary pickup truck, the trailer model listed this time is more playable, and can transport motorcycles, tow yachts, RVs, motorboats, etc., and is suitable for more occasions. Moreover, in the Regulations on the Application and Use of Motor Vehicle Driver’s License, which came into effect on April 1, 2022, a C6 driver’s license for light tractor-trailer was added. The trailer version has C6 trailer qualification.

It is reported that cars are not only constantly innovating in products, but also constantly cultivating pickup culture. Today, the Firearms Union Cheyouhui has covered 31 provincial teams, 800,000 fans of APP800,000, and six major pickup colleges, allowing more fans to experience that it is not just a model, but a new way of life.

Ghost fighting view: Today, more than 70% cities in China have relaxed the restrictions on pickup trucks entering the city. As a new pickup truck model, it gives consideration to leisure and fashion, and brings unique product experience to fans. As a result, the sales volume continued to rise, and the cumulative sales volume exceeded 300,000 in just over two years after listing. It is reported that pickup trucks are still accelerating their entry into the global market, making gun products and gun culture go further. What do fans think about this? Leave a message for Brother Ghost.

The first China Aerospace 3D Printing Materials and Application Preparation Technology Expo and Summit Forum was held in Harbin.

  CCTV News:On January 5, 2018, the "First China (Harbin) Aerospace 3D Printing Materials and Application Preparation Technology Expo and Summit Forum" co-sponsored by Aerospace Science and Technology and Harbin Municipal People’s Government was opened.

  Hu Yafeng, Vice Governor of Heilongjiang Province, Zhi Dayong, Vice Mayor of Harbin, Wei Yiyin, member of the Party Group and Deputy General Manager of China Aerospace Science and Industry Group Co., Ltd. attended the forum and delivered speeches. Wang Huaming, an academician of China Academy of Engineering, Lu Jian, an academician of French National Academy of Technology and a professor of City University of Hong Kong, Zhang Hongwen, president of the Third Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology of China, Li Jianmin, vice president of the Third Academy, and other leaders, experts and scholars attended the forum.

  With the theme of "innovation-driven integrated development", this forum focuses on the development trend and innovative application of additive manufacturing industry and technology, shares the advanced concepts and experiences of additive manufacturing industry, and makes suggestions for promoting the vigorous development of China’s 3D printing industry.

  The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that it is necessary to "promote China’s industries to the high end of the global value chain and cultivate a number of world-class advanced manufacturing clusters", accelerate the development of advanced manufacturing industries and promote industrial upgrading. China Aerospace Science and Industry Group Co., Ltd. and China Third Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology took advantage of the situation, took aerospace 3D printing materials and application preparation technology as an important breakthrough to build a peak in the field of intelligent manufacturing, and innovated to realize the deep integration of aerospace technology and 3D printing.

  At the meeting, the release of a series of titanium powder industry capabilities of aerospace science and technology and the signing of cooperation became the highlight of this forum. Among them, Aerospace Science and Technology signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with Harbin Municipal Government, signed a strategic cooperation agreement with six enterprises including Hunan Huashu High-tech Group, Xinjinghe Laser Technology Development (Beijing) Co., Ltd. and Beijing Yijia 3D Technology Co., Ltd., and Aerospace Cloud Network Technology Development Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Harbin Industry and Information Technology Commission.

Wei Yizhen, member of the party group and deputy general manager of China Aerospace Science and Industry Group Co., Ltd.

  In his speech, Wei Yiyin introduced the industrial ideas and measures for aerospace science and technology to develop additive manufacturing technology and support capabilities. He said that the aerospace science and technology work is a strategic, high-tech and national-level innovative enterprise directly managed by the central government. With the mission of "strengthening the army through science and technology and serving the country through space", it is engaged in strategic industries related to national security and is the backbone of China’s national defense science and technology industry. He also fully affirmed the important position and role of Aerospace Haiying Harbin Titanium Aerospace Science and Technology and its affiliated three institutes in the development and layout of the whole industrial chain of additive manufacturing.

Zhang Hongwen, Dean of China Third Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology.

  "In ‘ Made in China 2025’ Under the planning background, 3D printing has become the main line to promote intelligent manufacturing, and aerospace is one of the important application fields of additive manufacturing. " At the meeting, Zhang Hongwen, president of the Third Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology of China, further introduced the development of additive manufacturing industry, the planning of additive manufacturing industry of aerospace science and technology, and the application of additive manufacturing in aerospace field in his main report entitled "Development and application of additive manufacturing technology in aerospace field". He said that Aerospace Science and Technology and its affiliated Third Academy will vigorously develop additive manufacturing technology and application, deeply combine raw materials, printing equipment and manufacturing technology, and create an exemplary development model of the entire industrial chain of aerospace additive manufacturing, which will help the rapid development of intelligent manufacturing in China. (Wang Shaomin, Xiao Yang)