Pure beauty: the trend sinks and the brand goes up.

As an emerging trend in the international cosmetics market, pure beauty cosmetics are attracting great attention from China brands. Brands focusing on pure beauty cosmetics at home and abroad have accelerated their penetration into consumers by exporting safe and effective products. Especially under the epidemic situation, domestic consumers’ demands for safety, naturalness and no additives have also extended from food to personal care cosmetics.
At present, the China market has not yet ushered in its outbreak period, but it does not affect its upward trend. Judging from overseas niche sales, hot domestic brands getting together, and capital rushing into the beauty industry, it is now the golden stage of beauty care brand as a whole, and it is also the golden age of pure beauty layout.
How to quickly accept consumer demand and make pure beauty cosmetics develop in China? How to explore the efficacy and brand concept of pure beauty products? How to avoid the pure beauty market becoming a hot product war? These problems are worthy of deep consideration by the brand.
Consumers have a positive attitude towards the pure beauty market of over $10 billion.
According to the data collected in the report "Analysis and Forecast of Pure Beauty Trend in 2021" by Meiye Yan Research Institute, the global pure beauty market will be US$ 5.44 billion in 2020 and is expected to reach US$ 11.56 billion in 2027. NPD, a well-known American market research organization, announced the impact of COVID-19 epidemic on the beauty industry. The sales of beauty products dropped by 14%, but the sales of pure beauty products rose by 11% against the trend.
In the early days, the concept of pure beauty appeared in organic certified cosmetics, but now it covers a wider range and the extended concept is more inclusive, such as non-additive cosmetics, natural plant cosmetics, non-animal experimental cosmetics, halal cosmetics and so on. At present, only the European Union has unified standards for restricting prohibited ingredients.
However, consumers in China are not ignorant of pure beauty, which has a fan base. According to the survey of China consumers’ attitude towards pure beauty products by Mintel Consulting Company, it can be found that 77% of China consumers believe that pure beauty products are safer than ordinary beauty products; 82% of urban consumers in China believe that product safety is the most important purchase consideration; More than 80% of urban consumers in China believe that pure beauty products have higher research and development standards; In terms of product effect, the effect of pure beauty is recognized by more than 60% consumers.
It can be seen that consumers in China have a positive attitude towards pure beauty cosmetics, and their concepts tend to be rational and professional, focusing on the safety and efficacy of products, such as pollution-free raw materials, natural organic extracts, no additives and no preservatives. Such market demand will further promote China brand to enter the competition of pure beauty.
The gold track is also facing difficulties, and domestic brands have long obstacles.
The global pure beauty market is developing in full swing, and the United States represents the brands drunk elephant and ILIA;; European representative brands REN and BYBI;; Japanese representative brand TATCHA;; Australian representative brand sukin;; China represents the brand MCL Huaxikou. These brands are praised and loved by more and more consumers through safe and effective products and advocating the brand concept of returning to nature, health and sustainability.
But in fact, the bottlenecks that China brands have to face are: First, there is no unified pure beauty standard in China for the time being, and the domestic regulatory environment is strict. It is necessary to test the brand’s capital and technology reserve ability by exploiting the trend of pure beauty; Second, the overseas pure beauty market developed earlier and entered the China market rapidly through e-commerce channels. The number of China brands focusing on pure beauty is not only small, but also squeezed by overseas brands.
Qiu Xiaofeng, vice president (R&D) of Northbell, one of the earliest manufacturers in China who paid attention to the development trend and product development of pure beauty, said: "There are no corresponding regulations and standards, label management methods and unified declaration and publicity standards for pure beauty in China at present; Under the guidance of relevant departments or industry associations, domestic cosmetics enterprises, joint upstream raw material suppliers and scientific research institutions can explore and establish a pure beauty standard with China characteristics, which can better promote the sustained and good development of pure beauty products and promote China cosmetics to go global. "
All kinds of obstacles show that to build a truly pure beauty brand, we really need to go beyond the conventional strength, and promote the development of pure beauty in China from the aspects of standard system construction, category track, product innovation, R&D investment, marketing and promotion, so as to avoid the dimension reduction blow of overseas brands.
How to develop pure beauty cosmetics? MCL Hua Xikou opens the "relay race" mode
According to the consumer’s word-of-mouth evaluation and sales data, the competition of pure beauty brands at home and abroad is concentrated in the dimensions of product composition and category. All brands are trying their best to explore new opportunities of categories under consumer demand. Compared with foreign brands with complete categories, domestic brands still have a long way to go in brand system construction.
It is worth noting that MCL Huaxikou brand is different from foreign ingredients and domestic hot products, and it does not take efficacy and subdivision as the main battlefield. From the design of its Tmall flagship store, it can be seen that MCL Huaxikou creates a pure beauty product ecosystem in the form of "people (skin characteristics of consumers)+goods (products specified for different skin types)+field (pure beauty and skin care concept)".
As one of the earliest brands in China focusing on natural and organic formulas without added raw materials, MCL Flower Xikou quickly completed the transition of pure beauty, not only constantly improved its product line according to consumers’ skin types, but also had tens of millions of loyal fans in offline CS channels, Watsons and e-commerce channels. Its latest product focused on the gentle brush acid Luoshenhua water emulsion suit, and sold 12,000+pieces less than one month after its launch.
It is understood that with the introduction of new regulations on cosmetics, efficacy evaluation and testing has become a hot spot in the industry, and many brush acid skin care products have fallen into the "hardest hit" as a result. MCL Flower Xikou has also conducted SGS test, and the data shows that Luoshenhua series products are non-irritating, and have remarkable effects in controlling oil, improving blackheads and narrowing pores.
In addition to actively building channels and product research and development, the main landing strategy of MCL HuaXiKou to promote pure beauty lies in the establishment of "pure standards". Subsequently, MCL HuaXiKou will unite with major platforms in the industry to establish a unified list of ingredients to avoid, and at the same time, make high-frequency exposure in traffic channels, so that consumers can deeply understand pure beauty, and comprehensively promote the development of "pure beauty" in China from the inside to the outside of the industry and from the upstream to the downstream.
Sophia, the brand manager of MCL Huaxikou, said: "The pure beauty seen by consumers in China is not the whole picture. The’ door-shaped’ bottle design adopted by MCL Huaxikou Luoshenhua series products also wants to convey the brand concept of’ pushing the door of the world of pure beauty’ to consumers. In the future, MCL Huaxikou will continue to explore more pure beauty products that are linked with consumers’ senses such as seeing, hearing, smelling, touching and thinking."
Compared with all kinds of trend "race for position" that many brands are keen on, MCL Flower Xikou is more like a "relay race", and it is accompanied by the wind and waits for flowers to bloom.
Source of this article: China Network