Ordinary figures build a series of security barriers.

Zeng Qiuju and community workers publicized the knowledge of epidemic prevention and control.

 Deng Xiaohu, a community doctor, helped the residents to do a detailed examination.

"If we climb one more floor, we can reduce the possibility of virus transmission." "If we buy more, we can guarantee the supply of food baskets for everyone." Community prevention and control is the first line of defense against the epidemic in COVID-19. In the past few days, the "most beautiful retrograde" around us has been jointly controlled and fearless in the epidemic, building a safety barrier.

Work together to overcome the difficulties. In this epidemic, community secretaries, volunteers, retired people, caring people, drivers, etc. appeared in every corner of urban and rural areas, and became a warm-hearted force in prevention and control.

Sanxiang Metropolis Daily reporter Bu Lan reports.

Community epidemic prevention personnel:

Grandpa died of illness, and he fought back his grief and went to work.

"Resolutely win the epidemic prevention and control war!" On January 29th, in Xiufeng Sub-district Office, Kaifu District, Changsha City, party member Commando, composed of 49 party member, made a solemn oath. Yao Jing, the vice captain standing in the front row, has a firm eye, but everyone doesn’t know that his elderly grandfather in his hometown is dying.

On January 28th, more than 30 Hubei guests stayed in a designated hotel in Xiufeng Street. Street commandos entered the hotel as quickly as possible. After Yao Jing was busy, she arranged for the team members to take turns on duty and do a good job in prevention, control and service. Because he is in charge of the health line among the members of the street team, from the New Year’s Eve, he has been involved in the epidemic prevention work all the time, going deep into the house-to-house investigation of the community and turning around for several days. However, at noon on January 29, the most feared news came, and grandpa left this world.

"The most kind smile never see again, I’m sorry! Grandpa walked all the way! " After writing this passage in a circle of friends, Yao Jing held back her sadness and devoted herself to the frontline epidemic prevention work.

Community aunt:

Changing patterns to supplement nutrition for front-line workers

"Since the New Year’s Eve, the community has been posting notices in the community. The staff eat instant noodles every day and work overtime until midnight. I really feel sorry for them. " Zeng Qiuju, who lives in Lifa New Town Community, Muyun Street, Tianxin District, Changsha, said that although he has retired, he also wants to do something for the community.

From January 30th, every morning at 8: 00, Zeng Qiuju, 57, will go to the nearby supermarket to buy food early. After coming back to disinfect the kitchen, he will start cooking rice to ensure that five dishes and one soup can be served on time at 12 noon.

Zeng Qiuju will cook in a variety of ways according to everyone’s preferences, such as bean paste, fried radish skin with bacon, stewed chicken, seaweed and egg soup, etc. After cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks, Zeng Qiuju will go with the community workers to check the epidemic prevention situation in the jurisdiction, such as registering the business situation of surrounding stores, community disinfection, epidemic prevention publicity and so on.

Community doctor:

Crush one’s head and extract specimens for suspected objects

Since January 22, Deng Xiaohu, deputy chief physician of Qingyuan Street Community Health Service Center in Tianxin District, Changsha City, has been working, visiting households, checking and monitoring every day, publicizing protection knowledge, and walking in a hurry.

Deng Xiaohu visits more than 10 families every day. Once the suspected person is found, it is necessary to take his temperature, ask about the contact history, guide the matters needing attention, register it, and carry out dynamic monitoring.

At 9 o’clock on New Year’s Eve, he received an urgent call. A girl in her twenties needed medical observation because she was taking care of her grandmother who was diagnosed in novel coronavirus. "After I put on protective clothing, I was sweating all over, and even my goggles were water mist. In this case, it is very easy to be infected to extract secretions from the throat of the suspected object. At that time, it was really hard on the scalp. "

Community police: I had a special "reunion dinner" with my family through video.

On January 24th, New Year’s Eve, Yan Xiaodan, a community policeman at the vault police station of Yuhua Public Security Bureau in Changsha City, and his wife, elderly parents and young daughter who couldn’t go home at the same post had a special "reunion dinner" through WeChat video.

Yan Xiaodan’s wife is a pediatrician in the Provincial People’s Hospital. She went to the front line years ago and hasn’t come home yet. As a community policeman, since New Year’s Eve, Yan Xiaodan has been carrying out epidemic prevention propaganda in the community and checking the personnel and vehicles in the jurisdiction, cleaning up the entertainment places and mahjong halls that are still open in the jurisdiction, and has been on duty for several days.

The epidemic was urgent, and both husband and wife were fighting at the front. When thinking about his family, Yan Xiaodan can only report his work status to his family through WeChat video connection and encourage each other. "Since our husband and wife are engaged in this profession, we must undertake the mission entrusted to us by the profession."

Community driver: Take a cot and get ready to drive at any time.

On January 26th, Lei Dongqiang went to the Eden Medical Park to purchase protective supplies and disinfection materials. It was past 6 pm when he returned to the unit to unload the materials and do the daily maintenance of the ambulance. He hurriedly ate a bucket of instant noodles and stood by in the hospital. At 10 o’clock that night, he received a temporary emergency task and went to the high-speed exit to be on duty. Lei Dongqiang rushed to the high-speed exit, and it was an all-night stay.

Lei Dongqiang, a 67-year-old ambulance driver, is an old party member in Xiufeng Street Community Health Service Center, Kaifu District, Changsha. His daily work is the ambulance driver and the water and electricity maintenance of the unit. In the past few days, in order to be able to set off at the first time after receiving an urgent task, Lei Dongqiang set up a temporary bed directly in the health cabin of the main building and rested on this simple bed at night so as to get out at any time.

Fixed-point service hotels, high-speed exits and referral of suspected cases open to people in epidemic areas also need to cooperate with various communities to investigate the situation of returning people in Wuhan. Lei Dongqiang is always on call, taking everyone around every place.

Community caring people: drive 300 bags of vegetables for free every day.

"Pollution-free vegetables are collected free of charge, and the virus is heartless and affectionate. We will work together to fight the epidemic." On the morning of February 12th, Wang Zihao drove a van full of vegetables that had just been picked from vegetable fields, and sent them from Gao Qiao Town, Changsha to Xingshacheng District, Changsha County for citizens to collect for free.

Wang Zihao, 25, retired from the army last September and returned to Weihan Village, Gao Qiao Town. He is going to open a fast food restaurant in Xingshacheng District this year. In the early stage, he planted a few acres of side dishes in his hometown. "Now there are many side dishes at home, but at present, the store can’t be opened, so he has the idea of delivering vegetables."

From February 8th, he picked and packed vegetables with his parents every day, prepared about 300 bags, and then drove for an hour from Gao Qiao Town to Xingshacheng District for the citizens to collect. "It’s my regret that I retired early and couldn’t fight with my comrades. I can only do my best to do something meaningful at this critical moment." Wang Zihao said.

Community retired elderly: 70-year-old party member led 21 members to fight the epidemic together.

"Huang Miao, you have come back from shopping. Come on, spray your hands with alcohol first, and take your temperature before entering the community." "Brother Zhao, remember to wear a mask when you go out!" "Fat Dad" Chen Yunxiang greeted the residents at the gate of the community while busy doing various epidemic prevention propaganda work.

On the first day of epidemic prevention and control work in Tangjialing community of Changsha, he volunteered to participate in the prevention and control war "epidemic". "I am a party member, even if I am 70 years old, I am still a party member, and I will take protective measures."

From the beginning of the circulating broadcast of mobile speakers to the distribution of warm tips, epidemic prevention notices and posting notices to residents, "Fat Dad" has to walk more than 10 kilometers every day for inspections. Moreover, he also led 21 players to join the "epidemic". "We set up a volunteer team last year, and now it just comes in handy!"


Psychological stress in community work?

Try to do this!

The data shows that nearly 4 million urban and rural community workers are fighting in the front line of epidemic prevention and control in 650,000 urban and rural communities, and each community worker has to face 350 people. So, how should community workers do psychological debugging?

Insiders suggest that we should protect ourselves first. If you are under great pressure at work or have important things at home, you should communicate with your colleagues and superiors in time, and you can stop working or rotate your work if necessary. If you can’t adjust yourself well, you can also call the psychological assistance hotline for professional help. If you can’t control your worries, try to divert your attention and find something that you can devote yourself to for a long time to change your fear.

At the same time, you can often soak your feet with hot water and listen to soft music to relax and ensure adequate sleep.