Postgraduate entrance examination in 2020 starts today: 3.41 million people signed up for a record high.

  BEIJING, Dec. 21 (Yang Yuqi Lang) Starting today, the 2020 national postgraduate entrance examination will be held, and the number of applicants for this examination has reached 3.41 million, a record high. On the eve of the examination, the Ministry of Education stressed that it is determined to safeguard the fairness and justice of the research and recruitment examination, and announced the telephone number for reporting violations of the examination.

  On November 25th, in the Yifu Library of guizhou minzu university, students taking the postgraduate entrance examination were reading and reviewing books to prepare for the national postgraduate entrance examination in 2020. China News Service reporter Yan Honglun photo

  3.41 million people applied for the exam! The number of applicants for postgraduate entrance examination has reached a record high.

  In 2020, the written examination of the national postgraduate entrance examination will be held from December 21st to 23rd. According to the data released by the Ministry of Education, the number of applicants for this examination is as high as 3.41 million, which is 510,000 more than the 2.9 million in the previous year, and it has once again set a new record.

  In fact, in recent years, the scale of the postgraduate entrance examination army has been increasing, and the number of applicants has reached record highs.

  According to statistics, in 2016, the number of graduate students enrolled was 1.77 million. In 2017, the number of graduate students enrolled broke the 2 million mark for the first time, reaching 2.01 million. By 2018, the number of applicants for postgraduate entrance examination rose to 2.38 million, an increase of 18.4% over the previous year. This increase was refreshed again in 2019. In 2019, the number of postgraduate students nationwide reached 2.9 million, an increase of 520,000 compared with 2018, and the growth rate rose to 21%.

  Looking at the enrollment data of postgraduate entrance examination in the past five years, from 1.77 million in 2016 to 3.41 million in 2020, the number of applicants for postgraduate entrance examination has nearly doubled in five years.

  From a local perspective, the number of applicants for research and recruitment in many provinces has increased significantly in 2020. Take Beijing, where there are many colleges and universities, as an example. According to the data released by Beijing Education Examinations Institute, in 2020, there were more than 460,000 candidates applying for admission to Beijing, an increase of 18.7%. Universities with more than 10,000 applicants include Peking University, Renmin University of China, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tsinghua University, Communication University of China and Beijing Normal University.

  From the perspective of institutions, according to the news of China Graduate Admissions Information Network, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, China Agricultural University, Beijing Film Academy, etc., many colleges and universities have set a new high in the number of applicants.

  On November 25th, in the Yifu Library of guizhou minzu university, students taking the postgraduate entrance examination were reading and reviewing books to prepare for the national postgraduate entrance examination in 2020. China News Service reporter Yan Honglun photo

  The number of applicants has repeatedly broken records. Why is the "postgraduate entrance examination fever" getting hotter and hotter?

  In recent years, the scale of the postgraduate entrance examination army has been growing. During the examination season, "postgraduate entrance examination fever" has become the focus of public opinion, and many media even use "explosion" to describe the expansion speed of the postgraduate entrance examination army in the past two years.

  Judging from the composition of the postgraduate entrance examination army, college students undoubtedly account for the highest proportion. According to MyCOS Research Institute’s survey report on 2018 undergraduate graduates, 16.8% of undergraduates choose to pursue further studies and graduate studies after graduation. The main reasons for studying in China are good employment prospects and career development needs. When the graduate students choose institutions, they are most concerned about the reputation of their major and the brand of the school.

  Some experts and scholars have analyzed that improving employment competitiveness is the main reason why the "postgraduate entrance examination fever" continues.

  "In order to enhance the competitiveness of employment, college students try to improve their academic qualifications as much as possible. Although the level of academic qualifications has not obviously improved the increase of professional ability, because employers attach great importance to academic qualifications, the role of academic qualifications still exists in recruitment, leading to an increase in the number of postgraduate students." Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at China Academy of Educational Sciences, analyzed.

  "From the perspective of candidates, the vast majority of candidates hope to improve themselves and gain better development prospects through postgraduate entrance examination, which is an important reason for the continuous warming of postgraduate entrance examination." Yang Pan, dean of the Postgraduate Research Institute of Zhonggong Education, analyzed that in the current job market, the level of academic qualifications is still directly proportional to salary, and many candidates hope to get good salary through "gilding" their academic qualifications.

  In addition, Yang Pan also analyzed, such as the enrollment expansion of "double-first-class" colleges, the increasing number of undergraduate graduates, the demand for high-level personnel training in economic development, etc., which are all important factors leading to the growth of the postgraduate entrance examination army.

  However, in Chu Zhaohui’s view, there are also problems behind the "postgraduate entrance examination fever". Although a high degree of education can bring advantages to students, this relative advantage will cost a lot of time and opportunity. Candidates should choose rationally according to their own conditions and career plans, and should not have a blind mentality of "following the crowd".

  Data Map: On December 22, 2018, at the test center in Jinan, Shandong Province, postgraduate students lined up to enter the examination room. China News Service reporter Zhang Yong photo

  Serious examination discipline, cheating or expulsion of students from school

  As a national large-scale examination attended by millions of people, the examination style and discipline of the research and recruitment examination has also been a topic of social concern in recent years.

  In November this year, the video conference on the safety work of the 2020 National Postgraduate Entrance Examination held by the Ministry of Education required that the education and examination departments will find out, investigate and deal with violations of disciplines in the entrance examination, and have zero tolerance and will never tolerate them. We will resolutely cooperate with the judicial organs to crack down on the illegal crimes involved in the examination.

  On the eve of the initial postgraduate examination, the examination center of the Ministry of Education announced the telephone number 010-82520029, which will be opened 24 hours a day from December 16 to 22. The telephone numbers of all provinces and municipalities directly under the Central Government are also published on the official website of the Ministry of Education.

  In addition, the Ministry of Education reminds that according to the Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Laws in Handling Criminal Cases such as Cheating in Organizing Examinations, etc., which came into effect on September 4, 2019, cheating in organizing examinations, illegally selling or providing examination questions and answers, etc. in the postgraduate entrance examination should be considered as one of the "serious circumstances" stipulated in Article 284 of the Criminal Law, and criminal responsibility will be severely investigated according to law.

  Previously, the "Regulations on the Administration of National Postgraduate Enrollment in 2020" issued by the Ministry of Education in August also clearly pointed out that all candidates, examination staff and other relevant personnel who violate the examination management regulations and examination room discipline and affect the fairness and justice of the examination will be dealt with according to the National Education Examination Violation Measures.

  Among them, students who violate the regulations will be punished by their schools according to relevant regulations until they are expelled from school; On-the-job candidates should be notified to the unit where the candidates work, and the unit where the candidates work will be given disciplinary or political sanctions according to the circumstances. For the examination staff, the education examination institution or its unit shall give corresponding administrative sanctions according to the circumstances; If it constitutes a violation of the law, the judicial organs shall investigate the legal responsibility according to law, and if it constitutes a crime, the criminal responsibility shall be investigated according to law.

  The above-mentioned "Regulations" pointed out that the relevant units should record the facts of irregularities or cheating in the postgraduate entrance examination in the "National Education Examination Candidates’ Integrity File", and inform the candidates of their schools or units and record them in the candidates’ personnel files as an important reference for their future studies and employment.

  Tip: 2020 Postgraduate Entrance Examination Time

  Initial test: December 21-22, 2019 (8: 30 am every day & mdash; 11:30, 14: 00 pm & mdash; 17:00)。

  The examination arrangements for specific subjects are as follows:

  On the morning of December 21, the comprehensive ability of ideological and political theory and management was jointly tested, and foreign languages were used in the afternoon.

  Business class 1 in the morning and business class 2 in the afternoon on December 22nd.

  Examination subjects with an examination time of more than 3 hours on December 23rd.

  The examination time for each subject is generally 3 hours; The longest examination time for special subjects such as architectural design shall not exceed 6 hours. Detailed examination time, examination subjects and relevant requirements shall be announced by the examination center and the enrollment unit.

  Re-examination: The time, place, content, method, method of using grades, organization and management of re-examination shall be determined by the admissions unit independently according to the relevant regulations of the Ministry of Education. Re-examination methods and procedures announced by the admissions unit. All re-examination work should generally be completed before the end of April of the year of admission.