The benefits of swimming to the human body are mainly 7 points! No, hurry up and learn.

Summer is coming, and swimming well in your spare time can not only achieve the effect of exercise and fitness, but also cool your body, and there are many benefits of swimming. However, after exercise, there are some precautions to be understood for your health.

Count the benefits of swimming

First, shape muscle lines

Swimming is a very good slimming exercise. Swimming needs the cooperation of all the muscles, so all the muscles can be exercised.

Second, improve bone quality

Swimming can improve bones, which has been demonstrated by professional project research. Therefore, if you want to have healthier bones, you may wish to choose swimming as a sport.

Third, improve body flexibility

During swimming, athletes need to stretch, curl up, turn around and so on. It can be seen that the swimming effect can only be achieved by the constant cooperation of all parts of the body. First, the pedal can be pushed forward, and in order to maintain the balance of the body, the cooperation of the arms is needed. Therefore, office workers who often work in the office may wish to try more, which can increase the flexibility of the body.

Fourth, reduce the risk of inflammation

Swimming can help strengthen myocardial function and improve cardiovascular health, and some related studies have concluded that aerobic exercise can help reduce the risk of inflammation, so it can help prevent the occurrence of cardiac atherosclerosis, and once the risk of inflammation in the body is reduced, it can also help improve other diseases, with many benefits.

Five, burning fat to lose weight

Swimming is the best exercise to lose weight. Generally speaking, swimming for ten minutes, breaststroke can burn about 60 calories, backstroke can burn 80 calories, freestyle can burn about 100 calories, and butterfly can burn more fat, which are incomparable to other sports.

Sixth, relieve exercise asthma

When swimming, people can breathe more humid air, so the respiratory function can be improved, so swimming can relieve asthma symptoms and fundamentally improve the health of the lungs.

Seven, relieve stress and depression

Endorphins are a kind of hormone that makes people feel very good, which can relieve people’s mood. Swimming can effectively stimulate the secretion of endorphins, relax people’s body and mind while exercising, and combine regular breathing to calm people down and become more focused.

Matters needing attention in ensuring swimming safety cannot be less

-physical examination

When swimming, the human body consumes more physical strength than usual, so people suffering from heart disease, liver disease and kidney disease are not suitable for swimming. People suffering from pinkeye and infectious skin diseases should also pay attention to avoid mutual infection.

-Warm-up exercise

Be sure to make preparations and warm-up exercises before going into the water, otherwise sudden strenuous exercise will easily cause muscle injury and some other reactions, so you can do leg lifts and squat and stand up.

-Do not eat immediately after swimming.

Be sure to rest for a while before eating after swimming, otherwise it will easily increase the burden on the stomach and intestines, and it will also lead to gastrointestinal diseases in the long run.