Impeachment trial deadlock difficult to break: differences within the Republican Party Trump Christmas calls for unity

  BEIJING, Dec. 26 (Reuters)-The US House of Representatives has passed the impeachment clause against Trump for a week, but the next impeachment trial in the Senate has not started yet, and the two parties are deadlocked in the trial procedure. Senate Majority Leader and Republican McConnell wants a quick trial, while Democrats want more witnesses to testify. Even within the Republican Party, there are doubts about McConnell’s intention to defend the president. In his Christmas speech, US President Trump called for national unity.

  The deadlock in impeachment trial is hard to solve.

  Recently, the two parties in the US Congress have reached an impasse on the procedure of hearing impeachment cases, which has lasted for more than a week.

Data map: US President Trump. China News Service reporter Chen Mengtong photo

  On the 18th, the US House of Representatives voted to impeach President Trump, making him the third president to be formally impeached in American history. However, the impeachment trial in the Senate may have to be postponed until the bipartisan members reach an agreement on the trial procedure.

  Schumer, the minority leader of the Senate and Democrat of New York, asked to call witnesses who refused to attend the House hearing before, including acting White House chief of staff Marwani and former national security adviser Bolton.

  The Senate Majority Leader and Republican McConnell hoped for a quick trial and reminded Trump not to seek witnesses to testify, fearing that this would prolong the trial time.

  When McConnell attended an event in Louisville on the morning of the 23rd, he hinted that the deadlock may last at least until the Congress resumes its vacation in January next year.

  There are differences within the Republican Party on how to try the impeachment case.

  According to reports, the House of Representatives approved two impeachment cases against Trump, which means that once the House of Representatives sends these impeachment clauses to the Senate, the senator must act as a jury and try the clauses.

  Senator Lisa Murkowski, a Republican from Alaska, said she was dissatisfied with Senate Majority Leader McConnell’s statement that he would work closely with the White House to defend the impeachment case.

  "For me, this means that we must take a step back and avoid too much contact with the defense," Mokowski said. "I think this will further confuse the impeachment process."

  It is reported that McConnell has repeatedly said that he would cooperate with the White House to defend the president on the impeachment case.

  CNN quoted Republican sources as saying that McConnell is willing to enter the Senate to try the impeachment case without the support of Democratic leader Senator Schumer. McConnell needs the support of 51 Republican senators to approve such a rule, and the Republican caucus in the Senate also believes that he can achieve this goal.

  Trump’s Christmas message calls for unity

  Just as the two parties in Congress were deadlocked on the impeachment trial, US President Trump delivered a Christmas speech at the White House on the 25th, calling for unity and respect throughout the United States.

  "Although the challenges facing our country are enormous, the ties that unite us as Americans are stronger," Trump said in a statement. "We must work together to cultivate a culture of deep understanding and respect, which embodies the teachings of Christianity."

  The statement came a few days after Trump voted for impeachment in the House of Representatives. The Senate will try the impeachment case, and it is widely expected that the Senate controlled by the Republican Party will find Trump innocent.

  Trump had repeatedly accused the impeachment investigation, calling it a "scam" and suggesting that he was treated unfairly.