There are N+1 ways to open the "nightlife" of Old Town of Lijiang people.

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[Seeing Lijiang]
When night falls in the city, a group of people end their day’s work and go home to enjoy their leisure time, while another group of people start their own "nightlife" in calling friends. As for tourists coming to Old Town of Lijiang, some should have finished their busy journey during the day, some should have finished their leisure vacation with tea and sunshine, and started to step into to find their own "night Lijiang".
By @ volumebin
Old Town of Lijiang, a city of memories piled up with years, always has a fascinating atmosphere. Different from the calmness and tranquility during the day, the ancient city at night is completely a wonderful dream. The ancient buildings are shrouded in a golden halo. When you walk into the night of the ancient city, you can feel the other wonderful things under the night, as well as the beautiful life of Old Town of Lijiang, a national gathering area for night culture and tourism consumption.
Old Town of Lijiang was selected as the first batch of national night culture and tourism consumption gathering areas.
The lights are on, singing is heard in the pub, and Naxi dance music is played in Sifang Street … Gradually, there are more and more tourists in the streets and alleys of the ancient city.The "nightlife" of the ancient city people is opened in N+1 ways.
Step by step, see a wide range of goods.
Strolling in the gentle night wind, the five-flowered stone road bearing the wasted time is under your feet, and the lamps emitting faint lights are overhead.
By Wu tairi
At the waterwheel at the north gate of the ancient city, the slowly flowing water reflects the unique romantic style of the night in the ancient city. Looking inside, the light and shadow in the small town are uneven, and the bustling crowd is matched with the antique environment, as if it had crossed back hundreds of years ago.
In Old Town of Lijiang, every road, street and lane seems to be waving to guests from afar.
By Wu tairi
The flowing water beats the cheerful melody, gurgles under your feet and walks between shops and alleys in the ancient city. It seems that your eyes and heart have been searching for the charm of Old Town of Lijiang night.
The night is mysterious and unknown, but when all kinds of shops and dazzling goods appear in front of you, you seem to see the direction, go door to door to explore and take away your favorite souvenirs.
Jump and jump, integrate culture into life.
Strolling in the bustling square street corner, the local Naxi people, citizens and tourists are holding a bonfire party. This is the most daily "culture" of Lijiang people.
Everyone doesn’t know each other, but they can dance happily together. A-nai, dressed in Naxi costumes, and tourists and friends from all corners of the country "jumped" hand in hand, creating a unique scenery of Lijiang night.
It is no wonder that the national is the world’s. No matter where you come from, it seems that you can learn it as soon as you learn it, and it is perfectly integrated into this Naxi ethnic customs.
By aqi
One scene and one emotion, listening to two songs with stories.
Some people say that the night in Old Town of Lijiang is sentimental, while others say that the night here is a thousand-year encounter. As night falls and the neon lights rise, the ancient city is dressed up as a fairyland like a fairy tale. We wander in the vocal music of the ancient city, with the ticking of running water, the tapping of stone roads, the songs of vagrants, and the unrestrained sound of tambourines … Each voice interprets a kind of mood and makes the ancient city exude an extremely romantic atmosphere.
If you like to be lively, just go to the bar street and you will be sure to have an audio-visual feast.
Young artists can go to Wuyi Street, find a restaurant, put a few bottles of romantic love, have a drink with people around them and listen to some songs quietly.
Young people from all corners of the country gathered here with poems and distant places, met here, and opened various small shops and bars, such as Fengyun Music Scene, Drunk Hometown Folk Songs, Meet the Bar, I’ll wait for you here, Big Ice Cabin and so on. The resident singer sings his own story life with his vicissitudes of voice.
The moon quietly hangs on the branches, and there will be uniformed patrol personnel inside and outside the bar. You can see him smiling at you in a friendly way when you turn a corner, and you are full of security, so tourists who drink don’t have to worry too much.
Occasionally pass by a tambourine shop, stop and listen carefully, or sing along with the beat, and get a little good mood.
One copy, while
The best trip I can think of is eating while walking in the scenic spot.
There are relatively large snack streets in the ancient city, one near the official entrance and the other near Sifang Street. There are many kinds of snacks here, and the key point is that they sell well, and taking photos with a circle of friends can make people drool.
In the face of the temptation of delicious food, it doesn’t matter if you can’t stop talking or walk. The most important thing in traveling is to be happy! The same one, eat while walking.
If you want to be more grounded, go to Old Town of Lijiang Zhongyi Market, a night market, which is full of human fireworks. You see, the barbecue stall is full of smoke, and three or five friends are laughing and waiting for delicious food to be served.
People are getting drunk, the night is getting deeper, the ancient city is becoming quiet, the breeze is blowing, and the chill is getting stronger. Whether people are shopping, watching performances, soaking in bars or eating supper, it is time to let this "nightlife" end and go back to their homes to rest.
In Old Town of Lijiang, there are more than a thousand characteristic homestays and inns, which will bring you a good night’s sleep …
Source: Old Town of Lijiang Tour
"See Lijiang"
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Editor: Chengjie Li First Trial: Yang Xiaobao
Second instance: Shi Zhenyang; final instance: He Yunfeng.
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