The blueprint is drawn~ every frame this summer will amaze you

Hometown of the Cloud

The sky is clear, the clouds are white, the breeze is blowing

Clear, enthusiastic, cheerful, arbitrary

This is still the summer we are familiar with

Breeze, sunshine, blue sky, sea, humanity

Here is what you want.

Here is the fourth group

#What’s your favorite shape of a cloud ^v^ #

The blue sky is clear and white.

As if it had become a painting

It’s a blockbuster.

On the way to work

Let’s pick cotton clouds together

The clouds in the sky are surging with the wind

Sometimes converge

Scattered from time to time

When do you like clouds best?

Where have you seen the most stunning clouds?

I wonder if you are also addicted to the beauty of this moment~

When you look up at the sky

Blue sky and white clouds, clear sky

Does it feel like you have a good mood all day?

Written by: Cai Yusheng (Situan Town)

Editor: Wu Yan

Evergrande Auto has been completely shut down!

Evergrande Auto has been completely shut down!

On the evening of April 24, Hengda Motor announced in an announcement that the Tianjin factory had suspended production of the Hengchi 5 due to insufficient funds. Before that, Hengda Motor also suspended other factories and concentrated resources on production at the Tianjin factory. The suspension of production at the Tianjin factory means that the first model of the Hengchi brand, "Hengchi 5", will be suspended for a period of time, but Hengda Motor said it expects to resume production in May 2023.

Evergrande Auto has been completely shut down!

Hengda Automobile’s suspension of production had long been foreshadowed. On March 22, Hengda Automobile has issued an announcement indicating that Hengchi 5 is in continuous mass production. As of March 23, 900 vehicles have been delivered, and informed the outside world that Hengda Group will face the risk of suspension in the case of not being able to obtain new liquidity. On the same day, Hengda said in the announcement that in order to concentrate financial resources to support the mass production of Hengchi 5, the company continues to promote cost-saving measures, including optimizing the staff structure. In addition, according to the original plan, a total of 5 billion-7 billion yuan will be required from 2023 to 2026 to support its plan to launch a number of flagship models. Hengda Automobile pointed out that in the case of not being able to obtain new liquidity, Hengda New Energy Vehicles will face the risk of suspension.

Combined with the analysis of the announcement disclosed yesterday evening, it means that the financing plan of Hengda Automobile is not going well, but yesterday evening China Hengda and Hengda Automobile both issued announcements to announce another way out of the predicament – China Hengda intends to acquire 2 yuan Hengda Automobile related projects and collect about 24.80 billion debt to help Hengda Automobile out of the predicament.

Evergrande Auto has been completely shut down!Evergrande Auto has been completely shut down!

China Evergrande and Hengda Automobile announced in separate announcements that China Evergrande intends to acquire 47 residential and property development projects under Hengda Automobile for 2 yuan. After completion, Hengda Automobile will no longer have any interests in the sale group. At the same time, China Evergrande will undertake liabilities of about 24.789 billion yuan for these projects as the transaction price. According to the announcement, the 47 projects sold by Evergrande Automobile include 21 Hengda Health Valley projects, 5 Hengda Health City projects, and 21 various property development projects. The projects are located in Xi’an, Zhengzhou, Chongqing, Wuhan and other cities. Evergrande Automobile said in the announcement that after the transaction is completed, it will continue to operate the existing main business of the new energy vehicle division and hold one residential and property development project in Tianjin and Nanning. In addition, Hengda Motor also stated that since it is only required to pay a nominal consideration of 2 yuan for the sale, the company does not expect to receive any net proceeds from the sale.

Evergrande Auto has been completely shut down!

That is to say, there will be almost no gain from the internal transaction. In this regard, China Evergrande said: "Considering the recent orientation of investors towards companies listed on the Stock Exchange that are mainly engaged in the new energy vehicle division, the board believes that the valuation of Evergrande Automobile can be improved by concentrating Evergrande Automobile’s business in the new energy vehicle division, which may help attract investors to join Evergrande Automobile and raise funds." At the same time, China Evergrande believes that the restructuring can optimize the structure of Evergrande Automobile Group, allowing it to focus on the development of the new energy vehicle division and allocate suitable resources to the research and development and production of new energy vehicles in the new energy vehicle division. In addition, Evergrande Automobile pointed out that it is actively seeking external potential investors for possible cooperation opportunities. As of the date of the announcement, no definitive agreement has been signed with any potential investors.

Evergrande Auto has been completely shut down!

In addition to reducing debt and attracting potential investors, China Evergrande also said in the announcement: "As part of the overall restructuring plan of its overseas debt, it is currently expected that the company’s financial creditors will be able to obtain bonds that can be exchanged for Evergrande Automobile shares on certain terms. Therefore, these creditors will also benefit from the value growth of Evergrande Automobile Group." According to the overseas workout announcement issued by China Evergrande, there are debt repayment plans linked to Evergrande Property and Evergrande Automobile shares in the corresponding debt repayment terms for investors to choose.

According to public information, Hengda Automobile, formerly known as Hengda Health, was initially responsible for operating China Evergrande’s big health business. In 2019, Hengda announced its entry into the field of new energy vehicles. In August of the following year, Hengda Health was renamed Hengda Automobile, responsible for promoting the research and development, production and sales of new energy vehicles, as well as the elderly care industry.

Evergrande Auto has been completely shut down!

So far, Hengda Automotive’s product matrix has a total of 9 models, including Hengchi 1, Hengchi 2, Hengchi 3, Hengchi 4, Hengchi 5, Hengchi 6, Hengchi 7, Hengchi 8 and Hengchi 9. The model grades include cars, SUVs, and MPVs, covering all grades from A to D. However, only one model has been mass-produced so far, and only 900 new cars have been delivered before they are discontinued.

Evergrande Auto has been completely shut down!Evergrande Auto has been completely shut down!

Hengda Automobile annual report data show that during the period of 2018-2020, Hengda Automobile lost 1.429 billion yuan, 4.426 billion yuan and 7.394 billion yuan respectively, that is to say, Hengda has accumulated 13.249 billion yuan in three years.

Although Hengda Automobile’s first model, Hengchi 5, has been mass-produced and listed, it is far from pulling Hengda Automobile out of the quagmire, which is mired in financial crisis. The latest financial report shows that as of December 31, 2021, Hengda Automobile’s total assets were 59.521 billion yuan, total liabilities were 58.83 billion yuan, and the asset-liability ratio reached 98.84%.

Obviously, the financial crisis has become an unavoidable problem in the process of Hengda Automobile’s car construction. Judging from the current situation of Hengda Automobile, if Hengda Automobile wants to continue to operate normally and mass-produce more new cars in the future, it means that Hengda Automobile still needs a lot of "blood transfusion". At present, Hengda is facing a lot of information about the person being executed. Under the fierce market competition, no one knows how high the wind wave Hengda Automobile can set off in the future. As for whether the Hengda Automobile crisis can be improved after this internal reorganization, the answer will soon surface.

Evergrande Auto has been completely shut down!

New car compulsory traffic insurance data shows that since the official delivery on October 29, 2022, Hengchi 5 has delivered a total of 975 vehicles, of which 519 vehicles will be delivered in 2022 and 456 vehicles will be delivered in the first two months of 2023.

Interview with Li Yapeng: Being Faye Wong’s husband is stressful. Weibo flirting is very romantic

Talking about new films: having a "bed scene" with Xu Jinglei, I think I used to be handsome

  In the movie version of "Will Love", two school lovers who passed by 13 years ago, Yang Zheng and Wen Hui, reunite for the second time, and perform three completely different love scenes in Beijing, Shanghai and Bordeaux.

  The Beijing passage is suspenseful, with Yang Zheng peeking through a telescope at Wen Hui, who is bathing in her home. The Shanghai passage revolves around an old classmate party, where two first lovers who broke up decide to embark on a crazy night of "big adventure" because of a "truth or truth" test. The Bordeaux passage is full of romantic lyricism. Yang Zheng and Wen Hui, who has already been married, unexpectedly reunite, only to find that Wen Hui is in the predicament of her husband’s infidelity.

Movie Network: What is your favorite relationship in the movie version of "General Love", and what is the biggest difference between the movie and the TV series version?

Li Yapeng:The movie version of "General Love" tells three different stories, of which the story that took place in Bordeaux, France, impressed me the most. The movie version continues a certain character characteristic of the TV series version of "General Love". Although it still gives up in the end, it has a very beautiful feeling of love, which is what I like very much. The movie version of "General Love" tells the different life stages of these two characters, and there are also images interspersed 13 years ago. This is very interesting, and this kind of creation is not possible in every film.

Movie Network: Due to the promotion of "General Love", you and Xu Jinglei took a group of photos for the magazine, but many netizens think you are pretending to be tender. Do you agree?

Li Yapeng:That is the demand of the magazine, but I think there is no way to pretend to be tender. If we can still "pretend to be tender", it means that we are still good.

Movie Network: After more than 10 years, what do you think is the biggest change between Xu Jinglei and you? Do you still have the feeling of working together again?

Li Yapeng:Everyone has matured, and everyone has lived a wonderful life in the past 10 years, whether it is a director, screenwriter, photographer, stage artist or actor. What makes me particularly happy is that the group of people we used to be has made progress in their respective positions today, and they are all living their lives very seriously. Everyone is still actively facing love, family and work.
  The audience may think that we have changed a lot in appearance, but in our eyes, you are still the same as you were, and I am still the same as me. In fact, this is the same, so we can always be friends. If we really change, we will no longer be friends today.

Movie Network: After 13 years, has the love between you and Xu Jinglei in the movie been replaced by a more mature passion drama?

Li Yapeng:There are some, but I’m not very clear about the scale and standards of passion scenes. Is it so difficult to get into bed that it’s a bed scene? Yes, but it’s not embarrassing to act. This is the basic quality of an actor.

Movie Network: At that time, Yang Zheng, who had "long hair fluttering", was popular in the mainland. Now looking back at your role, do you also think Yang Zheng is charming?

Li Yapeng:Today, I feel quite handsome. I feel that I am quite handsome at some point (laughs). In fact, every man is handsome at some point. I have never seen Zhang Yibai’s behind- the-scene before. At that time, everyone of us was full of youth, which was really youthful.

The sales volume of the Great Wall Gun has exceeded 10,000 for six consecutive months. Netizen: C-position hammer of pickup ring!

By the beginning of November, the automobile sales season of Golden September and Silver 10 has come to a successful end. Although the market economy has been affected to some extent this year, it can be seen from the pickup truck sales data that people’s purchasing power is still strong, and the sales of most brands in the pickup truck market have increased year-on-year. Among them, the Great Wall pickup truck sold 20,405 vehicles worldwide in October, up 28% year-on-year, and the sales volume exceeded 20,000 vehicles for six consecutive months, accounting for nearly 50% of the market, showing the strong strength of the leader.

Continue to win the championship, and the strength is certified by the owner.

As the seed player of the Great Wall pickup truck, the strength of the Great Wall Cannon can’t be underestimated. Its sales volume continued to rise in October, reaching 11,291 vehicles, and its sales volume exceeded 10,000 for six consecutive months. It continued to win the championship in the pickup truck market and was phenomenal in the eyes of many pickup truck fans.

Then the question is, why can Great Wall Gun win the favor of car owners among many pickup brands in China auto market? We should focus on the demand level of prospective pickup truck owners today. Nowadays, the owners of pickup trucks are no longer engineering bosses and contractors decades ago, and young users who pay attention to driving experience have become a fresh force. The reason why they chose the Great Wall Gun is very simple. It has cool appearance, good comfort and passability, and most importantly, it is economical and has a high cost performance.

Empowering hard core strength to meet users’ needs

Take the pickup truck for the Great Wall Artillery as an example. In the aspect of driving experience, it adopts the suspension form of front double wishbone and rear multi-link. The measured adjustment experience is comfortable, and the vibration filtering and noise control are excellent. Coupled with the wrapped leather seat, the whole driving experience is comfortable and comfortable. Equipped with ACC adaptive cruise and 360-degree look-around system, the former realizes the autonomous deceleration or acceleration without the intervention of the driver, greatly reducing the driver’s fatigue, while the latter can make the owner clearly see the surrounding images during the reversing process, avoid the occurrence of collision accidents, and solve the problem of difficult parking from the source.

The Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck is the first all-terrain mass-produced off-road pickup truck in China. It inherits the dual product characteristics of pickup truck and SUV, and it shows remarkable off-road performance and comfort performance. In terms of off-road performance, the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck has more than ten unique off-road equipment with fever level, all of which are the first equipment of China pickup truck, such as three locks, tank turning around, crawling mode, seven driving modes, wading throat and off-road expert mode, which can tackle the extreme off-road sections and help enthusiasts get through every inch of rotten roads smoothly. In addition, the oversized rear bucket of the Great Wall gun off-road pickup truck can also be customized privately, which can easily open the life of the whole scene pickup truck.

Walking nonstop, playing outside the circle attracts onlookers.

This year, the Great Wall Gun kept on walking. It not only released the diesel 8AT used by the Great Wall Gun/commercial pickup truck, but also fully contracted the needs of users for leisure life, home and business. At the Beijing Auto Show, it released the combination of "three guns and one bomb", which attacked the field of electric pickup trucks, expanded the product matrix, created explosive modified models, and spread the pickup truck culture, which was amazing.

Of course, as a "trendy" pickup truck, the Great Wall Cannon also knows the psychology of young people, and put a number of big moves in the recent hot "Double Eleven snapping season". From October 21 ST to November 30 th, as long as you start with the gasoline version of the pickup truck for the Great Wall Artillery, you can save 2500RMB; in a limited time; Start with the great wall gun off-road pickup truck and give a 3000RMB off-road gift package in a limited time; Starting with the diesel version of the pickup truck for the Great Wall Gun and the commercial pickup truck for the Great Wall Gun, you can save 1500RMB in a limited time. In addition, in the Super Live Night of the Great Wall on November 7th, Vega and Orfila formed a brother and sister CP, giving exclusive benefits in the live broadcast room, so don’t be too cool!

It can be said that the all-encompassing Great Wall Gun has been recognized by the majority of car owners once it is launched. It not only has an excellent reputation, but also has achieved great success in sales. In the face of the different needs of a new generation of car owners, we constantly introduce brand-new pickup trucks that meet the needs of users, and make the "pet powder" to the extreme, which may be the reason why Great Wall Cannon can be favored by users!

Changzhou Volvo XC60 significantly reduced the price, with a maximum discount of 132,400! Preferential treatment waits for no man.

In the car home Changzhou preferential promotion channel, we are pleased to announce that the current preferential car series is! This high-profile SUV model is enjoying a maximum discount of 132,400 yuan in Changzhou, with a minimum starting price of 283,900 yuan. As a luxury model, Volvo XC60 has excellent quality and performance, which brings excellent driving experience to consumers. If you are interested in this model, you may wish to click "Check the car price" in the quotation form, and strive for higher discounts to make your car purchase experience more enjoyable.

The design of the Volvo XC60 is highly recognizable. The front face adopts a unique Volvo family-style design, and the air intake grille is decorated with chrome, which is very delicate. The body lines are smooth, and the overall style is simple and atmospheric, giving people a noble and steady feeling. At the same time, Volvo XC60 is also equipped with advanced technologies such as LED headlights and daytime running lights, which makes the vehicle safer at night and during the day. In addition, the chrome trim and large-size rims on the side of the car also highlight the luxury of the car, making the car more dynamic and fashionable. In a word, the design of Volvo XC60 is both practical and beautiful, which perfectly shows the design essence of Swedish brand.

Volvo XC60 is a medium-sized SUV with a body size of 4708*1902*1660mm and a wheelbase of 2865mm. The body lines are smooth and the design is full of strength. The car uses tires with 235/60 R18 front and rear wheels, with a front tread of 1653mm and a rear tread of 1657mm. The design of car side lines is simple and generous, showing a unique Nordic style. At the same time, the car is also equipped with 18-inch rims, which increases the overall sense of movement and luxury of the vehicle.

The interior design of Volvo XC60 is simple and generous, and high-quality materials and fine craftsmanship are used to create a comfortable and luxurious driving experience. The steering wheel is made of leather, which feels comfortable, and the position can be manually adjusted up and down and back and forth, which is convenient for drivers to find the most comfortable driving posture. The 9-inch central control screen has a large size and is equipped with a voice recognition control system, which can control functions such as multimedia system, navigation, telephone and air conditioning, and is easy to operate. The front and rear rows are equipped with Type-C and USB interfaces to meet the charging needs of passengers in the car. The seat is made of imitation leather, and the main driver and co-pilot seats can be adjusted front and back, backrest, height and lumbar support. The main driver seat is also equipped with heating function. The rear seats can be tilted in proportion, which increases the flexibility of storage space. Generally speaking, the interior design and configuration of Volvo XC60 are very humanized, providing drivers and passengers with a comfortable driving experience.

The Volvo XC60 is powered by a 2.0T 250 HP L4 engine with a maximum power of 184 kW and a maximum torque of 350 N m.. This engine cooperates with the 8-speed automatic transmission, which can provide a smooth shifting experience and excellent acceleration performance, so that drivers can feel strong power output and comfortable operation experience during driving. At the same time, the engine also has high fuel economy, which makes your driving more energy-saving and environmentally friendly. Overall, the engine of Volvo XC60 performs well, which can meet the driver’s demand for power and economy.

Among the owners of Volvo XC60, there is a rider from Qingdao. In his comments, he mentioned that this car has strong sense of security, good comfort, relatively low fuel consumption and beautiful appearance. These four advantages are undoubtedly the highlights of Volvo XC60. For a strong sense of security, Volvo has always been a leader in safety performance, and it has excellent performance in both active and passive safety. Comfortable, because Volvo XC60 adopts luxurious interior design and comfortable seats, as well as excellent sound insulation effect, so that drivers can get the best rest and enjoyment during long-distance driving. The relatively low fuel consumption is also one of the highlights of the Volvo XC60, thanks to its advanced power system and lightweight body design. The beautiful appearance is because the Volvo XC60 adopts a fashionable and dynamic design, so people can’t ignore its existence at first sight. To sum up, the Volvo XC60 is a very recommended luxury SUV in the eyes of car owners, and its safety performance, comfort performance, fuel consumption performance and design are impressive.

Test drive Krypton 001, which is Tesla’s strongest rival?

  [Aika Auto New Energy Original]

  Since (|) was introduced in 2012, it has been leading the development of electric vehicle industry. Traditional automobile giants have launched many electric vehicles in the process of dismissing Tesla, trying to surpass it, and then acknowledging the gap. They may surpass Tesla in a certain performance, but their comprehensive performance is always inferior to the latter. European and American giants are getting old, and the task of defeating Tesla ultimately depends on China enterprises. After completing the leap from quantity to quality, a new generation of China brand electric vehicles have good product strength, and (|) is one of the best. Compared with Tesla (|) and (|), which are close in price, 001 is almost fully dominant. Can it become Tesla’s strongest rival?

Test drive krypton 001

  ZEEKR Krypton is a brand-new intelligent pure electric brand launched this year, and Krypton 001 is the first model of the brand. Extreme Krypton 001 gained the popularity envied by friends at the booking stage, which is inseparable from its high-standard hardware configuration. But the stacking car is not always a good car. With a table full of ingredients, what kind of food will it make? With this question, we test-drive the Krypton 001 on the open road for the first time. This test drive is a Krypton 001 test vehicle in the PP stage (pre-trial production). Although its software is not ready yet, the hardware part is basically not significantly different from the production car, so the focus of our test drive is the dynamic performance of Krypton 001.

Test drive krypton 001

Test drive krypton 001

Test drive krypton 001

  Speaking of motors, by the way, Krypton 001 has caused some controversy recently because of the selection of motors. In the earlier application information of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the motor supplier of Extreme Krypton 001 was made in Japan; In the new application information, the motor supplier of Krypton 001 has become a local manufacturer Weirui, and the torque of Weirui Motor has been reduced.

  This change is interpreted by some people as krypton 001 will be reduced, but it is not. First of all, the domestic motor is actually not bad. The motor provided by Weirui for Krypton 001 adopts more advanced flat wire winding, which has higher slot fullness and power density, thus improving efficiency and reducing heat. The motor made in Japan is still traditional.Round wire winding. Second, although the torque of Weirui’s motor is a little lower, the wheel end torque output to the wheel through the reducer is still unchanged. The wheel end torque of each rear wheel of the single motor model is 3840Nm, and the wheel end torque of each wheel of the dual motor model is 3840Nm. After the adjustment of Krypton engineers, these two motors can bring highly consistent power performance, and the user experience is basically the same.

Test drive krypton 001

Test drive krypton 001

Test drive krypton 001

Test drive krypton 001

Test drive krypton 001


Test drive krypton 001

Test drive krypton 001

Test drive krypton 001


Live broadcast: A conference to celebrate the successful manned space flight of Shenzhou VII.

      At 10:00 a.m. on Friday, November 7, the CPC Central Committee, the State Council and the Central Military Commission held a meeting in the Great Hall of the People to celebrate the successful manned space flight of Shenzhou VII. The first, fourth and ninth CCTV programs and news channels, Spanish channels and French channels broadcast the relevant information live. CCTV. com broadcast live video and pictures to the celebration meeting.

Hundreds of computers manipulated the stock price, and the CSRC fined Beibadao Group 5.5 billion yuan.

  Xiamen Beibadao Group manipulated the stock price, and the CSRC will issue the biggest fine of 5.5 billion yuan to it. On March 14th, the Inspection Corps of China Securities Regulatory Commission disclosed to the outside world that Xiamen Beibadao Group had speculated on three sub-new shares of Zhangjiagang Bank, Hesheng Shares and Jiangyin Bank, and accumulated a profit of 945 million yuan during the manipulation period. The CSRC will impose a penalty of "no penalty for five" on Beibadao Group, with a total fine of about 5.5 billion yuan.

  pay close attention

  Employees of Beiba Road scratched inspectors to destroy evidence.

  According to the information disclosed by the CSRC, the illegal operation target of Beibadao Group is mainly sub-new shares. Due to the restriction of the lifting of the ban by major shareholders, the number of tradable shares is small, and the amount of funds is the same. Compared with large-cap stocks, the manipulation of subordinated shares has the effect of "four or two", and the ups and downs are even more intense. If once the operation is successful, a single new share will basically increase by more than 40%, and there is huge room for profit.

  According to the inspection and law enforcement personnel of the CSRC, Beibadao Group used more than 300 stock accounts, more than 100 computers and more than 10 traders to trade at the same time, and used a lot of capital allocation. During the investigation, the senior management and related personnel of Beibadao Group refused to cooperate with the investigation, and the accountants scratched the inspectors of the CSRC to destroy the evidence.

  According to people close to the CSRC, individuals are generally punished for manipulating the stock price, but the punishment target is the group, which shows that the gangs and corporatization operations that manipulate the stock price in the secondary market are becoming increasingly obvious. The actual controllers often rely on the personnel and capital flow of industrial companies to form teams to manipulate the stock price, and the methods are relatively hidden.

  The exchange’s current big data screening technology is very advanced. Once multiple suspicious accounts are found to buy the same stock in large quantities at the same time, inspectors will go to the local inspection according to the stock price performance. "It is obviously unreasonable to find more than a dozen people and more than one hundred computers in an office. Such companies will enter the field of vision of key inspections. "

  reveal a secret

  Beiba Road, which started from container transportation.

  There is very little official information about Beibadao, and its group official website can’t browse it normally. One of the most reprinted reports was the report "Black Hole of Railway Freight: The Nugget of Beibadao" and "The Methodology of Box Packing" published by Caijing National Weekly in August, 2014. The investigation revealed that Beibadao Logistics Group Co., Ltd. occupied a huge market share of railway container freight, and was suspected of violating laws and regulations, including using containers to transport coal, using "box packing" and other methods to evade railway freight, and the time was as long as 8 years. According to the report, the largest natural person shareholders of Beibadao Logistics Group and Beibadao Investment Holding Co., Ltd., which was newly established in April 2013, are Lin Yuting, the daughter of Lin Qingfeng, with subscribed capital contributions of 131.5 million yuan and 45 million yuan respectively. Beibadao is seeking acquisition to prepare for listing.

  The only personal information about Lin Qingfeng, the head of Beibadao Group, is from the 2014 MGM-Hurun China Yacht Industry Report issued by Hurun Research Institute. The report shows that Lin Qingfeng owns a personal tailor yacht worth about 36 million yuan — — "Ferrari 800", ranked 13th.

  According to public information, the full name of "Beibadao" is Beibadao Logistics Group Co., Ltd., a private enterprise established in 1993. The largest private railway container operator in China, with fixed assets of nearly 3 billion yuan, has 23 container freight station and branches all over 9 provinces and municipalities.

  press sb for an interview

  It is behind the highest P/E ratio of Zhangjiagang Bank.

  In April 2013, Beibadao Investment Holding Co., Ltd. was established in Shanghai, later renamed as Beibadao Group Co., Ltd., and its legal representative was "Lin Huihui". The shareholding structure shows that Lin Yuting holds 90% of the shares and Lin Qingfeng holds 10%. Market speculation, Lin Huihui and Lin Qingfeng should be related, even father-daughter relationship.

  What makes this company famous is the large-scale speculation of sub-new shares in April 2016, which is rare for its fierce and high-profile style. They have a fixed style, and they concentrate on one stock for a certain period of time, and wash the new shares on a weekly basis.

  From February to March, 2017, a number of sub-new shares affected by bad news in the early stage began to enter a period of strong rebound. The market believes that Beibadao Group is involved in this round of speculation at this time. From February 6th to April 5th, Zhangjiagang Bank saw the highest increase of 200%, setting a record price-earnings ratio of 63 times in the banking sector. In addition to Zhangjiagang Bank, Hesheng Shares and Jiangyin Bank, there are also Zhezhong Shares, Baota Industry, Nanjing Port, pioneer electronics, Tongli Cement, Gansu Power Investment, etc. Most of these "monster stocks" are considered by the market as the representative works of hot money.


  Last year, CSRC strictly investigated the speculation of sub-new shares.

  Subsequently, the CSRC launched a high-profile investigation. On April 14th, last year, Zhang Xiaojun, spokesperson of the CSRC, revealed to the outside world that the CSRC deployed the second batch of 16 cases of special enforcement actions in 2017, and relevant investigations have been carried out in an all-round way for vicious operations such as sub-IPO, and important breakthroughs have been made in key cases. The characteristics of these cases are as follows: first, maliciously taking advantage of the low price-earnings ratio of sub-new shares, using multiple accounts to quickly raise the stock price, and luring individual stock prices to skyrocket and plummet; The second is to use accounts with obvious geographical areas in batches, take advantage of funds, and use methods such as "lifting accounts" to speculate on multiple stocks, which has obvious gang characteristics; Third, the controlling shareholders of listed companies and other stakeholders illegally manipulate the content of information disclosure and the combination of light and dark with market institutions, and jointly manipulate the company’s share price with the intention of illegally making profits through high cash.

  Text/reporter Liu Shenliang

  related news

  Nearly 900 million "folk masters" who manipulated essence pharmaceutical to make profits were investigated.

  At the special press conference on inspection and law enforcement held by the Securities and Futures Commission yesterday, the market paid attention to "Gao was suspected of manipulating the stock price of essence pharmaceutical". The scale of funds involved in this case was as high as 2 billion yuan, and the sources of funds were many movie stars, entrepreneurs and company executives.

  According to the investigators of the CSRC, during the manipulation of essence pharmaceutical stock price, Gao controlled and used 16 accounts, including umbrella trust accounts and personal accounts. The profit of the account group is close to 900 million yuan, which is the case investigated and dealt with by the CSRC, and the case of manipulating the price of a single stock has the highest profit. At present, the case has been investigated and heard, and the procedure of prior notification of administrative punishment has been fulfilled, and it is planned to be punished in the near future.

  According to the investigators, Gao, a person involved in the case, is known as the champion of the folk stock trading competition. He once set up a securities investment course in a well-known university and taught securities investment skills, which attracted many people to operate stock accounts on his behalf. With private equity fund management company as a platform, Gao has attracted many high-net-worth clients to entrust him to manage securities accounts. The accounts involved include umbrella trust accounts and multiple natural person accounts. Among natural person accounts, there are many celebrity accounts, among which there are many first-line movie stars, well-known entrepreneurs and company executives.

  In addition, the CSRC also notified the case of illegal disclosure of cobalt and nickel information in Hua Ze. On January 23rd, China Securities Regulatory Commission issued a decision on the administrative punishment of Hua Ze Cobalt and Nickel, giving Hua Ze Cobalt and Nickel a warning and a maximum penalty of 600,000 yuan, giving 18 responsible persons a warning and a fine of 30,000 to 900,000 yuan respectively, and banning three people, including Hua Ze Cobalt and Nickel, from the market.

  Text/reporter Liu Shenliang

Beijing Auto Show | BYD Qin L Real Shot

On April 25,The new model Qin L was officially released.It will form a two-car pattern with Qin PLUS and sell it on the same network.. The interior design of this car is inspired by the traditional culture of China, adopting the concept of landscape painting, and integrating modern technology and aesthetics of new national trends.

It is reported that Qin L will be equipped with the fifth-generation DM-i hybrid system, which consists of a 1.5-liter engine and an electric motor. Previously, the information declared by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology showed that the maximum power of the engine was 74kW, and the driving motor was available in two options: 120kW and 160kW. The car is expected to be listed in the second quarter of this year, and it is expected to be sold at 120,000 yuan.

Yinchuan area extremely krypton 001 big price reduction! The maximum discount is 37,000, so act quickly.

[car home Yinchuan Promotion Channel] Good news! A price reduction promotion is under way, with a maximum discount of 37,000 and a minimum starting price of 269,000. This model is on sale in Yinchuan area. Click on "Check the car price" in the quotation form to get a higher discount!

Extreme Krypton 001 is an electric car with a unique sense of design. Its front face design is highly recognizable, and it adopts a streamlined body shape and a headlight group with a sense of technology, which makes the whole car look very dynamic. The air intake grille adopts a closed design, which is integrated with the body lines, demonstrating the identity of its electric vehicle. The overall style is simple and smooth, and it is very futuristic. The body lines are smooth and dynamic, full of strength, and the overall style is fashionable and atmospheric, which shows the high-end positioning of the car.

Krypton 001 is a luxury electric car with excellent performance and elegant appearance. Its body dimensions are 4977*1999*1533 in length * width * height (mm), with a wheelbase (mm) of 3005, a front track (mm) of 1703 and a rear track (mm) of 1716. The body lines are smooth, showing a dynamic design. tyre size is the front 255/55 R19, and the rear 255/55 R19. The rim style is unique, showing its sense of advanced. Krypton 001 is an electric car worth looking forward to, providing you with a comfortable, safe and high-performance driving experience.

The interior design of Krypton 001 is fashionable and concise, and the overall style is exquisite and elegant. The steering wheel is made of leather, which supports electric up-and-down and forward-and-backward adjustment and feels comfortable. The central control screen has a size of 15.05 inches, supports voice recognition control system, and can control functions such as multimedia, navigation, telephone and air conditioning. The front and rear rows are equipped with Type-C and USB interfaces, which is convenient for users to connect their mobile phones and charge. The front row also has a mobile phone wireless charging function, which is very practical. The seat is made of leather. The main driver and co-pilot seats support front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment, height adjustment, leg rest adjustment and lumbar support. The front seats also have heating, ventilation and massage functions, which is very comfortable. The driver’s seat and co-pilot seat are also equipped with electric seat memory function. The backrest of the second row of seats can be adjusted, and the rear seats support proportional reclining, which is flexible and changeable. Generally speaking, the interior design of Krypton 001 is very humanized, fully functional and comfortable.

The engine of Krypton 001 has a maximum power of 580 kW and a maximum torque of 810 N m.. This engine has excellent power performance and can provide strong acceleration and high-speed driving stability. It adopts advanced technology and technology, which can bring excellent driving experience to drivers. In addition, the engine also has the characteristics of high efficiency and energy saving, which can save fuel costs for car owners and reduce environmental pollution.

In the evaluation of car home car owners, we can see that the design of Krypton 001 has been highly recognized. From the front of the car to the rear of the car, every detail shows a fashionable and atmospheric style, and people can’t ignore its existence. The waistline of the car body is smooth and dynamic, and the shape of the rear of the car is simple without losing the sense of hierarchy. These design elements make Krypton 001 a beautiful landscape on the road. The fine body workmanship is even more impressive, whether it is car paint or sheet metal is impeccable. Car home car owner @ Bengbu Cheyou 9280260 said that every time he goes out in a Krypton 001, he always attracts the attention of many passers-by, which also makes him feel proud. Therefore, Krypton 001 is not only outstanding in appearance, but also a symbol of self-confidence.