In the name of "Milky Way", Geely set the top to create "Star" power

Text |Zhang Kun

design|Li Zhengwei

On February 16, Geely’s new mid-to-high-end series name "Galaxy" for the era of new energy vehicles was officially announced. From the name point of view, this name still has a strong "Li’s romance".

Those who are familiar with Li Shufu know that he has a strong "cosmic feeling" and his love for "stars" is beyond words:

As early as the beginning of the last century, Li Shufu said internally that the journey of Geely Automobile was the sea of stars; and on the flight back to China after Geely’s successful acquisition of Volvo in 2010, Li Shufu said to the full moon starry sky that perfection is the pursuit of the Chinese people, and then there is the Volvo that returns the tiger to the mountain; in the era of Geely 3.0 boutique car building, the naming of models such as Xingyue and Xingrui is also full of this color; even in the naming of many companies within Geely, the interstellar era, time and space, Taoyu… also reflect this romantic color.

In ancient times, people used to call the Milky Way standing on the dome the Xinghan, which was regarded as the most romantic and beautiful thing in the world. Therefore, Cao Cao sighed: "The Xinghan is brilliant, if it comes out of it".

Winning the firmament, wanting to compete with the heavens, this is the romance hidden in the bones of the Chinese people. In the name of the Milky Way, it shows a deeper expectation of Geely.

The famous philosopher Socrates once said that most of the success in the world is due to the inevitable results of accidental causes. If you pick the fruits from the wisdom of the sages, they can be roughly summarized into six words: time, place, and people.

For the current automotive industry, it is an era of rapid change that has left many people feeling unfamiliar.

In 2022, BYD rose to prominence, historically surpassing North and South Volkswagen to become the highest-selling enterprise in the Chinese auto market. The market share of Japanese and Korean models, which have always been known for their economy and durability, has contracted across the board, and the share of self-owned brand passenger cars will account for half of the country in 2022;

At the beginning of New Year’s Day, Barbarian Tesla’s incredible crazy price cuts set off a wave of new energy vehicle brand price fights, with countless brands involved.

After the Spring Festival, the world’s largest automobile company, Toyota, announced the largest personnel adjustment in recent years. The failure of Bz made it impossible for everyone to see where the world’s largest automaker by sales was headed.

Not long ago, the European Parliament passed a historic resolution by a narrow margin – 2035 ban on the sale of fuel vehicles. You know, Europe is the cradle of the world’s automobiles, and has accumulated a huge industrial chain cluster around the upstream and downstream of fuel vehicles;

The sales of traditional luxury brands BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Audi no longer made great progress, and the Japanese luxury car Lexus, which had always emphasized tonality, saw a decline for the first time. In contrast, the sales of Extreme Krypton, NIO, and Li Auto grew rapidly, and the new pattern of the luxury car market and the all-electric market has changed…

The world has changed, and so have the cars of the world.

There are black swans above and gray rhinos below. For most car companies, the days of smooth sailing and high clouds are gone, not to mention trying to eat all over the world through a novel routine.

Big waves require big changes.

In 2021, Geely officially established the extreme krypton car to face the high-end competition, and announced that it officially sounded the horn of competition for electric vehicles from a higher level. As of now, the cumulative sales of extreme krypton have exceeded 80,000 units.

If you look back, Geely’s journey on the track of new energy vehicles has not been smooth sailing. As early as 2016, Geely proposed the Blue Geely Action and launched a new Geometry brand within the Geely system. But whether it is the Geometry brand or Geely’s own new energy products, they have not achieved the corresponding expected goals in the market.

Looking back today, the core of Geometry’s success or failure may be the right time, the right place and the right person. The new energy vehicle products of the year were far less acceptable than today’s users, and Geometry’s actions at critical moments also deviated from the original planned track…

So in 2023, is Geely ready to embrace the smart electric era?

In terms of sales volume, Geely’s new energy vehicles achieved double growth in sales volume and penetration rate in 2022. The cumulative sales volume of its new energy products reached 328,727 units, and the annual new energy penetration rate was about 23%, which tripled compared with 2021. And the monthly new energy penetration rate exceeded 30% many times.

From a technical point of view, Geely has built an electrification system with multiple technical paths such as pure electricity, hybrid, power exchange and methanol. In particular, Raytheon Power and related electrification technologies have been widely recognized by consumers in the market.

From the perspective of organizational structure, Geely has undergone a series of talent echelon construction, especially under the demonstration of Extreme Krypton First, and has reached a high degree of recognition for the future of new energy vehicles.


Obviously, regardless of the sales volume of Geely’s new energy vehicles or the current Geely system’s understanding of new energy vehicles, the Galaxy starting in 2023 is more confident than the previous brand.

On the one hand, Geely has opened up the full link of new energy vehicles and accumulated a lot of technical experience by virtue of its layout in new energy vehicles over the past period of time. On the other hand, under the premise of scale, the Galaxy brand can participate in the market competition at the lowest cost.

These are the confidence that the Milky Way can break out of the confinement.

The current is the best time for Geely, but it is also the most painful time. But the real warrior is the ability to dare to innovate at the top of the critical moment. In the face of the surging tide of smart cars in the world, Geely must go to great lengths and have no way out.

According to some data, the future Galaxy series will have three power forms: pure electric, plug-in hybrid, and extended-range hybrid, and adopt a new design language and intelligent configuration, emphasizing direct user connection in operation. In addition, Geely’s "heaven and earth integration" intelligent security ecology is clearly visible, which is provided by the "sky eye" satellite, the "super brain" intelligent computing center provides computing power support and the super intelligent end point that is freely linked to intelligent things.

This means that in terms of the full set of playing methods, Galaxy is not limited to the past auspicious. With the positioning of the mid-to-high-end series, compared with new forces and friends, the sense of value should be increased, and the imagination space and expectations should be increased. However, due to the current data, we have not yet been able to fully and specifically analyze Galaxy’s playing methods and paths.

Looking back, during the months when the Galaxy project was revealed, some people believed it, some people questioned it, and some people were half-convinced. Between reason and emotion, most people did not dare to prematurely judge this ambitious plan. But what is certain is that Geely has enough imagination for his career.

There are no successful enterprises, only enterprises of the times.

In order to become a century-old store with a long-lasting foundation, enterprises cannot only think about making money, but must also correctly understand and have the courage to undertake the mission entrusted by the times, fully integrate and continuously strengthen their own capabilities and advantages, do the right things, important things, do what they can, and maintain innovation at all times.

The chain leader is "in command" and goes on an expedition, the "first run" in the beginning of the year! Qingdao Software and Information Service Industry Chain Promotion Conference was held in Shenz

Original title: The chain leader is "in command" and the "first run" in the beginning of the year! Qingdao Software and Information Service Industry Chain Promotion Conference was held in Shenzhen

Source: Qingdao Daily

Original title: The chain leader is "in command" and the "first run" in the beginning of the year! Qingdao Software and Information Service Industry Chain Promotion Conference was held in Shenzhen

Source: Qingdao Daily

Qingdao Daily News/Guanhai News, February 21, as one of the 24 key industrial chains in Qingdao, the software and information service industry chain played the "first drum" of different ground marketing at the beginning of the year. On February 21, the Qingdao Software and Information Service Industry Chain Promotion Conference was held in Shenzhen. This event was supported by the China Electronics Standardization Research Institute. Sun Wenlong, Vice President of the China Electronics Standardization Research Institute, Yu Yu, Member of the Standing Committee of the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Organization Department, and the relevant heads of more than 100 enterprises and institutions in Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, relevant districts and cities, and Qingshen attended the meeting. At the promotion meeting, the three key lists of Qingdao City were released, the Qingshen Software Talent Exchange Base, the Qingshen Science and Technology Financial Cooperation Base, and the Qingshen Software Industry Information Base were officially unveiled.

Expand the market, promote recruitment, and organize a group to go to Shenzhen to show off "hard power"

As the "chain leader" of Qingdao’s software and information service industry chain, Yu Yu said in her speech that although Qingdao and Shenzhen are thousands of miles apart, the interaction between the two places has a long history. She introduced Qingdao with three "business cards" of "Island of Youth", "City of Entrepreneurship" and "Capital of Happiness". At present, Qingdao has become the fifth "famous city with Chinese software characteristics" and the first batch of "double gigabit" cities in the country, and is actively striving to establish an international communication business import and export bureau in Qinghai. In 2022, the industrial scale will reach 360 billion yuan, and the scale and growth rate will rank seventh and fourth in the country’s sub-provincial cities. A number of leading enterprises and key projects in the industrial chain such as BOE, Xinen, Huike, Foxconn, and Donghua Software have settled down. The industrial foundation and development ecological advantages are outstanding. Yu Yu introduced that Qingdao has also set up "Qingdao Brand Day" and "Qingdao Entrepreneur Day", and has established a "chain of ten thousand enterprises" platform to promote the upstream and downstream linkage of the industrial chain through chain demand, chain resources, and chain platform. Finally, she extended a sincere invitation to Shenzhen entrepreneurs, welcoming everyone to approach Qingdao, learn about Qingdao, and make contributions to Qingdao.

The Qingdao Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology interprets the software and information service industry, talent development opportunities and related policies. Qingdao’s software and information service industry has a solid foundation, favorable opening conditions, and broad development space. In recent years, Qingdao has continued to strengthen policy supply, focusing on industrial policy guidance, and accelerating the construction of a more market-oriented and competitive industrial policy system through policy "formulation-publicizing-implementation-implementation" full-cycle innovation. In terms of talent policy, Qingdao mainly adopts three measures: stimulating leading talents, supporting the integration of production and talents, and strengthening empowerment protection, and strives to build Qingdao into a talent gathering highland in the new era. In order to allow more Shenzhen enterprises and talents to inquire, enjoy relevant policies and develop in Qinghai, the promotion meeting also specially printed the "Guidelines for the Implementation of the Talent Strengthening Youth Plan Policy" to realize the "two-way running" of enterprise talents and urban development.

At present, the layout of Qingdao’s software and information service industry has been continuously optimized, and a new development pattern of "integrated two-pole four-pillar multi-park" has gradually formed, with the West Coast New District and Laoshan District as two growth poles, and the four key areas of Shibei, Shinan, Licang and Chengyang. At the meeting, the representatives of the West Coast New District, Shibei District, Qingdao Shinan Software Park and Qingdao International Innovation Park as key areas and parks will promote and make precise efforts to further supplement, strengthen and extend the chain, and promote the concentration of various elements such as talents, technology and capital to Qingdao.

Release more than 100 key lists, Qingshen base deeply empowered

At the Qingdao Software and Information Service Industry Chain Promotion Conference, Qingdao released a series of key lists based on application needs. Hisense Group Holding joint stock company, Qingdao Aokema Holding Group, CRRC Qingdao Sifang Vehicle Research Institute Co., Ltd., and soft control joint stock company brought 50 ecological partner lists, covering products, technologies, solutions and other needs. At the same time, 150 "future city" scenario lists related to the software and information service industry chain, 81 Qingdao "list of needs and achievement lists were also unveiled.

To promote the leap of industrial energy level, it is inseparable from solid talent support, surging scientific and technological power, precise drip irrigation of financial "living water" and smooth information transmission. At the Qingdao Software and Information Service Industry Chain Promotion Conference, Qingshen Software Talent Exchange Base, Qingshen Technology and Financial Cooperation Base, and Qingshen Software Industry Information Base were officially launched, further promoting the multi-dimensional empowerment and deep integration of the two places in the software and information service industry chain.

The Qingshen Software Talent Exchange Base is jointly built by China Qingdao International Economic and Technological Cooperation (Group) Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen International Talent Exchange Center. It is dedicated to promoting in-depth interaction between talents in Qingshen and Shenzhen, and building a co-construction, sharing and win-win platform for entrepreneurs and innovative and entrepreneurial talents in the two places. The Qingshen Technology Financial Cooperation Base is jointly built by Qingdao Haifa State-owned Capital Investment and Operation Group Co., Ltd., Qianhai Ark Asset Management Co., Ltd. and Qianhai Ark Fund Group. It provides financing services covering all stages of growth for high-tech enterprises and patent demonstration enterprises in the software and information service industry. The Qingshen Software Industry Information Base is jointly built by Qingdao Daily Press Group "Guanhai News" and Shenzhen Press Group "Reader News". It will focus on the information of the software and information industries in Qingshen and Shenzhen, tell new trends, new measures and new stories of the industry, and continue to create a new window and platform for "Qingshen" cooperation and exchange.

Take the initiative to "knock on the door" for precise docking, and sign contracts for 6 major projects

Projects are the source of increment, the foundation of development, and the stamina for the high-quality development of the industry. At the meeting, six key projects, including the Qingdao Yuanhub Zhixing Project, the Shenzhen University Strategic Cooperation Project, the Huawei End Point Whole House Smart Project, the Fuguang Technology Project, and the Digital Connection World "One Old and One Small" Digital People’s Livelihoods Project, were signed.

The strategic cooperation project of Shenzhen University is an industry-university-research project cooperated by Shenzhen University and Qingdao Ruiyuan Engineering Group. It plans to settle in Shandong Robot Industrial Park in Qingdao West Coast New District. The project focuses on smart cities, intelligent manufacturing, electronic information, life and health, and will gather and cultivate high-end talents. It will use major engineering technologies such as magnetic levitation to carry out research in scientific research, projects, applications, etc., and form a number of advanced innovation achievements.

"We will set up the northern headquarters and product operation R & D center in Shinan District. The next step will be to join Qingdao Haiming Urban Development Co., Ltd. to introduce our full range of meta-universe entertainment products in the historical and cultural district of Zhongshan Road, and also cooperate in the government meta-universe." Wu Bien, COO and co-founder of Guangdong Virtual Reality Technology Co., Ltd. is a MR manufacturer with mature MR hardware, system design and large-scale production capabilities in China. With the completion of the company’s northern headquarters, new hardware R & D and production and more upstream and downstream partners for MR content development will be introduced in Qingdao.

During the exchange and docking session, various districts and key software parks in Qingdao held in-depth negotiations with leading enterprises in the software and information service industry in Shenzhen. Shenzhen enterprises agreed that through this promotion meeting, they had a more comprehensive understanding of the development advantages of Qingdao’s software and information service industry, and expressed strong investment interest and strong willingness to cooperate.

"Going out" targeted promotion is precise and effective, and "bringing in" industrial clusters improve quality and efficiency. In the future, Qingdao will continue to "enlarge the coordinates, raise the benchmark", seek a higher level of cooperation, and jointly explore the "digital blue ocean". (Qingdao Daily News/Guanhai News reporter, Wen/Liu Qin, picture/Li Zhuyin)

Evergrande Auto has been completely shut down!

Evergrande Auto has been completely shut down!

On the evening of April 24, Hengda Motor announced in an announcement that the Tianjin factory had suspended production of the Hengchi 5 due to insufficient funds. Before that, Hengda Motor also suspended other factories and concentrated resources on production at the Tianjin factory. The suspension of production at the Tianjin factory means that the first model of the Hengchi brand, "Hengchi 5", will be suspended for a period of time, but Hengda Motor said it expects to resume production in May 2023.

Evergrande Auto has been completely shut down!

Hengda Automobile’s suspension of production had long been foreshadowed. On March 22, Hengda Automobile has issued an announcement indicating that Hengchi 5 is in continuous mass production. As of March 23, 900 vehicles have been delivered, and informed the outside world that Hengda Group will face the risk of suspension in the case of not being able to obtain new liquidity. On the same day, Hengda said in the announcement that in order to concentrate financial resources to support the mass production of Hengchi 5, the company continues to promote cost-saving measures, including optimizing the staff structure. In addition, according to the original plan, a total of 5 billion-7 billion yuan will be required from 2023 to 2026 to support its plan to launch a number of flagship models. Hengda Automobile pointed out that in the case of not being able to obtain new liquidity, Hengda New Energy Vehicles will face the risk of suspension.

Combined with the analysis of the announcement disclosed yesterday evening, it means that the financing plan of Hengda Automobile is not going well, but yesterday evening China Hengda and Hengda Automobile both issued announcements to announce another way out of the predicament – China Hengda intends to acquire 2 yuan Hengda Automobile related projects and collect about 24.80 billion debt to help Hengda Automobile out of the predicament.

Evergrande Auto has been completely shut down!Evergrande Auto has been completely shut down!

China Evergrande and Hengda Automobile announced in separate announcements that China Evergrande intends to acquire 47 residential and property development projects under Hengda Automobile for 2 yuan. After completion, Hengda Automobile will no longer have any interests in the sale group. At the same time, China Evergrande will undertake liabilities of about 24.789 billion yuan for these projects as the transaction price. According to the announcement, the 47 projects sold by Evergrande Automobile include 21 Hengda Health Valley projects, 5 Hengda Health City projects, and 21 various property development projects. The projects are located in Xi’an, Zhengzhou, Chongqing, Wuhan and other cities. Evergrande Automobile said in the announcement that after the transaction is completed, it will continue to operate the existing main business of the new energy vehicle division and hold one residential and property development project in Tianjin and Nanning. In addition, Hengda Motor also stated that since it is only required to pay a nominal consideration of 2 yuan for the sale, the company does not expect to receive any net proceeds from the sale.

Evergrande Auto has been completely shut down!

That is to say, there will be almost no gain from the internal transaction. In this regard, China Evergrande said: "Considering the recent orientation of investors towards companies listed on the Stock Exchange that are mainly engaged in the new energy vehicle division, the board believes that the valuation of Evergrande Automobile can be improved by concentrating Evergrande Automobile’s business in the new energy vehicle division, which may help attract investors to join Evergrande Automobile and raise funds." At the same time, China Evergrande believes that the restructuring can optimize the structure of Evergrande Automobile Group, allowing it to focus on the development of the new energy vehicle division and allocate suitable resources to the research and development and production of new energy vehicles in the new energy vehicle division. In addition, Evergrande Automobile pointed out that it is actively seeking external potential investors for possible cooperation opportunities. As of the date of the announcement, no definitive agreement has been signed with any potential investors.

Evergrande Auto has been completely shut down!

In addition to reducing debt and attracting potential investors, China Evergrande also said in the announcement: "As part of the overall restructuring plan of its overseas debt, it is currently expected that the company’s financial creditors will be able to obtain bonds that can be exchanged for Evergrande Automobile shares on certain terms. Therefore, these creditors will also benefit from the value growth of Evergrande Automobile Group." According to the overseas workout announcement issued by China Evergrande, there are debt repayment plans linked to Evergrande Property and Evergrande Automobile shares in the corresponding debt repayment terms for investors to choose.

According to public information, Hengda Automobile, formerly known as Hengda Health, was initially responsible for operating China Evergrande’s big health business. In 2019, Hengda announced its entry into the field of new energy vehicles. In August of the following year, Hengda Health was renamed Hengda Automobile, responsible for promoting the research and development, production and sales of new energy vehicles, as well as the elderly care industry.

Evergrande Auto has been completely shut down!

So far, Hengda Automotive’s product matrix has a total of 9 models, including Hengchi 1, Hengchi 2, Hengchi 3, Hengchi 4, Hengchi 5, Hengchi 6, Hengchi 7, Hengchi 8 and Hengchi 9. The model grades include cars, SUVs, and MPVs, covering all grades from A to D. However, only one model has been mass-produced so far, and only 900 new cars have been delivered before they are discontinued.

Evergrande Auto has been completely shut down!Evergrande Auto has been completely shut down!

Hengda Automobile annual report data show that during the period of 2018-2020, Hengda Automobile lost 1.429 billion yuan, 4.426 billion yuan and 7.394 billion yuan respectively, that is to say, Hengda has accumulated 13.249 billion yuan in three years.

Although Hengda Automobile’s first model, Hengchi 5, has been mass-produced and listed, it is far from pulling Hengda Automobile out of the quagmire, which is mired in financial crisis. The latest financial report shows that as of December 31, 2021, Hengda Automobile’s total assets were 59.521 billion yuan, total liabilities were 58.83 billion yuan, and the asset-liability ratio reached 98.84%.

Obviously, the financial crisis has become an unavoidable problem in the process of Hengda Automobile’s car construction. Judging from the current situation of Hengda Automobile, if Hengda Automobile wants to continue to operate normally and mass-produce more new cars in the future, it means that Hengda Automobile still needs a lot of "blood transfusion". At present, Hengda is facing a lot of information about the person being executed. Under the fierce market competition, no one knows how high the wind wave Hengda Automobile can set off in the future. As for whether the Hengda Automobile crisis can be improved after this internal reorganization, the answer will soon surface.

Evergrande Auto has been completely shut down!

New car compulsory traffic insurance data shows that since the official delivery on October 29, 2022, Hengchi 5 has delivered a total of 975 vehicles, of which 519 vehicles will be delivered in 2022 and 456 vehicles will be delivered in the first two months of 2023.

Yinchuan area extremely krypton 001 big price reduction! The maximum discount is 37,000, so act quickly.

[car home Yinchuan Promotion Channel] Good news! A price reduction promotion is under way, with a maximum discount of 37,000 and a minimum starting price of 269,000. This model is on sale in Yinchuan area. Click on "Check the car price" in the quotation form to get a higher discount!

Extreme Krypton 001 is an electric car with a unique sense of design. Its front face design is highly recognizable, and it adopts a streamlined body shape and a headlight group with a sense of technology, which makes the whole car look very dynamic. The air intake grille adopts a closed design, which is integrated with the body lines, demonstrating the identity of its electric vehicle. The overall style is simple and smooth, and it is very futuristic. The body lines are smooth and dynamic, full of strength, and the overall style is fashionable and atmospheric, which shows the high-end positioning of the car.

Krypton 001 is a luxury electric car with excellent performance and elegant appearance. Its body dimensions are 4977*1999*1533 in length * width * height (mm), with a wheelbase (mm) of 3005, a front track (mm) of 1703 and a rear track (mm) of 1716. The body lines are smooth, showing a dynamic design. tyre size is the front 255/55 R19, and the rear 255/55 R19. The rim style is unique, showing its sense of advanced. Krypton 001 is an electric car worth looking forward to, providing you with a comfortable, safe and high-performance driving experience.

The interior design of Krypton 001 is fashionable and concise, and the overall style is exquisite and elegant. The steering wheel is made of leather, which supports electric up-and-down and forward-and-backward adjustment and feels comfortable. The central control screen has a size of 15.05 inches, supports voice recognition control system, and can control functions such as multimedia, navigation, telephone and air conditioning. The front and rear rows are equipped with Type-C and USB interfaces, which is convenient for users to connect their mobile phones and charge. The front row also has a mobile phone wireless charging function, which is very practical. The seat is made of leather. The main driver and co-pilot seats support front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment, height adjustment, leg rest adjustment and lumbar support. The front seats also have heating, ventilation and massage functions, which is very comfortable. The driver’s seat and co-pilot seat are also equipped with electric seat memory function. The backrest of the second row of seats can be adjusted, and the rear seats support proportional reclining, which is flexible and changeable. Generally speaking, the interior design of Krypton 001 is very humanized, fully functional and comfortable.

The engine of Krypton 001 has a maximum power of 580 kW and a maximum torque of 810 N m.. This engine has excellent power performance and can provide strong acceleration and high-speed driving stability. It adopts advanced technology and technology, which can bring excellent driving experience to drivers. In addition, the engine also has the characteristics of high efficiency and energy saving, which can save fuel costs for car owners and reduce environmental pollution.

In the evaluation of car home car owners, we can see that the design of Krypton 001 has been highly recognized. From the front of the car to the rear of the car, every detail shows a fashionable and atmospheric style, and people can’t ignore its existence. The waistline of the car body is smooth and dynamic, and the shape of the rear of the car is simple without losing the sense of hierarchy. These design elements make Krypton 001 a beautiful landscape on the road. The fine body workmanship is even more impressive, whether it is car paint or sheet metal is impeccable. Car home car owner @ Bengbu Cheyou 9280260 said that every time he goes out in a Krypton 001, he always attracts the attention of many passers-by, which also makes him feel proud. Therefore, Krypton 001 is not only outstanding in appearance, but also a symbol of self-confidence.

Global sales of new energy vehicles are growing rapidly, and power batteries are in short supply.

  This year, the automobile industry has been challenged by the supply chain. At present, the shortage of automotive chips is widely affecting the normal production of vehicle factories. Now, the "core shortage" has not eased, and the "battery shortage" has come again. Beginning in the second quarter, new energy vehicles with long-term sales began to encounter a crisis of battery supply shortage.

  The shortage of market demand has made power battery manufacturers the darling of the capital market. Taking Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited as an example, as of the close of July 13th, the total market value exceeded 13 trillion yuan. On the one hand, the market and capital are both improving, and on the other hand, the supply of power batteries for new energy vehicles is insufficient.

  Market status:

  Battery supply becomes a new bottleneck

  Tucki, Weilai, Tesla and other new energy car companies mentioned in unison this year that battery supply will become the "bottleneck" in the second half of the year. Previously, in order to get the battery smoothly, Xpeng Motors CEO He Xiaopeng was exposed to be in Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited for a week in the second quarter. Although this incident was later denied by He Xiaopeng, it also confirmed the existence of "battery shortage". Zeng Yuqun, chairman of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, said at the shareholders’ meeting held in late May this year that the recent urging of customers "made him unbearable".

  The tight supply of power batteries has long been a harbinger. In February last year, Audi publicly admitted that e-tron was temporarily discontinued due to insufficient supply of power batteries; In the same period, Jaguar I-PACE was also exposed to production suspension due to the supply problem of LG power battery. This year, Tesla CEO Musk bluntly said that the battery "how much the supplier gives, how much Tesla will buy". At the beginning of March this year, Li Bin, the founder of Weilai, made a special mention of the topic that "the battery supply chain will become the biggest bottleneck" in the earnings conference call, and roughly estimated that the battery shortage would affect about 7,500 vehicles in the second quarter.

  At present, the production capacity of many power battery manufacturers has been overloaded. Yiwei Lithium Energy revealed in the recent announcement that the company’s existing venues and production lines have been running at full capacity, and the demand will still be in short supply in the past year.

  Probe into the cause:

  The production and sales of new energy vehicles have soared.

  According to industry analysis, one of the main reasons for the "battery shortage" is the rapid expansion of demand for new energy vehicles in the past year or two. According to the statistics of market organization EV Volumes, in 2020, 3.24 million new energy vehicles were sold worldwide, up 43% year-on-year. The China market, where new energy vehicles are growing rapidly, has a greater demand for batteries. According to the latest statistics of China Automobile Association, from January to June this year, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in China both exceeded 1.2 million, with a year-on-year increase of two times.

  Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the All-China Federation of Passengers, said that the forecast of battery demand in the automobile industry is far from the actual demand, which aggravated the impact of the "battery shortage". Wang Shijie, general manager of the first division of Guoxuan Hi-Tech, revealed: "The shortage of batteries has a great impact, and the completion rate of production and sales of key domestic OEMs is different from the completion of the annual task target."

  SNE Research, a global emerging energy market research organization, predicts that by 2023, the global demand for power batteries for electric vehicles will reach 406 GWH, while the supply of power batteries is expected to be 335 GWH, with a gap of about 18%. By 2025, this gap will expand to about 40%.


  Raw materials have risen in price due to shortage of supply.

  Power batteries are in short supply, and battery raw materials are rising in price. Previously, Zeng Yuqun said frankly at the shareholders’ meeting: "The (current) rise in raw material prices has a greater impact on the company’s cost, but the extent to which (materials) need to be passed to the downstream is still under consideration."

  Taking lithium carbonate as an example, it is an indispensable raw material for cathode materials and electrolyte of lithium batteries, and its price has also fluctuated greatly in the past year. At the same time, the price of lithium hexafluorophosphate has also increased. What is more noteworthy is that the resources of lithium, cobalt and nickel ore are mostly concentrated overseas and monopolized by Head Mining Group. The electrolyte capacity is insufficient and the expansion period is long, which leads to the fluctuation of battery raw material prices. Wang Shijie pointed out that the supply of raw materials and mineral resources in the upstream is difficult to achieve rapid expansion in the short term.

  The problems of battery shortage and rising raw materials have begun to spread downstream. The reporter checked the market price and found that due to the price increase of battery raw materials, the cost of battery materials increased by about 25%~30% compared with the same period of last year, and the cost of the overall battery PACK (including pack) increased by about 15%-20%. Affected by rising costs, many battery suppliers have issued price adjustment letters this year, hoping to raise the battery price.

  There are two ways to expand production capacity and new technology.

  Crack 1: expand production or build your own factory

  The reporter learned that in order to alleviate the "battery shortage", many power battery companies have officially announced the expansion of production. Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited said that at present, the production capacity is being expanded, which will take 2-3 years and 3-5 years. Carmakers are also seeking changes, and self-built battery factories are the choice of some car companies with strong financial resources. For example, Tesla, BMW, BYD, etc. have participated in the battle for upstream lithium resources to achieve self-sufficiency in batteries. Automobile manufacturers that have not chosen to independently develop batteries also give priority to in-depth cooperation with battery suppliers to jointly establish battery factories. For example, Volkswagen announced on July 13th that it would cooperate with Guoxuan Hi-Tech to promote the industrial production of battery cells in Germany.

  The data shows that there are nearly 300 solid-state battery-related enterprises in China, of which as many as 48% are established within 5 years, and only 20% are established for more than 15 years, which means that the mature development of battery industry still needs a process. In a short time, new energy vehicles will also face the situation that batteries are "robbed".

  Crack 2: develop a new form of battery

  In addition, more stable new forms of batteries are also being explored, such as solid-state batteries. Weilai Automobile took the lead in releasing the self-developed solid-state battery pack in June this year, which is expected to be commercialized in the fourth quarter of 2022. Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited also plans to release a solid-state battery named after "sodium ion" in July this year, but Zeng Yuqun admits that the real commercialization of solid-state batteries still has a long way to go. In this regard, LG Chem believes that all-solid-state batteries will be commercialized between 2025 and 2027; Panasonic will not launch electric vehicles using solid-state batteries until 2025. In addition, Volkswagen Group and BMW Group also believe that it will not be until 2025 to launch a prototype equipped with solid-state batteries.

  Look to the future:

  The supply chain will affect the survival of car companies.

  The reporter recently visited the local new energy vehicle dealership and noticed that the current supply and price of new energy vehicles are still in a stable situation. However, the staff of direct stores of new brands such as "Wei Xiaoli" told reporters that if the supply of power batteries fails to ease, in the long run, the price of new energy vehicles will be firmer and the delivery time will be longer. For example, the model that was originally delivered in two months may be extended to four or five months.

  Undoubtedly, the contradiction between the tight supply and price increase of upstream suppliers and the strong demand of downstream will inevitably gradually affect the output of new energy vehicles. For consumers, the most direct impact is that new cars cannot be mentioned as scheduled, or the price of some new cars is higher than before due to the tight supply of batteries. For car companies, the "battery shortage" not only hinders the pace of releasing new cars, but also affects their plans to deliver new cars, which is ultimately unfavorable to the overall revenue market.

  In any case, from the "core shortage" to the "battery shortage", the battle for resources about the future of automobiles is constantly being staged. Finding a better supply chain solution and getting rid of the dilemma of being stuck in the neck is an urgent matter related to the survival and development of every car company.

Since the sale of 219,800 yuan, BYD Tang EV/Tang DM-p Glory Edition has been listed, and the price of electricity is lower than that of oil.

  [Pacific Auto New Car Channel] On April 22nd, BYD Tang (parameter picture) EV Glory Edition, Tang DM-p Glory Edition and 2024 Tang DM-p Ares Edition were officially launched. Among them, there are 3 models of Tang EV Glory Edition, and the price range is 219,800-269,800 yuan; Tang DM-p Glory Edition has two models, and the price range is 229,800-249,800 yuan; The 2024 Tang DM-p Ares Edition has a total of one model with a price of 269,800 yuan.

  At the same time when the new car went on the market, BYD also prepared multiple glory privileges for users, including "2 big rejuvenation car purchase policies, 2 big worry-free car protection, 5 big exclusive VIP services and 5 big Zhilian online services", as shown in the following figure.

  In terms of appearance, all three new cars continue the design of current models and adopt the design language of BYD Dragon Face. Among them, the front face of Tang EV Glory Edition adopts a closed front grille, and the front grille of Tang DM-p adopts a Long Lin design, which is quite different here. At the same time, the new car is equipped with 20-inch wheels, through Chinese knot LED taillights, and silver glaze white, glacier blue and silver sand black appearance colors to choose from.

  Body size, their length, width and height are 4,875 (4,900)/1,950/1,725mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2820mm. They are available in 6-seat /7-seat options to meet the needs of different consumers.

  In terms of interior, the new car continues the design of the current champion model, and the overall style is simple and luxurious. It is equipped with a 12.3-inch full LCD instrument and a 15.6-inch adaptive rotating central control panel. The steering wheel adopts a double-spoke flat-bottomed design, adding a sporty atmosphere inside the car. In terms of intelligence, it is equipped with the advanced version of DiLink 100 intelligent cockpit and 6nm 5G chip, which is more powerful than the popular Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip, and supports 3D car control, parking unlocking, UWB digital key, W-HUD head-up display, intelligent voice interaction of the whole car, ONE ID account system, baby/nap mode and new romantic mode.

  In terms of configuration, the new car will provide luxury configurations such as 10-point seat massage, main and auxiliary seat ventilation/heating, intelligent fragrance system, HiFi-level customized Dana audio, touch-sensitive LED reading light, 31-color atmosphere light, wireless charging of 50W mobile phone, and DiPilot 10 intelligent assisted driving system.

  In terms of power, BYD Tang EV Glory Edition offers single-motor and dual-motor four-wheel drive versions, in which the single-motor version has a maximum power of 168 kW, a peak torque of 350 Nm, and an acceleration time of 0-50km/h of 3.9 seconds; In the dual-motor version, the total motor power is 380 kW, the peak torque is 700 Nm, and the 0-100km/h acceleration time is 4.4 seconds. As for batteries, Ferrous lithium phosphate blade batteries with capacity of 90.3 kWh and 108.8 kWh are provided, corresponding to cruising range of 600 km, 730 km and 635 km (four-wheel drive).

  Tang DM-p Glory Edition and 2024 Ares Edition are equipped with a hybrid system consisting of Xiaoyun-Plug-in special turbocharged 1.5Ti high-efficiency engine and motor, in which the maximum power of the engine is 102 kW and the peak torque is 231 Nm. In terms of motors, the maximum power of the front motor is 160 kW, the maximum power of the rear motor is 200 kW, the comprehensive power of the system is 360 kW, the comprehensive torque is 675 Nm, the official 0-100km/h acceleration time is 4.3 seconds, and the fuel consumption is 6.5L/100km.

  In terms of battery life, it is equipped with a Ferrous lithium phosphate blade battery pack with a capacity of 45.8 kWh, with a pure battery life of 215km for WLTC and a comprehensive cruising range of 1030km for NEDC. At the same time, the new car supports a maximum of 90 kW DC fast charge and a maximum of 6 kW external discharge power.

  In addition, Tang EV Glory Edition, Tang DM-p Glory Edition /2024 Ares Edition all come standard with Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system. By controlling the damper solenoid valve to adjust the damping, stepless adaptive adjustment of the damping can be realized. When the vehicle passes through the bumpy road, the comfort control strategy of high frequency and small damping is adopted to make the chassis "soft" and improve the driving comfort. When the vehicle is in rapid cornering, acceleration and braking, the maneuverability control strategy of low frequency and large damping is adopted to make the chassis "hard", provide greater support, restrain the body roll and pitch, and ensure the handling stability of the vehicle. (Text: Pacific Auto Wu Qixing)

Yichang Technology has been investigated by 13 institutions: the company’s main customers in the automobile industry include BYD, Chery Automobile, Zero Run Automobile, GM-Wuling, Tucki and other well

  () The Record Form of Investor Relations Activities was released on November 21st, and the company was investigated by 13 institutions on November 21st, 2023. The types of institutions are insurance companies, others, fund companies, securities companies and sunshine private equity institutions. Introduction to the main contents of investor relations activities: Questions raised by investors and company responses. The company responded to the questions raised by investors in this field survey:

  Q: 1. What is the reason for the decline in the company’s performance?

  A: The company’s sales revenue decline and operating performance loss from January to September 2023 are mainly: the company’s product structure optimization led to a decrease in operating income, and the closure of the TV set business led to an increase in expenses. (1) The company actively optimized some household appliances business and shut down the whole TV business, which led to the decline of the company’s business income from January to September 2023, such as the whole machine and injection parts in the household appliances industry. Cleaning up the assets and personnel of household appliances business increased the related expenses, which in turn led to the decline of the overall gross profit margin and net profit of the company. (2) During the transformation and upgrading of products in downstream industries such as new energy vehicles, medical care and health care, orders have grown considerably and production capacity is being released; As the company actively optimizes and abandons most of the household appliances business, the related fixed costs are heavily shared, and economies of scale cannot be achieved, resulting in a low overall gross profit margin, thus affecting the company’s net profit.

  Q: 2. How to plan the company’s future product structure, and what is the future business direction?

  A: The company will focus on developing automobile structural parts business and break through the strategic positioning of developing new energy and medical and health services. In terms of automobiles, the company’s products are interior and exterior parts, lightweight parts and automobile molds. The products in the field of exterior decoration are mainly fenders and bumpers, and the interior decoration includes traditional interior products such as main instrument panel, auxiliary instrument panel, door panel, ABC column, etc. Supported by IML innovative technology, we focus on developing special supporting products such as central control panel and atmosphere light decorative panel, focusing on the ability of automobile interior and exterior decoration assembly. In terms of new energy, the company’s products mainly focus on lightweight interior and exterior decoration of new energy vehicles, thermal management parts of power batteries and portable energy storage. Lightweight products are based on the technology of replacing steel with plastic, and the products are distributed in fenders, rear tailgates, four-door panels and rear side walls. The main products of thermal management parts of power battery are power liquid cooling plate and energy storage structure; Portable energy storage, that is, energy storage power supply. In terms of medical health, the company’s products are mainly medical consumables and medical devices. Focus on medical IVD parts and consumables. In terms of household appliances, the company decided to retire most of the household appliances business and only keep some structural parts business with high added value.

  Q: 3. What is the proportion of our company’s performance in the home appliance industry in the future? Will it maintain a certain amount?

  A: In recent years, the company has been shrinking its home appliance business. At the same time, in the third quarter of this year, it decided to intensify its efforts to retire most of the home appliance business and shut down the TV set business. In the future, the company will only retain some structural parts business with high added value. Our main focus is on the development of automobile, new energy, medical and health services.

  Q: 4. Who are the company’s main customers in automobile? What has been supplied to the cars of the intellectual and intellectual circles?

  A: The company’s main customers in the automobile industry include (), Chery Automobile, Zero Run Automobile, GM-Wuling, Tucki and other well-known enterprises, and they are matched with well-known customers in Guangzhou Automobile, (), Changan Automobile and other industries through system suppliers. The company has supplied some exterior decoration parts for the cars of Wenjie and Zhijie.

  Q: 5. What is the company’s order mode for new energy vehicles? What is the current capacity utilization rate?

  A: The order mode of the company’s new energy vehicles is rolling order production. At present, the company’s Wuhu base has a high capacity utilization rate, especially the spraying line is produced at full capacity, and the capacity and orders of other bases change to a certain extent every month, maintaining the normal production level.

  Q: 6. What is the company’s fixed increase? When will it be released?

  A: The company’s issue of shares to specific objects has been approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission for registration. On July 8, 2023, the company disclosed the Announcement on Obtaining the Approval of Registration from the China Securities Regulatory Commission for the Application of Issuing Shares to Specific Objects on The follow-up company will choose the opportunity to complete the distribution work;

  Details of participating institutions are as follows:

Name of participating unit Category of participating units Name of participants Komatsu fund Fund company Yan shiwen Landscape fund Fund company Bin Sun Guoxin Securities securities company Cao jiacheng Guojin securities securities company Li Yukai, Jiang Ying Shenzhen qianhai Hongfu private placement Sunshine private placement organization Wu Xiaoling Xuanjia private placement Sunshine private placement organization Li Dazhi Zhujiang life insurance insurance company Wang Zhongyang, Zhang Qiang individual other Liuyong, Pan Yuchu, Chen Shi Dachun Fund other Huang jiangying Tianhe investment other Jian Xu Hui Chuang fu Xiang other Cheng sheng Baijia public offering other Chao Huang Abama assets other Hu Xingyu

Lei Jun: The first stage of Xiaomi Automobile was a success.

On April 18th, news of Titanium Media App, Lei Jun said in the 20-day live broadcast of Xiaomi SU7 that it is too early to talk about the success of Xiaomi Automobile, but the first stage was a success. It takes a long time to build a car. Xiaomi is a long-term enterprise. Now we need to grasp the quality of the car and serve our customers well.

Afternoon comment on A-shares: Shanghai Composite Index oscillated and rebounded by 0.44% in half a day. Computational concept stocks led the two cities.

  The three A-share indexes collectively closed up in early trading. By midday, the Shanghai Composite Index rose by 0.44%, the Shenzhen Component Index rose by 0.49%, the Growth Enterprise Market Index rose by 0.36%, the Beizheng 50 fell by 2.5%, and the half-day turnover in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets was 389.4 billion yuan. More than 3,400 stocks in the two cities rose, and northbound funds bought 2.831 billion yuan in half a day.

  In terms of plate theme, computing power leasing, memory chips, pork, food and other sectors were among the top gainers; PEEK materials, internet e-commerce and other sectors are in a downturn.

  On the disk, the concept stocks of computing power leasing led the two cities, () and () both had daily limit, () rose by over 14%, () once touched the daily limit, (), () and () rose by over 5%; Food stocks rose near midday, (), () daily limit, (), () and other stocks rose more than 5%; The semiconductor and component sectors were among the top gainers, (1) the daily limit, Xinhai Technology rose more than 10%, and Xinyuanwei, Juchen and Zhongwei Company followed suit; The securities sector rose rapidly near the noon closing, () the daily limit, () approaching the daily limit, (), (), () and so on; PEEK material concept stocks were in the doldrums in early trading, and Fuheng New Materials fell more than 6%, followed by (), () and ().

  Plate analysis:

  Straight flush hot stock list:

  Transaction review:

  At 09: 25, A shares opened, with the Shanghai Composite Index opening 0.04%, Shenzhen Component Index opening 0.14% and Growth Enterprise Market Index opening 0.25%.

  At 09:27, the transgenic plate was active at the beginning of the session, and Qiule Seed Industry opened 5.29% higher, and (), (), () and () opened in succession. In the news, according to Announcement No.739 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the first batch of production and operation licenses for genetically modified corn and soybean seeds were approved, and the related production and operation licenses involved a number of seed listed companies, including Dabeinong, Longping Hi-Tech, Fengle Seed Industry and Denghai Seed Industry.

  At 09:28, the computing plate was active at the beginning of the session, and parallel technology opened 9.52% higher. (), Yu Long, Litong Electronics, Lotus Health and True Vision opened higher. In the news, the National Development and Reform Commission and other five departments recently jointly issued the "Implementation Opinions on Deeply Implementing the" East Counting and West Computing "Project and Accelerating the Construction of a National Integrated Computing Network". According to the opinion, by the end of 2025, the comprehensive computing infrastructure system will take shape. All kinds of new computing power in national hub node areas account for more than 60% of the national new computing power, and the utilization rate of computing power resources in national hub nodes significantly exceeds the national average.

  At 09:30, the game and media stocks rebounded at the beginning, () opened higher than 9%, (), (), (), () and so on.

  At 09:33, Xinchuang plate surged at the beginning of the session, () went up by daily limit, () rose by over 5%, and China Software, Stech, () and so on rose in succession.

  At 09:35, the cross-border e-commerce sector fell at the beginning of the session, and () and () fell, followed by (), (), (), contact and interaction.

  At 09:37, the clothing and home textile sector started to fall, () hit the daily limit, () fell by over 9%, and (), () and () followed.

  09:39 "Dragon Generation" stocks flameout, (), () limit, (), (), (), () and so on have dived.

  At 09:42, the semiconductor and component sectors rose, Xinhai Technology rose by more than 6%, () rose by more than 5%, and Juchen, Xinyuanwei, Loongson Zhongke and () rose one after another.

  At 09: 45, Mr plate was active again and again. (1) The daily limit recorded 4 plates for 6 days, (2) It rose by more than 5%, and (3), (3) and (3) followed suit.

  At 09:48 (), he dived in intraday trading, and now he has fallen by over 4%, with a turnover of over 600 million yuan.

  At 09:51, pork stocks changed in intraday trading, () rose over 5% and reached a new high, and (), (), (), () and () followed suit.

  10:00 According to () iFinD data, half an hour after the opening, the turnover of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets reached 187.7 billion yuan.

  At 10:06, the advanced packaging plate oscillated higher, () the daily limit, and the core source rose slightly by more than 7%, followed by (), (), Torch Light Technology, () and so on.

  At 10:08, photovoltaic concept stocks bottomed out and rebounded, () 5 consecutive boards, after () daily limit, () once touched the board, (), (), () and so on followed up.

  At 10:36, the pre-cooked dish plate pulled up, Huifa Food went up, and Gaishi Food, (), () and Haixin Food went up.

  At 10:46, the real estate development sector oscillated lower, () hit the limit, and (), (), () and () followed.

  At 10:51, the computing leasing sector oscillated higher, and Lotus had a healthy daily limit. Yu Long shares had a daily limit, and Stech rose more than 13%. True TV once hit a daily limit, and Aofei data, () and so on rose.

  At 11:03, the semiconductor and component sectors continued to rise, with Jinhaitong trading daily limit, Xinhai Technology rose by over 10%, Juchen shares rose by over 8%, and Hengshuo shares, Zhongwei Company, Tuojing Technology, Blue Arrow Electronics, North Huachuang and other shares rose by over 5%.


  1. Huawei nova 12 series Kirin chip versions are all sold out: only Snapdragon 778G version is available.

  According to Huawei Mall, the full pre-sales of Huawei’s nova 12, nova 12 Pro and nova 12 Ultra models have all been sold out, and the next round of sales time is yet to be determined. These three models are the first works of Kirin’s return in the past three years, and all the configurations are comprehensive, even in line with Mate60 series. At present, only the nova 12 model with Snapdragon 778G 4G is available, which belongs to offline products.

  2. Sam Altman and Jony Ive invited Apple product design executives to develop artificial intelligence devices.

  Sam Altman, founder of OpenAI, and JonyIve, the former "soul designer" of Apple, plan to hire a senior person from Apple to participate in the new artificial intelligence hardware project, aiming at creating devices with the latest functions.

  3. Tesla is reported to plan to launch a new version of Model Y for mass production as early as the middle of next year.

  According to Bloomberg, Tesla is preparing to launch an improved version of its best-selling Model Y in the Shanghai factory. According to people familiar with the matter, Tesla is currently preparing for its new Model Y in China, and mass production may start as early as mid-2024. (Sina Finance)

  4. CCTV News: The development of virtual reality technology presses the "acceleration button" and the demand for artificial intelligence computing power is growing rapidly.

  CCTV News reported that last year, many Internet companies at home and abroad laid out virtual reality technology one after another, and various wearable devices supporting it also earned enough attention. The landing and development of virtual reality technology not only drives the industrial chain of hardware equipment, but also needs the support of new infrastructure such as computing center as a large-scale connected virtual reality application scenario. Zhang Zili, Director of Advanced Data Center of West (Chongqing) Science City: When we launch this card, the computing power in AI training will be greatly improved, and it will support (virtual reality) applications like Metauniverse. It will exceed 6000 by the end of this year.

  5. The sales target of the international community in 2024 is 600,000 vehicles.

  According to the late Auto news, it was learned from many people familiar with the matter that the annual sales target of AITO in 2024 is 600,000 vehicles. Before that, two models, M5 and M7, were on sale, and on the 27th, the flagship SUV M9 was released. Next year, it is also planned to release and mass-produce the M8, when at least four models will be on sale. AITO has communicated the above sales targets to upstream supply chain manufacturers.

  6. National Bureau of Statistics: In November, the profits of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 29.5% year on year.

  Statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics show that from January to November, the total profits of industrial enterprises above designated size nationwide reached 6,982.28 billion yuan, down 4.4% year-on-year, and the decline rate was 3.4 percentage points narrower than that in January-October. In November, the profits of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 29.5% year-on-year.

  7. Drop again! The interest rate of some existing mortgage loans can be lowered by 10 basis points from next week.

  According to Shell Finance, as the New Year approaches, some existing loans are about to be re-priced. It is understood that the interest rate will be lowered by 10 basis points again if the stock mortgage is selected as the "repricing date" on January 1 every year and priced before June 20 this year. This is not in conflict with the interest rate adjustment of stock houses that started at the end of September this year.

  8. Strict supervision of the foreign exchange market The two departments jointly issued a typical case of punishing foreign exchange-related crimes.

  According to CCTV news, the head of the Management and Inspection Department of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange said that the Central Financial Work Conference emphasized that risk prevention and control should be the eternal theme of financial work. In the next step, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange will earnestly implement the deployment and requirements of the Central Financial Work Conference, strictly enforce the law, dare to show their swords, and work with the judicial organs to maintain a high-pressure crackdown on illegal cross-border financial activities.

Put a smart "cerebellum" on the car, and VMC will be the first to be applied to the new Zhiji next year.

journalist | Gan Wenjia
Picture source | Enterprise official

Part of the material of this article comes from SAIC Financial Holdings.
Beginners on the road may be at a loss in the face of difficult scenes such as narrow road sticking and turning around in place. Don’t worry, your car will automatically "pass"; When the city is congested, the car will automatically adjust (shock absorber, and at the same time control the opening of the switch or the braking force to cooperate), so that bad experiences such as starting to look up and nodding the brakes will no longer occur; The road ahead is sharp, and the car senses it earlier than you do. Steering, braking and suspension work together to reduce the turning radius, making the turning safer and more comfortable …

If the smart car is compared to a person, then the car also needs a smart "cerebellum", that is, the vehicle central coordinated motion controller (VMC) to dominate the whole body movement. As we all know, the brain is an organ that regulates the body’s functions and controls people’s movements and feelings, while the role of the cerebellum is to regulate muscle movements and maintain the balance of the human body. The cerebellum feeds back the information from the exercise to the brain, thus playing the role of regulating and correcting the exercise. The "cerebellum" of the intelligent chassis is not simply executed after receiving the instructions from the central computing and decision-making unit "Brain", but comprehensively considers the current application scenarios, optimizes the handling performance and ride comfort on the basis of ensuring vehicle safety, and then distributes the instructions to steering, braking and suspension, and finally realizes the coordinated control of six degrees of freedom (front and rear, left and right, up and down) in X, Y and Z directions, "muscle" and ""

In the next three years, SAIC will devote itself to building a brand-new "scientific and technological life". Including "intelligent brain", "agile body" and "strong heart". Among them, the "agile body" is the first to achieve a breakthrough in the "VMC technology of the whole vehicle", which keeps the vehicle body stable in different driving modes and various road conditions. It is reported that VMC will be first applied to the new Zhiji car next year. At present, SAIC’s intelligent solution integrating people, vehicles and environment is undergoing research and development, testing and verification.

Chassis by wire or smart car
The last piece of "puzzle"

In the new electronic architecture, the automobile execution system is also undergoing changes. From traditional chassis to electric chassis, and then to intelligent chassis, automobile chassis is welcoming brand-new changes.

Vehicle control is nothing more than longitudinal control represented by braking, lateral control represented by steering, and suspension control represented by up and down, which corresponds to six degrees of freedom of automobile movement. In order to meet the strict requirements of faster response speed and higher control accuracy of automatic driving, intelligent chassis needs brake, steering and suspension components by wire, and intelligent chassis has also become a wire-controlled chassis.

Chassis-by-wire system transmits the driver’s operation command to the actuator through the electronic controller, replacing the connection and execution from the traditional mechanical structure such as steering wheel and pedal, so it has the advantages of high precision, high safety and high response speed. By controlling the chassis with digital signals, the mechanical decoupling of the control system and the execution system can be realized. The drive-by-wire chassis can not only meet the requirements of higher-level automatic driving, but also enrich the imagination space of the intelligent cockpit and bring a safer and more comfortable driving experience to the occupants.

The chassis by wire mainly includes three core components: brake by wire, steering by wire and suspension system. Among them, brake-by-wire can not only meet the requirements of rapid response of automatic driving, but also meet the rigid requirements of energy recovery and increasing cruising range of new energy vehicles, and the market penetration rate is rapidly increasing. At present, the electro-hydraulic braking EHB system has been widely used in high-end pure electric vehicles. Although additional safety redundant equipment is needed, the intelligent Two-Box scheme is still more common in the short term, and the penetration rate of the intelligent One-Box will be significantly improved in the next few years.

Steer-by-wire steering is a rigid demand in the intelligent driving stage, which is gradually emerging. At present, it is in the stage of research and development verification and just getting on the bus, and it will also become a technical hotspot in the next few years. In the next 10 years, the penetration rate of steer-by-wire will reach 50%.

Since the beginning of this year, the air suspension system has been put on the market with some models, and the market popularity has also climbed once.

From the reality, with the acceleration of intelligent by-wire control system in smart electric vehicles to improve the competitiveness of brand models, by 2025, the domestic smart chassis market is expected to expand rapidly, which is expected to reach more than 50 billion yuan. Among them, the technical reserve of brake-by-wire is relatively mature, and the market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 34% from 2022 to 2025; In the next 4-5 years, the improvement of its assembly rate will provide a core increment for the smart chassis market, while steer-by-wire and air suspension are expected to enter the pre-assembly lead-in period in 2025.

Cross-domain fusion
Flexible deployment

From a technical point of view, at present, there is a trend of integration of various systems of automobiles, such as intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving, which are being integrated across domains. Zhang Ying, president of Bosch Chassis Control System in China, said that compared with the traditional chassis control system, in which all components are relatively independent for longitudinal, lateral and vertical vehicle dynamic control, VMC can adapt the chassis that was basically "just for itself" to the trend, and integrate the functions of transmission system, driving system, steering system and braking system into multiple systems, which greatly improves the vertical integration ability of chassis development, and can be flexibly deployed in pairs.

Steering and braking integration. It is very difficult for ordinary drivers to slam the steering wheel or make a big correction if they turn a corner on the icy road. When steer-by-wire and brake can be combined, the steering wheel angle and brake controller of steer-by-wire can be controlled in coordination, and the brake and actuator of steer-by-wire are integrated. Ordinary drivers can turn with the help of technological innovation, without worrying about oversteering or understeering, avoiding obstacles successfully and easily turning corners smoothly.

Brake and suspension fusion. Suspension system should not only meet the requirements of comfort, but also take into account the requirements of handling stability. Comfort is also related to the braking system. If the braking is too urgent, there will be phenomena such as braking nodding and unstable control. Comfortable braking function makes you an "old driver" in seconds. Through the precise software control of the system, a part of the braking pressure can be released smoothly in an instant before the vehicle stops, which can greatly alleviate the vehicle nodding and ensure the vehicle to stop very safely.

Integration of braking and power system. When the car starts on smooth roads such as snow and ice, the driving wheels may slip and the direction will be out of control, which will lead to danger. The driving torque vector control and braking control are combined with each other, and the acceleration potential of the vehicle is fully tapped, the curve limit is exerted and the dynamic response is optimized through the optimal distribution of axle or wheel torque.

Integration of VMC and ADAS. In order to meet the richer functional experience in NAD autopilot scene, the chassis needs to provide a bearing platform for autopilot system, cockpit system and power system. In the NAD autopilot scenario, VMC can integrate four-wheel drive distribution, brake-by-wire and variable suspension functions to maximize the dynamic performance of the vehicle, while supporting high-level autopilot scenarios. Through FOTA upgrade, it can be flexibly upgraded and quickly iterated.

Safety and comfort
Have your cake and eat it.

As a safety component, intelligent chassis has the highest functional safety level requirements. Functional safety is the core requirement of intelligent chassis and autonomous driving development. If the high-order automatic driving system comes, redundant braking and fail-safe will become the most important. Only on the basis of safety can driving be pleasant, comfortable, agile and personalized.

When the smart car develops to L3 or above, the driver will no longer control the car for a considerable part of the driving process, and the main responsibility of driving has changed from the driver to the system itself, which brings great challenges to the performance and safety of the whole chassis. For the drive-by-wire chassis, the most important requirements are safety and redundancy, and redundancy is also safe in essence. VMC has two backup schemes of independent actuators. When the main controller fails, the redundant controller takes over, which can systematically reduce the risk of failure of key functions.

The intelligent chassis is divided into two important parts: one is the chassis execution part, which realizes the coordinated control in X, Y and Z directions and the coordinated wire control optimization; Second, the chassis domain control system, based on the advantages of strong hardware and high performance chassis, further realizes the whole domain fusion control and rapid iteration of chassis through experience drive.

With the development trend and evolution of centralized electronic and electrical architecture, chassis control will be promoted to the concept of "domain". Combined with the chassis hardware system, the intelligent chassis domain controller can comprehensively design and adjust the chassis comfort and handling.

VMC can uniformly adjust and control air spring height, shock absorber damping, electronic parking and other functions. The controller detects the vehicle state through the signal received by the sensor, determines the optimal parameter instruction according to the algorithm or control strategy, adjusts the spring stiffness and damping state of the shock absorber, and increases the correction of pitch and roll to enhance the control of the vehicle body. For example, when driving in the field with poor road conditions and encountering a protruding obstacle in front, VMC system will "command" the air spring to raise the height of the car body, and at the same time adjust the electric shock absorber to make the vehicle smooth. In the face of bumpy roads, the system will also use compensation braking to alleviate jitter.

Thanks to VMC, after adjusting a large number of key components such as tires, air suspension and steering system, each car realizes the combination of comfort and handling, and develops various driving modes such as sports, comfort and energy saving according to road conditions and driving habits of users to meet the individual needs of users. At the same time, VMC relies on continuous collection and identification of users’ personalized driving data, and provides driving experience that meets users’ psychological expectations through human-vehicle interaction and self-learning iteration.

Different routes
"Zero" requires cooperation.

The Roadmap of Intelligent Chassis Technology for Electric Vehicles establishes the development goal of intelligent chassis, and the overall goal is that by 2030, intelligent chassis will meet the requirements of first-class products and leading technology. "The next 10 years will be a major strategic opportunity period for China’s intelligent chassis technology innovation and industrial development." Li Jun, then chairman of China Automotive Engineering Society, pointed out at the 2023 Electric Vehicle Intelligent Chassis Conference. At the same time, the intelligent chassis industry has also entered a critical stage of technical competition. Among them, the chassis domain controller has become a battleground for intelligent chassis development.

In the past, the international Tier 1 controlled the core of chassis control technology and provided "black box" chassis solutions for car companies. Many car companies, especially China brands, are highly dependent on suppliers’ development support, and the development time is long and the constraints are high, resulting in the lack of deep-seated chassis function integration development ability of the main engine factory, which makes the vehicles only meet some simple basic driving experiences, with few extended functions and relatively single driving experience.

On the one hand, with the rapid launch of new models, car companies urgently need to change the current situation. In the view of some OEMs, the high integration of software and hardware and cross-domain integration control ability are the core competencies that car companies must have in the era of smart cars, and they must be in their own hands. At present, some OEMs, such as BYD, Ideality and Weilai Automobile, have started full-stack self-research in this respect, and tend to plan chassis domain, convergence domain and other architectures, and lead the development of application software, and also put forward the requirements of "white box" delivery software for suppliers.

On the other hand, the international Tier 1 will obviously not give up the current market interests. Bosch China said that ABS and ESP are one of Bosch’s main products at present, and we are taking smart chassis as our next goal. ZF and Jidu have jointly developed the next generation of intelligent chassis technology to support automobile robots to "move freely".

With the continuous upgrading of R&D technology, coupled with the advantages of stable supply chain, rapid development and market response, China suppliers are likely to catch up with others. Among them, since the mass production of One-box line control products in 2021, Bethel has carried a number of models to the market. At the same time, local start-ups such as Nathan, Tongyu, Likun and Grubo have successfully mass-produced brake-by-wire products based on the Two-box scheme, achieving a new breakthrough in localization.

There are various indications that in the field of intelligent chassis, especially in VMC, the boundary between OEMs and suppliers in the technical field has become blurred, and the technical route of domain controllers will also be "contended by a hundred schools of thought". Borders are often fought out, but at the same time, there are opportunities for cooperation in competition.

Zhang Jinhua, chairman of the China Society of Automotive Engineering, suggested that we should advocate adhering to the sense of cooperation, deepen the whole-scale cooperation, cross-border cooperation and international cooperation, and deepen the synergy between the industrial chain.

Although the full-stack self-developed chassis domain control allows the main engine factory to master more autonomy, it also needs to consider the cost and efficiency. The drive-by-wire chassis products need a lot of adjustment work and the full cooperation of the parts manufacturers. The advantage of the main engine factory is to integrate the parts control provided by suppliers. In the future, the direction of cooperation between the two parties is likely to be to jointly define the system architecture and development design, and all parties will contribute their own "points" and unite to achieve a "breakthrough". Specifically, the supplier may only be responsible for providing the hardware and doing the underlying driver, and then open the control right to the OEM to do in-depth joint development with the OEM, so as to improve the development efficiency and software reusability, speed up the iteration and reduce the cost.