In the name of "Milky Way", Geely set the top to create "Star" power

Text |Zhang Kun

design|Li Zhengwei

On February 16, Geely’s new mid-to-high-end series name "Galaxy" for the era of new energy vehicles was officially announced. From the name point of view, this name still has a strong "Li’s romance".

Those who are familiar with Li Shufu know that he has a strong "cosmic feeling" and his love for "stars" is beyond words:

As early as the beginning of the last century, Li Shufu said internally that the journey of Geely Automobile was the sea of stars; and on the flight back to China after Geely’s successful acquisition of Volvo in 2010, Li Shufu said to the full moon starry sky that perfection is the pursuit of the Chinese people, and then there is the Volvo that returns the tiger to the mountain; in the era of Geely 3.0 boutique car building, the naming of models such as Xingyue and Xingrui is also full of this color; even in the naming of many companies within Geely, the interstellar era, time and space, Taoyu… also reflect this romantic color.

In ancient times, people used to call the Milky Way standing on the dome the Xinghan, which was regarded as the most romantic and beautiful thing in the world. Therefore, Cao Cao sighed: "The Xinghan is brilliant, if it comes out of it".

Winning the firmament, wanting to compete with the heavens, this is the romance hidden in the bones of the Chinese people. In the name of the Milky Way, it shows a deeper expectation of Geely.

The famous philosopher Socrates once said that most of the success in the world is due to the inevitable results of accidental causes. If you pick the fruits from the wisdom of the sages, they can be roughly summarized into six words: time, place, and people.

For the current automotive industry, it is an era of rapid change that has left many people feeling unfamiliar.

In 2022, BYD rose to prominence, historically surpassing North and South Volkswagen to become the highest-selling enterprise in the Chinese auto market. The market share of Japanese and Korean models, which have always been known for their economy and durability, has contracted across the board, and the share of self-owned brand passenger cars will account for half of the country in 2022;

At the beginning of New Year’s Day, Barbarian Tesla’s incredible crazy price cuts set off a wave of new energy vehicle brand price fights, with countless brands involved.

After the Spring Festival, the world’s largest automobile company, Toyota, announced the largest personnel adjustment in recent years. The failure of Bz made it impossible for everyone to see where the world’s largest automaker by sales was headed.

Not long ago, the European Parliament passed a historic resolution by a narrow margin – 2035 ban on the sale of fuel vehicles. You know, Europe is the cradle of the world’s automobiles, and has accumulated a huge industrial chain cluster around the upstream and downstream of fuel vehicles;

The sales of traditional luxury brands BMW, Mercedes-Benz, and Audi no longer made great progress, and the Japanese luxury car Lexus, which had always emphasized tonality, saw a decline for the first time. In contrast, the sales of Extreme Krypton, NIO, and Li Auto grew rapidly, and the new pattern of the luxury car market and the all-electric market has changed…

The world has changed, and so have the cars of the world.

There are black swans above and gray rhinos below. For most car companies, the days of smooth sailing and high clouds are gone, not to mention trying to eat all over the world through a novel routine.

Big waves require big changes.

In 2021, Geely officially established the extreme krypton car to face the high-end competition, and announced that it officially sounded the horn of competition for electric vehicles from a higher level. As of now, the cumulative sales of extreme krypton have exceeded 80,000 units.

If you look back, Geely’s journey on the track of new energy vehicles has not been smooth sailing. As early as 2016, Geely proposed the Blue Geely Action and launched a new Geometry brand within the Geely system. But whether it is the Geometry brand or Geely’s own new energy products, they have not achieved the corresponding expected goals in the market.

Looking back today, the core of Geometry’s success or failure may be the right time, the right place and the right person. The new energy vehicle products of the year were far less acceptable than today’s users, and Geometry’s actions at critical moments also deviated from the original planned track…

So in 2023, is Geely ready to embrace the smart electric era?

In terms of sales volume, Geely’s new energy vehicles achieved double growth in sales volume and penetration rate in 2022. The cumulative sales volume of its new energy products reached 328,727 units, and the annual new energy penetration rate was about 23%, which tripled compared with 2021. And the monthly new energy penetration rate exceeded 30% many times.

From a technical point of view, Geely has built an electrification system with multiple technical paths such as pure electricity, hybrid, power exchange and methanol. In particular, Raytheon Power and related electrification technologies have been widely recognized by consumers in the market.

From the perspective of organizational structure, Geely has undergone a series of talent echelon construction, especially under the demonstration of Extreme Krypton First, and has reached a high degree of recognition for the future of new energy vehicles.


Obviously, regardless of the sales volume of Geely’s new energy vehicles or the current Geely system’s understanding of new energy vehicles, the Galaxy starting in 2023 is more confident than the previous brand.

On the one hand, Geely has opened up the full link of new energy vehicles and accumulated a lot of technical experience by virtue of its layout in new energy vehicles over the past period of time. On the other hand, under the premise of scale, the Galaxy brand can participate in the market competition at the lowest cost.

These are the confidence that the Milky Way can break out of the confinement.

The current is the best time for Geely, but it is also the most painful time. But the real warrior is the ability to dare to innovate at the top of the critical moment. In the face of the surging tide of smart cars in the world, Geely must go to great lengths and have no way out.

According to some data, the future Galaxy series will have three power forms: pure electric, plug-in hybrid, and extended-range hybrid, and adopt a new design language and intelligent configuration, emphasizing direct user connection in operation. In addition, Geely’s "heaven and earth integration" intelligent security ecology is clearly visible, which is provided by the "sky eye" satellite, the "super brain" intelligent computing center provides computing power support and the super intelligent end point that is freely linked to intelligent things.

This means that in terms of the full set of playing methods, Galaxy is not limited to the past auspicious. With the positioning of the mid-to-high-end series, compared with new forces and friends, the sense of value should be increased, and the imagination space and expectations should be increased. However, due to the current data, we have not yet been able to fully and specifically analyze Galaxy’s playing methods and paths.

Looking back, during the months when the Galaxy project was revealed, some people believed it, some people questioned it, and some people were half-convinced. Between reason and emotion, most people did not dare to prematurely judge this ambitious plan. But what is certain is that Geely has enough imagination for his career.

There are no successful enterprises, only enterprises of the times.

In order to become a century-old store with a long-lasting foundation, enterprises cannot only think about making money, but must also correctly understand and have the courage to undertake the mission entrusted by the times, fully integrate and continuously strengthen their own capabilities and advantages, do the right things, important things, do what they can, and maintain innovation at all times.

Pony Ma: Tencent focuses on being a connector for the Internet

Speaking at the Mobile Internet sub-forum of the World Internet Conference, Pony Ma, chairperson and chief executive of Tencent, said the company would focus on being a connector to the internet: "Tencent’s advantage is in the communication and social platforms. Now the whole strategy is to return to the essence and be a connector to the internet, connecting not only people but also services and devices."

The following is the content of Pony Ma’s live speech.

It is a great honor to share with you some of my recent thoughts on this industry. Connectivity is very important for us, especially today’s topic of mobile Internet. From PC Internet to mobile Internet, two-way connection between people is becoming more and more important. I would like to take this opportunity to share with you some of my thoughts.

The birth of new features of the Internet

Tencent has been developing for 16 years, China’s Internet has been around for 18 years, and the global Internet is also in its early 20s, making it a very young industry.

Today’s Internet can be said to have grown vigorously in China. At the morning conference, many guests mentioned that China’s development has become increasingly rapid. From a global perspective, four of the top ten Internet companies are from China, including the latest listed Alibaba and When they went public, they were among them, which is a very eye-catching achievement.

The Internet has undergone tremendous changes in the past three or four years. From the PC to the mobile Internet, we practitioners feel that the change has been so fast. When we see its inflection point, it is often half a year and a year, and it has suddenly passed. Many traffic, including Tencent, has undergone a rapid transformation in just two or three years, from the original 37 to 73, or even 28 to 82. This is a very big test for our industry, and new characteristics have emerged.

The most obvious feature is that the Internet industry was originally thought to be a new economy, but now everyone thinks it can be combined with various traditional industries. From the field of communications to retail, e-commerce, to entertainment, etc., a natural combination.

It turns out that there are no boundaries at all, such as finance, transportation, and many life services, such as clothing, food, housing, and transportation. Even taxi-hailing is linked to the mobile Internet, and a taxi-hailing company with a large market value has grown up.

In the past, Chinese and American Internet companies at home and abroad were often concentrated in a few giants. Now we see that many medium and large enterprises have begun to thrive in various fields, not limited to the original search, social networking, communications, and e-commerce. These traditional sectors, we see that each segment has grown into a relatively large industry leader. This is a big change I have seen.

Return to the essence of being a connector

For Tencent, we made a profit earlier in China. We made a profit in 2004. We went public on the main board in Hong Kong and had a three-year profit requirement. Because we operated online games very early, we had a lot of profits. We took some detours in the past, because we had profits, we found too many opportunities, and we went into many fields.

In the past six months and a year, we have undergone a lot of changes. We have found that the company’s best advantage is still concentrated on communication and social networking platforms, and our entire strategy has undergone great changes. We have partnered with Sohu for the search business and for the e-commerce business. We have returned to the most essential thing is to make connectors. Especially in the mobile Internet, we see new hope. It turns out that when you are on a PC, you will find it very difficult. Communication and social networking are only part of people’s lives, but in the mobile Internet, communication has great potential. Mobile phones are a natural communication tool, and a large number of opportunities to provide underlying services through communication and social networking have been born. This was not available in the PC era. Just open the browser in the PC era. But in the mobile Internet, we have people, contacts, and know his social network, in fact, a lot of bottom-level work can be done.

So we have a new repositioning, which is to be connectors. We hope to connect not only people, but also services and devices.

Our QQ present on all major platforms now has 820 million monthly active accounts, with an average daily message volume of 15 billion. On mobile phones, QQ has also made rapid progress. Active accounts in 542 million, with an average daily message volume of 10 billion. WeChat and WeChat are 468 million in one monthly active account. We feel that WeChat is a lot in first-tier cities. QQ and mobile QQ are very important platforms from the second, third and fourth lines to rural areas, and their growth is very fast. Get rid of the past PC era. Everyone only had two hours of online time. At that time, QQ went up as soon as they surfed the Internet, and it was turned off when they closed the network. Basically, QQ’s time is his total time. Now there is actually no concept of online, which will produce many new differences.

The second is service. In WeChat, we have introduced the system of public accounts and service accounts for the first time in an innovative way. In the past, it was hard to imagine that this could be done in the PC era. Through this service account, many services and merchants are connected, including his media, self-media people, and even the operator’s business hall. Banks can use this connection. There is no website, no website, and people can be easily connected. A lot of information and services can be forwarded and shared to one person, or a group, or even to all people in a fragmented manner. In social networks, it can be quickly reversed. This does not require a domain name, a website, or anything complicated at all. It can produce such a magical effect, and everyone circulates very quickly. This is a scenario we haven’t seen in the past few years. We feel like this is a prototype for a connected service, and there’s a lot more that could evolve.

The next step is to try to make connected devices. The device has just started. WeChat has a hardware platform and QQ IoT solutions, including in-car and other partners to launch car-connected solutions. These are early days. We feel that there are still many things that can be done, and it is impossible for us to do it alone. We must need partners to work together to realize such a great idea.

Open cooperation to cultivate an intellectual property ecosystem

For Tencent, the second principle is openness. We give a lot of non-core business to partners, and we cooperate with them. Our ecosystem is a more open ecosystem. We provide underlying communication, user authentication, or storage, or distribution platforms, or some transaction payment platforms based on this. We cooperate with partners in many vertical fields.

We see that more than three years ago, many companies proposed to open up, but looking back, Tencent still has some preliminary achievements in many businesses, including 5 million entrepreneurs, we roughly estimate that the valuation of the entire partner can exceed 200 billion.

Based on connectivity, based on openness, what do these partners mainly do? If it is to provide the simplest connection, it is pure pipeline, and I think its value-added services are not enough. For us, we have been in a field for the past 11 years, especially in the field of content, especially online games, we have rooted ourselves.

Facebook doesn’t do games, it does connections. Tencent is a little different. Tencent has gone halfway and has a large number of external developers, but it tries to develop games by itself, so that we can understand what this ecosystem is more suitable for. However, more of our content should not be developed by ourselves, but by our partners. This is a very complex system.

In the 18 years since the development of China’s Internet, it has gone from being completely disorderly and not paying attention to intellectual property rights to now paying more and more attention to intellectual property rights. Although the problem has not been completely solved yet, it has been obviously improving. Only in this way can the entire business model take shape. From video, music, animation, etc., will form an intellectual property ecosystem. This ecosystem cannot be done by only a few companies. It must be open and inclusive, with many partners participating, and a new ecosystem at multiple levels.


In the past six months and a year, we have undergone great changes, cultivating our self-cultivation and returning to our essence.

We partner with Sohu for our search business and for our e-commerce business. We return to the essence of making connectors.

– Pony Ma, Chairperson and CEO of Tencent

Only 5.9mm thick, Huawei P7 will use HiSilicon octa-core CPU

  [PConline Information]Huawei’s press conference in Paris on May 7 is getting closer and closer. Although Huawei still refuses to say whether to release Huawei P7 at the press conference, looking at various leaks, P7 has almost no secrets. Including the double-sided glass design, equipped with an eight-core Kirin 920 processor, and an ultra-thin 5.9mm body.

Determine the double-sided glass design, Huawei P7 or release on May 7  Determine the double-sided glass design, Huawei P7 or release on May 7

  Huawei P7 was initially exposed to be equipped with a Kirin 910 quad-core processor, but according to the latest revelations on Weibo, P7 will use a 1.8GHz Kirin 920 octa-core processor, using Cortex A15 architecture, integrated ARM-Mail-T628 GPU, with dual-channel DDR3 memory. In addition, it runs the latest Android 4.4.2 system, adds NFC function, and has a built-in 2700mAh battery.

  The rest of the revelations are basically the same as before, including a 5-inch 1080p resolution screen, using the second-generation incell process. 8 million pixel front lens and 13 million pixel main lens, the main camera uses Sony MX214 sensor, the photosensitive area is 1/3.06 inches, and the Find 7 also used this camera.

  Huawei P7 will use a double-sided glass design, and the thickness of the body is only 5.9mm. It is rare that the camera does not stand out, which is good news for many users who like ultra-thin. Huawei has confirmed that it will hold a press conference in Paris on May 7, so the P7 is most likely to become the protagonist. The price remains 2688 yuan when the P6 is launched, and there are four color options.

Related reading:

Only explode but not explode, Huawei will release the X1 4G version on April 22


Determine the double-sided glass design, Huawei P7 or release on May 7


Huawei P7 received a network access license or was released in Paris on May 7



Changzhou Volvo XC60 significantly reduced the price, with a maximum discount of 132,400! Preferential treatment waits for no man.

In the car home Changzhou preferential promotion channel, we are pleased to announce that the current preferential car series is! This high-profile SUV model is enjoying a maximum discount of 132,400 yuan in Changzhou, with a minimum starting price of 283,900 yuan. As a luxury model, Volvo XC60 has excellent quality and performance, which brings excellent driving experience to consumers. If you are interested in this model, you may wish to click "Check the car price" in the quotation form, and strive for higher discounts to make your car purchase experience more enjoyable.

The design of the Volvo XC60 is highly recognizable. The front face adopts a unique Volvo family-style design, and the air intake grille is decorated with chrome, which is very delicate. The body lines are smooth, and the overall style is simple and atmospheric, giving people a noble and steady feeling. At the same time, Volvo XC60 is also equipped with advanced technologies such as LED headlights and daytime running lights, which makes the vehicle safer at night and during the day. In addition, the chrome trim and large-size rims on the side of the car also highlight the luxury of the car, making the car more dynamic and fashionable. In a word, the design of Volvo XC60 is both practical and beautiful, which perfectly shows the design essence of Swedish brand.

Volvo XC60 is a medium-sized SUV with a body size of 4708*1902*1660mm and a wheelbase of 2865mm. The body lines are smooth and the design is full of strength. The car uses tires with 235/60 R18 front and rear wheels, with a front tread of 1653mm and a rear tread of 1657mm. The design of car side lines is simple and generous, showing a unique Nordic style. At the same time, the car is also equipped with 18-inch rims, which increases the overall sense of movement and luxury of the vehicle.

The interior design of Volvo XC60 is simple and generous, and high-quality materials and fine craftsmanship are used to create a comfortable and luxurious driving experience. The steering wheel is made of leather, which feels comfortable, and the position can be manually adjusted up and down and back and forth, which is convenient for drivers to find the most comfortable driving posture. The 9-inch central control screen has a large size and is equipped with a voice recognition control system, which can control functions such as multimedia system, navigation, telephone and air conditioning, and is easy to operate. The front and rear rows are equipped with Type-C and USB interfaces to meet the charging needs of passengers in the car. The seat is made of imitation leather, and the main driver and co-pilot seats can be adjusted front and back, backrest, height and lumbar support. The main driver seat is also equipped with heating function. The rear seats can be tilted in proportion, which increases the flexibility of storage space. Generally speaking, the interior design and configuration of Volvo XC60 are very humanized, providing drivers and passengers with a comfortable driving experience.

The Volvo XC60 is powered by a 2.0T 250 HP L4 engine with a maximum power of 184 kW and a maximum torque of 350 N m.. This engine cooperates with the 8-speed automatic transmission, which can provide a smooth shifting experience and excellent acceleration performance, so that drivers can feel strong power output and comfortable operation experience during driving. At the same time, the engine also has high fuel economy, which makes your driving more energy-saving and environmentally friendly. Overall, the engine of Volvo XC60 performs well, which can meet the driver’s demand for power and economy.

Among the owners of Volvo XC60, there is a rider from Qingdao. In his comments, he mentioned that this car has strong sense of security, good comfort, relatively low fuel consumption and beautiful appearance. These four advantages are undoubtedly the highlights of Volvo XC60. For a strong sense of security, Volvo has always been a leader in safety performance, and it has excellent performance in both active and passive safety. Comfortable, because Volvo XC60 adopts luxurious interior design and comfortable seats, as well as excellent sound insulation effect, so that drivers can get the best rest and enjoyment during long-distance driving. The relatively low fuel consumption is also one of the highlights of the Volvo XC60, thanks to its advanced power system and lightweight body design. The beautiful appearance is because the Volvo XC60 adopts a fashionable and dynamic design, so people can’t ignore its existence at first sight. To sum up, the Volvo XC60 is a very recommended luxury SUV in the eyes of car owners, and its safety performance, comfort performance, fuel consumption performance and design are impressive.

Test drive Krypton 001, which is Tesla’s strongest rival?

  [Aika Auto New Energy Original]

  Since (|) was introduced in 2012, it has been leading the development of electric vehicle industry. Traditional automobile giants have launched many electric vehicles in the process of dismissing Tesla, trying to surpass it, and then acknowledging the gap. They may surpass Tesla in a certain performance, but their comprehensive performance is always inferior to the latter. European and American giants are getting old, and the task of defeating Tesla ultimately depends on China enterprises. After completing the leap from quantity to quality, a new generation of China brand electric vehicles have good product strength, and (|) is one of the best. Compared with Tesla (|) and (|), which are close in price, 001 is almost fully dominant. Can it become Tesla’s strongest rival?

Test drive krypton 001

  ZEEKR Krypton is a brand-new intelligent pure electric brand launched this year, and Krypton 001 is the first model of the brand. Extreme Krypton 001 gained the popularity envied by friends at the booking stage, which is inseparable from its high-standard hardware configuration. But the stacking car is not always a good car. With a table full of ingredients, what kind of food will it make? With this question, we test-drive the Krypton 001 on the open road for the first time. This test drive is a Krypton 001 test vehicle in the PP stage (pre-trial production). Although its software is not ready yet, the hardware part is basically not significantly different from the production car, so the focus of our test drive is the dynamic performance of Krypton 001.

Test drive krypton 001

Test drive krypton 001

Test drive krypton 001

  Speaking of motors, by the way, Krypton 001 has caused some controversy recently because of the selection of motors. In the earlier application information of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the motor supplier of Extreme Krypton 001 was made in Japan; In the new application information, the motor supplier of Krypton 001 has become a local manufacturer Weirui, and the torque of Weirui Motor has been reduced.

  This change is interpreted by some people as krypton 001 will be reduced, but it is not. First of all, the domestic motor is actually not bad. The motor provided by Weirui for Krypton 001 adopts more advanced flat wire winding, which has higher slot fullness and power density, thus improving efficiency and reducing heat. The motor made in Japan is still traditional.Round wire winding. Second, although the torque of Weirui’s motor is a little lower, the wheel end torque output to the wheel through the reducer is still unchanged. The wheel end torque of each rear wheel of the single motor model is 3840Nm, and the wheel end torque of each wheel of the dual motor model is 3840Nm. After the adjustment of Krypton engineers, these two motors can bring highly consistent power performance, and the user experience is basically the same.

Test drive krypton 001

Test drive krypton 001

Test drive krypton 001

Test drive krypton 001

Test drive krypton 001


Test drive krypton 001

Test drive krypton 001

Test drive krypton 001


Hundreds of computers manipulated the stock price, and the CSRC fined Beibadao Group 5.5 billion yuan.

  Xiamen Beibadao Group manipulated the stock price, and the CSRC will issue the biggest fine of 5.5 billion yuan to it. On March 14th, the Inspection Corps of China Securities Regulatory Commission disclosed to the outside world that Xiamen Beibadao Group had speculated on three sub-new shares of Zhangjiagang Bank, Hesheng Shares and Jiangyin Bank, and accumulated a profit of 945 million yuan during the manipulation period. The CSRC will impose a penalty of "no penalty for five" on Beibadao Group, with a total fine of about 5.5 billion yuan.

  pay close attention

  Employees of Beiba Road scratched inspectors to destroy evidence.

  According to the information disclosed by the CSRC, the illegal operation target of Beibadao Group is mainly sub-new shares. Due to the restriction of the lifting of the ban by major shareholders, the number of tradable shares is small, and the amount of funds is the same. Compared with large-cap stocks, the manipulation of subordinated shares has the effect of "four or two", and the ups and downs are even more intense. If once the operation is successful, a single new share will basically increase by more than 40%, and there is huge room for profit.

  According to the inspection and law enforcement personnel of the CSRC, Beibadao Group used more than 300 stock accounts, more than 100 computers and more than 10 traders to trade at the same time, and used a lot of capital allocation. During the investigation, the senior management and related personnel of Beibadao Group refused to cooperate with the investigation, and the accountants scratched the inspectors of the CSRC to destroy the evidence.

  According to people close to the CSRC, individuals are generally punished for manipulating the stock price, but the punishment target is the group, which shows that the gangs and corporatization operations that manipulate the stock price in the secondary market are becoming increasingly obvious. The actual controllers often rely on the personnel and capital flow of industrial companies to form teams to manipulate the stock price, and the methods are relatively hidden.

  The exchange’s current big data screening technology is very advanced. Once multiple suspicious accounts are found to buy the same stock in large quantities at the same time, inspectors will go to the local inspection according to the stock price performance. "It is obviously unreasonable to find more than a dozen people and more than one hundred computers in an office. Such companies will enter the field of vision of key inspections. "

  reveal a secret

  Beiba Road, which started from container transportation.

  There is very little official information about Beibadao, and its group official website can’t browse it normally. One of the most reprinted reports was the report "Black Hole of Railway Freight: The Nugget of Beibadao" and "The Methodology of Box Packing" published by Caijing National Weekly in August, 2014. The investigation revealed that Beibadao Logistics Group Co., Ltd. occupied a huge market share of railway container freight, and was suspected of violating laws and regulations, including using containers to transport coal, using "box packing" and other methods to evade railway freight, and the time was as long as 8 years. According to the report, the largest natural person shareholders of Beibadao Logistics Group and Beibadao Investment Holding Co., Ltd., which was newly established in April 2013, are Lin Yuting, the daughter of Lin Qingfeng, with subscribed capital contributions of 131.5 million yuan and 45 million yuan respectively. Beibadao is seeking acquisition to prepare for listing.

  The only personal information about Lin Qingfeng, the head of Beibadao Group, is from the 2014 MGM-Hurun China Yacht Industry Report issued by Hurun Research Institute. The report shows that Lin Qingfeng owns a personal tailor yacht worth about 36 million yuan — — "Ferrari 800", ranked 13th.

  According to public information, the full name of "Beibadao" is Beibadao Logistics Group Co., Ltd., a private enterprise established in 1993. The largest private railway container operator in China, with fixed assets of nearly 3 billion yuan, has 23 container freight station and branches all over 9 provinces and municipalities.

  press sb for an interview

  It is behind the highest P/E ratio of Zhangjiagang Bank.

  In April 2013, Beibadao Investment Holding Co., Ltd. was established in Shanghai, later renamed as Beibadao Group Co., Ltd., and its legal representative was "Lin Huihui". The shareholding structure shows that Lin Yuting holds 90% of the shares and Lin Qingfeng holds 10%. Market speculation, Lin Huihui and Lin Qingfeng should be related, even father-daughter relationship.

  What makes this company famous is the large-scale speculation of sub-new shares in April 2016, which is rare for its fierce and high-profile style. They have a fixed style, and they concentrate on one stock for a certain period of time, and wash the new shares on a weekly basis.

  From February to March, 2017, a number of sub-new shares affected by bad news in the early stage began to enter a period of strong rebound. The market believes that Beibadao Group is involved in this round of speculation at this time. From February 6th to April 5th, Zhangjiagang Bank saw the highest increase of 200%, setting a record price-earnings ratio of 63 times in the banking sector. In addition to Zhangjiagang Bank, Hesheng Shares and Jiangyin Bank, there are also Zhezhong Shares, Baota Industry, Nanjing Port, pioneer electronics, Tongli Cement, Gansu Power Investment, etc. Most of these "monster stocks" are considered by the market as the representative works of hot money.


  Last year, CSRC strictly investigated the speculation of sub-new shares.

  Subsequently, the CSRC launched a high-profile investigation. On April 14th, last year, Zhang Xiaojun, spokesperson of the CSRC, revealed to the outside world that the CSRC deployed the second batch of 16 cases of special enforcement actions in 2017, and relevant investigations have been carried out in an all-round way for vicious operations such as sub-IPO, and important breakthroughs have been made in key cases. The characteristics of these cases are as follows: first, maliciously taking advantage of the low price-earnings ratio of sub-new shares, using multiple accounts to quickly raise the stock price, and luring individual stock prices to skyrocket and plummet; The second is to use accounts with obvious geographical areas in batches, take advantage of funds, and use methods such as "lifting accounts" to speculate on multiple stocks, which has obvious gang characteristics; Third, the controlling shareholders of listed companies and other stakeholders illegally manipulate the content of information disclosure and the combination of light and dark with market institutions, and jointly manipulate the company’s share price with the intention of illegally making profits through high cash.

  Text/reporter Liu Shenliang

  related news

  Nearly 900 million "folk masters" who manipulated essence pharmaceutical to make profits were investigated.

  At the special press conference on inspection and law enforcement held by the Securities and Futures Commission yesterday, the market paid attention to "Gao was suspected of manipulating the stock price of essence pharmaceutical". The scale of funds involved in this case was as high as 2 billion yuan, and the sources of funds were many movie stars, entrepreneurs and company executives.

  According to the investigators of the CSRC, during the manipulation of essence pharmaceutical stock price, Gao controlled and used 16 accounts, including umbrella trust accounts and personal accounts. The profit of the account group is close to 900 million yuan, which is the case investigated and dealt with by the CSRC, and the case of manipulating the price of a single stock has the highest profit. At present, the case has been investigated and heard, and the procedure of prior notification of administrative punishment has been fulfilled, and it is planned to be punished in the near future.

  According to the investigators, Gao, a person involved in the case, is known as the champion of the folk stock trading competition. He once set up a securities investment course in a well-known university and taught securities investment skills, which attracted many people to operate stock accounts on his behalf. With private equity fund management company as a platform, Gao has attracted many high-net-worth clients to entrust him to manage securities accounts. The accounts involved include umbrella trust accounts and multiple natural person accounts. Among natural person accounts, there are many celebrity accounts, among which there are many first-line movie stars, well-known entrepreneurs and company executives.

  In addition, the CSRC also notified the case of illegal disclosure of cobalt and nickel information in Hua Ze. On January 23rd, China Securities Regulatory Commission issued a decision on the administrative punishment of Hua Ze Cobalt and Nickel, giving Hua Ze Cobalt and Nickel a warning and a maximum penalty of 600,000 yuan, giving 18 responsible persons a warning and a fine of 30,000 to 900,000 yuan respectively, and banning three people, including Hua Ze Cobalt and Nickel, from the market.

  Text/reporter Liu Shenliang

Global sales of new energy vehicles are growing rapidly, and power batteries are in short supply.

  This year, the automobile industry has been challenged by the supply chain. At present, the shortage of automotive chips is widely affecting the normal production of vehicle factories. Now, the "core shortage" has not eased, and the "battery shortage" has come again. Beginning in the second quarter, new energy vehicles with long-term sales began to encounter a crisis of battery supply shortage.

  The shortage of market demand has made power battery manufacturers the darling of the capital market. Taking Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited as an example, as of the close of July 13th, the total market value exceeded 13 trillion yuan. On the one hand, the market and capital are both improving, and on the other hand, the supply of power batteries for new energy vehicles is insufficient.

  Market status:

  Battery supply becomes a new bottleneck

  Tucki, Weilai, Tesla and other new energy car companies mentioned in unison this year that battery supply will become the "bottleneck" in the second half of the year. Previously, in order to get the battery smoothly, Xpeng Motors CEO He Xiaopeng was exposed to be in Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited for a week in the second quarter. Although this incident was later denied by He Xiaopeng, it also confirmed the existence of "battery shortage". Zeng Yuqun, chairman of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, said at the shareholders’ meeting held in late May this year that the recent urging of customers "made him unbearable".

  The tight supply of power batteries has long been a harbinger. In February last year, Audi publicly admitted that e-tron was temporarily discontinued due to insufficient supply of power batteries; In the same period, Jaguar I-PACE was also exposed to production suspension due to the supply problem of LG power battery. This year, Tesla CEO Musk bluntly said that the battery "how much the supplier gives, how much Tesla will buy". At the beginning of March this year, Li Bin, the founder of Weilai, made a special mention of the topic that "the battery supply chain will become the biggest bottleneck" in the earnings conference call, and roughly estimated that the battery shortage would affect about 7,500 vehicles in the second quarter.

  At present, the production capacity of many power battery manufacturers has been overloaded. Yiwei Lithium Energy revealed in the recent announcement that the company’s existing venues and production lines have been running at full capacity, and the demand will still be in short supply in the past year.

  Probe into the cause:

  The production and sales of new energy vehicles have soared.

  According to industry analysis, one of the main reasons for the "battery shortage" is the rapid expansion of demand for new energy vehicles in the past year or two. According to the statistics of market organization EV Volumes, in 2020, 3.24 million new energy vehicles were sold worldwide, up 43% year-on-year. The China market, where new energy vehicles are growing rapidly, has a greater demand for batteries. According to the latest statistics of China Automobile Association, from January to June this year, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in China both exceeded 1.2 million, with a year-on-year increase of two times.

  Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the All-China Federation of Passengers, said that the forecast of battery demand in the automobile industry is far from the actual demand, which aggravated the impact of the "battery shortage". Wang Shijie, general manager of the first division of Guoxuan Hi-Tech, revealed: "The shortage of batteries has a great impact, and the completion rate of production and sales of key domestic OEMs is different from the completion of the annual task target."

  SNE Research, a global emerging energy market research organization, predicts that by 2023, the global demand for power batteries for electric vehicles will reach 406 GWH, while the supply of power batteries is expected to be 335 GWH, with a gap of about 18%. By 2025, this gap will expand to about 40%.


  Raw materials have risen in price due to shortage of supply.

  Power batteries are in short supply, and battery raw materials are rising in price. Previously, Zeng Yuqun said frankly at the shareholders’ meeting: "The (current) rise in raw material prices has a greater impact on the company’s cost, but the extent to which (materials) need to be passed to the downstream is still under consideration."

  Taking lithium carbonate as an example, it is an indispensable raw material for cathode materials and electrolyte of lithium batteries, and its price has also fluctuated greatly in the past year. At the same time, the price of lithium hexafluorophosphate has also increased. What is more noteworthy is that the resources of lithium, cobalt and nickel ore are mostly concentrated overseas and monopolized by Head Mining Group. The electrolyte capacity is insufficient and the expansion period is long, which leads to the fluctuation of battery raw material prices. Wang Shijie pointed out that the supply of raw materials and mineral resources in the upstream is difficult to achieve rapid expansion in the short term.

  The problems of battery shortage and rising raw materials have begun to spread downstream. The reporter checked the market price and found that due to the price increase of battery raw materials, the cost of battery materials increased by about 25%~30% compared with the same period of last year, and the cost of the overall battery PACK (including pack) increased by about 15%-20%. Affected by rising costs, many battery suppliers have issued price adjustment letters this year, hoping to raise the battery price.

  There are two ways to expand production capacity and new technology.

  Crack 1: expand production or build your own factory

  The reporter learned that in order to alleviate the "battery shortage", many power battery companies have officially announced the expansion of production. Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited said that at present, the production capacity is being expanded, which will take 2-3 years and 3-5 years. Carmakers are also seeking changes, and self-built battery factories are the choice of some car companies with strong financial resources. For example, Tesla, BMW, BYD, etc. have participated in the battle for upstream lithium resources to achieve self-sufficiency in batteries. Automobile manufacturers that have not chosen to independently develop batteries also give priority to in-depth cooperation with battery suppliers to jointly establish battery factories. For example, Volkswagen announced on July 13th that it would cooperate with Guoxuan Hi-Tech to promote the industrial production of battery cells in Germany.

  The data shows that there are nearly 300 solid-state battery-related enterprises in China, of which as many as 48% are established within 5 years, and only 20% are established for more than 15 years, which means that the mature development of battery industry still needs a process. In a short time, new energy vehicles will also face the situation that batteries are "robbed".

  Crack 2: develop a new form of battery

  In addition, more stable new forms of batteries are also being explored, such as solid-state batteries. Weilai Automobile took the lead in releasing the self-developed solid-state battery pack in June this year, which is expected to be commercialized in the fourth quarter of 2022. Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited also plans to release a solid-state battery named after "sodium ion" in July this year, but Zeng Yuqun admits that the real commercialization of solid-state batteries still has a long way to go. In this regard, LG Chem believes that all-solid-state batteries will be commercialized between 2025 and 2027; Panasonic will not launch electric vehicles using solid-state batteries until 2025. In addition, Volkswagen Group and BMW Group also believe that it will not be until 2025 to launch a prototype equipped with solid-state batteries.

  Look to the future:

  The supply chain will affect the survival of car companies.

  The reporter recently visited the local new energy vehicle dealership and noticed that the current supply and price of new energy vehicles are still in a stable situation. However, the staff of direct stores of new brands such as "Wei Xiaoli" told reporters that if the supply of power batteries fails to ease, in the long run, the price of new energy vehicles will be firmer and the delivery time will be longer. For example, the model that was originally delivered in two months may be extended to four or five months.

  Undoubtedly, the contradiction between the tight supply and price increase of upstream suppliers and the strong demand of downstream will inevitably gradually affect the output of new energy vehicles. For consumers, the most direct impact is that new cars cannot be mentioned as scheduled, or the price of some new cars is higher than before due to the tight supply of batteries. For car companies, the "battery shortage" not only hinders the pace of releasing new cars, but also affects their plans to deliver new cars, which is ultimately unfavorable to the overall revenue market.

  In any case, from the "core shortage" to the "battery shortage", the battle for resources about the future of automobiles is constantly being staged. Finding a better supply chain solution and getting rid of the dilemma of being stuck in the neck is an urgent matter related to the survival and development of every car company.

Since the sale of 219,800 yuan, BYD Tang EV/Tang DM-p Glory Edition has been listed, and the price of electricity is lower than that of oil.

  [Pacific Auto New Car Channel] On April 22nd, BYD Tang (parameter picture) EV Glory Edition, Tang DM-p Glory Edition and 2024 Tang DM-p Ares Edition were officially launched. Among them, there are 3 models of Tang EV Glory Edition, and the price range is 219,800-269,800 yuan; Tang DM-p Glory Edition has two models, and the price range is 229,800-249,800 yuan; The 2024 Tang DM-p Ares Edition has a total of one model with a price of 269,800 yuan.

  At the same time when the new car went on the market, BYD also prepared multiple glory privileges for users, including "2 big rejuvenation car purchase policies, 2 big worry-free car protection, 5 big exclusive VIP services and 5 big Zhilian online services", as shown in the following figure.

  In terms of appearance, all three new cars continue the design of current models and adopt the design language of BYD Dragon Face. Among them, the front face of Tang EV Glory Edition adopts a closed front grille, and the front grille of Tang DM-p adopts a Long Lin design, which is quite different here. At the same time, the new car is equipped with 20-inch wheels, through Chinese knot LED taillights, and silver glaze white, glacier blue and silver sand black appearance colors to choose from.

  Body size, their length, width and height are 4,875 (4,900)/1,950/1,725mm respectively, and the wheelbase is 2820mm. They are available in 6-seat /7-seat options to meet the needs of different consumers.

  In terms of interior, the new car continues the design of the current champion model, and the overall style is simple and luxurious. It is equipped with a 12.3-inch full LCD instrument and a 15.6-inch adaptive rotating central control panel. The steering wheel adopts a double-spoke flat-bottomed design, adding a sporty atmosphere inside the car. In terms of intelligence, it is equipped with the advanced version of DiLink 100 intelligent cockpit and 6nm 5G chip, which is more powerful than the popular Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip, and supports 3D car control, parking unlocking, UWB digital key, W-HUD head-up display, intelligent voice interaction of the whole car, ONE ID account system, baby/nap mode and new romantic mode.

  In terms of configuration, the new car will provide luxury configurations such as 10-point seat massage, main and auxiliary seat ventilation/heating, intelligent fragrance system, HiFi-level customized Dana audio, touch-sensitive LED reading light, 31-color atmosphere light, wireless charging of 50W mobile phone, and DiPilot 10 intelligent assisted driving system.

  In terms of power, BYD Tang EV Glory Edition offers single-motor and dual-motor four-wheel drive versions, in which the single-motor version has a maximum power of 168 kW, a peak torque of 350 Nm, and an acceleration time of 0-50km/h of 3.9 seconds; In the dual-motor version, the total motor power is 380 kW, the peak torque is 700 Nm, and the 0-100km/h acceleration time is 4.4 seconds. As for batteries, Ferrous lithium phosphate blade batteries with capacity of 90.3 kWh and 108.8 kWh are provided, corresponding to cruising range of 600 km, 730 km and 635 km (four-wheel drive).

  Tang DM-p Glory Edition and 2024 Ares Edition are equipped with a hybrid system consisting of Xiaoyun-Plug-in special turbocharged 1.5Ti high-efficiency engine and motor, in which the maximum power of the engine is 102 kW and the peak torque is 231 Nm. In terms of motors, the maximum power of the front motor is 160 kW, the maximum power of the rear motor is 200 kW, the comprehensive power of the system is 360 kW, the comprehensive torque is 675 Nm, the official 0-100km/h acceleration time is 4.3 seconds, and the fuel consumption is 6.5L/100km.

  In terms of battery life, it is equipped with a Ferrous lithium phosphate blade battery pack with a capacity of 45.8 kWh, with a pure battery life of 215km for WLTC and a comprehensive cruising range of 1030km for NEDC. At the same time, the new car supports a maximum of 90 kW DC fast charge and a maximum of 6 kW external discharge power.

  In addition, Tang EV Glory Edition, Tang DM-p Glory Edition /2024 Ares Edition all come standard with Yunqi -C intelligent damping body control system. By controlling the damper solenoid valve to adjust the damping, stepless adaptive adjustment of the damping can be realized. When the vehicle passes through the bumpy road, the comfort control strategy of high frequency and small damping is adopted to make the chassis "soft" and improve the driving comfort. When the vehicle is in rapid cornering, acceleration and braking, the maneuverability control strategy of low frequency and large damping is adopted to make the chassis "hard", provide greater support, restrain the body roll and pitch, and ensure the handling stability of the vehicle. (Text: Pacific Auto Wu Qixing)

In 2 years and 8 months, the sales volume exceeded 300,000, and the Great Wall guns were listed on the trailer version of the new guns.

Although, since the beginning of this year, due to multiple reasons in the market, the production and sales of pickup truck market in the first quarter showed a downward trend year-on-year. However, after the new requirements for traction qualification vehicles and the implementation of new technical standards for pickup trucks issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the pickup truck market will continue to develop well from a policy perspective.

In this market, there are not a few competing brands, and brands such as pickup truck, Zhengzhou, pickup truck, Kaicheng and medium-sized pickup truck are all competing vigorously. Among them, the pickup truck is still firmly standing in the position of NO.1

On May 8, the 300,000th vehicle was officially rolled off the assembly line at Chongqing Smart Factory. At the same time, the family continued to innovate, and the trailer versions of passenger guns and commercial guns were officially listed. And this new car brings more fun and trendy new lifestyles to fans.

In the current pickup market, the family market is very strong. It only took 2 years and 8 months, and the sales volume exceeded 300,000. This speed, even in the passenger car market, is very rare, but it has been achieved.

Of course, the rapidly rising sales volume is inseparable from the strength of our products. It has always been grounded in product design. For example, in this model, it breaks the simple product model of traditional commercial pickup trucks.

Today’s pickup truck is no longer a simple tool car. It is equipped with L2-level automatic driving assistance system, ZF 8AT gearbox, multi-link rear suspension, ACC adaptive cruise, active braking and other high-end and practical configurations. Meet the needs of fans in the whole scene.

Moreover, in terms of quality control, the car has also done a down-to-earth job. It is reported that the production by the smart factory in Chongqing has a perfect process and system tracking, regardless of the car-making process or detail control, which is one of the important reasons why fans can buy with confidence.

Compared with the ordinary pickup truck, the trailer model listed this time is more playable, and can transport motorcycles, tow yachts, RVs, motorboats, etc., and is suitable for more occasions. Moreover, in the Regulations on the Application and Use of Motor Vehicle Driver’s License, which came into effect on April 1, 2022, a C6 driver’s license for light tractor-trailer was added. The trailer version has C6 trailer qualification.

It is reported that cars are not only constantly innovating in products, but also constantly cultivating pickup culture. Today, the Firearms Union Cheyouhui has covered 31 provincial teams, 800,000 fans of APP800,000, and six major pickup colleges, allowing more fans to experience that it is not just a model, but a new way of life.

Ghost fighting view: Today, more than 70% cities in China have relaxed the restrictions on pickup trucks entering the city. As a new pickup truck model, it gives consideration to leisure and fashion, and brings unique product experience to fans. As a result, the sales volume continued to rise, and the cumulative sales volume exceeded 300,000 in just over two years after listing. It is reported that pickup trucks are still accelerating their entry into the global market, making gun products and gun culture go further. What do fans think about this? Leave a message for Brother Ghost.

Afternoon comment on A-shares: Shanghai Composite Index oscillated and rebounded by 0.44% in half a day. Computational concept stocks led the two cities.

  The three A-share indexes collectively closed up in early trading. By midday, the Shanghai Composite Index rose by 0.44%, the Shenzhen Component Index rose by 0.49%, the Growth Enterprise Market Index rose by 0.36%, the Beizheng 50 fell by 2.5%, and the half-day turnover in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets was 389.4 billion yuan. More than 3,400 stocks in the two cities rose, and northbound funds bought 2.831 billion yuan in half a day.

  In terms of plate theme, computing power leasing, memory chips, pork, food and other sectors were among the top gainers; PEEK materials, internet e-commerce and other sectors are in a downturn.

  On the disk, the concept stocks of computing power leasing led the two cities, () and () both had daily limit, () rose by over 14%, () once touched the daily limit, (), () and () rose by over 5%; Food stocks rose near midday, (), () daily limit, (), () and other stocks rose more than 5%; The semiconductor and component sectors were among the top gainers, (1) the daily limit, Xinhai Technology rose more than 10%, and Xinyuanwei, Juchen and Zhongwei Company followed suit; The securities sector rose rapidly near the noon closing, () the daily limit, () approaching the daily limit, (), (), () and so on; PEEK material concept stocks were in the doldrums in early trading, and Fuheng New Materials fell more than 6%, followed by (), () and ().

  Plate analysis:

  Straight flush hot stock list:

  Transaction review:

  At 09: 25, A shares opened, with the Shanghai Composite Index opening 0.04%, Shenzhen Component Index opening 0.14% and Growth Enterprise Market Index opening 0.25%.

  At 09:27, the transgenic plate was active at the beginning of the session, and Qiule Seed Industry opened 5.29% higher, and (), (), () and () opened in succession. In the news, according to Announcement No.739 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the first batch of production and operation licenses for genetically modified corn and soybean seeds were approved, and the related production and operation licenses involved a number of seed listed companies, including Dabeinong, Longping Hi-Tech, Fengle Seed Industry and Denghai Seed Industry.

  At 09:28, the computing plate was active at the beginning of the session, and parallel technology opened 9.52% higher. (), Yu Long, Litong Electronics, Lotus Health and True Vision opened higher. In the news, the National Development and Reform Commission and other five departments recently jointly issued the "Implementation Opinions on Deeply Implementing the" East Counting and West Computing "Project and Accelerating the Construction of a National Integrated Computing Network". According to the opinion, by the end of 2025, the comprehensive computing infrastructure system will take shape. All kinds of new computing power in national hub node areas account for more than 60% of the national new computing power, and the utilization rate of computing power resources in national hub nodes significantly exceeds the national average.

  At 09:30, the game and media stocks rebounded at the beginning, () opened higher than 9%, (), (), (), () and so on.

  At 09:33, Xinchuang plate surged at the beginning of the session, () went up by daily limit, () rose by over 5%, and China Software, Stech, () and so on rose in succession.

  At 09:35, the cross-border e-commerce sector fell at the beginning of the session, and () and () fell, followed by (), (), (), contact and interaction.

  At 09:37, the clothing and home textile sector started to fall, () hit the daily limit, () fell by over 9%, and (), () and () followed.

  09:39 "Dragon Generation" stocks flameout, (), () limit, (), (), (), () and so on have dived.

  At 09:42, the semiconductor and component sectors rose, Xinhai Technology rose by more than 6%, () rose by more than 5%, and Juchen, Xinyuanwei, Loongson Zhongke and () rose one after another.

  At 09: 45, Mr plate was active again and again. (1) The daily limit recorded 4 plates for 6 days, (2) It rose by more than 5%, and (3), (3) and (3) followed suit.

  At 09:48 (), he dived in intraday trading, and now he has fallen by over 4%, with a turnover of over 600 million yuan.

  At 09:51, pork stocks changed in intraday trading, () rose over 5% and reached a new high, and (), (), (), () and () followed suit.

  10:00 According to () iFinD data, half an hour after the opening, the turnover of Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets reached 187.7 billion yuan.

  At 10:06, the advanced packaging plate oscillated higher, () the daily limit, and the core source rose slightly by more than 7%, followed by (), (), Torch Light Technology, () and so on.

  At 10:08, photovoltaic concept stocks bottomed out and rebounded, () 5 consecutive boards, after () daily limit, () once touched the board, (), (), () and so on followed up.

  At 10:36, the pre-cooked dish plate pulled up, Huifa Food went up, and Gaishi Food, (), () and Haixin Food went up.

  At 10:46, the real estate development sector oscillated lower, () hit the limit, and (), (), () and () followed.

  At 10:51, the computing leasing sector oscillated higher, and Lotus had a healthy daily limit. Yu Long shares had a daily limit, and Stech rose more than 13%. True TV once hit a daily limit, and Aofei data, () and so on rose.

  At 11:03, the semiconductor and component sectors continued to rise, with Jinhaitong trading daily limit, Xinhai Technology rose by over 10%, Juchen shares rose by over 8%, and Hengshuo shares, Zhongwei Company, Tuojing Technology, Blue Arrow Electronics, North Huachuang and other shares rose by over 5%.


  1. Huawei nova 12 series Kirin chip versions are all sold out: only Snapdragon 778G version is available.

  According to Huawei Mall, the full pre-sales of Huawei’s nova 12, nova 12 Pro and nova 12 Ultra models have all been sold out, and the next round of sales time is yet to be determined. These three models are the first works of Kirin’s return in the past three years, and all the configurations are comprehensive, even in line with Mate60 series. At present, only the nova 12 model with Snapdragon 778G 4G is available, which belongs to offline products.

  2. Sam Altman and Jony Ive invited Apple product design executives to develop artificial intelligence devices.

  Sam Altman, founder of OpenAI, and JonyIve, the former "soul designer" of Apple, plan to hire a senior person from Apple to participate in the new artificial intelligence hardware project, aiming at creating devices with the latest functions.

  3. Tesla is reported to plan to launch a new version of Model Y for mass production as early as the middle of next year.

  According to Bloomberg, Tesla is preparing to launch an improved version of its best-selling Model Y in the Shanghai factory. According to people familiar with the matter, Tesla is currently preparing for its new Model Y in China, and mass production may start as early as mid-2024. (Sina Finance)

  4. CCTV News: The development of virtual reality technology presses the "acceleration button" and the demand for artificial intelligence computing power is growing rapidly.

  CCTV News reported that last year, many Internet companies at home and abroad laid out virtual reality technology one after another, and various wearable devices supporting it also earned enough attention. The landing and development of virtual reality technology not only drives the industrial chain of hardware equipment, but also needs the support of new infrastructure such as computing center as a large-scale connected virtual reality application scenario. Zhang Zili, Director of Advanced Data Center of West (Chongqing) Science City: When we launch this card, the computing power in AI training will be greatly improved, and it will support (virtual reality) applications like Metauniverse. It will exceed 6000 by the end of this year.

  5. The sales target of the international community in 2024 is 600,000 vehicles.

  According to the late Auto news, it was learned from many people familiar with the matter that the annual sales target of AITO in 2024 is 600,000 vehicles. Before that, two models, M5 and M7, were on sale, and on the 27th, the flagship SUV M9 was released. Next year, it is also planned to release and mass-produce the M8, when at least four models will be on sale. AITO has communicated the above sales targets to upstream supply chain manufacturers.

  6. National Bureau of Statistics: In November, the profits of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 29.5% year on year.

  Statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics show that from January to November, the total profits of industrial enterprises above designated size nationwide reached 6,982.28 billion yuan, down 4.4% year-on-year, and the decline rate was 3.4 percentage points narrower than that in January-October. In November, the profits of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 29.5% year-on-year.

  7. Drop again! The interest rate of some existing mortgage loans can be lowered by 10 basis points from next week.

  According to Shell Finance, as the New Year approaches, some existing loans are about to be re-priced. It is understood that the interest rate will be lowered by 10 basis points again if the stock mortgage is selected as the "repricing date" on January 1 every year and priced before June 20 this year. This is not in conflict with the interest rate adjustment of stock houses that started at the end of September this year.

  8. Strict supervision of the foreign exchange market The two departments jointly issued a typical case of punishing foreign exchange-related crimes.

  According to CCTV news, the head of the Management and Inspection Department of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange said that the Central Financial Work Conference emphasized that risk prevention and control should be the eternal theme of financial work. In the next step, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange will earnestly implement the deployment and requirements of the Central Financial Work Conference, strictly enforce the law, dare to show their swords, and work with the judicial organs to maintain a high-pressure crackdown on illegal cross-border financial activities.