The order and age of dynasties: master history and understand the rise and fall of dynasties!

Chinese historical dynasties, that is, the dynasties and regimes that existed in the history of China.

Chinese historical dynasty songs:

Xia, Shang, Western Zhou and Eastern Zhou, and the early period of Eastern Zhou was Spring and Autumn.

In the late warring States period, the seven heroes rose, and the Qin dynasty unified the countries.

After the Han Dynasty, the three kingdoms fought each other.

From the demise of the Western Jin Dynasty to the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the Southern and Northern Dynasties were separated.

From the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties to the Northern Song Dynasty, the Liao, Song, Xia and Jin dynasties alternated.

The Southern Song Dynasty ended in reunification, and the Yuan Dynasty was followed by the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

China has a long history and frequent dynasties, and each dynasty has its own unique charm and legendary stories. From Xia Dynasty to Qing Dynasty, the order and age of dynasties constituted the glorious history of the Chinese nation for 5,000 years. Today, let’s walk into these dynasties together and appreciate their elegance.

I. Xia Dynasty (about 2070 BC-about 1600 BC):

Xia Dynasty was the first hereditary dynasty in the history of China, which was founded by Yu. The Xia dynasty was handed down for fourteen generations, and lasted for about 471 years after seventeen. During this period, China entered the Bronze Age, and agricultural production developed significantly. The last monarch of Xia Dynasty was cruel and heartless, and the people complained bitterly, and was finally destroyed by Shang Tang.

Second, the Shang dynasty (about 1600 BC-about 1046 BC):

Shang Dynasty is the second dynasty in the history of China, which was founded by Shang Tang. During the Shang Dynasty, the bronze ware manufacturing industry entered a prosperous period, and the famous Simuwu Dafang Ding was the representative work of this period. There were seventeen kings and thirty-one kings in Shang Dynasty, which lasted about 554 years. Zhou Wang, the last monarch of Shang Dynasty, was dissolute and heartless, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the governors and was finally destroyed by Zhou Wuwang.

Three, the Western Zhou Dynasty (about 1046 BC-771 BC):

The Western Zhou Dynasty was the third hereditary dynasty in the history of China, which was founded by Zhou Wuwang. During the Western Zhou Dynasty, the social system was further improved, and the systems of enfeoffment and patriarchal clan system were established. At the same time, the culture and art of the Western Zhou Dynasty also developed greatly, such as the publication of literary works such as The Book of Songs. There were twelve kings in the Western Zhou Dynasty, which lasted about 295 years. In 771 BC, Haojing fell and the Western Zhou Dynasty perished.

Four, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770 BC-256 BC):

The Eastern Zhou Dynasty was the fourth hereditary dynasty in the history of China, which was founded by Zhou Pingwang. During the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, wars for hegemony between vassal states frequently occurred, and the famous Five Overlords in the Spring and Autumn Period and Seven Heroes in the Warring States Period emerged during this period. Twenty-five kings were spread in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, which lasted more than 500 years. In 256 BC, the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was destroyed by the State of Qin.

Five, the Qin dynasty (221 BC-207 BC):

The Qin Dynasty was the first unified dynasty in the history of China, which was founded by Qin Shihuang. During the Qin Dynasty, many policies beneficial to national development were implemented, such as unifying writing, currency, weights and measures, etc. At the same time, great projects such as Wan Li Great Wall and Lingqu were built. The legal system of the Qin dynasty was also very strict, and the famous Qin law was formulated during this period. However, the tyranny of the Qin Dynasty aroused people’s dissatisfaction and was finally overthrown by Liu Bang, Xiang Yu and others.

Six, the Han Dynasty (202 BC-220 AD):

The Han Dynasty was the second unified dynasty in the history of China, which was founded by Emperor Gaozu Liu Bang. During the Han Dynasty, many policies beneficial to national development were implemented, such as recuperation and inaction. At the same time, the culture and art of the Han Dynasty also developed greatly, such as the appearance of literary works such as Han Fu and Han Yuefu. There were fourteen emperors in the Han Dynasty, which lasted more than 400 years. In 220 AD, Cao Pi usurped the Han Dynasty and proclaimed himself emperor, and the Han Dynasty perished.

Seven, the Three Kingdoms (220-280):

The Three Kingdoms period is an important period in the history of China, which consists of three regimes: Cao Wei, Shu Han and Wu. During the Three Kingdoms period, many famous historical events happened, such as Battle of Red Cliffs and the Three Kingdoms. At the same time, the culture and art of the Three Kingdoms period also developed greatly, such as the publication of literary works such as The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. In 280, the Western Jin Dynasty destroyed Soochow and unified China.

Eight, Jin dynasty (266-420):

Jin Dynasty is the third unified dynasty in the history of China, which was founded by Sima Yan, Emperor Wu of Jin Dynasty. During the Jin Dynasty, many policies beneficial to the development of the country were implemented, such as the "Nine Grades System". However, the rebellion of the Eight Kings in the Jin Dynasty caused social unrest and was eventually replaced by the Southern Song Dynasty established by Liu Yu. The Jin Dynasty spread fifteen emperors, which lasted for 156 years.

Nine, the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-589):

The Southern and Northern Dynasties is an important period in the history of China, which consists of two regimes: the Southern Dynasty and the Northern Dynasty. Many famous historical events happened in the Northern and Southern Dynasties, such as the reform of Emperor Xiaowen in the Northern Wei Dynasty and Liang Wudi’s worship of Buddhism. At the same time, the culture and art in the Southern and Northern Dynasties also developed greatly, such as the publication of literary works such as Mulan Poetry. In 589, the Sui Dynasty destroyed Chen and unified China, ending nearly 300 years of division.

X. Sui Dynasty (581-618):

Sui Dynasty is a short but important dynasty in the history of China, which was founded by Emperor Wen of Sui. During the Sui Dynasty, many policies beneficial to national development were implemented, such as the construction of the Grand Canal and the implementation of the land equalization system. Emperor Wen of Sui, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, was known as "the rule of opening the emperor". However, the tyranny of the Sui Dynasty also aroused people’s dissatisfaction and eventually led to the demise of the Sui Dynasty.

Xi. Tang Dynasty (618-907):

Tang Dynasty is an important dynasty in the history of China, which was founded by Li Yuan. During the Tang Dynasty, the economy was prosperous, the culture was prosperous, and the science and technology were developed, which was known as "the prosperous time of Kaiyuan". The Tang Dynasty had a vast territory and had extensive trade and cultural exchanges with many countries. At the same time, the Tang Dynasty was also one of the peaks of China’s ancient culture, and the cultural and artistic forms such as Tang poetry, Tang painting and Tang tricolor all reached an unprecedented height in this period.

XII. Song Dynasty (960-1279), Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) and Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279):

Song Dynasty is an important dynasty in the history of China, which was founded by Zhao Kuangyin. During the Song Dynasty, the economy was prosperous and science and technology developed, which was known as "Ren Zong Sheng Zhi". The culture and art of the Song Dynasty also developed greatly, such as the appearance of literary works such as Song Ci and Song Painting. However, the military strength of Song Dynasty was relatively weak, which led to the invasion of Liao, Jin and other foreign nationalities. The Northern Song Dynasty was destroyed by the Jin Dynasty in 1127 and the Southern Song Dynasty by the Yuan Dynasty in 1279.

XIII. Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368):

The Yuan Dynasty was a dynasty established by Mongols in the history of China, and was founded by Kublai Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan. During the Yuan Dynasty, many policies beneficial to the development of the country were implemented, such as implementing the provincial system and building water conservancy projects. At the same time, the culture and art of the Yuan Dynasty also developed greatly, such as the appearance of literary works such as Yuan Qu. However, the rule of the Yuan Dynasty also aroused the dissatisfaction of the Han people, which eventually led to the demise of the Yuan Dynasty.

Fourteen, Ming dynasty (1368-1644):

Ming Dynasty is an important dynasty in the history of China, which was founded by Zhu Yuanzhang. During the Ming Dynasty, many policies beneficial to the development of the country were implemented, such as the implementation of the sea ban policy and the construction of the Great Wall. At the same time, the culture and art of the Ming Dynasty also developed greatly, such as the appearance of Ming novels, Ming paintings and other literary works. However, the rule of the Ming Dynasty also faced many challenges, such as peasant uprising and foreign invasion. Finally, the Ming Dynasty was destroyed by the Qing Dynasty in 1644.

15. Qing Dynasty (1636 -1912):

The Qing Dynasty was the last feudal dynasty in the history of China, which was founded by Aixinjue Luo Nurhachi. During the Qing Dynasty, many policies beneficial to the development of the country were implemented, such as the integration of Han and Han, the construction of water conservancy and so on. At the same time, the culture and art of the Qing dynasty also developed greatly, such as the emergence of Qing novels, Qing paintings and other literary works. However, the rule of the Qing dynasty also faced many challenges, such as the invasion of foreign powers and the peasant uprising. Finally, the Qing Dynasty was replaced by the Republic of China in 1912. #2023 Creative Challenge # # Micro Headline Incentive Plan ## Chinese history #


The order and age of dynasties are summarized as follows:

I. Xia Dynasty (about 2070 BC-about 1600 BC)

Second, the Shang Dynasty (about 1600 BC-about 1046 BC)

Third, the Western Zhou Dynasty (about 1046 BC-771 BC)

4. The Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770-256 BC) is divided into two periods: the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC) and the Warring States Period (475-221 BC).

V Qin dynasty (221 BC-207 BC)

6. Han Dynasty (202 BC-220 AD), Western Han Dynasty (202 BC-8 AD) and Eastern Han Dynasty (25 AD-220 AD).

Seven, the Three Kingdoms period (220-280), including Cao Wei (220-266), Shu Han (221-263) and Dongwu (229-280).

8. Jin Dynasty (266-420), including Western Jin Dynasty (266-316) and Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420).

Nine, the Southern and Northern Dynasties (420-589), the Southern Dynasties included Liu Song (420-479), Nanqi (479-502), Nanliang (502-557) and Nanchen (557-589), and the Northern Dynasties included Northern Wei (386-589)

X. Sui Dynasty (581-618).

Xi. Tang Dynasty (618-907).

12. Song Dynasty (960-1279), Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) and Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279).

XIII. Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368).

Fourteen, the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). 15. Qing Dynasty (1636 -1912).

Highlights of the Super League finale: Shenzhen farewell battle, Dalian Nantong who was downgraded, Shenhua Zhejiang for the third place.

11moonfoursunhalf past three p.m.,2023The 2008 Super League is about to usher in a grand finale.eightThe Super League will kick off at the same time.16This team will play the last Super League match of this season. Advance at Shanghai seaportoneAfter winning the Super League championship, there are still several games worthy of attention in this round of Super League: First, the Shenzhen team, which has been demoted in advance, will face Beijing Guoan at home, which is not only a farewell battle for Shenzhen’s Super League, but also a farewell battle for football; Second, Dalian people.VSShanghai Harbor and Nantong ZhiyunVSThe results of these two games in Tianjin Jinmen Tiger will determine which team will be relegated; Third, Shanghai Shenhua will face Zhejiang at home, and the two teams will fight for the third place in the league to win the Asian League next season.2Qualifications for the competition.

ShenzhenVSBeijing Guoan.Shenzhen, which has been demoted in advance, will face Beijing Guoan at home, before Shenzhen.29Only won the last game.threeThe field is flat.threeField, come on.12Points, booked a demotion quota early, Beijing Guoan.48Super-ranked in sub-rankingssixA, the two sides this season’s first leg Beijing Guoan home.5:0Beat Shenzhen team. The result of this game has little influence on the ranking of both sides, but for the Shenzhen team, this is not only their last Super League game, but even the last battle of the team. According to relevant media reports, Shenzhen Football Club’s current unpaid wages (including tax) are approaching.10With the current situation, it is even difficult to pass the qualification examination of next season’s China A, and the possibility of dissolution is not ruled out. Even with the efforts of all parties, Shenzhen, which will play in China A next season, may be an all-China class like Guangzhou, and its return to the Super League will be in the foreseeable future. Therefore, there may be many Shenzhen fans going to the scene to watch the final game of Shenzhen’s Super League.

Dalian peopleVSShanghai seaport.Dalian people are currently20Super-ranked in sub-rankings15Name, lag behind the first14The famous Nantong branch cloud2Points, this round will be their relegation battle of life and death; Shanghai Seaport won the championship ahead of schedule in the last round, and this round has nothing to ask for, the first round between the two sides.1:1Draw. Dalian people are the first in the Super League.22wheel2:1After defeating Shenzhen, since thensevenThe super league only took it.2At present, the team, like the Shenzhen team, is in a crisis of survival. If relegation fails, it is likely to be abandoned by investors and become a "child without milk" next season. If Dalian people don’t win this game, they will definitely be relegated. If they win, it depends on the result of Nantong Zhiyun’s game. Therefore, for Dalian people, this game is not only a battle of relegation, but also a battle of life and death. If they win, they may not live, but if they lose, they will definitely die.

Nantong zhiyunVSTianjin Jinmen tiger.Another relegation battle was launched between Nantong Zhiyun and Tianjin Jinmen Tiger. Nantong Zhiyun is currently22Lead Dalian people in points2Rank first14Bit, as long as the final round wins, it will be relegated to success; If Nantong Zhiyun draws in the final round and Dalian wins, the two teams will score the same point, but because of their record relationship (Nantong Zhiyun plays Dalian)oneflatoneNegative), Nantong Zhiyun will be relegated, and Dalian people will be relegated successfully; If Dalian people don’t win, then Nantong Zhiyun can avoid relegation regardless of the outcome. Tianjin Jinmen tiger is currently accumulating.45Super-ranked in sub-rankingseight, both sides in the first round1:1Draw.

Shanghai ShenhuaVSZhejiang.This will be the most close match in this round, and the two teams are currently tied.fifty-twoPoints, Shenhua because of mutual record (Shenhua away in the first round1:0Won) ranked third, Zhejiang ranked fourth. After this round, there may be several results: if Shanghai Shenhua wins, it will rank third, and the Zhejiang team will determine the ranking with Chengdu; If Shenhua draws Zhejiang and Chengdu Rongcheng wins, then the three teams will be tied.53Points, compare the small cycle record between the three teams to determine the ranking, Chengdu Rongcheng2winoneflatoneThe best negative record ranked third, Shanghai Shenhua.onewin2flatoneNegative ranking fourth, Zhejiangonewinoneflat2Negative ranking fifth; If Shenhua loses to Zhejiang, then Zhejiang will rank third and Shanghai will rank fourth or fifth. The third team in the league can play in the AFC Champions League next season.2(After the restructuring, the second-level club competition of AFC is called AFC Champions League.2)。

Shanghai Shenhua has also entered the semi-final of the FA Cup. Their opponent is Qingdao Manatee. If they beat Qingdao Manatee, they will face Taishan in Shandong in the final. The FA Cup champion will participate in the AFC Champions League Classic next season together with the Super League champion (the first-level club competition of the AFC after the restructuring). By the way, the status of the cup champion is the same as that of the league champion, higher than that of the runner-up, which is extremely rare in leagues all over the world.

Shandong TaishanVSHenan.Shandong Taishan failed to win the Shanghai seaport in the last round, and has missed the Super League championship in advance. Currently,55Leading Shanghai Shenhua and Zhejiang teams.threePoints, due to the mutual advantage with Shanghai Shenhua and the same record with Zhejiang, and the total goal difference far exceeds that of Zhejiang team, Shandong Taishan has ensured the first place in the league regardless of the outcome of the final round.2First name. In addition, Shandong Taishan has entered the FA Cup final, and the opponent will be the winner between Shanghai Shenhua and Qingdao Manatee. If Shandong Taishan wins the FA Cup, then Shandong Taishan will play in the AFC Champions League next season with Shanghai Harbour. If Shandong Taishan loses in the FA Cup, it will be ranked first in the league.2Play in the AFC Champions League play-offs next season.

Therefore, for Taishan Mountain in Shandong Province, the final match of the Super League is not important, what is important is the FA Cup final. Henan team is currently36Super-ranked in sub-rankings10Bit, has been relegated ahead of schedule, the first round at home.0:1Losing to Shandong, the result of this league is not important for both sides, friendship comes first, and the game comes second.

Chengdu RongchengVSMeizhou Hakka.Chengdu Rongcheng is here.29Rear product of wheel50Super-ranked in sub-rankingsfiveName, if Chengdu Rongcheng wins this round and Shanghai Shenhua and Zhejiang draw, then Chengdu Rongcheng will rank first with the small round record between the three teams.threeName; Or Shanghai Shenhua beat Zhejiang this round and Shandong Taishan or Shanghai Shenhua won the FA Cup this season, then the Super League won the first place.fourA team will also have the opportunity to participate in the AFC Champions League next season.2Therefore, the final round of Chengdu Rongcheng is still motivated. However, for Chengdu Rongcheng fans, the most regrettable thing is that Miami International canceled coming to China and missed the opportunity to watch Messi’s game at home. Meizhou Hakka at present34Super-ranked in sub-rankings11Bit, relegation success in advance, has no desire. The first leg of the league between the two sides is Meizhou Hakka home.3:1Defeat Chengdu Rongcheng.

Cangzhou xiongshiVSQingdao manatee.Because of the relationship between Miami International and Messi, Qingdao Manatee is the hottest Super League team in recent years, and its popularity even exceeds that of Shanghai Harbour. Unfortunately, like Chengdu Rongcheng, it finally missed the opportunity to play against Messi. Cangzhou Xiongshi is currently30Super-ranked in sub-rankings12Qingdao manatee27Super-ranked in sub-rankings13Bit, both teams have been relegated ahead of schedule. By the way, Cangzhou Lions have already surpassed the Super League.eightIt’s not how well the Cangzhou lions played in the early stage, but that there are too many bad teams in the Super League, and the first round between the two sides.1:1Draw.

Changchun YataiVSThree towns in Wuhan.Changchun Yatai is currently39Super-ranked in sub-rankingsnineThree towns in Wuhan.48Super-ranked in sub-rankingssevenThree towns in Wuhan are at home in the first round of the two sides.2:1Beating Changchun Yatai, the result of this game will not have a big impact on the ranking of the two teams in the Super League this season. Considering that the three towns in Wuhan will have the AFC Champions Group match next, this game may give more opportunities to substitute players and young players.

No matter how many problems there are in the Super League, after all, this is our own league. I hope more fans can support the Super League.

Remarks: The pictures are from the Internet.

The 2023 Beijing North Football Invitational Tournament concluded, leading the public health movement.

BEIJING, Beijing, November 1st (Xinhua)-Hosted by Beijing Social Sports Management Center, the 2023 Jingbei Football Invitational Tournament hosted by Beijing Football Association recently came to an end in the football field of Kangbite Sports City. After nearly two months of competition, the champion was finally decided.

With the theme of "I exercise, I am healthy and I am happy", the Jingbei Football Invitational Tournament is a national social football brand competition created by Beijing Social Sports Management Center, aiming to convey a positive, healthy and happy sports concept to the general public. The Invitational Tournament has been successfully held for six times since 2018.

After nearly two months of intense competition, this year’s invitational tournament finally won the first and second place in 1994, with Guan Gao United and Brothers Company tied for the third place.

The players are in the competition. Photo: Provided by the event organizer

A contestant said that after years of development, the invitational tournament has been warmly welcomed and highly recognized by the majority of football fans, which has had a far-reaching impact in the football world. It is very happy to have the opportunity to participate in the Jingbei Football Invitational Tournament, a mass football brand event. "I can feel that everyone here is full of sports vitality and enjoy the happiness brought by football."

According to the organizer, it is hoped that the Beijing North Football Invitational Tournament will further vigorously promote the national football, advocate the spirit of national fitness, promote the development of football in the city, enhance the physical fitness of the whole people, and cultivate the sportsmanship of striving, enterprising, unity and cooperation among the citizens.

The 2023 Beijing North Football Invitational Tournament was closed. Photo: Provided by the event organizer

In recent years, the Beijing Municipal Sports Bureau has made continuous efforts to build a sports and fitness environment from various angles, such as enriching diversified sports events, building fitness venues all over urban and rural areas, and scientifically guiding national fitness, which not only improved the citizens’ sports and cultural literacy, but also led the transformation of the public’s healthy lifestyle. It is reported that a series of mass sports activities will be launched next to promote the physical and mental health of the whole people and promote the all-round development of sports. (End)

These games are super cute! Summarize the leisure mobile games worth playing in 2023.

What should I do if I encounter post-holiday syndrome after the Dragon Boat Festival holiday? Come and try these cute casual games that you can play when fishing! Including recent domestic and overseas new works, you can gain happiness by clicking occasionally.

I haven’t written casual games for a long time, never back down, a casual mobile game party!

National Travel Service

TapTap/App Store

The national costume has finally been launched in the near future. This game seems to restore all the inner imagination of beautiful scenery-blue sky, white clouds, leaves in the wind and fantasy planet in the sky. Because it is an independent game, according to the player’s words, the picture reveals a "poor and exquisite taste."

Use props to travel to all kinds of fantastic planets and bring the handwritten letters of the planet back to this clear grassland. Xiao Feng, who grew up in the wild grassland, will collect one memento mori after another, so that the photo album will be gradually enriched.

Does it sound like a teenage version of a traveling frog? But this memento mori is more linear and complete. Xiaofeng will find his childhood memories while waiting, and the player will reveal the real mystery of this world.

If you put it in your mobile phone and open it occasionally, you can have a healing world.

Frog pot

TapTap/iOS is temporarily unavailable.

The frog slept soundly in the pot. The pot is still warm, but it will boil soon. You want to wake it up.

"Once the temperature is too high, I will definitely go out."

"Sometimes it’s like this, you don’t want to do anything, you know."

The frog turned over. He feels that the water temperature is getting warmer and more comfortable. He wants to learn guitar recently. He wants to lie flat like this. What’s good about going out? It knows that going out is nothing, taking pains and having fun, and so on.

You know, it’s hard to pull a person who has fallen into a trough back to face the outside wind. But you can’t say what’s wrong. You have to come up anyway, right?

Frog Pot is an ultra-short linear visual novel that can be cleared in 5 minutes. Although it is simple, every sentence hits the player’s heart. There are 9000 players on TapTap who scored a high score of 9.7, and the comment area has become a tree hole for everyone to express their thoughts.

Everyone is the frog. Where should the frog be happy?

This question is too big, the answer is space, but everyone who has played the game will have an answer. Even just thinking about this problem has already taken a step from the pot.

Lonely bird

TapTap/App Store national area

In fact, it was launched a long time ago, but who would refuse a bird that is emotional, chirping and loves you wholeheartedly?

"Do you want to make friends with me?" Here is a bird. After a simple greeting, the game begins.

It’s easy to be friends with it. Go and see it every day, watch the starry sky together, sing songs behind the waterfall, pick oranges from the trees to feed your stomach, and each flower makes a different sound.

Birds will kiss up to your crooked paintings, cry for you, and occasionally get happy after emo.

You don’t talk much every day. It seems that you are trying your best to find your favorite topic every time. But just a few minutes is enough, and intimate friends don’t need to stay together all the time.

No matter what the final result is, you will always remember such a bosom friend, right?

"Although you are virtual, your company is not"

Next is the overseas game. Although the highly anticipated mobile game "Swaying Camping △" was just launched on June 15th, the previous game attracted more than 1 million global reservations with a picture, but after opening the service, everyone saw the familiar cultivation system. ……

It is indeed a real machine picture.

So I won’t introduce it here.

《Cat Snack Bar》

Outside Google play/App Store

Cat Snack Bar was launched overseas at the beginning of this year. In the small restaurant that opens when the sun rises, arrange cute Siberian cats, English short, muppets, Bangladeshi cats and cheese cats to entertain an endless stream of guests.

As long as the guests order, it is our cat’s business policy to do everything!

From such a humble little night platform:

A luxurious restaurant like this:

There is also a long line of cats waiting in line for dinner, and the main thing is a healing.

But don’t be scared by such a scale of business, because it is a game that secretly disguises itself as a game:

As long as they keep collecting gold coins and upgrading the technology of the world, such as adding a cat, raising the price of sandwiches and selling an extra drink, they will automatically work, and the digital suffix of the earned gold coins will be added from A to E. Therefore, it’s ok not to go to some technology and keep it waiting for the payment-as long as you can resist the temptation to upgrade a little.

When the business scale is enough, you can fly to another map to start a new business.

Boss, don’t you consider opening a restaurant?

Bonfire Cat Cafe

Google play/App Store country area

Cats are really the darling of casual games. Just after opening the food stall, I will come to the forest to sit around the bonfire, wooden crib and dining car for a picnic.

"Bonfire Cat Cafe" creates a dreamlike camp with a somewhat beautiful style, while employees and customers are moles who are keen on singing, rabbits who like lobsters, round cats and cool alpacas.

Everyone will leave some acorns for meals, and occasionally guests will come to tell you his strange life stories.

With these acorns, you can change from primitive wooden boards and stones to post-modern decoration filled with neon lights, and then go to the seaside and snow mountain to open two chain stores.

This game omits many numerical chains from raw material procurement to serving in simulated business games. The most thing you need to do is to learn new recipes according to the needs of guests and pick up acorns from the ground in time ….. so you are not so tired to play.

Diandian bakery to make bread

Seeing that your income has gone from tens to hundreds to tens of thousands, your sense of accomplishment is still very sufficient.

The sound of birds

Outside Google play/App Store

Cat Backyard and Traveling Frog, a new work by the studio, とりのぉと (The Voice of Birds). Collect musicians to sing on an occasion-all kinds of birds!

Musician Birds are also birds. As long as food and articles are placed in the square, they can be attracted to create a grand concert. I would like to call it the backyard of birds and birds.

Although the system is basically the same as Travelling Frog, and the props such as lady finger, Egg-shaped Bird’s Nest and Crystal Bed are also very simple to answer … But when the forest gets busy, there will be wonderful sounds of proposing marriage, guzheng and guitar flowing in the mobile phone.

And each one is very cute!

So, who can tell the developer to join the dock and French fries?

This recommendation ends here. Although there are fewer individual game developers in China, Japan and South Korea than in the previous two years, independent mobile games are relatively stretched, and our recommendations are correspondingly reduced. However, there are always excellent works constantly appearing to fill the gaps in players’ mobile phones. If you have a fun game recently discovered, please leave a message and share it with everyone!

Swimming often, what will happen? Tell you the answer

(Circle cards have been added here, please go to today’s headline client to check)

Sticking to swimming has a great exercise effect on the whole heart and lung function, and it needs to consume calories when swimming, so it is good for consuming excess fat in the body, promoting muscle development and increasing the strength of ligaments.

Who considers swimming "the best sport in the world". Statistics: Swimming can promote 50% blood flow in human body, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis; It can squeeze 50% of the blood vessels of the human body, which is a simple "vascular gymnastics"; Exercise at least 50% of the muscles, which helps to maintain the total muscle mass.

Let’s take a look at 19 benefits of swimming!

01. Increase memory.

With the growth of age, people’s memory is also declining, and swimming can increase memory.

02. Open the meridians.

Sitting in the office for a long time, I didn’t pay attention to my health. The meridians were stiff, and there would be small pimples all over my body. If I insisted on swimming, there would be fewer pimples.

03. dredge the pulse.

The meridians are blocked, the pulse is naturally stiff, and my whole body is very nervous and stiff. I swim for half an hour every afternoon and my whole body is relaxed.

04. Peace of mind and body.

Physical and mental disharmony, physical and mental uneasiness, physical and mental unevenness, and physical and mental diseases all come from qi and blood stagnation. The reason for qi and blood stagnation is that the meridians are blocked. Therefore, the body and mind are not free. Through swimming, qi and blood are unobstructed, and the body and mind are free. This aspect has something to do with Buchan.

05. Enhance heart function.

I don’t like sports, so my heart is not good. Swimming can enhance my heart function and make my heart slow and powerful.

06. Open the blood vessels.

Medically speaking, swimming can enhance the elasticity of blood vessels, reduce the possibility of blood vessel rupture, and also enhance the whole body elasticity.

07. Enhance muscle strength.

Life is irregular, so the muscles of the whole body are stiff and inelastic, and there is no strength. After swimming, muscle strength is enhanced, as well as leg strength, foot strength, bones and muscles, and joints are flexible.

08. Smooth blood circulation.

Human blood is not smooth, because the meridians and veins are impassable, people are prone to get sick. Swimming can open the meridians and enhance human blood circulation and metabolism.

09. Reduce five zang-organs diseases.

The five zang-fu organs need exercise. If they don’t exercise, they will naturally harden and get sick. Therefore, swimming can enhance the secretion function of digestive glands, promote the regular peristalsis of gastrointestinal tract, increase appetite and enhance the elasticity of the five zang-fu organs, and many diseases will be cured naturally.

10. Cure the three highs.

There are three highs, and the doctors have prescribed many prescriptions, which have no great effect. Let’s start swimming. We have lost 40 pounds in five months, and three highs will be three. Swimming has a good effect on preventing and treating hypertension, diabetes, obesity and habitual constipation.

11. Happy in spirit.

According to Tibetan medicine, swimming regularly can eliminate ischemic symptoms of the heart or lower blood pressure. Make the human body eliminate fatigue, feel happy and relieve palpitation. People’s unhappiness is related to blood, swimming can reduce blood sugar and blood lipid; Eliminate blood stasis, anemia and other garbage in the blood, there is no garbage in the blood, and people will be happy.

12. Beautiful figure.

Whether a person is beautiful or not is directly related to blood. If there is no garbage in his blood, he must be beautiful and beautiful. If there is more garbage in his blood, he is naturally not beautiful. Therefore, swimming can eliminate the garbage in the body and the garbage in the blood, reduce the accumulation of abdominal fat and keep the beauty of the human body.

13. Reduce myocardial infarction.

Medically speaking, myocardial infarction is mainly caused by blood stasis and blood clots blocking blood vessels. Swimming can reduce the formation of blood clots and reduce the possibility of myocardial infarction.

14. Enhance kidney function.

People are lazy, unwilling to move, and sitting for a long time will hurt the kidney, resulting in kidney deficiency, nephritis, kidney calculi, and renal failure. Therefore, if the blood supply to the kidney is insufficient, the liver blood will be insufficient; Liver blood deficiency, lack of effort, began to get sick. In order to take medicine for treating diseases and increase the burden on the kidney, swimming can reduce taking medicine, thus enhancing the function of the kidney.

15. The brain is clear.

Stay in front of the computer, read books and write articles at home, and your brain will be unclear. Let’s swim and accept fresh outdoor air, and your brain thinking activities will become clear and flexible, which will obviously eliminate the fatigue of your brain and improve your study and practice.

16. Enhance your eyesight.

Reading books, playing computer and sending wechat too much, their eyesight has deteriorated. According to the test of relevant experts, those who swim three times a week for 40 minutes for four months in a row have sharp reflexes and superior vision and memory compared with those who don’t like sports.

17. prolong life.

Life is the meaning of exercise. Swimming is a kind of fitness method with movement in quietness and quietness in movement, which can relieve neuromuscular tension and stabilize emotions, thus prolonging life naturally.

18. Develop wisdom.

There is an indirect relationship between stupidity and blood. There is a lot of rubbish in human blood, so people naturally become stupid, and stupid people cannot develop their wisdom. Sticking to swimming regularly can eliminate the garbage in the blood, eliminate fatigue, be cheerful, relieve palpitation, eliminate waste gas pollution, strengthen the body, be spiritually active and improve wisdom. For your health, please start swimming.

19. Good for brain health.

Outdoor swimming helps the brain release more euphoria hormone endorphins, while indoor swimming is more beneficial to mental health than indoor treadmill exercise.

After the impact of the anti-corruption storm, medical care continued to "return blood"! What do you think of the market outlook opportunities?

Under the background of medical anti-corruption and high pressure, the A-share medical sector has continuously "returned blood" in recent days after the sharp fall. As of August 10th, the medical ETF(512170) at the head of the medical sector went out of Sanlianyang on the daily line.

In the same period, funds showed signs of returning. August 8-10,The main funds have been added to medical care for three consecutive days, and the total net purchase amount exceeds 8.8 billion yuan..Northbound funds also moved, with a net purchase of 1.485 billion yuan in the pharmaceutical and biological industries on August 9.The amount of holdings ranks first among 31 Shenwan first-class industries.

Emotions are picking up, and superimposed funds are continuously flowing in. After the impact of the anti-corruption storm, can the medical sector start a rebound? Based on the present situation, how to treat and grasp the opportunity of medical investment?

[Short-term mood swings may be repeated, and opportunities may outweigh risks in the second half of the year]

The Bank of Communications International Research Report pointed out that the anti-corruption actions in the medical industry are still continuing to ferment. Considering the high demand and sensitivity of foreign capital to ESG, as well as the uncertainty of interest rates and geopolitical patterns,The market’s mood swings may still last for some time..

Huachuang Securities pointed out that this round of anti-corruption comparison in 2018 pointed out that,From the perspective of industry background,When centralized mining is promoted in 2018,,Medicine is at a high level.,When this round of anti-corruption promotion,,Medicine has been adjusted for three years.,It is expected that this anti-corruption will have a smaller impact on the pharmaceutical stock price.The cycle is shorter.

Guosen Securities believes that the current industry is fundamentally upward (stable and sustainable demand, emerging high-quality supply, and continuous withdrawal of backward supply), and the long-term development path is clear (innovation, compliance, and internationalization), but there is a short-term disturbance. In 2023,In the second half of the year, the investment opportunities for medical care may outweigh the risks..

[Anti-corruption does not affect the investment value of the industry, and the fundamentals of the sector are still improving]

Regarding the impact of medical anti-corruption on the industry, Huachuang Pharmaceutical team clearly stated that,Medical anti-corruption does not affect the investment value of the industry..At the same time, it is good for the sales of listed pharmaceutical companies..More irregular behaviors will help to concentrate market share on more standardized listed companies.. After the centralized procurement in 2018, the collapse of pharmaceutical companies did not happen. On the contrary, the share prices and profits of many companies hit new highs, which forced enterprises to innovate and optimized the medical insurance payment structure.After the anti-corruption in 2023,,We are expected to see a more optimized industrial structure and the further sublimation of excellent enterprises..

Guoxin Securities Research Report pointed out that as listed companies gradually released their second-quarter results, we found thatThe medical and medical industry has shown the characteristics of record high growth, gradual recovery of basic disk, and resilience overseas.. In addition, relevant policies are constantly being optimized, and Shanghai, Guangdong and other regions have clearly expressed their support for the clinical use and payment of innovative medical equipment. Short-term disturbances in the medical sector will not change the long-term positive trend.

According to public statistics, most of the leading medical stocks that have disclosed the performance of the interim report have performed well. The net profit of CXO giant Wuxi PharmaTech and equipment giant Mindray Medical both achieved double-digit growth in the first half of the year, with the highest pre-increase of 70% for Aimeike, the leading medical beauty company, and the highest pre-increase of 36% for Kanglong Chemical. In the United States, the company turned losses into profits in a healthy way, and its net profit is expected to double.

[The historical valuation is low, and the long-term allocation of medical care is cost-effective]

It has been three years since the A-share medical sector was adjusted in 2021, and the current valuation level has reached a historical low. The data shows that as of August 9, the CSI medical index PE-TTM tracked by the medical ETF(512170) is 29.59 times.At 10.65% of the quantile since 2015.In the current position, the long-term configuration cost performance is particularly prominent.

Ms. Hu Jie, fund manager of medical ETF(512170), said that in the long run, the rigid demand for medical care brought by the aging population and the increase in per capita health expenditure, the consumption upgrade brought by the increase in per capita GDP and the innovation drive of the supply side are the solid underlying logic that drives the long-term high prosperity of the medical industry.The current medical sector is in the bottom area of historical valuation., and related policies may show a good trend, therefore,Or consider an active layout on the left.,And be patient.,Long-term allocation enjoys the dividend of long-term development of the medical industry.

According to public information, the constituent stocks of the CSI medical index tracked by the medical ETF(512170) comprehensively cover the leading segments in the field of medical devices and medical services, among whichThe weight of medical devices is about 40%Directly benefit from the new medical infrastructure in the post-epidemic era;Medical services+medical beauty weigh about 50%.Directly benefit from the aging of the population, the upgrading of medical consumption and the great trend of medical beauty. Medical ETF(512170) is an efficient investment tool for investors to "lay out the national health sector with one click".

Risk warning: The medical ETF(512170) passively tracks the CSI medical index. The base date of the index is December 31, 2004, and it was released on October 31, 2014. The composition of the index shares is adjusted according to the index compilation rules. The index stocks in this paper are only for display, and the description of individual stocks is not used as any form of investment advice, nor does it represent the position information and trading trends of any fund under the manager. The risk levels of the Fund and its linked funds assessed by the fund manager are R3- medium risk and R4- medium high risk respectively, which are suitable for investors with suitability ratings above C3 and C4 respectively. Any information appearing in this article (including but not limited to stocks, comments, forecasts, charts, indicators, theories, any form of expression, etc.) is for reference only, and investors shall be responsible for any investment behavior decided by themselves. In addition, any opinions, analysis and predictions in this article do not constitute any form of investment advice to readers, nor do they assume any responsibility for direct or indirect losses caused by using the contents of this article. Fund investment is risky, and the past performance of the fund does not represent its future performance. The performance of other funds managed by the fund manager does not constitute the guarantee of fund performance, so fund investment needs to be cautious.

This article comes from financial information.

I can play these games for a year! 10 mobile phones can also play survival games, and it is recommended to collect them directly.

If you want to experience the game with the most sense of substitution and never get tired of playing, then survival games should be the first choice. In this issue, we will sort out ten high-quality survival games that can be played by mobile phones to ensure that each one is fun and enjoyable, and the types and gameplay are different, and there is always one for you! Conscience recommendation, remember to like the collection ~

Don’t Starve

This is a survival game with a strange style and a strange breath. The story background of the game is also very interesting. The mysterious machine made by scientist Wilson failed, but he didn’t want to be deceived by the devil. The mysterious machine rebuilt actually sent him to the wilderness of another world. Players need to face the test of extreme weather such as hunger and cold, the attack of monsters and many other extreme situations. The most important thing is that not only these most intuitive physical effects, but also players need to always pay attention to the mental state of the character. Such a thing as no light source will also become one of the possibilities of indirectly hitting the player, which can be said to be very real.

When you cut through the thorns, know how to collect all kinds of resources and use them for yourself, and skillfully use wood, seeds, berries and other resources to maintain your basic survival, how to live here for a long time will become the most important thing to consider. There are four seasons in the game. In order to keep their health values, players have to rush for life every day. You will feel like you are really living in a desperate situation, and consider the plan after 5 days, 10 days or even more. Therefore, from the depth of play, this work is also quite in place. If you feel that playing alone is too lonely and depressing, you can also choose the online version to bring your gay friends experience better!

Live (Survive)

This is a doomsday zombie theme word game. The game has plot mode, endless mode and war chess mode. In the plot mode, players can choose different characters and start with completely different stories to experience the cruel journey of survival at the end of the day, which is not only the threat of zombies, but also the law of the jungle among human beings. The endless mode provides the infinite survival mode and the purgatory survival mode, whether it is challenging the survival limit or pulling up the difficulty as soon as you start; As an annual update of the war chess mode, it adds a completely new gameplay to the game. As a word survival game, the outstanding feature of this game is that there are many details and a large choice space for players.

Reflected in the actual game, every decision and every action may cause a butterfly effect due to random situations. For example, if the noise is a little louder when picking up garbage, it will alarm the distant enemy; To destroy the furniture in a scene, you can choose different striking actions, striking strength and different striking weapons, and these choices will inevitably bring different consequences including but not limited to whether the furniture is destroyed and whether the durability of the weapons is damaged. It can also be said that this work has brought rich and considerable strategic space for the game by digging deep into the details from the perspective of putting yourself in the shoes, which not only enhances the sense of substitution, but also gives full play to the advantages and strength of word games. Players who like word survival games should not miss it.

Shelter: survival (60 Seconds! )

This is a doomsday survival game under the background of nuclear radiation. In this project, the nuclear alarm goes off, and you only have 60 seconds to collect materials. Send them to an underground shelter and wait for help. However, in the game settings, your family is also one of the "materials". In other words, in this sixty seconds, you can play the role of the husband and give up one or several of his wife and children, and you may be able to take an extra bottle of water or eat more with the time saved. But there will also be one less helper.

After successfully hiding in the underground shelter, players will face the distribution of existing materials and whether outsiders need help when they visit. Maybe they are poor people, or they will show their sharp fangs and become robbers when you politely refuse. You still need to decide who to send out to search for supplies. Who should be saved when many people are exposed to radiation but there is only one medicine box, and so on. Whether a good ending can be achieved depends entirely on the player’s choice. And whether it is lucky enough under the random mechanism of the game. Generally speaking, this book is very good at depicting the choice under desperate circumstances.

Radiation City

This game is a survival game from the first-person perspective. In the game, the protagonist we controlled survived the plane crash. When he woke up from a coma, he looked at the wreckage of a helicopter not far away and could only instinctively pick up the scattered materials. After finally getting the crowbar, the most famous physics Rapier in the history of the game, our adventure in this radiation city officially began. In the next journey, all kinds of powerful weapons, materials and vehicles can be collected and used, and they are scattered all over this extremely dilapidated city. To get these things, you must take great risks, because there are all kinds of zombies who are in hot pursuit, and there are also many ways to die, such as lack of water, lack of food, lack of physical fitness, and being attacked by mutant creatures. In the case of insufficient materials, this quiet and dangerous dilapidated atmosphere will bring you a high degree of immersion and terror. However, compared with the passive survival of ordinary people in "Shelter: Survival", it is still much more enjoyable for players to fully act.

Death trigger (Dead Trigger)

This is a very classic zombie-themed FPS game. In the game, as survivors of the zombie crisis, we will pick up our weapons and fight our way out in the danger surrounded by zombies. In the process, I will complete various tasks, earn money, gain experience, and make myself stronger, so that I can calmly survive in the more dangerous and changeable levels behind. The picture of the game is excellent, and it has amazing special effects performance in that year under full special effects. How to use the rich and changeable terrain to beat off a wave of zombie attacks with minimal casualties is the biggest cool point of this book. Moreover, the weapon system of this work is very rich, not only guns of various colors and lengths, but also more bloody weapons such as chainsaws. Players who like the combination of FPS+ and survival should not miss it.

Survival on a Desert Island: survival island

This game is an open-world survival game from the 3D first-person perspective. In the game, we need to collect mushrooms, cut down trees, get tools, make primitive houses and so on, starting from a savage in a quiet and empty island. The style and tone of the game are slightly like the feeling of the first generation of Cry Island. The blue sky and green trees make the picture look quite comfortable. As a medium-sized work, this work is quite retro, and it is quite good to try it.

One-on-one combat wilderness (Marooned)

I don’t know if you’ve seen the documentary about the wilderness, even if you haven’t seen it completely. I believe that I have also brushed a bald and naked content in extreme environment on the small video. Yes, the macho man named "Deye" with the same name as Baye in the film was actually adapted into a game. It’s just that it’s not a masterpiece of 3A survival, but a painting style of 2d overlooking angle. Although this head-to-body ratio is very realistic, it looks a bit funny and cute.

Just like in the documentary, we need to find water, food and a base where we can build a basic guarantee for survival. Take this as an expansion, and then gradually expand to explore the surrounding situation, obtain resources, hunt and so on. The game provides multiple survival maps to choose from. Although the style of painting is not hard-core, the overall difficulty is high. Players who like Deye or think they are good at survival games can try it.

Radiation Island (Radiation Island)

Radiation island is a first-person desert island survival game, and it is also the predecessor of Radiation City mentioned above. At the beginning of the game, players will experience some psychedelic opening. A strange green smoke suddenly appeared on the calm sea, followed by a search of warships in the green smoke, and when we came to our first-person perspective, we would be on the island for a while, while on the warships, the sky in the field of vision was also twitching and flashing. This psychedelic, puzzling and disturbing opening let us begin radiation island’s journey of survival with a series of mysteries about self-identity, exploration direction and unknown crisis. But obviously there must be countless secrets about this island.

The island scenery in the game is refreshing, but under this charming appearance, there are still zombies and wild animals threatening your life. Hunting, collecting materials and making weapons and tools are the skills you must have. Make sure you can survive first, and then explore the story content step by step. Combined with the book written on the history of World War II, the layout of the mystery and the brain hole are all well designed. So this is a story-telling and very fun survival game.

Ark: ARK: Survival Evolved)

Mobile phone version of Ark: Survival evolution basically retains the computer version of the game experience. As a sandbox game, players can live freely in this island full of various dinosaurs and other creatures. To experience the epic leap from the primitive life of building houses to the ability to build castles and machine guns and grenades. But the greatest pleasure of this work is biological domestication and multi-person online.

The game’s biological domestication and cultivation system has a high degree of freedom, and it can fly not only to take you to your destination quickly, but also to bring your friends with you. Those who can’t fly have their own abilities, except getting into the water, jumping higher and running faster. Some even can help you collect resources. With them, you can really enjoy going to sea and heaven.

In the multiplayer online part, players can not only cooperate with their friends, but also sneak up on other players’ homes. A three-light policy is also acceptable, so the playability is still very strong. This game is also a rare sandbox game with excellent picture quality and extremely interesting gameplay on the mobile terminal.

Survivor: Wei Cheng

This game is a horizontal version of the 2D survival adventure meat pigeon game. The game takes place in a city full of zombies. The only thing a player can do is to show a strong will and focus on the present life, and finally achieve the goal of fleeing the city. Because it is a meat pigeon, every time the game is reopened, it will be affected by randomness, and once again it will face the uncertain situation of life and death. The operation logic of the game is similar to "This is My War". By clicking, you can move and complete actions including but not limited to opening doors and rummaging through cabinets. In the face of the enemy, you still need to predict the forward swing of the opponent’s attack, and walk among them without injury through accurate positioning, but the painting style has changed from realistic black and white tones to European and American cartoon wasteland style. The sense of depression has weakened a lot, but the difficulty is still hard, and you may die in the next second at any time. It’s good for players who like "This is My War" to choose as a meal replacement.

So that’s all the content of this recommendation. The survival game seems to be a fancy start, but in fact, each game almost starts with picking up garbage, solving basic food and clothing, and then embarking on a journey of getting fatter or getting poorer. It seems that the difference is not bad, and each game can bring a completely different feeling. So what other interesting survival games have you played? Welcome to share your recommendation in the comments section ~


Pay attention to the "Twitter Workshop", share good games every day, and bid farewell to the game shortage!

Swimming is also exquisite! The correct way to open the swimming pool →

Standard can talk-

The correct way to open the swimming pool

On a hot summer day, people, old and young, Xian Yi’s summer+fitness activity is to go swimming in the swimming pool. But swimming is also exquisite ~

Next, we will tell you from the standard point of view:

To the swimming poolCorrect opening mode

Swimming is one of the first high-risk sports events issued by the State Sports General Administration and other departments. According to the National Fitness Regulations issued by the State Council, swimming pools that are open to the outside world need to obtain the business license of high-risk sports events (as shown below), and the most important thing in obtaining evidence is to pass the national standard GB 19079.1-2013 "operation conditions and technical requirements for gymnasium and playground: Swimming Place" (hereinafter referred to as the standard).

First of all, when we come to the swimming place, we have to go through the spraying area and the foot-soaking disinfection pool before we can enter the swimming pool. Many friends think that the water is too cold and walk around, but this is actually wrong. The spraying area can make us adapt to the temperature of the pool water more quickly, and the foot-soaking pool can help us take away the bacteria and viruses on our feet, make the pool water cleaner and make swimmers safer. These are all stipulated in the standard, and the foot bath that can be bypassed does not meet the requirements.

Through the foot bath, we came to the swimming pool. Do you think the water in the swimming pool is crystal clear? That’s because our standard stipulates that the color of swimming pool wall and bottom must be light, which is convenient for finding swimmers in time. The shallow water depth can’t exceed 1.2 meters, and the pool water must be recycled and disinfected, which makes the pool water appear crystal clear. Some swimming pools have a diving area, and the water in the diving area will appear darker. This is not because different colors of water are used, but because the bottom of the diving area is deeper, the water you see appears darker.

Then let’s not rush into the water. Let’s look at all the public signs in the swimming pool and do some preparatory activities by the way. The standards stipulate the water quality of swimming pools, and there must be a water quality inspection report. The local standards in Shanghai also stipulate that all indicators of pool water should be inspected every year, including free residual chlorine, total chlorine, turbidity, pH value, total number of colonies, total coliform, urea and cyanuric acid, and free residual chlorine, turbidity, pH value and temperature of pool water should be inspected every two hours (outdoor every hour). In addition to the water quality report and water quality self-inspection information, the publicity area should also publicize the swimming pool license certificate, lifeguard qualification and other information.

You can finally get into the water. Are you anxious to show off your beautiful swimming strokes? Don’t worry, at this time, we have to go into the water through the pool escalator, and don’t dive in from the shore. According to the size of the swimming pool, there should be at least 2-4 pool escalators, which is also stipulated by the standard. The deep water area and shallow water area must be clearly marked with water depth. Beginners should not go to the deep water area. In addition, let’s take a look at whether the view of the swimming pool is unobstructed, whether the lifeguard’s view is dead, and whether the light of the swimming pool is dim. If you feel the air is cloudy, the light is dim and you can’t see the lifeguard, you should change the swimming pool quickly!

Last friendly reminder

Physical discomfort, after a full meal, after drinking, etc.

Don’t go swimming in the water

The heat wave is rolling

Let’s swim happily and safely!

Editor: Xu Yuelin

Data: The Municipal Quality Inspection Institute and Shanghai released WeChat WeChat official account.

Maybe you want to see it again.

The district head walks into the front-line window to "help": improve the efficiency of enterprises and get through the "last mile" of enterprise service

The market and funds of the medical sector are playing "fire and ice". Will the medical treatment be good in the second half of the year? There is something to say about the medium-term strategy of se

A-share medical sector once again staged a literal "fire and ice".

On June 28th, the CSI medical index fell by 0.76% to 8582.54 points, hitting a new low of more than three years after 26th.When the index touches the freezing point again, follow the index of head medical treatment.ETF(512170) funds are scarce.Extremely hot, more thanonehundred million yuanFunds increase their positions when they fall.. The data shows that as of the 28th, the medical ETF(512170) has been net subscribed for funds for 16 consecutive days, with a total amount exceeding 1.8 billion yuan.

[CSI Medical has successively "new lows"VSFund share overlappingnew high"

Since June, the medical sector has continued to adjust, and the CSI medical index has dropped to the level of 2019, and it has recently hit a new low of more than three years. On June 28th, the CSI Medical Index closed at 8582.54 points, which was2019yearninemoonsixThe lowest point since the day.

When the index hit a new low, a huge amount of funds accelerated the absorption of chips through related ETFs.28Day, medical treatmentETF(512170)One-day gainexceedoneThe net subscription of 100 million yuan has been continuous so far.16Net capital flow in last trading dayIn, the total amount exceeds18100 million yuan.

In terms of share changes, since June, the share of medical ETF(512170) has increased by 4.15 billion.Its latest fund share is up to537.16Billion copies, hitting a record high for 16 consecutive days..

In the same period, leveraged funds also continued to increase. According to the data of Shanghai Stock Exchange, as of June 28th, the medical ETF(512170).Financing balance reached7.41hundred million yuan,Record the second highest in history, during the yearIncrease by more thaneight0%.

2022The list of the top 100 pharmaceutical industries in China was released, and many constituent stock companies dominated the list.

In the news, on the evening of June 27th, the list of the top five pharmaceutical industries in China in 2022 sponsored by Minenet, a domestic medical health information platform, was announced, with a total of 260 pharmaceutical companies on the list. It is worth noting that in the ranking list of CXO and medical device companies, most of the top companies are important components of medical ETF(512170).

Specifically,WuXi AppTec, Yaoming biological,Tiger medicine, Kanglong Chenghua,kelleyheroRanked in the top five of the TOP20 list of CXO enterprises in China in 2022;Mairui medical treatment, UIH Medical,Weigao shares, Lepu Medical, minimally invasive medical care in 2022, China medical equipment (including IVD) TOP20 list. The above 10 companies, except Yaoming Bio and UIH Medical, the other 8 are all medical ETF(512170) stocks.

According to public information, the constituent stocks of the CSI medical index tracked by the medical ETF(512170) comprehensively cover the leading segments in the field of medical devices and medical services, among whichThe weight of medical devices is aboutfoursucceedDirectly benefit from the new medical infrastructure in the post-epidemic era;medical service+doctorBeauty weightappointmentfivesucceedIt directly benefits from the aging population, the upgrading of medical consumption and medical beauty.

[Brokerage medium-term strategy:Optimistic about the recovery of the medical market,pay close attentionknotStructural opportunities and valuation improvement opportunities]

The first half of the year is about to close, and a number of brokers have recently released medium-term strategies for the medical sector. Looking forward to the second half of the year, institutions are generally optimistic about the recovery of the medical market, prompting attention to the structural opportunities after the index bottomed out and the opportunities for valuation improvement.

Guotai Junan’s medium-term strategy states that,It is expected that the second half of the countryThe internal medical market recovered strongly.Considering cardinal utility, the year-on-year growth rate of non-COVID-19 Q2 and Q4 is relatively high; Looking at the longer time dimension, from 2019 to 2022, the dual effects of policies such as centralized mining and COVID-19 epidemic were superimposed.2023The annual growth rate is recovery.. At present, the valuation of most molecular industries has changed from PEG > before 2021; 2 Return to PEG≈1, due to the decline of market risk appetite and the downward revision of optimistic expectations.The valuation bubble has basically cleared.+The expected return will create a good foundation for the scattered market of subsequent stocks..

According to the medium-term strategy of Minsheng Securities, overall,medicinemedical treatmentThe sector is at a historical low in terms of valuation and positions.With the continuous recovery of in-hospital diagnosis and treatment,The overall operation of the plate continued to rise.I am optimistic about the direction of hospital recovery and medical innovation in the second half of the year. The CXO sector is optimistic that global investment and financing will continue to improve and innovation demand will continue to recover in the second half of this year. It is expected that local international CXO head enterprises will benefit from overseas recovery and start a new round of growth in the second half of this year; In terms of medical services, with the arrival of the traditional refractive peak season from June to August, the valuation of the ophthalmic medical service industry is optimistic.

Central china securities pointed out in the semi-annual strategy of the industry "Looking for Deterministic Growth Opportunities" that as of June 26th, the dynamic PE of CITIC Pharmaceutical Index was about 39.21 times, which was slightly lower than the median in the last decade.Considering the marginal improvement of the economic operation indicators of the medical industry, the overall industry valuation may have opportunities for improvement..

According to the medium-term strategy of Guosheng Securities,After two waves of digestion and adjustment, medical care is expected to usher in a new cycle in the true sense, and structural opportunities will be highlighted after the index bottoms out., this timeSub-areas where the decline is relatively large and the change is expected should be focused on..

Risk warning: The medical ETF(512170) passively tracks the CSI medical index. The base date of the index is December 31, 2004, and it was released on October 31, 2014. The composition of the index shares is adjusted according to the index compilation rules. The index stocks in this paper are only for display, and the description of individual stocks is not used as any form of investment advice, nor does it represent the position information and trading trends of any fund under the manager. The risk level of the Fund assessed by the fund manager is R3- medium risk, which is suitable for investors with an appropriate rating of C3 or above. Any information appearing in this article (including but not limited to stocks, comments, forecasts, charts, indicators, theories, any form of expression, etc.) is for reference only, and investors shall be responsible for any investment behavior decided by themselves. In addition, any opinions, analysis and predictions in this article do not constitute any form of investment advice to readers, nor do they assume any responsibility for direct or indirect losses caused by using the contents of this article. Fund investment is risky, and the past performance of the fund does not represent its future performance. The performance of other funds managed by the fund manager does not constitute the guarantee of fund performance, so fund investment needs to be cautious.

This article comes from financial information.

Tencent actually accounted for half! Take stock of Korean games that will be launched in China soon.

About ten years ago, when online games flourished, the most popular online games in the market at that time were Korean online games. These games have won the favor of players again and again with high-quality pictures, gorgeous special effects, refreshing battles, or greasy teachers and sisters. However, in recent years, due to many uncontrollable factors, Hanyou gradually disappeared in the market, and it was not until recently that the imported version number was reissued that Hanyou stood in front of us again.

Today, let’s take a look at those Korean tours that have been reviewed and will be launched in China.

Country of Two: Staggered World

"The Country of Two: Interlaced World" is a MMORPG mobile game based on the world view of Level-5 "The Country of Two". The game is developed by Netstone, supervised by Ghibli Studio, and Joe Hisaishi participates in music production, which can be described as a gathering of big names. In the game, players can collect different magic beasts and save the world with girls of unknown origin in the colorful fairy tale world.

In the game, the popular open world exploration is combined with the traditional MMORPG. Players can not only challenge monsters and complete tasks in the big world, but also go to difficult copies to challenge them. Because the pictures are basically made by Ghibli, the overall style looks very pleasing.

However, the game has not made much breakthrough in gameplay, and it is still the classic gameplay mode of Korean tour, which is a traditional MMO Korean tour in a Japanese coat.

At present, "Two Kingdoms: Interlaced World" has obtained the domestic version number, and its Korean company Netmarble also indicated that it will launch this mobile game in China in 2023.

Legendary store: management and creation

Legendary Store: Management and Building is a simulated business game based on the medieval fantasy world. In the game, players are responsible for running a store selling and making weapons and props, gradually expanding the industry in the town by building powerful equipment and sending adventurers to explore, and finally creating a prosperous town.

In this special fantasy world adventure game, players are not born as adventurers, brave or wizards, but as businessmen, investors and managers of the town. Players can help the town to prosper through their own business operations, and at the same time use more powerful equipment, props, potions and other items to double the strength of adventurers in the town.

For this kind of game with special equipment, it is relatively rare in the market. Players interested in this kind of alternative adventure game can try it then.

Ark of destiny

"Ark of Destiny" is an MMORPG online game developed by Smile Gate Company in South Korea. The main game is to brush equipment growth and multi-person cooperation with large copies. In daily tasks, players can paint their own pictures and accumulate equipment currency, or they can form a team to challenge the difficult team BOSS.

The combat gameplay of "Ark of Destiny" is quite characteristic of Korean online games. The game pays great attention to the combat actions and special effects of players’ characters, and the overall visual expression is amazing. The gorgeous combination of tricks and actions and the equipment-driven gameplay also make this game somewhat similar to DNF in experience.

There is no doubt about the quality of the game. When the previous version of Steam was launched, "Ark of Destiny" has become a work of the hegemony list. At one time, it gained millions of players overseas, and it has also maintained hundreds of thousands of high online in subsequent operations. It is a frequent visitor to the Steam hot list.

The game officially got the version number at the end of last year. According to Tencent’s official rhetoric, the test and service of the game are already being prepared at the fastest speed. It is expected that the test of not deleting files will be started in 2023.

The seventh epic

Another well-known game owned by Smile Gate will also officially land in the national costume this year, which is the Korean classic secondary RPG mobile game "The Seventh Epic". At present, this game is not handed over to Tencent, an old friend of Smile Gate, but distributed by Zi Long Games in China.

The gameplay belongs to the traditional card turn-based RPG, which attacks and releases skills based on multiple dimensions such as unit shooting speed and energy. The core combat part is not much different from the popular card turn-based system in the market. However, because the game is very interesting in many aspects, such as cultivation, team matching and so on, and the picture style is also pleasing, even an old game that has been online as early as 18 years still has a big market in the world.

"The Seventh Epic" also has a very luxurious top-level animation display. Whether it is the plot animation in the game or the skill animation effect in combat, it can be regarded as the top level in the industry. Such gorgeous combat effect is also unique in the same type of works.

In addition, this game is a game whose liver is bigger than krypton. As long as the national service is not good, magic change believes that it can definitely make players have a good time.

Adventure Island: Legend of Maple

Adventure Island is the most classic IP that has accompanied players for nearly 20 years, bearing the childhood memories of a generation. In the imported version number at the end of last year, there was a classic replica mobile game Adventure Island created by Nexon, Adventure Island: Legend of Maple, which was reviewed and reproduced for players on the mobile side.

Adventure Island: The Legend of the Maple declares a "pixel-level" repeat tour in content, so the picture, gameplay, character skills, BOSS and other aspects are basically consistent with the old version of Adventure Island, and this game can also be regarded as a nostalgic costume of Adventure Island on mobile phones.

However, at present, the national service of this mobile game has only been tested once in 21 years, and the game has several overseas services as precedents. There should not be much problem in the content, just depending on when the domestic agency intends to start the follow-up test.

Incidentally, Century Tiancheng, the national service agent, announced yesterday that they would jointly operate Adventure Island: Legend of Maple with Tencent.

The sword and the knights

"Sword and Knights" is a Japanese MMORPG developed by Korean company Npixel, and it is also called "Gran Saga" in other regional versions. Previously, it also had quite excellent revenue performance in Japanese clothes and hanbok.

The game uses MMORPG to develop big maps to fight and explore. Players can fight with many monsters and BOSS in the wild, and they can also team up with teammates to complete various challenges.

The overall game style of the game is somewhat Japanese fantasy. No matter the role, UI or scene, it has a Japanese RPG feeling, and some places even have a sense of sight of FF14.

However, the internal gameplay of the game is mainly based on the Korean automatic map-running task and the cultivation of card values. Players need to wear multiple Gran weapons and artifacts to their characters and cultivate them in order to improve their combat power.

Blade of War: Survivor

Blade of War: Survivor, also called A3: Still Alive, is an extremely special MMORPG game to eat chicken. In the normal MMORPG mode, this game is not much different from most games on the market. It is the PVE part of this game to develop the kimchi-flavored play routine of the trinity of roles, teams and equipment runes.

The biggest highlight of this game is that it is compatible with the escape mode in MMORPG. In this mode, players have no restrictions on roles and occupations, but decide their own fighting methods by choosing their own initial weapons.

In this mode, players need to upgrade their level and get dropped equipment by fighting monsters in the early stage, so as to strengthen their original weapons and skills, and in addition, they can get props such as transmission, blood return and increasing the field of vision. The numerical promotion and props obtained by these brush monsters will be of great help in fighting the enemy.

At present, this special MMO chicken-eating game has also passed the audit, and maybe players will be able to play it this year.

The above are the games that Korean game manufacturers will release in China this year. At present, all these games have obtained version numbers, and the corresponding Hanyou company has ushered in a long-lost stock price surge. It is expected that in order to save the lost domestic market, Korean game manufacturers will definitely let these games meet domestic players in the shortest time.